Now Go Get Married!

May 13, 2021

I worked this morning, then came home intending to take a short nap and then write a post; however, I ended up sleeping over three hours.  Sorry about the delay in letting you know about yesterday’s Duke visit.

The good news is that the ultrasound showed that the tumor is not cutting off blood flow to her gall bladder.  Also, her liver numbers have dropped a lot since last week. The number that was nine times higher than normal is only three times higher. While the other three numbers they are tracking are not yet normal, they are all trending down.

We talked about the fact that the CT she had done while inpatient had shown that the tumor had grown in the space of three weeks.  That was, of course, a concern to us.

The doctor explained that a desmoid tumor can grow and then shrink without any reason.  He said that when a tumor shows growth, he doesn’t do anything out of the ordinary unless two CT scans in a row show growth and it turns into a trend. Then he would start looking more closely at the treatment options. No way to know what direction things are headed until her next CT scan.

Sarah has been having pain in her ribs and tingling in her right hand; he said he didn’t think those were related to the tumor but wants her to keep an eye on them.

She also has an enlarged thyroid so he wants her to see an endocrinologist.  He had said a few days ago that he was sending her to a liver specialist, but if the numbers keep normalizing, he may be willing to put that on hold.

Sarah has a colonoscopy scheduled soon and will also need an endoscopy to biopsy a questionable spot showing up in her stomach. The follow-up CT scan is in July so she has a few things to fill up her medical dance card.

But on the positive side, the doctor was thrilled to hear she has been fever-free for two weeks, is eating great, and has regained much of her strength. To be perfectly honest, two weeks ago, I was picturing her needing a wheelchair to go down the aisle. That’s how weak she had gotten.

The best news is that (barring something unforeseen) there are no more medical visits scheduled for at least 3-4 weeks!

Tuesday night, Steve took Sarah out for their last daddy/daddy date before her marriage.  She polished off a petite steak, a side of potatoes, bread, and salad! Two weeks ago, she was barely managing 500 calories a day.

Does this look like a person who could barely walk across the room a short time ago?

By the way, happy 64th birthday to Steve today. He has many reasons to smile!

Thank you, once again, for praying with us during this incredibly stressful past two months.  Even though Sarah’s medical battle is far from over, we have been given some good news and a temporary respite.

As we left Duke yesterday the doctor said, “Now go get married.”

Finally! Some medical advice Sarah can’t wait to follow.

43 comments so far.

43 responses to “Now Go Get Married!”

  1. Michele says:

    Somehow I missed this post! I am so happy for the advice Sarah got”go get married”!! Praying all goes well!

  2. twinclarinets says:

    Good News IS good news! So glad that Sarah is feeling better. Happy Birthday to Pastor Steve, hope your dinner out with Sarah was wonderful. Loved seeing the photo of Pastor Steve and Sarah and their beautiful smiles!
    Love y’all, Fred & Lucy

  3. Jan Reuther says:

    I have a suggestion for a/an MOB dress acquisition emergency. You can sing a solo at the wedding, and I’m sure you can scare up a choir robe from somewhere (because weddings are formal things),and you can’t be expected to take time away from the festivities long enough to disrobe, so there you are. You can wear your yoga pants and an old t-shirt underneath the robe and they’ll be none the wiser.

    So glad for the good medical news for Sarah. Still a lot hanging over her head, but it sounds like there’ll be enough joy at the wedding to down out any worries except for how many calories there are in the cake.

    Happy birthday, Steve!

    • Becky says:


      Well, that definitely made me smile. A choir robe, it is!

      Yes, we are all about drowning out worries this week. Let the festivities begin!

  4. Karen says:

    I’m so grateful Sarah is feeling better and can concentrate on wedding plans! I’ve been thinking of her and praying daily. May her wedding day be blessed beyond measure!

  5. Gloria A Smith says:

    Happy to hear that Sarah is feeling much better and that her appetite has improved. Answered prayers are a reminder that God hears us when we cry out to him. God is working out all details to his glory. Praise the Lord!!! Can’t wait to see wedding photos!!! Love to Becky, Pastor Steve, Sarah, Gage, Nathan & family

  6. Wendy says:

    Praise God from whom all blessings flow. So happy to read a pretty great update.
    How beautiful Sarah looked as she and her dad head out for their last dinner date with her a single woman. My brother in law still takes each of his daughters out for a breakfast date when they are in their daughters homes. They have 5 daughters spread out over the midwest. The girls just LOVE that time with dad.
    Happy Birthday to Steve and have a most fabulous wedding. Love the Dr.s words, now go get married 🙂

  7. Monique says:

    Your heart must be so full Becky! I think you will need a small vacation after the wedding to recover from this roller coaster – to be pulled between pure joy and excitement to medical concerns for Sarah is still quite mind boggling…praying for the next week to be so full of love and excitement in everything that her wedding means and brings. Praying for just that…for Sarah to have no more hiccups in her medical journey and she can go full force in her wedding plans and details.

    • Becky says:


      Yes, the emotions of the past 8 weeks have been beyond description. Lots of quick prayers, deep breaths, and reliance on friends, family, and God’s strength and peace.

  8. Joy says:

    So happy for some good news. Hopefully all the numbers will keep trending down and the tumor will start shrinking.

    And yes Sarah needs to follow the doctors orders, “Go GET MARRIED’!

    Prayers, love and hugs.

  9. Guerrina says:

    I can only imagine the relief you all felt as you finally could exhale! Grateful for the good news! Yes, Sarah, go get married!!!! Prayers continue.

