Obituary for a Ford

December 18, 2023

Is it crazy to get sentimental over a car?

I mean, a car is just metal and rubber and glass. It’s just an engine, some brakes, and a steering wheel. How could those items possibly engender strong emotion?
A good question.  And I have no good answer.

But let me backtrack a little.

As you remember, I was in a wreck a few weeks ago, a 4-car accident on a major Charlotte interstate. I was stiff and sore for a couple of weeks but thankfully not seriously injured.

After the wreck, I was able to drive the car home, even though it was banged up on the front and the back. When our insurance company took a look, they said it could be repaired.  I was happy about that for two reasons:  1. we could drive it for a few more years and avoid a car payment 2. I really loved that car.

Unfortunately, when the garage started on the repairs, it turned out that the internal damage was much worse than originally thought.  It didn’t take long for them to decide that repairing the car would cost more than it was worth.

When Steve got the news that the Ford couldn’t be repaired his logical thought, of course, was to let me know.  I was at work when he called, just going through my day, answering the phone, and doing my various tasks.

He said, “Becky, I have good news and I have bad news. The good news is that I will love you forever. The bad news is that the insurance company just told me your car has been totaled.”

Now you have to picture Steve on the phone imparting this piece of fairly low-key news. He had just made his speech to me and now he was waiting for my reply which he assumed would be along the lines of, “Oh, well that’s too bad it can’t be fixed. Now we’re going to have to look for something else.”

He waited. And waited. And then waited some more.  All he heard at the other end of the line was dead silence. And then, suddenly, the silence was filled by the sound of muffled sobs and sniffles.

He was like, “Becky? Are you okay? Why are you crying?”

As you can imagine he felt bad that he had given me news that made me cry at work but, in his defense, he had no idea that those few words were going to evoke so much emotion.  And frankly, I was also surprised about how I reacted. I mean I was really, really crying. I’m just grateful that there was a momentary lull so that I didn’t have to explain my tears to anyone.

After I reassured Steve I was okay,  I put the phones on hold and went into the storage room behind my desk so that I could regain my composure and wipe my eyes.  While I was doing that, I tried to examine my emotions to figure out why I had reacted so strongly.

It occurred to me that saying goodbye to a car is in some ways similar to saying goodbye to a house you have lived in for a while. It’s not the vehicle (or the house) itself,  it’s the memories that were made that stir up the emotions.

We had my red Ford Edge seven years, longer than any other car we’ve owned.  Ninety percent of the photos you’ve seen in recent years on this blog were courtesy of my faithful Ford, ferrying me along country roads and scenic byways.

I made many dozens of medical trips in it over the years, mostly for myself and a few with Sarah. Steve and I visited her at college in the Ford, drove to Florida to visit newborn grandbabies,  made visits to parishioners in the hospital, went on date nights, and hauled grandkids in it.

I’m not going to bore you by going through all my memories in that car but I loved it so much and had been looking forward to the day it would be returned to me from the body shop, all ready to make new memories.

But I’ll no longer see it waiting patiently for me at the end of the walk, ready to take me on a new adventure.  R.I.P, beloved car!

Even though I felt like a bit of a traitor, Steve and I did buy another car on Saturday. It’s a nicer car than the Ford Edge was and even though I know I will love it, I will always carry a flame for my beloved red Ford.

And speaking of red . . .

I went to visit Sarah and Gage last week and was greeted by this cheery sight.

It was pajama day at the school where Gage teaches. He had worn a pair of Christmas PJs his mom had gotten for all the brothers (as a fun joke) and then, of course, had to add a bow tie to the ensemble Because Gage is all about bowties!

It’s nice to see all that Christmas spirit.

And speaking of Christmas, Nathan, Meagan, and family are in Florida for a week.  Sarah and Gage will be headed out to Fayetteville for Christmas. Steve and I will spend Christmas at his brother’s house and then we’ll have Christmas at our house with the kids and grands on December 30.

The grands have been ready for Christmas for a few weeks now, enjoying hot chocolate, stockings on the fire place . . .

and Amy Grant playing in the background.  Our family has listened to that particular Christmas album when decorating the tree since our kids were small. Lovely to see the tradition continue.

Christmas is a special, beautiful, frustrating, invigorating, exhausting, overwhelming, inspiring, and sacred season.  My you find His peace and joy in the midst of all the moments.


What about you?

