Outweighed by Joy.

March 4, 2019

Remember back in school when we used to have Show and Tell? 

Well, today is a lot like that except for one difference–it’s a lot of Show with just a little Tell. 

I got a hankering earlier today to go back and look at some of the pictures I’ve taken in recent years. I enjoyed them so much I wanted to share them with you. I added a caption beneath the ones that needed a little explanation.

Enjoy the trip down memory lane. (Pictures are in no particular order.)

In other news . . .

I will be turning fifty-seven this Friday. It just so happens that Sarah’s spring break starts on my birthday so she will be home to help me celebrate along with about fifteen people from our worship and tech teams we’ll be hosting for a birthday cookout.

I have so much to be thankful for and the pictures I’ve highlighted today just bring that truth home all the more. I have dealt with a few challenges and struggles in my fifty-seven year, but they have been far outweighed by joy.

I’m thankful for a new week, a new year and the best blog readers in the whole world.

What about you?  (Choose one or all.)
1. Tell us how old you will be on YOUR next birthday.
2. Tell us how old you actually feel.
3. Tell us what age you would love to go back to if you had the chance–and why.
4. Tell us one thing you’ve learned during this time you’ve spent on earth.

32 comments so far.

32 responses to “Outweighed by Joy.”

  1. Elizabeth Bowen says:

    1. I just turned the Big 5-0 in January. That was a biggy!
    2. I actually feel younger than that….maybe early 40’s. Sometimes I’m actually shocked that I’m 50!
    3. I like the age where I am. It’s fun to look back on the different stages of life, but I’m thankful that I have new experiences and stages of life to look forward to.
    4. “Bloom where you are planted.” – After a cross country, culture shock move at 49 from Mississippi to Chicago, I have learned that you just have to find your spot in whatever place God has put you in. May as well bloom because the alternative is worse!
    Happy Birthday, Becky!

    • Becky says:


      Wow. Mississippi to Chicago is HUGE culture shock. You have done well to find your spot and bloom. I’m not sure that I would do as well. But as you said, the alternative is not really that attractive!

      Nice to hear that you feel a decade younger than you are. That’s a good pattern to keep up until you’re a hundred or so.

  2. Lesley says:

    Happy Happy Birthday Becky!!! I hope your day brings sunshine and daisies. So glad you get to spend it with Miss Sarah and Steve, of course!

    I will be the big six-oh this summer. I feel about 52 🙂 If I could go back to an age, I would pick 16 because I was with the ‘love of my life’ during those years. I knew it then but we ended up marrying different people, then he died of a heart attack at age 35. My Sarah has his name as her middle name-Scott. He is with me still, every single day. So far, I am learning to focus on the positive, that there is not always another shoe waiting to drop. One other thing I’ve learned is that broccoli actually does taste good.

    • Becky says:


      I am slowly learning to appreciate broccoli. With some of us, it takes a little longer, doesn’t it? 🙂

      Thirty-five is incredibly young to have a heart attack; I can’t imagine what a shock that must have been to you when you got the news. Even though sixteen was a lot of years ago, some memories have a way of staying fresh throughout the decades.

      Hugs to you and Miss Sarah today.

  3. Sharyn McDonald says:

    Oh, my, I will be 76 this year. I feel like I am, or should be in my 40’s. It’s like I’m looking at this tape of ages and I’m in my 40’s looking up at 75 – I think to myself, that can’t possibly be my age – but it is. Some days I do feel as if I’m in my 40’s (or however I felt at that age) and then others, well 75 is the age I know I am. I know that my heavenly Father has had his hand on me throughout these years. In earlier years, I could have burned to death, drowned, or got hit by a taxi and badly injured or died. I have been in 2 spin-out accidents (winter). I kept saying dear Jesus, dear Jesus, and He turned the car away from a semi and/or away from oncoming traffic. He is faithful. I am so grateful for you, Becky, and your life in Christ. Knowing what you and your family have gone through with Sarah’s Cancer, and also for the physical problems you have gone through. For Sarah’s love of the Lord and the glow of Jesus in her. Continue to pray for you, especially for your COPD. May He continue to minister to you in every circumstance. Thank you for sharing your life with us.
    AND, can’t leave out your wonderful pictures of the clothes you have gotten at thrift stores. Your pictures today are so beautiful. Thanks again for sharing.

