On A Steve Theme

November 6, 2015

When I got into my office on Monday, this home made card was lying on my computer keyboard.




Somehow, Steve remembers every year the date we got engaged. And somehow every year, I am clueless about it. I am always happily surprised, though, when he reminds me.  

Before you read what he wrote, here’s a little backstory.

The day before he proposed, he and I had gone on a little day trip through the mountains of North Carolina. Sunset found us above the clouds at the top of Mt. Mitchell. the highest peak east of the Mississippi.

Can we all agree that that would have been a lovely place to propose?

But nope.  The proposal happened the NEXT night, under a street light, next to a dumpster in a church parking lot.  (Long story as to why we happened to be there.)

So anyway, that will help you understand the note a little better.

As you can tell, he went to great lengths to include alliteration and large words and much running on-ness of sentences because he knows I would appreciate all of that. 

This is what he wrote.

Just a note to let you know–I fondly remember November 1, 1981, as the day AFTER the day I should have passionately proposed monogamous marriage on Mt. Mitchell, as your “delicate profile was etched against the seemly setting sun,” instead of not-so-wisely waiting until the following eventual evening in my not-so-cushy car, in the choice church parking lot in Charlotte,  next to the objectionable, odoriferous Dempster Dumpster though it was without any question, quirk, qualification or even or disqualification, the best decision I ever made in my entire, heretofore, much lived life, life even if the effective execution thereof was, um to be more specific and without obvious obfuscation (and to continue this horrendous run-on sentence because, after all, I’m getting paid by the word), clod-like and clunky. Call me romantical.  Love Steve 

Wasn’t that sweet?

Speaking of road trips, he and I and Sarah took a drive up to Currituck County last week and puttered around, ate some pizza and took some pictures. I’ll share more of the photos later but here are a couple with the two of us sporting a hat he had just bought at a thrift store.

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 And one last thing, since I’m on a Steve Theme.

Steve was recently honored to be invited to be the chaplain for the Manteo Police Department. When he first showed me the actual gold badge in the official black wallet that he will carry when called upon in any official capacity,  I was in awe. All I could think of was the men and women who carry that badge through the stresses, the dangers, and the realities of daily duty. 

It is such an honor for Steve to stand beside these officers and support them and the people they serve.


What about you? Do you have a memorable engagement story to share?

P.S.  I had my liver counts re-tested and they are all back to normal!  I had been taken off Methotrexate for a month and that seemed to do the trick.



21 comments so far.

21 responses to “On A Steve Theme”

  1. Karo says:

    I love Mt. Mitchell! Steve is right, it would have been a great proposal spot. 🙂 I grew up in the Toe River Valley surrounded by the Black Mountain range, including the likes of Mt. Mitchell, Big Tom, and Celo Knob. I’m still just about a 10 minute drive from my home community of South Toe. I love being an Appalachian mountain woman! Rides on the Parkway are one of my favorite pastimes. As a matter of fact, tomorrow might just be a very good day for a ride, since it’s a holiday and schools are closed. 🙂

    • Becky says:


      Steve keeps on telling me he wants to take me to drive the Blue Ridge Parkway in his convertible which sounds absolutely lovely except it’s 8 hours away! You are blessed to live in some GORGEOUS mountains!

  2. Jan Reuther says:

    I’m so happy for you that you’re married to (after being engaged to) such a wonderful man. He comes across as such a gem; some of that is probably the reality of who he is, but much of it, too, is a reflection of your feelings for him….and it’s all good.

    My husband proposed to me on my birthday, in early November (i.e., football season). He took me to dinner in a lovely restaurant, then we got in the car and he drove around, the Giants game on the radio. And he drove and he drove and he drove. After the game ended, he found a pretty park, parked…and proposed. The joke was always that if the game had gone into overtime, we wouldn’t have gotten engaged until the next day!

    • Becky says:


      I’m sure you were wondering what in the world he was driving around for and he was probably on the verge of hyperventilating from nervousness! I’m happy the game ended and the proposal happened!

  3. Anna says:

    My husband had been prepared to propose to me on March 31st. He was so nervous that it took him a while to ask. The clock struck midnight and he asked me to marry him on April Fool’s Day. I said “yes” and we just celebrated 32 years of marriage this past September.
    Becky, so glad your liver numbers have returned to normal.

    • Becky says:


      I can’t imagine how nerve wracking it must be for a guy to ask that question. I’m so thankful our own personal husbands finally got their nerve up! 🙂 We’ve been marred close to the same number of years–Steve and I are at 33.

  4. Jenna Hoff says:

    How very thoughtful and sweet of Steve. Sometimes it is the littlest creative things that can make a relationship so special.

    I’ve been thinking of you this week Becky, how are you feeling? Hopefully the odd symptoms are resolving.

    • Becky says:


      I agree–the small things in a relationship are actually the biggest! And I’m feeling better all in all–will post about it soon. 🙂

  5. Sharyn McDonald says:

    So happy to hear your liver counts are back to normal. That Steve, he is certainly a keeper. So thoughtful and caring. Love the hat – it seems to “fit” men and women!!

  6. dmantik says:

    What a tremendously thoughtful and true guy you have! Loved that card! I also loved the pictures and the double good news of Steve becoming the Police Chaplain and your liver counts being improved. Yay! To be succinct.

    Love, Deb

  7. Mel says:

    What a treasure you have. My mom and dad’s anniversary was the 7th of Nov. but when they were planning their wedding, my father wanted their wedding to be on Halloween. Mom would not go for it and so it was a week later. My dad forgot their anniversary every year as he always thought it was on the 11th being Remembrance Day which of course we found hilarious. One year he even said to my mom “Hey Louise, our anniversary is coming up soon isn’t it?” to which my mom replied, yes, in 363 more days!! He forgot again and always blamed my mom because he said that if she would have gotten married on Halloween, he would never have forgotten. 🙂

    Congratulations to Steve on being asked to be the chaplain for the police department.

  8. Ann Martin says:

    Steve is a jewel as you know. The police dept could not have gotten a better chaplain. What a blessing for them. So thankful your numbers are good and love the pictures as usual. Congrats on the anniversary of your engagement.

  9. Mary H says:

    I have to agree with Mrs. Pam. I know someone who got married on Halloween in a haunted house….didn’t work out so good…and why would it!???! Enjoyed the story and congratulations to Steve on the note, the hat and the being the chaplain of the police force. No one better for the job.

  10. Mrs. Pam says:

    All Saints’ Day seems a much nicer day than Halloween for an engagement!

    • Becky says:

      Mrs. Pam,

      I agree! Although for some reason, I’m remembering that the Mt. Mitchell drive was Nov. 1 and he proposed Nov. 2. I’ll have to check with Steve and get my facts straight. 🙂

  11. LeeAnne says:

    I do believe that Steve is in the minority of the men who recall and commemorate such days! 😉 What an honor for him to be chaplain for the police department too. And I am very glad to read that the liver numbers have returned to normal. Things are looking up!
    P.S. Great picture of you and Steve….it just oozes love and happiness. 🙂

    Have a good weekend!

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