
February 27, 2017

Sarah left at 6 a.m. to go back to school after a weekend at home. I have to say how impressed I was by her speedy prep time; it took her a mere 11 minutes to get from the ringing of her alarm clock to her walking out the front door, suitcase in hand.    (It takes me 11 minutes just to get my first foot over the side of the bed!)

So great to have her home!  (This was taken before our Sunday afternoon walk.)

And speaking of people I love . . .

Friday was Steve’s and my day off so we took a little time to enjoy the perfect blend of sun-splashed,  non-windy,
72-degree weather.  

And when you live by the ocean and own a Miata?  What better way to enjoy a day than to pack a lunch and tool on down the Cape Hatteras National Seashore.

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I’m hoping that a few photos of blue water and even bluer skies will brighten whatever corner of the world you’re in.


What about you?  
When you have a day off, what do you like to do with it?  
(Let’s pretend that there is nothing that HAS to be done–only stuff you want to do.)

29 comments so far.

29 responses to “Ocean-Going”

  1. Kari says:

    Lovely photos, as always! Wow, Eleven minutes and out the door? I am not a morning person!

  2. SueEllen Williams says:

    LOVED your Cape Hatteras pictures!! The Crystal Coast of North Carolina is one of my very favorite places on earth and the OBX is on my bucket list. Your timing was perfect – I’ve been off this week – but because my husband and I both came down with the flu (me “A” and him “B”) so this has been a week we would like to get a do-over for, but your photos brought a smile to my face. I’m finally feeling somewhat normal again and will attempt to go to work tomorrow.

    • Becky says:


      How awful that you were both sick at the same time so neither one could take care of the other. Ug!

      Glad you are feeling better and especially glad that my pictures brought a smile to an otherwise not-so-fun week.

  3. LeeAnne says:

    Hmmmm….a day off and nothing that *has* to be done?? I love that idea!! And if I had one, and the weather was nice, I would be outside finding something to do, maybe putter around in the yard. Or I would go for a nice long walk/run or bike ride. Oh, only after I got in at least 9 holes of golf. Now THAT is my idea of an awesome day off!! 🙂

    • Becky says:


      I love how all of your potential day off activities include movement and action. Good for you!

      And I hope a day like that arrives for you soon. 🙂

  4. Judy says:

    How wonderful it must have felt to have the entire ocean all to yourselves. What beautiful pictures.
    We have had great weather here in East Texas–so much so that the azaleas are starting to bloom. Spring is such an amazing time of the year.

    • Becky says:


      I agree about spring–it is my favorite season!

      And yes, being near the ocean is. wonderful. It brings such a sense of peace and quietude.

  5. Angela says:

    I’m impressed right along with you, Becky. I’m a sloooooow riser. Tell Sarah I wish I could look that good in eleven minutes! 🙂

    • Becky says:


      Actually I need to go back into the post and add that the photo of Sarah was taken the day before, when we were going on a walk. She didn’t look quite that pulled together this morning at 6, but she did have on a cute outfit and her hair was artfully tousled. 🙂 I’m just amazed anyone is able to walk out the door in 11 minutes!

  6. Wendy says:

    Your pictures look so inviting and warm and wonderful. Its all the way up to 31 here today, another heat wave for us in Minnesnowta, but we do have snow in the forecast tonight and tomorrow. I can’t wait for spring to truly arrive. A day off? Hmmm, I love to sleep in a bit, then take my jolly ole time getting ready, reading, checking fb. I love to stay home, a real homebody I am. 🙂 Glad Sarah was able to come home for the weekend.

    • Becky says:


      I love the Minnesnowta moniker: I’d never heard that.

      Isn’t getting to stay home the most wonderful thing? It’s the simple things in life!

      Thinking spring with you.

  7. How is Sarah doing at Uni wirh her courses? No uni update recently no news good news ?

    • Becky says:


      I don’t know if that you knew that she changed majors over Christmas; she is now is Communications and really loves it.

  8. On a day off ? Gaming Pokemon on my 3DS . Or read ! I am becoming a book worm again after a few years as a crazy film nerd. To watch a favorite movie or mine is also nice . If weather is nice then I like to walk ^^

    • Becky says:


      It’s nice to hear from another book lover. Reading is such a simple pleasure of life, especially on a day off when there is nothing that has to be done. Movies are fun, too!

