No Cancer

April 15, 2021

Our appointment yesterday was at the Duke Cancer Center with Dr. Blazer who is a surgical oncologist.

As you can probably imagine, all those cancer-related words didn’t do a whole lot to reassure me.

But here’s the amazing news. The tumor is not cancer!

I’ll pause for a moment while everyone does a happy dance in whatever place in the world you are reading this.

We are hugely relieved to know there is no danger of anything metastasizing throughout Sarah’s body; what we are dealing with is in one spot and will stay in one spot.

But in the words of Paul Harvey, here is the rest of the story.

The tumor is fairly large and is being a bit of a bully as it presses on and displaces other organs in that area.  My brain is a little muddled with all the details but Dr. Blazer specifically mentioned the small intestine and certain blood supplies being affected. He called it “locally aggressive.”

So what are the options?

Obviously, the tumor has to be removed; however, Dr. Blazer said if they tried to do that now “it would not go well.”   Its size and its location in her abdomen make it nearly impossible to resect.

There are two other options.

The first is to take a wait-and-see attitude, doing frequent scans to keep an eye on whether it continues to grow and create any further problems.  The reason this option is on the table at all is that every once in a great while, these tumors shrink on their own. But not usually.

The other option is to put Sarah on I.V. chemo for a period of time to shrink the tumor and then attempt to do the surgery to remove it.  (The doctor said that even if removed, many times these tumors recur.)

Of course, the big thing on our minds at the appointment was the wedding.  Thankfully, the surgeon said he thought treatment could wait until after the wedding.  However, next week, we have another appointment at Duke with Dr. Riedel who specializes in, among other things, chemotherapy. He is the one who will have the final say on what Sarah’s treatment plan will be.

Dr. Blazer said he and Dr. Riedel have already spent a good bit of time talking and emailing about Sarah’s case and there will also be a tumor board meeting today to discuss her situation.  A tumor board is “a meeting made up of specialized doctors and other health care providers who regularly gather to discuss cancer cases that are unusual and/or challenging. The goal is to decide on the best possible treatment plan for a patient as a group.”

It’s reassuring to know there are so many great minds at work on this.

The next question we had for Dr. Blazer was about the events of last week with two E.R. visits, high fevers, five days inpatient at Duke, bone marrow crashing, and platelets falling to dangerous levels almost overnight.  What was that all about?

And his answer?

None of the brightest minds at Duke can answer that question.  The only thought they have is that they don’t think it was related to the tumor but was an entirely separate thing. The coincidence of that just boggles my mind, that a tumor would be found and a short time later, all this other stuff would happen and none of it be related to the tumor?  Crazy.

We did ask if the tumor had contributed to Sarah’s inability to reach the weight she would like to maintain and Dr. Blazer said that was a possibility but he wasn’t certain.

And lastly, they want her back for a colonoscopy next week. Sometimes these kinds of tumors can be associated with a large number of polyps and since she’s had polyps removed on two previous colonoscopies, they want to be sure they are keeping an eye on that side of things.  (Edited to add: tumor is called a desmoid tumor.)

As you can imagine, this has been quite the roller coaster ride over this past month–from finding the tumor to the initial CT scan results which were very discouraging as the words said, “Highly suspicious for malignancy.” Then there were the fevers, the hospitalization, the news that the tumor isn’t cancer, and now this new journey we are on to find a successful treatment going forward.

Oh yeah. And planning a wedding in the middle of it all!

I apologize I was not able to update you yesterday; I know many of you were checking back frequently for news.  I left the house at 6 a.m. yesterday, trying to get in a little mother-of-the-bride dress shopping before the appointment. (Sarah and Gage drove separately.)  And then I didn’t leave Durham till after
5 p.m. and ended up running into a severe thunderstorm during the last leg of the trip home.

Sheets of rain, fog, lightning, hail, high winds–all while driving through Alligator Alley, a stretch of largely uninhabited road. With my fatigue and all of the details from the appointment swirling through my brain, it was not one of the more joyful forty-five minutes of my life.

I finally arrived safely home at 11 p.m. and thought, “I should really put up something on the blog about the appointment.”

And then I thought that would happen is that I would write a post only to wake up this morning to find that I had written nothing but fatigue-induced gibberish.

So here is the delayed post  . . . sent out with love and gratefulness to all of you who are so faithfully accompanying us on this journey.

I’ll close with a few photos I took after the appointment near the Cancer Clinic. The weather was pristine and it was so therapeutic to take a few moments to breathe in flower-scented, serene air and be reminded that the One who created all those flowers and trees also created the flower that is my daughter and holds her–and her future–in His hands.


