Noah Is On the Way!

October 10, 2013

Steve and I were in the middle of giving blood when the phone call came from Nathan telling us that Meagan went into labor at school and is now dilated 5 centimeters.

The time is here!  We are about to become Grandma and Grandpa Smith!  Hooray!

We’ll leave for Florida early in the morning. Will keep you in touch when Noah arrives.

Thanks for your thoughts and prayers for Meagan and Nathan during this exciting, scary, wonderful night.



26 comments so far.

26 responses to “Noah Is On the Way!”

  1. angela says:

    ………just checking back in!!

  2. Mrs. Pam says:


  3. Kim Waggoner says:

    Excited for you all !!!!!!!!

  4. Courtney Hurd says:

    It is 3:41am and I am checking in while feeding my baby girl. So excited you will have Noah in your arms soon!! Elizabeth is 6 weeks old now and the gift of life is still amazing to me. What a miracle each tiny little toe is! Safe travels to FL. I know Noah, Meagan and Nathan will be so glad to see you! Can’t wait for those first pics of the newest Smith!

  5. Jenna Hoff says:

    What wonderful, happy news! You are all embarking on a new chapter in the life of your family. Have a safe drive!

  6. Lesley says:

    Yes, hydration for Steve! so very exciting! so glad Sarah could make the trip!!! Can’t wait to hear! Can you tell I am excited?

  7. Anna says:

    So excited for all of you! And excited that Sarah gets to go as well!

  8. Jojy Smith says:

    Lucky Noah will have wonderful Grandparents on both sides! Exciting time!!

  9. Anonymous says:

    Hi Becky, Steve and Sarah,

    Wow, such excitement! If she is already dilated to 5 centimeters NOAH WILL PROBABLY MAKE HIS APPEARENCE BEFORE YOU ALL ARRIVE…and that may be a good thing….lol…all the messy part will be over and MOM AND BABY WILL BE SLEEPING (probably

    • fran from texas says:

      ). SO GLAD SARAH COULD MAKE THE TRIP WITH YOU AND STEVE. not much else to say except; LORD, I COME TO YOU THIS NIGHT TO ASK THAT YOU TAKE CARE OF STEVE, Becky and Sarah on their trip to Florida…that you make the way easy for them and that there be no uh ohs for them…that the trip goes quickly and that when they arrive at the hospital baby NOAH WILL BE AWAKE AND READY TO MEET HIS SMITH AUNT AND GRANDPARENTS,,,ALSO Lord, make little NOAH’S BIRTH AN EASY ONE FOR HIM AND HIS MOM…IN JESUS SWEET NAME I ask. Amen and amen!

  10. Angela says:

    Wonderful!!!! It’s great that it’s near the weekend so Aunt Sarah can go, too! 🙂

  11. Anonymous says:

    Such an exciting time for you all! Enjoy Noah!!! Wooooo-hoooot!!!

  12. Ann Martin says:

    Be safe traveling. Know the excitement and the traveling to get there. We left at 4:30 PM on Sunday when Jack was born but spent the night on the road because I could not drive all the way to Noblesville, IN that late. We got a call while I was in choir on a Sunday morning. So happy for all. Prayers.

  13. Michele says:

    YAh!! Prayers for an easy and safe delivery !!!

  14. Catherine says:

    Yay!! Congrats! Safe travels… Quick delivery! God Bless!!

  15. Nancy says:

    Hooray for soon-to-be-new-grandparenthood and -aunthood!!

  16. Deb Praus says:

    I’ve been checking several times a day for news. Safe travels, thoughts and prayers for all. Can’t wait to see him!

  17. angela says:

    SOO exciting! And since she will only miss one day of school, I guess Sarah will get to go!! PERFECT! CANNOt WAIT to hear and see!

  18. Tammy says:

    Yea, all of you! Can’t wait to heart more!! Be safe traveling! Love you!! Tammy

  19. Joleen says:

    YAY! Praying for them and praying for your travels.

  20. Janet says:

    Praying for a healthy delivery for mom and baby, a safe trip for Grandma, Grandpa and Aunt Sarah and peace for the new daddy.

  21. Jan Reuther says:

    Welcome to the new portion of your life…Grandparenthood! (If that isn’t a word, it should be.)

    Prayers, as always, as you make the journey. Remind Steve to hydrate as he drives..he’s just given blood!

    I’m so happy and excited for all the Smiths and Hawleys.

  22. Kim says:

    Oh my goodness……how exciting!! I’m praying for a quick delivery!!!!!!! And, safe travels for you!!!!

  23. Anne says:

    Wow!! How incredibly exciting!! Will pray for all concerned!! Keep us posted! 😀

  24. Shannon says:

    So exciting! Thoughts and prayers for Meagan and Nathan and also for you all during your drive down and back!

  25. Mary H says:

    FANTASTIC!!!! oh boy, oh boy, oh boy!!!

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