Old Towns

August 28, 2015

I’m taking it a little easy today. I don’t think I’ve mentioned it on here yet, but I was diagnosed with a C Diff infection a week ago, after just having gone through two weeks of antibiotics for my other infection.

Every day has pretty much been a struggle with feeling bad. In fact, I did stay home a couple of days but was back at work on Tuesday and happened to walk into one of the other offices before heading home for the day. The bookkeeper who was sitting in there took one look at my face and said, “I am driving you home. You don’t need to be driving and you need to go bed right now.”

I just love bossy, loving bookkeepers!  🙂

Steve has been bossy and loving too, and very diligent about making sure I get some extra down time; he and Sarah have also done a lot of extra helping with groceries and cooking. They are such a blessing to me.

I have another week on this particular antibiotic and then I’m scheduled to go Thursday for an infusion. They’ll check my platelets then and we’ll see where I am with all that. Hopefully, they are holding their own and better days are ahead!

One of my dear blog readers, Ann Martin, knew of my recent ailments and surprised me with a gift in the mail yesterday to brighten my day. Isn’t this the most delightful bag?


Here’s a close up.


Thank you, Ann!


I still have some photos to share from our New Mexico trip and for a change of pace, I’m putting them into an album format. Just single click on any photo, and then you can view them all as a slide show. I have added captions to a few of them so you know what you’re looking at.


17 comments so far.

17 responses to “Old Towns”

  1. Lesley says:

    Well this has nothing to do with this particular post, lol. I fell down the rabbit hole last night. This means that I clicked all the way back to your first post and HOURS LATER was still climbing my way back to the present. I suggest to other followers that they do the same, when they have an evening to spare. It’s easy to forget all that Sarah had to go through, never mind how you all made it through.

    This was my favorite quote from Sarah “I prefer to live.” Well, if that doesn’t just say it all. I do have one observation. The way your posts were written, it appears that Sarah was a very exuberant, chatty, outgoing little girl when she was feeling well. And, it’s maybe hard to tell from your posts now, as a lot is kept off the blog (as it should), but from what I can gather, Sarah is more introverted now. More cautious, more of a thinker, an observer, more tentative. It’s interesting to see her mature, through your eyes of course.

    Anyway, reading all the way back was very interesting, especially since she is doing so well!! So many things you thought you’d never see! And onward she goes….

    • Becky says:


      Well, first let me say that I was both stunned and astonished (and also honored) that anyone would go back to the beginning and spend an entire evening reading the blog. You have hereby earned a Superstar Smithellaneous Reader Award!

      And the points you made about Sarah were interesting and seriously something I hadn’t really considered as far as the fact that she was more gregarious as a child than as a young adult. I honestly don’t know if that had to with cancer or just the way she happened to grow into another aspect of herself.

      You always have interesting comments–thanks for being an important part of the conversations here at Smithellaneous.

  2. Steve says:

    Great post. Get well best friend!

  3. Anna says:

    Hey Becky,

    I sent you a private message in the contact page with some tips for recovery (our family has experience with c.diff). I just didn’t want you to miss it.

    Thank you for sharing all these New Mexico photos. They are beautiful. I especially love the spiral staircase!


    • Becky says:


      Got it–thanks so much! And yes, I loved that spiral staircase, too. Old items in old churches are some of my favorite things to see!

  4. Ann Martin says:

    So glad you like the bag. Enjoyed the trip pictures. So beautiful and happy you and Steve got to go to the reunion. Precious memories for both. Pray you feel better very soon.

  5. Kay says:

    You are so talented & gifted in writing as well as in many other areas. Take care of yourself physically; we want you to be healthy so you can continue writing your blogs! Be blessed & refreshed today! And glad you have bossy friends & family!!

  6. Jan Reuther says:

    If I told you once, I told you….er…once….C diff is nasty! Please take care of yourself, Becky. My morning blog read would not be the same without your photos, and you can’t get out and take photos if you’re chained to the bathroom!

    I agree with LeeAnne; the album form is perfect for your pictures, and this batch was particularly nice. Mexican restaurants are my favorite because of all the color (well, that an the guacamole).

    • Becky says:


      Yes, it was fun to do the pictures in a different way. Glad you my lovely, faithful readers enjoyed it. And yes, colorful restaurants are such a joy to photograph. The Southwest is chock full of wonderful color!

  7. Donna says:

    Hope you get to feeling better soon!! And loved the picture album! So glad that all of us followers were able to enjoy the places you went to!!

  8. LeeAnne says:

    Oh no……so sorry that you aren’t feeling well. 🙁 Here’s hoping that you’re back at it, feeling like your old self, really soon!
    I enjoyed the pictures in album form. Do that again! It looks like a fun and fascinating place to visit and I’m going to add that to my ‘someday’ list. 🙂
    Lay low and have a good, rested and relaxing weekend.

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