  10. Tammy says:

    I am thrilled to hear that you will have a time to just focus on All Things Wedding!!! Praying for all the plans to be joy-filledt!!

  11. Jenna Hoff says:

    What wonderful news! I sharre your great joy .

  12. DeLynn says:

    Praise God from whom all blessings flow! So thankful for some good news for you all! Praying that you can enjoy this week before the wedding—so many things to do but also poignant and full of emotion. I love that so many prayers are being offered on your behalf!

    Sarah looks especially lovely in the pictures!

  13. Phyllis says:

    Sounds like great news!
    Happy birthday to Steve. Sarah looks radiant in those pictures. Hope Steve and her last daddy/daughter date was extra fun.

  14. SueEllen says:

    Happy Happy Birthday to Steve! And what a gift to see Sarah looking/feeling so well!! I’m glad she got good news on her ultrasound and look forward to the many wedding photos and stories to come!!

  15. Tammy Hayes says:

    Sarah is so beautiful and I am beyond happy for her and Gage! Coming from a mom who lost her only son to this nasty NB, I smile everytime I read something normal and happy for your Sarah! Can’t wait for the wedding pics!

    • Becky says:


      Nasty NB. That’s a very good title for it.

      I’m so sorry you lost your son. I’m amazed that you can rejoice with us and the normal things that Sarah has been able to experience in her life. Many hugs to you and your family.

  16. Jill says:

    So happy to read this. And see the happy photos.
    Praying for continued good news and for this quickly approaching wedding!
    Hope you have found a dress, or find it soon.
    And Happy Birthday to Steve!

  17. Judy Brandenburg says:

    Praise God, for Good News! She is a beautiful young lady with a winning smile. May the blessings continue to overflow!

  18. Ruth rehberg says:

    Very encouraging news!
    Praising the Lord with you all! Ruth

  19. Nancy Irving says:

    Amazing news, I’m so happy that Sarah is feeling so much better. Still sending love and Prayers to you all 😘

  20. Lesley says:

    Wonderful news! Happy Birthday Steve! So many reasons to celebrate 🙂

  21. Catherine says:

    Happy, wonderful news. Praise God. Now on to the wedding.

  22. Cindy says:

    What wonderful news for all of you, it makes me so happy! Sarah looks wonderful!

  23. suzie walters says:

    Our God is an awesome God. Rejoicing with you all, while continuing to pray. Now go get married Kiddo!


  24. Mrs. Pam says:

    super-duper! Many answered prayers, that’s for sure!
    Happy Birthday, Steve. lots for you to celebrate!

  25. Sarah says:

    I’m so happy for the great news! I love the smile on her face!

  26. Marsha says:

    Yippee Yi Oh Ki-yay! (Can’t spell but you get the point!) So happy things have improved. Thank you for keeping everybody up to date Becky. We’re all so excited for this awesome upcoming event! Prayers are steadily going ‘up’ and virtual hugs & love is going ‘out’ to all of you. Hug that sweet couple & rest…you’ve all been through a lot & rest is good. Love you all & God bless! ❤️

  27. Krista Labrensz says:

    Yay! Overall, some great news! I’ve been praying for you all since this started and I will continue.
    Looking forward to some pre wedding posts!

    Lord’s Blessings!

  28. Katrina says:

    Great news!

    Happy birthday Steve!

  29. Courtney Hurd says:

    Crying happy tears!


  30. Alisa Bentley says:

    God is good all the time! Continued prayers for you all and especially Sarah and her soon to be hubby!

  31. Sharyn L. McDonald says:

    Happy Birthday Steve!! Love that doctor’s advice.

  32. Liz says:

    Thrilled to read the good news! Full steam ahead for wedding plans!

  33. Teresa Hewitt says:

    Reading this news, I felt as if I let out a long breath I hadn’t realised I’d been holding. At last, a break for Sarah! She looks so pretty – and sparkling with the joy of her marriage to come. I can’t put into words how happy we are to hear that, while not out of the woods, at least there’s many reasons to celebrate this week. Not least being able to eat again!
    With much love, Teresa and Juliet

  34. Debbie H. says:

    So glad to read such great news! Enjoy the wonderful days leading up to Sarah’s special day!

  35. jojy Hayden says:


  36. Gail P:uckett says:

    Such great news, I am happy dancing in East Tennessee. God is still in the miracle business so we just need to go ahead and claim one for sweet Sarah. I know your mama heart felt some peace after that great news yesterday. I will echo the doctor’s advice. GO GET MARRIED SARAH!!! HOORAY
    Still praying but trusting God for more good news.

  37. Angela says:

    Wonderful update. I’ve been praying for your precious girl!

  38. LeeAnne says:

    Oh hello happy tears!!! Between the good news, and seeing those incredible pictures of Sarah, I can’t help it.
    Steve certainly does have good reason to smile!
    I think of all of you so often throughout the days and more so lately with the wedding approaching. I cannot wait to watch Sarah and Gage exchange vows, and am so thankful that she is feeling better and will be able to enjoy her special day!
    As always Becky, thank you for taking the time to update when you are so, SO busy. It really means a lot to all of us who ‘know’ and love Sarah and gives us the opportunity to pray specifically for her needs.
    Wishing you all a wonderful birthday celebration and special family time together!

  39. Suzanne says:

    Wonderful news in so many cases!! Praying for continuing improvements in all the numbers!

    Go get married, sweet Sarah! We can all echo that sentiment!

    Happy birthday, Steve!

  40. JenniferK says:

    Such fabulous news. Yes Sarah, go get married!

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