Norfolk. Orlando. Tampa. Milwaukee.

September 23, 2019

This morning I am flying to Orlando for a 3-day visit with my kids and grandkids.  I get to stay with my dear friend and co-grandma, Sheri Hawley, so I am going to be doubly blessed. On Thursday, I’ll fly from Tampa to Milwaukee and then drive to Portage, WI to spend five days. 

In the meantime, I’ll start your week off with a little bit of loveliness in the form of some photos I took last week on a detour to my monthly RA infusion.

These were taken in the Alligator River Nation Wildlife Refuge.  Here’s a fascinating read about this area which covers 152,000 acres and is filled with all sorts of natural wonders.

After a crazy busy last three days, it is 5 a.m. and time for my handsome hubby, AKA personal chauffeur, AKA Uber driver to ferry me the two hours to the airport where the adventure will begin.

You may just be seeing a picture or two from my travels . . . no surprise there, right?

More soon!

What about you? 

Are you a person who lives to fly or dreads to fly? Or are you somewhere in the middle?  

Do you remember how old you were on your first flight and where you went?

18 comments so far.

18 responses to “Norfolk. Orlando. Tampa. Milwaukee.”

  1. Ellen W says:

    Those photos are positively stunning.

  2. krista121799 says:

    I love to fly! Don’t do it enough, but I enjoy it. At the end of August we flew to Ann Arbor, MI to see a U of M game. So fun!
    I pray you have lots of fun and I know there will be pictures!

  3. SueEllen says:

    Have a safe, wonderful trip!! I can’t wait to see ALL your fabulous photos!!

  4. Ann Martin says:

    So excited about your trips and anxiously awaiting pictures. My first flight was from Philadelphia to Germany when I was about 24 . My sister and I were going to visit my brother and sister–in-law as he was in the Army. She was unable to go because of nursing classes so I flew alone. When I landed no one was there to meet me as their driver had overslept. I waited on the sidewalk about 30 minutes. Could not speak German and was uneasy. They finally arrived. I enjoy flying. Have a blessed time!

    • Becky says:


      Wow! To have a first flight be all the way to Germany? You were very brave and adventurous to do that! And then to have no one there to greet you in a foreign country? You have earned the Intrepid Traveler Badge!

  5. Phyllis says:

    I don’t mind flying. When I lived in Tampa, I flew to Atlanta a lot for about 3 years. Prior to that I flew from Tampa to Jacksonville quite a bit. And I probably flew from Tampa to KC 50 times or more over 13 years. One time I was flying from Tampa to Nashville. I was sitting in the aisle seat and it was pretty bumpy. The woman in the middle seat grabbed hold of my hand at one point.
    I was in my early 30s when I took my first flight. I flew from KC to Dallas to San Antonio. The week before there had been a crash in Dallas. When we landed I saw where the plane had hit a building or gas tank, can’t remember which. My aunt/uncle/cousin were in San Antonio for General Council. I met up with them and we went to Galveston then drove back to Missouri.

    • Becky says:


      Traveling to Kansas City over 50 times makes you a frequent, FREQUENT flyer. I’m sure you got to know the airline personnel pretty well.

      It would be scary to fly into an airport where there had been a crash. Glad you have had safe flights throughout all your years of traveling.

  6. Jenna Hoff says:

    Beautiful photos! I hope you have a wonderful trip!

    I love flying and I have a large bucket list of places I’d love to explore. I have some physical challenges that prevent me from flying currently— so I’m eager and excited for the day that hopefully I overcome those challenges and can fly again.

    • Becky says:


      I am hoping and believing right along with you that that day will come sooner than seems possible. I know you have the beautiful heart of an adventurer.

  7. dmantik says:

    Can’t wait to see you! Enjoy those grandbabies!

    Love, Deb

  8. Sharyn McDonald says:

    Know you will have a wonderful time. So glad you are able to “go home” and see your mom and relatives. I think my first time flying was in my 20’s, but not sure. In the church I went to when our son was small, we had 2 pilots. One time for a family outing, the church signed up for one of the pilots to take us on a small trip around the cities, not a long flight, but to some it was their first time on a plane, as was the case of our son. He was near the window and was facing the window. We asked him how he was enjoying the flight – no answer, Todd, how are you enjoying the ride? No answer. Thought he was scared to death. Todd!!! He turned toward us and was smiling from ear to ear – yep, he was enjoying the ride. I love to fly too, wish I could do it more often. Love your pictures. To me, you take the non-descript area and make it into a beautiful picture. What a talent you have!

    • Becky says:


      I love that Todd enjoyed that first flight so much. It was obvious he was way too busy grinning to even have time to reply.

      Glad to know you like the pictures that I post. The more I look for beauty, the more I find it everywhere.

  9. LeeAnne says:

    Have a safe and really fun trip! I will be patiently waiting for those adorable grand-baby pictures!!

    I LOVE to fly! I wish that we did it more often. The first time I ever flew was in a private plane, a 4-seater. A family friend took my brother and I from Denver to Nebraska. I was about 8 or so. I remember that the pilot let my brother ‘fly’ by letting him take the wheel. I also remember that it wasn’t so smooth then and that I got sick. Thank goodness for that barfy bag! I sure was glad to be on the ground when we got to the destination airport! To this day, I have to take Dramamine before I fly. 🙂

    • Becky says:


      That’s a memory that’s hard to forget–throwing up on your first ever flight. At least you don’t let a little air sickness keep you from flying. Dramamine is a wonderful thing!

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