One Long Song

June 25, 2014

I had mentioned that there was another special happening at Sarah’s graduation party and here are the special people who the special happening happened to!

Ken and Vernie’s 60th wedding anniversary fell on the very day of Sarah’s graduation!


Vernie had told me a few weeks earlier that she and Ken didn’t want to draw attention away from Sarah on her big day but I told her, “Sarah wouldn’t even BE here if it weren’t for you and Ken getting married so it’s a perfect time to celebrate all three of you!”


Vernie brought some special photos to display on their special anniversary table.



After the official Cutting of the Cake . . .


we had the official Groom Feeding the Bride Ceremony.  I absolutely ADORE how Ken is opening his mouth at the same time as Vernie, as if to help her out.


Here’s Vernie returning the favor.


Although Ken and Vernie have been married for six decades, I get the feeling that one of the members of this marital couple hasn’t quite grown up. I’m not mentioning any names. 

Can you possibly guess why Steve turned out to be such a ham?


Ken and Vernie are always the very epitome of graciousness–they love people and people love them!


During the time when everyone was invited forward to say something about Sarah, Ken got up and told some wonderful stories about her.


He and Sarah have always had a very sweet relationship.


Vernie spent part of the afternoon admiring her charmingly handsome and fabulously talented great-grandson as he ate his lunch.



I know exactly what the look on his face is saying.  He’s thinking, “What?  No anniversary cake?”


And speaking of Noah, Meagan and Nathan got very creative and made a special sleeping area for Noah in the adjoining room. Isn’t that a great idea?


But back to our other guests of honor . . .

Vernie has written many poems over the years but this is a special one she wrote for their anniversary.  


Sing the same old songs
Laugh at the same old jokes
Repeat the same old stories
Finish each others sentences
Reminiscence on the good old times
Jog each others memories
Harmonize in merry melodies
Hold hands in the night
Kiss in plain sight
Look for good deals
Pray before meals
Cherish our faith, family and friends
Sing, sing, sing!
Sixty years, one long song!
It’s been good!

(Note: She let Ken write the last line. Didn’t he do a great job?)

Here’s a video of her reading the poem in the service the next morning. 

Following the poem Steve prayed a special prayer of blessing over his parents.  Such a sweet time.


Ken and Vernie–your children, your children-in-law and your grandchildren all count ourselves blessed to be a part of this wonderful family you began sixty years ago. May your song continue for many years to come. 

Added note:  I also want to mention that June 9 would have marked my parents 58th anniversary. We are so blessed to have had wonderful parents on both sides of the family.  Mom, I know you miss Dad so much–we all do!  Thanks for the godly example you both set and for the love you shared so freely with all of us.  Love you!


3-dad 049



16 comments so far.

16 responses to “One Long Song”

  1. Mrs. Pam says:

    Goodness gracious, definitely GOOD!

  2. Ruth Rehberg says:

    It was good to see the famous Smith couple and my parents at the end too. Both are wonderful examples of going through the joys and sorrows of life and coming out still holding hope and joy up for others to know… all things are possible through Jesus. Good to read about their “long song” and give us encouragement to keep going too. Ruth p.s. ( Ken looks just like you Steve)

    • Becky says:


      Yes, Steve and I have been saying it over and over in recent years how much Steve has grown to look like his dad. So thankful to have two sets of parents who have gone ahead of us and have written their own Long Songs.

  3. Jojy Smith says:


  4. Kristi says:

    Happy belated Anniversary, Ken and Vernie! 🙂

  5. Dale Tousley says:

    You always make me cry, but in a good way, so glad you all got to spend Sarah’s graduation and Ken and Vernie’s anniversary together and that your mom was there as well, what a blessing…..4 generations, my mom would have LOVED to have seen great grand children…..

    • Becky says:


      Thanks for your words about Ken and Vernie and my mom, as well. Four generations truly is a great blessing to see–so sorry your mom wasn’t able to see it it.

  6. Lesley says:

    Congratulations to Ken and Vernie! – Sarah certainly resembles her grandmother Vernie!

  7. Jan Reuther says:

    Congratulations Ken and Vernie! Can’t wait to read the poem you’ll write for your 70th!

    • Becky says:


      Love that. A 70-year poem. It’ll be a good poem and I won’t be surprised if it also ends with, “It’s been good!” 🙂

  8. LeeAnne says:

    Congratulations to Ken and Vernie!! They look so vibrant, happy and obviously still in love. What a blessing to your family! 🙂

    • Becky says:


      Definitely still in love! And there isn’t much sweeter love than in two people who have been happily married six decades.

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