Have you ever gotten sentimental over a vehicle? Tell us your story!

Have you ever had an unexpected emotional reaction to any other kind of news where you completely surprised yourself? (and others?)

What is your least favorite and/or most favorite Christmas song?  Why?

What are your Christmas plans?

34 comments so far.

34 responses to “Obituary for a Ford”

  1. Eswim says:

    Merry Christmas!
    I have been very attached to my vehicles over the years! My first car that I bought on my own at 18 (with my dad cosigning) was a Chevy Chevette! I loved that car! I could go 2 weeks on a tank of gas and could park anywhere 🙂 I had a van when our girls were smaller and after they went away to college went back to a car, but now have another van! It’s my punkin hauler to haul our 3 punkin granddaughters! I have named all my vehicles too! 🙂 We tend to hold on to our vehicles until they give out!
    Yes! Sometimes emotions over take me, but that’s ok it just needs to get out!
    I love all Christmas songs, except Blue Christmas – it just makes me really sad since my parents are no longer here for Christmas.
    O Holy Night/Silent Night are favs! Mine and my oldest granddaughter (who is 4) love Two step ‘Round the Christmas tree by Suzy Boggus 🙂 (if you haven’t heard – google and listen :))
    Lots of family time and eating planned over the next week! Praying everyone can stay well! There is so much sickness in our area 🙁
    Love Gage’s PJ day outfit! We had PJ day at work for the first time and it was fun!
    Hope you and your family have the Merriest Christmas and the Happiest of Happy New Years!!!!!

    • Becky says:


      I love the “Punkin Hauler” name for your van. I know you and your granddaughters will make a lot of memories in that van! A long way from having a Chevy Chevette back in the day.

      I had never heard the song by Suzy Boggus so I wen to You Tube and listened to it. Such a run, toe-tapping arrangement; loved it!

      Enjoy the family time and goo eats over the next few days.

  2. Katrina says:

    Hey Becky:)

    I am sorry to hear about your car. However I think it makes totally sense your reaction. I hope you and your new car becomes good pals!

    As for my favorite Christmas songs I don’t know I have so many . I like both the traditional ones and the popular pop ones. A few days ago I actually went to my yearly Christmas concert with the Norwegian singer Sissel kyrkjebø! She always have a mix of pop and traditional ones. This year she actually included All I want for Christmas is you! And of course O Holy Night. She also included Walking in the air from the Snowman and a lot of others 🌲❄️

    One of my favorites are Driving home for Christmas.

    As for Christmas music I don’t like I don’t know 🤔 I see some other people mention Last Christmas but I actually like that one. I don’t care for the lyrics but I like the music- it is just a part of December for me.
    There is a Danish Christmas children song I don’t like know when I think about it .

    An early Merry Christmas

    • Becky says:


      I love it when a Christmas concert contains both traditional and pop songs. There are so many wonderful songs from each genre. And how cool that you have made that concert an annual tradition for yourself. It’s nice to have something like that to look forward to every year.

      O Holy Night is mentioned in so many comments; what an amazing song.

      Thank you for the Christmas wishes; good to hear from you!

  3. Ann O. says:

    Glad you are back up and running, with a new vehicle, Becky. Sad you had such a tough departure with the Ford. It’s easier, when things like that can reach a ripe old age. Kinda like with people!

    I’m not very sentimental with objects, but my oldest sister, Chris, is. Here’s her sentimental car story: My family had a HUGE white station wagon back in the 60s. It was the car my mom drove my oldest sister to kindergarten back in the day, and it lasted up until she was off to college. Of course me and my younger siblings also rode around a lot in that car, but it was extra sentimental to Chris. My folks finally sold that massive car to a junkyard for parts, they thought. Its final chapter, though, was not used for parts.

    Our rural county has a fair each year, and the highlight of the week is a demolition derby. Guess what car the junkyard entered into the derby?! My sister went with some friends to the demolition derby, and she burst into tears when she saw her kindergarten car all souped up for competition! I’m not sure how the car did in the competition, but Chris couldn’t watch!

    I love Away in a Manger. Like a commenter earlier wrote, I’m not a fan of I
    Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas. And guess what’s been going through my head ever since I read that comment?!

    Have a blessed Christmas. We are celebrating in bits and pieces as family comes and goes, with the Reason for the Season as the foundation for all celebrations.

