
July 29, 2012

Another up and down day.  After church, Snowy did great hanging out with the house full of 25 guests we had for lunch. Then toward the end of the afternoon, he went back into trembling, suffering mode.

We have one pain pill left.  That’s it.  I’m really afraid of what happens what that one is gone.  I guess tomorrow will tell.

Over the past hour or so, he’s (thankfully) settled back down a little bit.  His favorite cure for what ails him is still watermelon.  Who can blame him?  I think the cool, crunchy sweetness distracts him from what he’s feeling.

We sure love our little fella.  

 (An old picture of Snowy and his best girl.)


9 comments so far.

9 responses to “One.”

  1. Joleen says:

    Thinking of you all….

  2. Mary H says:

    I was so anxious to get back to work to a computer that works so I could check on Snowy.  I know the pain meds can not be used for a really long time but maybe a few more would not be too damaging to him.  At least it would give you a little more time and he would not be in pain.  However, I guess the real decision is the worth of it all if he can not stay out of pain without being heavily medication.  Oh, such big and difficult and heartbreaking decisions.  Thought about Snowy man and all of you this weekend.  Sending love and prayers and strength.

  3. Dana H says:

    I really don’t know what to say. It’s so hard to make decisions like the one you are facing. I pray that whatever happens today and whatever decision you make you will have peace of mind. I know first hand how heart wrenching this is. My first Fur Baby was a female Maltese named Lacy. I had her before I had children. She was with me for 14 wonderful years and making the decision to end her pain was so hard. I thought of a thousand and one reasons not to do it  when I knew in my heart that the ONE  reason I was even faced with the decision was the only reason I could really consider. Lacy.  My thoughts and prayers are with you all. Some one else has already said it but I say it again. You will know when it’s time. Snowy will  let you know. Love to you all….  

  4. Mrs Pam says:

    sure hope the vet changes her (I think) mind regarding the pain pills
    woof and love, Snowy!

  5. Trine says:

    I   have been checking all day yesterday to see how Snowy is doing , I’m thinking of you all

  6. jojy says:

    Sending love and prayers your way, Snowy! Good boy!!

  7. AmandaJ says:

    I’ve been checking in periodically to see how Snowy was doing. Thanks for posting an update. My fingers are crossed that he does okay tomorrow and for many more days. ((hugs))

  8. moi_aussi says:

    I’ve been wondering all day how he’s doing. So, tomorrow will tell. So hard…..


  9. Diane says:

    I was thinking of you all day Snowy.  Will pray tomorrow is another miracle for the miracle dog!

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