112 comments so far.

112 responses to “No Cancer”

  1. Brenda says:

    I could not believe my eyes and could not be more thankful to see “no cancer”. Such wonderful, incredible news! Praying for the doctors who will decide how to handle the tumor and for Sarah and Gage to have the most beautiful wedding month ahead. The timing of Gage in Sarah’s life is so incredible and so beautifully written – thank you, as always, for sharing your story with us.

    • Becky says:


      I love the idea of Sarah and Gage’s lives being beautifully written–not necessarily by me, but the way the two of them are living them. Thank you for your encouraging words.

      • Brenda says:

        Hello, Becky. Thank you so much for replying – I so want to tell you, the words “beautifully written” have been running through my mind for weeks now. I have read every post you’ve shared and quietly been in awe of the timing of Gage in Sarah’s, and all of your, lives. You yourself share your life story so beautifully here…and then thinking of their story…Gage entering your lives when he did could not be more beautifully written both by you and God.

        Continued prayers for Sarah, for her physicians, for your family and all who will be beside her through this journey.

  2. Wendy says:

    When I opened my email and read no cancer, I whooped and cried tears of joy for all of you. Now we will all band together in prayer for the tumor to shrink and for wisdom for the Drs who will be involved.
    Glad you made it safely home in the storm. Ugh.

  3. Debbie Couture says:

    So happy it’s not cancer. I hope and pray it reduces in size to be removed surgically. Hope all the timing is good for the wedding. You all are an inspiration in trusting in God. My prayers will continue.

  4. Cheryl H says:

    But, God… Hallelujah!!!!

  5. Nancy Irving says:

    Phew! I’m so relieved and very happy as I know you all are. Sending love and continued blessings.

  6. Isa93 says:

    I’m a longtime reader and first-time commenter and am so very glad to hear that the tumor is not cancer. I can relate to having my case sent before a tumor board: almost 4 years ago I had a “borderline ovarian” tumor with implants throughout my abdomen. At age 39, I had to wait for 2 weeks after a (4+hour, very extensive) surgery to learn that the tumor was not cancer and the implants were not mets! My type of tumor also tends to recur so I have regular scans and blood tests…but in between, I would like Sarah to know that I have a 100% normal life and don’t even think about my “situation” all that much in between exams. All my best wishes for the wedding and upcoming treatment.

    • Becky says:


      Thank you for commenting for the first time AND leaving such encouraging words with you. I truly know how difficult it is to wait for results and the huge feeling of relief when they come back the way you were hoping. So glad that things have gone well for you since your diagnosis and your life is able to proceed normally.

      The Smith family rejoices with you!

  7. SueEllen says:

    What WONDERFUL news!! I was so very happy to see the words No Cancer! Praying for wisdom and discernment for Sarah, y’all, and her medical team as treatment plans are determined.

  8. Linda in Pittsburgh says:

    I am so thankful and happy to hear “no cancer”. But, I am also praying that the tumor will miraculously shrink by itself and either completely disappear or simplify removal of it. Now, not to completely ignore the tumor, you can focus on the wedding. Surely God sent Gage to Sarah to help her face whatever treatment lies ahead. And, what a wonderful man He sent. I am sure that they will be a great team traveling the road of life together, whether they are sailing along the straight and smooth highway or facing the bumpy, twisting detour, their love and faith will get them through.
    Hugs, prayers and blessings,
    Linda in Pittsburgh

    • Becky says:


      Love the imagery of the smooth highway or the twisting detour–knowing Sarah and Gage’s love will give them strength to keep traveling the roads together.

  9. Alice Bailey says:

    So happy for the good news. Becky, you are such a good writer, thanks for keeping us updated. Still lifting y’all up in prayer, especially Sarah …❣️❣️

    • Becky says:


      Nice to see your name pop up here!

      Thank you so much for your prayers and encouraging words about my writing.

      Was just thinking about C.V. the other day and all the fun we had making music together. Blessings.

  10. Liz says:

    What wonderful news! Hallelujah! ❤️

  11. Ronna Perry says:

    Hallelujah. 🙏

  12. Angue says:

    So happy for you all! Praise The Lord, no cancer. Continued prayers for you, Sara, your family, and the medical team. Happy wedding planning!

  13. Michele says:

    So so happy it’s not cancer! Praise God! ! I’m sorry Sarah has to go through all this but I am so glad treatment can wait until after the wedding! I hope she can relax s bit and just enjoy this special time in her life. Prayers for all!