    • Becky says:


      Oh, your poor sister, knowing her beloved car was going to be used in a demolition derby! I couldn’t have watched wither.

      That was a long time to have had one car–from kindergarten to college. So many memories!

      I know. The Hippo Song can get stuck in your brain for DAYS. I guess that’s a sign of good songwriting!

  4. LeeAnne says:

    Oh poor Ford!! So glad you are ok!! I’ve never gotten emotional over a car but I think I will when it’s time to trade in the one I have now. I just LOVE this one!! The features it has, how easy it is to drive and the great times we’ve already had in it.
    O holy night is my favorite song. It really is the whole package. I usually get tears in my eyes when I hear it.
    Our kids and grandkids will all be here on Christmas Day. Our first Christmas in our new house.
    Merry Christmas to all of you!🎄

    • Becky says:


      How fun to look forward to the whole family being together in your new house. Lots of joy getting ready to happen!

      Another vote for O Holy Night! Beloved by so many.

  5. Ellen W says:

    Yes, I’m also about to get a new car and feeling sentimental. I’ve had this one since my son was a baby and now he’s 6, so we’ve been through all his life phases in this car! Many miles of travels together, and memories, are tied up in it.

    I love Steve’s “good news bad news” message to you on the phone. He’s so silly and sweet! 🙂

  6. catherine young says:

    Bought new car at a terrible time this year with prices at peak. Actually, placed an order for it and waited till it arrived , price shopping on line at every dealership within 100 miles. So did do as well as could. I tend to drive cars hard and put on a lot of miles. I tend to keep for over 10 years and average mileage upon reliquinishment around 200k. Will have 16k on this new one and have only had since March. What did you end up getting? If it weren’t for long haul trips and high mileage , I’d have leased.

    • Becky says:


      Yes, we were glad we didn’t have to buy earlier in the year; our salesman said the inventory for used cars was so low and the prices so high. We also drive our cars for a very long time; we got a used Lexus and they are supposed to be good for 250,000 to 300,000 miles so glad about that!

  7. Phyllis says:

    I have never gotten sentimental over a car but I also have never named my cars. When I bought my last car 6.5 years ago, a man I worked with bought my car rather than me trading it in. His son was a new driver and it made a great car for him. He named the car Frank Mason (KU basketball player at the time). “Frank” finished high school with the young man and is in his second year of college at KU.
    My favorite Christmas song is probably Oh Holy Night, it captures the true meaning of Christmas. My least favorite is probably I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas. It’s a crazy song and is one of those that if you hear it, can just get stuck in your head.
    We actually had Christmas with my parents yesterday. I will go see them Christmas morning and take their gifts then.

    • Becky says:


      Frank the Car. That’s a good name!

      O Holy Night is one of the best songs out there; especially when sung by a big choir! Glad you’ve gotten to spend some Christmas times with your parents.

  8. Melissa says:

    I drove my last car, a 1996 Saturn, for 22 years! Lots of memories made in that car; so many trips, and we brought my son home from the hospital in it after he was born. I remember being stuck in traffic and listening to the events on 9-11 being reported on the radio while sitting in that car. It never gave me a lick of trouble other than routine maintenance, but it was an old car and I finally decided I wanted something newer that I’d feel better about traveling long distances in. We gave the car to the teenage daughter of a friend, and I’d occasionally see her driving it around town. They eventually sold it to someone else, and I haven’t seen it since. I’ve always felt like I ‘betrayed’ my old car somehow, since it was always so reliable and never broke down. I like my newer, more modern car but I do feel guilty about it sometimes!

    • Becky says:


      Ha. Isn’t that funny that we feel like traitors to our cars? That’s how I feel with the Ford Edge, like, “I hope it doesn’t know I got a new car.” 🙂

      To hear the news of 9-11 in your car definitely is a huge memory; of course, the biggest memory is brining your son home from the hospital in it. I can see why you miss it! (And how nice of you to give the car away!)

  9. Sharyn L. McDonald says:

    Have had a couple of cars – only started driving when I was 23 and basically used my hubby’s car. But he finally helped me buy one – a newly designed Cougar. Loved it. But after a few years decided to donate it to a place that repairs cars and then they sell them for a reasonable sum.
    I too am not a fan of Blue, blue Christmas. But a secular song I have grown to love and it keeps running through my mind is the Polar Express song sung by two of the kids – When Christmas Comes to Town. Songs about our Saviour – don’t remember the titles but they are songs from Peterson in his songbooks for Christmas. Songs we sang in our choir. You know those songs that you start to sing and then la, la, la because you don’t remember the words.
    The Smith family is so appreciated and you have been an inspiration to many, if not all of us. A blessed and Merry Christmas to all of you. You are loved!!!!!