    • Becky says:


      Well, I must say I felt so encouraged after reading your comment. Thanks for taking the time to write all that out.

      I was inspired to hear of your testimony of being spared from so many dangers. It brought to mind the line from Amazing Grace, “Through may dangers, toils, and snares, I have already come.” THat could definitely be a theme verse of yours!

      It’s encouraging to me to hear that 75 can still feel forty-ish. I love your youthful outlook of feeling a couple decades younger and yet your mature acceptance of the age you are. You have achieved a great balance in life.

      Thanks again for your comment and for your encouragements.

  4. Michele says:

    Happy early birthday to you! My 57 th bir5hday is actuxally today , we could almost be twins- most days I feel line I’m I’m my 30’s. Over the last few years I lost 130 lbs so I actually feel much younger than I did 5 years ago! Life is weird, in some ways i’d like to go back and make different decisions( jobs, etc) and see if things would be different , correct mistakes i made, and stuff like;that. But mostly I am
    happy where I am in life. Have a great birthday!

    • Becky says:


      Happy 57th!

      One hundred thirty pounds is hard for me to even comprehend; a major weight loss affects EVERYTHING! I can certainly imagine that you feel a lot younger now than you did before the weight loss. Isn’t it amazing the changes we can make for the better?

      Glad to hear you are happy where you are in life; happy is a good place to be.

  5. SueEllen says:

    I turned 57 in November, so I’m just a few months older than you. Inside, my mind thinks I’m probably in my 30’s although my body often disagrees. I think back to when I was a teenager and thought my dad was SO OLD when he turned 40 – it’s crazy how young it seemed when it was ME turning 40. As always, I really enjoyed your photos. I hope you have a wonderful Birthday Friday – and what a wonderful gift to have Sarah home for the week!

    • Becky says:


      Isn’t it crazy how our body and mind can disagree so vehemently about our age? I think many of us in middle age feel much younger in our heads; I know I sure do. And that’s a good thing. A youthful mind makes an aging body a little easier to cope with.

      Yes, I remember thinking forty-year olds were ancient. And now they are so young! 🙂

      Glad you enjoyed the photos.

  6. blueroseoftx says:

    What about you? (Choose one or all.)
    1. Tell us how old you will be on YOUR next birthday.
    40, but that’s over 11 months from now. Just had my bday the 9th of last month.

    2. Tell us how old you actually feel.
    90, and I might as well be that age. I’ve got nothing to be grateful about like you do…but I am glad you do.

    3. Tell us what age you would love to go back to if you had the chance–and why.
    birth, but only if I could have the knowledge and wisdom I have now…and that would be kind of weird.

    4. Tell us one thing you’ve learned during this time you’ve spent on earth.
    You can break up with someone you thought was the love of your life. You can disown a child if they did something really bad (even if you wouldn’t, you *could*). You can lose touch with a friend. Your parents and grandparents are probably going to die before you do. The only person you are 100% stuck with for life is YOU – so it’s best to make that person not just someone you can live with for so many years, but someone you are proud of and would want to be around even if you didn’t have to.

    Happy birthday!! Hope they just get better and better.

    • Becky says:

      Blue Rose,

      “The only person you are 100% stuck with for life is YOU – so it’s best to make that person not just someone you can live with for so many years, but someone you are proud of and would want to be around even if you didn’t have to.”

      Those words are profound and worthy of pondering. Those words show that you have a LOT of wisdom.

      And wisdom like that don’t come from living an easy peasy life; that kind of wisdom is hard won and hard fought. From all that you described in your comment, you have experienced many challenges in your thirty-nine years on this earth. Yet you write with empathy and insight and even a sense of humor. (Your comment about “having all your current knowledge as a baby would be kind of weird” made me smile.)

      I appreciate the honesty of your comment and despite the difficulties you face, your heartfelt wishes for me to have a happy birthday. Thank you for taking the time to add your voice to the conversation. Your voice is valuable.

  7. Angela Sanders says:

    Happy birthday, Becky!

