Noah Visits The Barber?

October 17, 2013

Right after lunch today, I will get a plane in Orlando, FL and fly away from people I love—from a grand baby I love.  But the good news is that I am also flying toward people I love, so that makes me feel quite a bit better. And since Nathan is driving me to the airport, I get to spend some one on one time with own (previously) baby boy which also helps to offset the sadness of leaving a little. 

Here are a few more pictures from these past six wonderful days . . .

First night home—Meagan is feeding Noah, Nathan is feeding Meagan. What a team!


Noah and his mommy .  . . and what a good Mommy she is.  Meagan is such a natural, nurturing, fulfilled, wise, and happy mother. I couldn’t ask for a better mom for my grandson. She is also such a precious daughter-in-law.

02-noah day 2

Here is Aunt Sarah getting in one more snuggle before leaving her sweet nephew behind.


And this is where Noah hangs out in his spare time.  Isn’t it so cute?


Over the past few days, I’ve done a whole lot of sittin’ and holdin’, in addition to a good bit of grocery shopping and cooking. I’ve been a happy woman, since I love taking care of other people.



It’s been such a joy to see Nathan with Noah. He is an attentive, doting dad—and really, really funny with Noah. Yesterday morning, Nathan sang him a quirky song which was precious and hilarious, all at the same time.


And Noah said, “Hey dad.  I’ll join you on the second verse!”


Or maybe I’ll just have a nap instead.


And while I’m napping, me and Grandma are just gonna hang out on the couch together. I hear she’s leaving town soon and I want to get in all the snuggles I can!


If there’s one thing I’ve learned about Grandma Smith during her visit, it’s that she loves taking pictures.  Of course, I always try to show her my best face.  







Funny faces aside, I think there is one thing we can all agree on . .  .I am one good lookin’ fella.


Although I think my hair is getting a little long around my ears so I may need to visit the barber soon.


 Until that happens, though, I’ll just keep hanging out with my mom and dad and keep my happy memories of Grandma Smith’s visit in my heart.

16 comments so far.

16 responses to “Noah Visits The Barber?”

  1. Jenna Hoff says:

    oops sorry Becky, I accidentally posted my comment before I was finished writing it. I was intending to ask you how you are feeling, both health wise after all the traveling and heart wise after leaving darling Noah qne coming home. hoping all is well!

    • Becky says:


      That is so sweet of you to think of me and ask how I’m feeling; thanks for doing that! I’m actually happy to report that I’m feeling really well with none of the lingering after effects of travel fatigue that I was expecting. So I’m thankful.

      Heart-wise? Well, I’ll never NOT miss that darling boy but they are planning on flying home for Christmas, so I have that to look forward to! 🙂

  2. Jenna Hoff says:

    Hi Becky, how are you doing now that you are back home?

  3. Beverly says:

    There are never enough pictures. Thanks for sharing your little blessing!

  4. Lesley says:

    Well that was fun! Love all the photos, my fav is nathan holding the almost naked wee babe. So sweet!

  5. Kristi says:

    Sooo adorable! 🙂

  6. CJ says:

    That is one handsome lil’ guy!

  7. Phyllis says:

    The 7th picture from the bottom reminds me of the poem I sent you. He is a cutie. Glad you have been able to spend the extra time with him.

  8. Kim Waggoner says:

    He’s beautiful.

  9. Such sweet photos!

  10. Mrs. Pam says:

    some of those expressions remind me of Grandpa Smith.
    mainly the smiles.

  11. Mary H says:

    Leaving those grandbabies is one tough deal. However, those grandbabies never, ever forget the love their grandmas have for them and how much they love those grandmas right back! And grandpas and aunts, too. Hope you have safe and easy travels.

  12. LeeAnne says:

    Safe travels Becky!! Leaving those little ones is SOOOO hard. But Noah is such a lucky little man to have you for a grandma! 🙂

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