    • Becky says:


      Yes, I’ve done some “la-la-ing” in my time. Just singing along with all my heart and then the words run out! 🙂

      A Cougar! Wow, that would be a fun car to drive. I bet you could do some zipping around in that.

      I’ve never heard “When Christmas Comes to Town. Will have to give it a listen.

  10. Mark A Campbell says:

    Poor Ford. Glad your OK. Not sure I would want to hear my doctor say I’m totaled, though some people say i am( like Ron). What did you replace the Ford with?

    • Becky says:


      Glad to hear from my brother! And you don’t need to pay a bit of attention to what Ron says. 🙂

      We got a used Lexus; planning to drive it about ten years.

  11. Patti says:

    Glad you were able to get another car so quickly. I pray it takes you on many great adventures. I have “grieved” the loss of a few of my cars. It is true that they hold so many memories. I name my cars and remember them all fondly. Oscar, Jack, Pelinor, Samson, Repejeep, Truman, Caspian…
    I have had news hit me with unexpected emotion, but can’t remember any specifics now that it is in the past.
    My least favorite Christmas song, which the local station plays so often, is “Last Christmas, I gave you my heart…” My favorite true Christmas song is “We Three Kings”, just love the sound of it mostly. My favorite goofy Christmas songs are “I Want a Hippopotomus for Christmas” and “Grandma got Run Over by a Reindeer”
    This year Christmas will be Breakfast at Church, Church service, and a quiet day at home.
    Merry Christmas to you and yours and Blessings for 2024

    • Becky says:


      I love your car names! I’ve never done that.

      I agree about the “last Christmas” song. It’s just a little bit inane-sounding. We Three Kings is so stately and gorgeous; good choice!

      Enjoy your quiet, peaceful Christmas.

  12. Ginny Yelland says:

    I have two that come to mind…

    My first vehicle was a 1978 Chevy Chevette my grandfather bought me for my high school graduation. I remember going to the dealership to buy a car. The owner took me to the back to show me this special car he thought I would like. It was brown and had gold striping. I immediately fell in love. We went back to his office to work on a deal and of course my grandpa was going to help me with that. The dealer proceeded to go through the price and he ended with saying I had a pretty nice grandpa that had bought the car for me. I loved that car! When we got married and moved to Slippery Rock it just wasn’t as dependable on the winter roads traveling to work. I was so sad we couldn’t keep it.

    The second was my red 2010 Cadillac SRX. It was the first year they came out and I passed it on my way to work every day. I asked Ken if we could just stop and look at it one Saturday and of course it came home with us. Best car I ever had! At 125,000 miles it started to become too expensive to maintain. Example $1,700 for a headlight! Man I cried when I had to say good bye when we traded it. I still miss that car.

    Wishing you, Steve and the family a very Merry Christmas!

    Ginny and Ken

    • Becky says:


      A Chevy Chevette! That’s fun memory, especially since the story of buying it also includes your very thoughtful and generous grandpa. The dealer was right when he said you had a nice grandpa.

      And then you had a red Cadillac? Zippy car! But $1700 for a headlight is just a little too much.

      Merry Christmas to you and Ken.

  13. Rachel Richardson says:

    A few weeks ago, I got really angry. My mom and I have a gingerbread house building party each year. This year the date changed multiple times and it pushed me over the edge. It took me a few days to sort out my emotions. I am not sure completely why it made me angry.

    • Becky says:


      First of all, I think it’s so great that you and your mom have had a gingerbread party through the years; what a great tradition!

      Christmas can bring so many extra stressors into our lives that sometimes it’s the smallest things that can look really huge. I was glad to read that you took some time to sort out your emotions; definitely a healthy thing to do.

      I hope you got your dates figured out and the two of you had the chance to continue that dear tradition.