    I, too, will turn 57 this year. Inside, I feel about 19, although sometimes my joints disagree. 🙂 My mother, who is 81, says that no matter how old we get, we always feel young inside, and that is one way the Lord has of letting us know that we are eternal. Honestly, I like the age I am now. I’m more comfortable with myself than I was in my younger days. One thing that becomes ever clearer to me every year is that the key to life – this one and the next – is John 3:16.

    So glad Sarah will be home to celebrate with you!

    • Becky says:


      I love your moms words about why we often feel younger inside than on the outside. The Bible says God has set eternity in our hearts and feeling youthful in aging bodies is truly a sign of that. I’d just never thought of it that way before.

      You have a wise mom!

  8. Guerrina Hernandez says:

    I just turned 64 in early February. I think I’m still in my mid-30s until it comes to shoveling snow and lifting heavy things! I’d go back to 29 only if I had the wisdom and knowledge I’ve gained since then. My live-in 8 year old grandson keeps me young for sure!

    I love looking through old pictures. Almost always a reminder of a great life, family, and friends. A reminder of how blessed I am!

    • Becky says:


      An eight-year old boy in the house would definitely keep a person young!

      And yes, a 29-year old body replete with the wisdom of a 64-year old would be a great combination, wouldn’t it? I guess we’ll just have to continue on with wise minds in mature bodies! 🙂

  9. Phyllis says:

    1. I will be 64 in July.
    2. Some days I feel around 50, other days, I feel my age.
    3. I would probably want to go back to my college days and do a few things differently.
    4. Wow! I’ve learned a good book is a great friend. Things always happen for a reason, you may not understand at the time though.
    Happy birthday to you on Friday. Pictures are beautiful. I especially like the ones with reflections in the water. I took a picture on my phone when I was in Florida of a bridge. We were sitting outside at a restaurant and I didn’t even notice that the bridge was reflected on the water. It’s one of my favorite pictures from the trip.

    • Becky says:


      I love reflection pictures, too. There’s just something special about them that draws in the imagination.

      And yes, I think a lot of people wouldn’t mind re-doing a few things from college days.

      I totally agree that a good book can be a great thing. I have spent many, many happy hours with many, many books. And the thing I love best is you can return to them whenever you want.

  10. Fred says:

    Dear Becky, as always, I truly enjoyed the photos of your loving family. I am humbled by the insightful comments of your readers.

    1. Tell us how old you will be on YOUR next birthday.
    – Seventy two! (I’m as surprised as anybody)
    2. Tell us how old you actually feel.
    – Did you want that on the Fahrenheit, Centigrade or Kelvin scale?
    3. Tell us what age you would love to go back to if you had the chance–and why.
    – 57… because I would like to feel young, just one more time!
    4. Tell us one thing you’ve learned during this time you’ve spent on earth.
    – Don’t give one answer when more will do… 😉
    – “Once you have found her, never let her go!” (Richard Rogers)
    – “The days will pass slowly, but the years will pass quickly” (Gretchen Rubin)
    – You will meet someone each year who will change your life
    – Don’t confuse money with happiness, they are very different
    – “The thing that is most important, is the thing that is missing” (Dr Robert Sammons)
    – You can learn Something from Everyone you meet
    – “The grass on the other side of the fence may be greener, but it still has to be mowed (Dr James Dobson)
    – Your greatest accomplishment will not be something you did, but rather something you were
    – Eventually, you will find a relationship between God and music
    – Proofread your werk at least twice
    – Finally, “God IS Love” (1 John 4:8)

    • Becky says:


      Well, I think your comment wins the Internet today. It’s obvious you put a lot of thought into writing it and it was a joy to read! I am always grateful when readers take extra time to add to the value of the commenting corner of Smithellaneous—you have certainly done that.

      I DID take note that you said you wanted to be 57 again so that you could feel young again. Hmmm. I wonder where you got THAT particular age? 🙂 Glad to know that I am still young to some people!

      I loved the saying, “You will meet someone each year who will change your life.” I’ve never thought of that before but I do believe it’s true. I also believe I need to be more aware of the people who enter my life and be alert to the change they are bringing.

      Of course I loved the “werk” line about proofreading. Definitely made me chortle.

      So many things to smile about in your comment–I can’t name them all. But thank you for spreading joy around Smithellaneous World today!