  9. Mary H says:

    Oh, my soul is refreshed by those photos – I can hear the sounds, smell the smells – ahhhhh…..thank you! I agree with some of the above – depends on my days at work how I spend a day off. I have been known to not leave the house, stay in my “jammies,” read, surf the net, cook something that takes a long time to simmer and needs stirring or, if the weather is wonderful and time allows, a trip to a wonderful museum or a fun store or, the ultimate, a trip to see my grandson (only 3 hours away but that requires at least a two day visit). If I lived where you do, I am certain I would be found near the sea way too often.

    • Becky says:


      It’s too bad blogs don’t come with scratch-n-sniff capabilities so you could smell that ocean breeze while reading about it.

      I loved what you said about cooking something that takes a long time to simmer and needs stirring. That creates such a homey, contented feeling.

  10. JLB says:

    In the winter, we like to stay in our jammies, play board games, have our favorite snacks, and maybe have a family movie night. In the summer, we like to visit one of our state parks to swim, picnic, hike and explore. We are lucky enough to be able to drive to either the mountains or the ocean in less than 2 hours. We have a state park about a half hour a way that has a large fresh water lake and lots of really cool boulders and land formations left behind glaciers. If we have more than a day, we like to go camping at one of the aforementioned parks.

    • Becky says:


      Sounds like you live in a photographer’s paradise! Ocean, mountains, lakes, boulders, land formations, state parks . . .so glad you take the time time to actually get out and enjoy all that beauty around you.

      All those nights in are pretty great too, aren’t they? 🙂

  11. Ann Martin says:

    I have enjoyed taking my pups out in the warm sunshine. I have also enjoyed some “me” time just sitting on the bed with pups around me, reading, cross stitching, playing on tablet and just relaxing. This only happens one day a week if that often. Enjoyed your pictures. Sarah is fast. I could not get my makeup on that fast! Never be ready to walk out in 11 minutes unless it was an emergency and I just put on clothes and ran.

    • Becky says:


      I think the fact that you can only sit on the bed and read and play on your tablet once a week is what makes the experience so special. It’s all of your busyness during the rest of the week that makes that experience such a treat!

      And getting to sit and relax with dogs is one of the best feelings in the world. I’m so glad God invented dogs! 🙂

  12. Sharyn McDonald says:

    Since I am retired (former legal secretary/receptionist and notary public), I have all my days off. It is nice to be retired (husband worked for Billy Graham Assn. for 40 years) and so we can pick up and take off whenever we want. We can do that, and occasionally do what you and Steve did, but we plan our lengthy vacations. We will be near an ocean in about 2 months and so am envious of your living so close to the ocean. Loved the pictures – there is something serene being at the ocean and watching and listening to the waves come in. Our pastor and his wife have Monday’s off, does Steve have a certain day that he is off?

    • Becky says:


      Steve and I have taken Fridays off for many years now. I know a lot of pastors do take Mondays.

      Sounds like you and your husband have done your share of work over the years; you are certainly deserving of those long-planned trips and vacations.

      Enjoy your ocean visit!

  13. Jodi says:

    We had amazing weather this past week too! I’m in IL were it’s usually 20 degrees & snowy this time of year and Wednesday we broke a 137 year record w/ sunny, clear blue skies and 70 degrees! The few days before and a day after it was 65-68 and sunny each day! Now it’s been 25-35 degrees daily w/ thunderstorms on Friday and snow showers Saturday!

    Glad Sarah was home this weekend! Spring Break is right around the corner! Any plans with the Florida Smiths anytime soon(ish)?

    • Becky says:


      137 year record? That’s pretty cool! (Well, actually, I should say it was pretty warm.) 🙂

      I know you and your fellow Illinois-ers must have been absolutely delighted with that break in the cold.

      No plans to see the Florida Smiths for a while; lack of traveling funds and lack of days off have conspired against us in that regard.

  14. Phyllis says:

    Depends on how busy I’ve been at work. I took a PTO day Friday and didn’t even leave the house. Slept in and was lazy all day long. The next two months will be pretty busy with at least 3 out of town trips – New Orleans twice and Louisville once – so I decided I needed to use Friday as just a lazy day. It was nice and although I feel a little guilty about not getting some things accomplished, I don’t feel bad about taking a day for me. Weather was kind of yucky. After having 70-80 degrees earlier in the week, Friday was about 38 I think with snow flurries and even some sleet so staying in wasn’t a bad idea. Most days when I take off, seems like I have a ton of errands to run but I like to take time to hit a movie.

    • Becky says:


      I also think a day off when you don’t leave the house even one second is wonderful–and especially so if the weather is bad! I’m glad you had a chance to do that before your busy spell hits.

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