  14. rdmantik says:

    Is it wrong to get sentimental over a car? Your sister Deb sure did over her 2003 Hyundai Santa Fe. And this said by a man with all sorts of car memorabilia surrounding me in my den. :). Mourn your loss and thank you for sharing. Merry Christmas 🎄🎄🎁🎁

  15. Stefanie in Lake Saint Louis says:

    I definitely get sentimental over cars – I’ve owned probably 40-ish? But there are three that I miss: my 1979MGB, my 2001 SLK, and my 2020 Mustang GT. I traded my Mustang for a Corolla hatchback, and while it looks sporty and fun, it’s… not. It’s slow. It doesn’t handle like the Mustang (the Mustang was RWD, which I’m used to, and which I much prefer), and it doesn’t have the power the Mustang had. However, it’s much less expensive, it runs on regular gasoline instead of premium, it gets better gas mileage, and my insurance is lower. But yeah, I still get misty thinking about those cars.

    (So what did you buy???)

    Yesterday I was looking at FB, and one of my friends posted a pic of her mother – one of those “share a pic of your mom” type posts. So I started going through my phone (we were eating breakfast at a diner), and I couldn’t find any photos of Mama – which surprised me. And then. I bawled. And I bawled off-and-on all day. I guess this time of year makes it harder, and I really really miss her.

    I have two favorite Christmas songs, one sacred and one secular. Sacred: “Oh Holy NIght” and Secular: “Silver Bells.”

    There is one Christmas song that I hate – like, I’ve left stores when it has been on their sound system: “Blue Christmas” by Elvis. Those woo woo woooo woos are off-key and make me lose my mind.

    Typical Christmas for us – Daughter & Son-in-law will be over Christmas eve for brunch, gifts, games. Christmas Day, Mike and I will exchange gifts. THEN we start on our kitchen cabinet painting adventure (share pics of your kitchen’s “after”???).

    Merry Christmas to you and yours!

    • Becky says:


      Forty cars? Oh my. That’s overwhelming for me to think about. I don’t even like buying one car every six years. Sounds like you have had quite the collection of great cars!

      We got a used Lexus this time around and will drive it till the wheels fall off.

      I think it’s funny that you’ll leave a store when Blue Christmas is playing. You are SERIOUS about disliking that song, aren’t you?

      Yes, those “mom memories” sort of creep up on us, don’t they? And especially at Christmas, where we tend to remember all the Christmas memories shared together. Hugs.

  16. Kaye Joyce says:

    I understand your feelings for your Ford. We have had over 50 cars in our 50 years of being wed. My hubby used to sell cars and also did paint and bodywork and he is an extreme gearhead and loves old cars… and some new ones. We now own a yellow corvette and a 2023 brown Chevy Blazer…. but… as of today or tomorrow we are trading in said Blazer for a Chevy Trax. We leased our Blazer…first time ever… and I just didn’t like the size of it, to big for two people, and also felt like I was paying rent on it instead of owning it. So after seeing the Trax advertised on tv, I wanted to take a look. We did and I loved it so we are going to be the owners of a 2024 black Trax today or tomorrow. It is extremely great to have a former car salesmen with me when I go to buy a new car because he knows what to say and how to handle the salesman without trying to go through all the hoops. Merry Christmas to me… I was making car payments anyway so it won’t be painful for me. I hope you love your new vehicle. The longest I have ever owned one was 8 years. It was a Chevy Equinox. Yeah, we are Chevy people. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your family.. and your new car!!!

    • Becky says:


      I cannot even imagine 50 cars. You and Stefanie (other commenter here) win the prize for the most cars! Sounds like your husband and my husband could spend many long hours discussing cars and gears; one of Steve’s favorite things to discuss.

      Enjoy your new car and I hope you make many memories in it!

  17. Laura Nettles says:

    So I have only commented on your blog maybe once or twice, but I am a faithful long-time reader. I had to comment this week because your topic was very timely for me. I just found out this week that my beloved car’s transmission is deceased and the mechanic recommended NOT replacing it because my car’s particular model has a transmission that has caused problems and a new one would likely have a short life span. So it was recommended that we just cut our losses and sell my car that I LOVE! Also a new car was NOT on our agenda, nor in our budget. So I am sad.
    Also that Amy Grant Christmas album is our all time favorite. In fact, I listened to it yesterday!

    Merry Christmas!

    • Becky says:


      Isn’t that Amy Grant album wonderful?

      I’m sorry you’re having to get rid of your car unexpectedly; I can truly empathize. I know you’ll grow to love another car but it’s a hard transition!

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