Our Fab Florida Fam

May 14, 2018

We have one more day to hang out with our Florida family before leaving for Charlotte tomorrow.

Yesterday was, of course, Mother’s Day, so it was fun to be with Meagan on that day, in particular.  Since it was also Steve’s 61st birthday, we had a lot to celebrate!

As one of the two Mother’s Day “stars” on the premises, I thought it would be a good time to take selfies with my two grand-treasures.

And I was also blessed to be with my daughter-in-law treasure who is busy creating yet another grand-treasure.


It was fun to watch her and the kids getting their own selfie.

I tried to get a picture with the three of them but that didn’t go all that well.

although the Little Miss was in a pretty smiley mood.

Of course, the main thing on the agenda in the morning was to go to church where we captured a photo of the original Smiths

Steve got to play bass with Nathan and the church band . . .

and we got to hear one of my favorite speakers, my dear friend and co-grandma, Pastor Sheri Hawley! I especially love this photo because her number one fan, Frank, is sitting right on the front row cheering her on.

Nathan grilled out for lunch and Sarah whipped up the remainder of the lunch food so that Meagan, Steve, and I could feel properly spoiled on our collective special day.  We finished eating, opened a few mother’s day/birthday gifts and then pulled out the chocolate cake.


Steve had plenty of help in blowing out the massive number of candles.

Earlier in the day, he and Noah posed in a different setting.  Raising them up right.

One of my favorite moments was seeing Meagan’s reaction when she found out Nathan had bought a favorite movie for her.  (The Greatest Showman.)  The two of them stay on a very disciplined budget so those kind of surprises are appreciated all the more.

I especially loved seeing the smiling sister in the background.


And that’s all for now. I’ll have more stories and pictures to share later but for now I’ve got our fab Florida fam to enjoy.



28 comments so far.

28 responses to “Our Fab Florida Fam”

  1. Fred says:

    Becky, your blogs just get more and more wonderful! Happy Birthday to Pastor Steve. 🙂

  2. mrs pam says:

    well, actually I meant a Poll of Readers’ favorite movies.

  3. Jenna says:

    Beautiful family!!! I love how you call them grand-treasures. Nice to see all the smiling faces.

    On the tech side, I’ve been having the hardest time commenting on your blog posts the past several times but I realized it is because it isn’t recognizing my blog address when it comes up under the website section. (Probably because it ends in .blog and not .com or .org etc.). And so if I include my blog address it blocks me from commenting; when I click the “post comment” button I get a pop up saying “enter URL”.

    • Becky says:


      I am sorry but I have no clue why you are having trouble commenting. The tech side of blogging is NOT my strong suit. 🙂

      The only thing I can think to suggest is that if you want to include your blog address, add it in the body of your comment and then just post without adding anything to the website section.

      Again, I am sorry but I am not sure what else to tell you. Thanks for persevering enough to get THIS comment through. I always enjoy hearing from you.

  4. Kari says:

    Looks like you’re all having a great time. I can’t believe how much Noah and Madison have grown since the last pics you posted! I really like the photo of you and Madison.

    Happy Birthday Wishes to Steve!

    Enjoy the rest of your trip!

    • Becky says:


      Yes, Madi has gone from little girl to grown up lady–in her little head, at least. She is sooo funny and her favorite thing is to put her hands on her hip before she lectures her brother.:}

  5. Lesley says:

    What a wonderful way to celebrate Mother’s Day and Steve’s birthday. The kids are growing so fast. When is number 3 due to arrive? Such a sweet little family they are making.

    • Becky says:


      Baby Smith 3 is due August 4 but Meagan usually goes a little early. I am planning on flying down to help for a few days.

  6. Phyllis says:

    Looks like you are having a great time! Noah is really growing up!

  7. Ann Martin says:

    So enjoyed your memories of the day and pictures. Enjoy your last day and safe travels. Glad Steve had a great day, too. Tell him his card is at home. ?

  8. Guerrina says:

    I love your family!

  9. SueEllen Williams says:

    I’m so glad y’all are having such a great Florida visit! Wishing you safe travels as you head to Charlotte, then home. Can’t wait to see more pictures!!

    • Becky says:


      I am sure glad you are looking forward seeing more pictures because I am looking forward to posting more pictures!

  10. krista121799 says:

    So glad you’re having a fun, relaxing and blessed trip! Can’t wait to hear more about it!!

  11. LeeAnne Lind says:

    Oh what fun!! It looks like a great time and I’m so glad you all got to be together for two special occasions. Those two little ones are just precious! I can’t wait to see what baby #3 looks like! Where is the birthday hat??
    Have a safe trip back home!

    • Becky says:


      It occurred to me halfway to Florida that I had forgotten the birthday hat. Maybe that means he didn’t REALLY turn 61! 🙂

  12. Ruth Rehberg says:

    Glad you got to be with your kids and enjoy the days of living, hour by hour. Blessed Beyond Belief. (BBB!) Ruth

  13. mrs pam says:

    what a wonderful day you had celebrating Steve’s birthday and Mother’s Day.
    What was the favorite movie? That might be a fun poll for you to take.

    • Becky says:

      Mrs. Pam,

      I am going to save you all the (fun) work of a poll and just tell you the answer: it was The Greatest Showman. (I’ll add that info to the post in case anyone else was curious.)

      I’ll have to do a poll on something else soon. 🙂

  14. drmt69 says:

    Love your pictures! Enjoy the rest of your time with the family and tell Steve Happy Birthday! Safe travels coming back to NC!

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