  11. krista121799 says:

    Thank you for sharing the pictures- I always love looking through Smith pics.
    I was 42 on February 2. I do not feel this old at all… I think having my son so late in life is helping with that. I do seem to get frustrated easier, tho and would have been more “chill” if I was younger.
    I hope you all have a fun cookout. I would love to have some yummy food from the grill, but I have seem to find it under all the smow we have. Plus, I doubt it would get cook in this below zero we’ve got going on…
    Blessings on your week.

    • Becky says:


      So glad you enjoyed the pictures. One of my favorite spare time activities is looking at old photos.

      Early 40’s is actually the age I would go back to if I had a choice so you are right there in the middle of it! I actually think older mothers have more patience than young mothers because of a bit more seasoning and maturity. But you’re right–little ones will definitely keep us young.

      Spring will be here soon and your grill will re-emerge from the snow. It’s coming!

  12. Nicole Doyal says:

    In December, I will be 57…some days I feel younger, some days, I feel older. Just depends!

    • Becky says:


      To a fellow (almost) 57-year older, I have to say I can relate. There are often days where I think I’m 35 and can’t figure out how my son could by 29. And then other days? The rest home is calling my name! 🙂

  13. Ann O. says:

    I will be 55 later this month. I dropped about 40 pounds I’d accumulated in my 20’s and 30’s, and changed to a much healthier diet 10 years ago, so now I am in a much better state, mentally and physically than I was in most of my earlier decades. This has helped me face changes and transitions in my life with more positivity.

    I asked my sister a while back the question you ask, Becky. What age might we like to go back to. Her answer is the same as mine. We would only want to go back if we could use the knowledge and wisdom we have now, and incorporate that in the decisions of our past.

    My life has been good, but there are so many struggles we deal with in our younger years. As a parent, and now grandparent, I see my kids going through the tough stuff, and am glad I am past that. I’ll stick with the age I am now!

    Wow, what have I learned? Well, I am still learning, but really try to take things one step at a time, cherish the important things, and be grateful for what is NOW!

    So grateful for you and your blog, Becky. You help me focus (with your images and words) on the important things, and face this time in my life with a sense of wonder, and grace.

    • Becky says:


      Isn’t losing weight such a great feeling? It’s one of the most transformative things someone can do–it literally changes just about everything.

      Sounds like you and your sister share similar wisdom and a similar view on life. It’s so true that going back to our 20s or 30s wouldn’t do us much good if we weren’t able to bring our wisdom and experience along with us. But yes, I agree. Our current age is the best one yet!

      Thanks for your encouragement about my blog; I am so very glad to know that it has been a help and an inspiration to you in some small way. I feel very blessed that I have readers who take the time out of their days to stop by here. I never take it for granted.

      And what a great closing line about facing this time of life with a sense of wonder and grace. That should be the goal for us all.

  14. LeeAnne says:

    I just turned 60 on Friday! It doesn’t seem real because I sure don’t feel much older than about 40. This will be a life-changing decade because it will bring retirement in another 4 years as well as a move closer to our children and grandchildren. Exciting times!
    (I am also pleased to report that I actually did lose those 4 pounds that I wanted to lose by my birthday! Yippeee!!)

    Happy (early) birthday Becky! May God continue to bless you in the year ahead!

    • Becky says:


      Happy Big Six Oh. What a great milestone!! It’s nice to hit that milestone and still feel like you’re forty. Good for you! And hooray for hitting the weight loss goal before your birthday. SUCH a good feeling.

      You’ve got some great things to look forward to with retirement and moving closer to family. Here’s to a beautiful decade.

  15. Ann Martin says:

    I will be 73 in June. God has blessed me so. I was diagnosed with Stage 3 Invasive Lobular Breast Cancer 9 days before my 71st birthday and it was changed to Stage 4 six weeks after my birthday. I have had no active cancer since January 2018 just 6 months after the first diagnosis. God is a miracle working God and though not everyone has had my good news I know He has truly blessed me. Early Happy Birthday, Becky. Enjoyed the pictures.

    • Becky says:


      To go from Stage IV cancer to NO active cancer is truly amazing. I can honestly say I know how you feel since we went through a similar thing with Sarah. Thanksgiving is not even a big enough word.

      Sending blessings to you and Jim today and thinking spring right along with you!

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