The Outhouse and The Serenity

May 23, 2014

I am not a stranger to outhouses, having used a few of them in my day.

As I was wandering around the Davenport Homestead last week . . .



I happened to come across a familiar wooden building.


I just couldn’t resist getting a little closer so that I could do a further inspection.

And then? By the time I had gotten this close?

Well, I figured there would be no harm in opening the door just a tad to see if the lay of the land was the same as it had been back in my day.


Imagine my astonished alarm when I opened the door and found out that the outhouse was . . . er . . . occupied!


By a fella!


It was quite obvious to me that this particular fella was well prepared for all of the vast vicissitudes of outhouse usage. It was a sight that definitely made me smile. (Do any of you dear readers out there remember outhouses? Or any of these items?)


Near the outhouse was a hog pen complete with . . .


(pretend) hogs!


I was fascinated to read the accompanying sign about Hog Killing Day. It made oh-so-glad that I didn’t live back in those days, especially when I got to the paragraph about the women separating and washing the large and small intestines. But I loved the line that followed which said, “PHEW! That was a stinking job.” Indeed.


There was another sign that also gave some interesting info.


And here’s something I’ve never heard of:  a Traveler’s Room. 


Here is the room itself which was built on the left side of the porch. The entrance to the little house is to the right.


A few more interesting pictures.


No Maytags or Kenmores to be seen . . .






This was the family’s medicine cabinet.





What an idyllic, serene thirty minutes spent completely separate from the hectic craziness we call life . . . completely alone in the rural North Carolina countryside with nothing but the buzzing of bees and the singing of birds for company.

Here is a very brief video of those sights and sounds.   Maybe if you’re having a stressful day, it will help you de-stress, decompress and catch your breath.




Update on Josh.  

Wednesday I had mentioned that my nephew was in a diabetic coma, on a ventilator and starting dialysis because his kidneys stopped working.  Well, yesterday, he was up and sitting in a chair and his kidneys have started working again! Very thankful.

34 comments so far.

34 responses to “The Outhouse and The Serenity”

  1. Michele says:

    So happy Josh is improving! Praise God! My only experience with out houses was when I (and later my daughters ) went to girl scout camp. They had “latrine duty.. boy was that fun for the girls! One night I was camping with daughter’s troop (being a nurse I lalways got to go in case they needed something “medical”. But anyway in the middle of the night I got awakened by the leader of the other leaders and her daughter took a midnight trip to the out house and the floor collapsed beneath them! They were knee deep in you know what! Thankfully no major injuries..just a few scrapes and HOT showers they were fine.

    • Becky says:


      Ewwww. That is a really, REALLY bad thing to happen! On the bright side though, it’s a story that can be told for years to come! 🙂

  2. Ann Martin says:

    Praise God for Josh’s progress. When I was 5 or 6 we moved into a brand new house. Still had the outhouse just as the other one. When I was 7 we moved into a house with an indoor bath. What was the greatest!!

    • Becky says:


      I can only imagine how excited the 7-year old you was to have an indoor bathroom. You must have felt like you were in some kind of enchanted fairy land! 🙂

  3. Wendy says:

    Great news on Josh! I remember the Outhouses. We had used one til I was almost 13. Then we put an addition onto the house and had a bathroom, and tub with a shower!!! That was great. We kept catalogs in ours but more to look at I think as people sat for awhile 🙂 cause we had toilet paper too.

  4. judimarie says:

    Thank the Good Lord for prayers answered for Josh!!
    Hugs and Blessings

  5. Kristi says:

    Lovely photos! 🙂

    Glad that Josh is sitting up in a chair and his kidneys are starting to work. 🙂 Prayers answered!

    • Becky says:


      Yes, he continues to improve; should be discharged from the hospital in the next couple of days if all goes well.

  6. beckylp says:

    Such good news about Josh. I have used an outhouse and I hate them. When I was 7 months pregnant we went with some friends to their home in Jumping Branch, West Virginia. When we arrived their parents had a cute home but no indoor bathroom. This was in 1971 – I was not a happy camper to say the least

    • Becky says:


      Wow–1971 is pretty late to still have an outhouse! And at 7 months pregnant (with all the extra visits to the bathroom) I can imagine you were less than thrilled!

  7. Catherine says:

    Love the pics!! Your right about not wanting to live back then!!

    So glad Josh is getting better!! Amen!!

  8. Anonymous says:

    I really think I was born in the wrong era. I love the photos and want to move right in!

    Praise the LORD for healing prayers for Josh!!

  9. Answered prayers! Wonderful news about Josh!

  10. Janet says:

    I remember lots if those things from my grandparents farm. Thanks for the reminder.
    Praise God for Josh’s health . I know he is probably still facing many hurdles but the whole family must be rejoicing at this improvement.

    • Becky says:


      Yes, Josh is still facing many health challenges but to have come out of the coma is an enormous answer to prayer.

  11. Mrs. Pam says:

    WOW on Josh!!!

  12. Michelle says:

    Glad to hear the good news about Josh. I will continue to hold him in my prayers. Absolutely beautiful pictures!! I need to take a trip down to NC to view the gorgeous scenery.

  13. Mary H says:

    Thankful for Josh’s improvement and prayers will continue for a complete recovery.

    Becky, I remember outhouses for sure. In fact, much of this homestead looks very similar to my grandfather’s farm in southern Missouri. That is where he lived with my Aunt and Uncle and their three children – some of my most favorite cousins. The farm remains in our family but most of the old buildings are gone – it is a treasure that I love to visit whenever I can to roam the hills, sit by the ponds, visit the grove of pine trees that are the tallest I have ever seen, collect sparkly rocks in the creek and spend time with my cousin and his family and grandkids. The farm has been in our family for almost 175 years now. Everyone should have a farm like that to visit. Oh, the wonderful weeks I would spend there in the summer. Thank you for taking me on a wonderful nostalgic journey this morning.

    • Becky says:


      I have to admit that I’m just a wee bit jealous that you have such a wonderful place to visit from your family’s heritage. It sounds like a spot where I could wander contentedly with my camera for hours and hours. Think of me next time you’re there! 🙂

  14. Linda says:

    So glad to hear Josh is doing so much better!
    I love your photos…and I love that you take the time out to enjoy and share those quiet, peaceful meanderings! I, too, like to veer off the beaten path when traveling…you never know what treasures are just around the corner! And, yes I do remember outhouses (we still have one at the old family camp in PA’s Allegheny Mountains). Although I never had the “joy” of using them as such, I know the purpose of the corncobs & Sears catalog placed there. 😉
    Linda in Pittsburgh

    • Becky says:


      Yes, those places off the beaten path are the best. I love going exploring just to see what’s out there!

      And as or the corncobs? Let’s just say I’m thankful for Charmin. 🙂

  15. LeeAnne says:

    So glad to read the great news about Josh. I will keep him in my prayers.
    Love the pictures! What a beautiful area and I think visiting a place like this old homestead would be so fascinating. Thanks for sharing. 🙂

    • Becky says:


      Yes, I found the homestead incredibly fascinating and I was so thankful I got to wander around all by myself and just drink it all in. A truly magical moment.

  16. Margie M says:

    What wonderful news about Josh. Keeping him in my special prayers.

  17. Cindy from Sonoma says:

    So glad that Josh is doing so well, I will keep up the prayers that he makes a full recovery!

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