  14. Sharyn says:

    I am sure that the thunder you hear is from Happy Dancing feet. EXCITEMENT! PTL, and Praiseallelujah! Thankful for these doctors who will continue to talk and make wise decisions as to what the next steps are. Now to continue planning the wedding with the weight off the shoulders.
    On another note, how is Steve doing?

  15. Monique says:

    This is so incredible! “For I know the plans for you declares the LORD”!!! I just willed for this post to mention that Sarah’s tumor was not cancer…so what a beautiful title you picked. Praying they are able to find the best route to deal with her mysterious tumor. Thinking of you all and singing praises 🙂

  16. Megan says:

    Adding my voice to the hallelujah chorus! What incredibly amazing news!

  17. Susan Frye says:

    I’m so relieved and overjoyed for your family! I’ve followed your blog for a while now, but this is my first time posting. I look forward to pictures of the beautiful bride on her wedding day!

    Has Sarah by chance had the J&J Covid vaccine recently? That could explain both the fevers and low platelets. Just a thought. 🙂

  18. Karen says:

    Praise the Lord! God is so good and faithful! I will continue to pray for Sarah, and the exciting days ahead!

  19. Michelle says:

    I am so thankful to hear this! Something in my gut was telling me it wasn’t going to be cancer! So happy for all of you!

  20. Anna says:

    I have been following for a very long time. Rarely comment, but this is such wonderful news. Many questions still to be addressed, but prayers that God’s wisdom guides Sarah’s medical team.
    Happy wedding planning days ahead!

  21. Dee from Tennessee says:

    Dee From Tennessee

    I am beyond thankful – and I give God all the glory . ( A close relative has a rare orphan illness that involves multiple lipomas, and I know it’s a struggle so I’m not “ disregarding “ Sarah’s diagnosis.) But glory to God , the words , “ No cancer ,” just made my heart soar .

    What a wedding and a celebration, and onward they will go , hand in hand , facing the future together . I thank God for your close proximity to Duke — so , so many people from our little town go to Duke . It’s seven hours away but how blessed we are to have Duke ( and Vanderbilt) . God has given the drs so much knowledge, and our trust and hope is in him . ( It is almost surreal to think of Sarah being back at Duke when I think of all the days you all spent there and your poignant posts …. and I’m sorry she is . At the same , I thank the Lord for Duke and all whom they help , day in and day out . )

    • Becky says:


      Yes, I get it! Rejoicing over the no cancer and being concerned over the complicated tumor all at the same time is a rollercoaster for usre. But thank you for being happy with us at the “no cancer” words!

      Yes, we are immensely grateful to be within driving distance of Duke and to know Sarah is in such good hands.

  22. Karen Baumgardner says:

    Tears of joy! Praising God!

  23. Words cannot express our profound happiness at the glorious news in today’s blog! It is the exact outcome for which we have been praying. Let us all go forward rejoicing and encouraged about the days ahead. Love, Fred & Lucy

  24. Phyllis says:

    That title says it all. While the tumor is still there, no cancer is a huge relief and answer to prayer.
    I knew you would have a long day yesterday so wasn’t surprised that you didn’t post until this morning. You need to take care of yourself also!
    Continued prayers.

  25. Eb says:

    Tears of relief and joy for you all! Like many others I am praying and checking in many times a day. My mouth dropped reading the headline! Sooo happy for the bride! But of course sorry there are scary issues to deal with at all.
    Hope you can all get some needed rest to gear up for the exciting weeks ahead!
    Thank you for sharing your journey.
    Love and prayers for your family.❣

  26. Sarah says:

    That is such good news! What a relief! I hope you guys have the most relaxing weekend!

  27. Nicole Doyal says:

    Praise God! I was so happy when I saw the title of today’s post. Love the photos! Praying for answers as far as what to do and handle the removal of the tumor.
    Have a great day.

  28. Jenna Hoff says:

    Wow! This is the BEST news! I read this when I awoke earlier this morning, and as soon as I saw the title of the post, tear cames to my eyes! I’m overjoyed for Sarah and for you.

    Your team of people who care deeply about your family, both in your home town and from afar, will continue to walk with you through the treatment to remove the tumour. You are not alone.

    I am so incredibly thankful that it is not cancer- and also that the surgery or chemo can wait till after her wedding. That is going to be one special day! I can’t wait to see all the photos! I am so happy for her and Gage and all of you!

  29. Lisa L. says:

    I am so incredibly relieved. Now to proceed with the celebration! I know the road is far from straight, but Sarah will be covered in prayer through every twist and turn. She is your daughter, but I feel she is all of ours in spirit. ❤️❤️

  30. Kate Abell says:

    Hooray!! What an incredible relief for you all! As a reader from the beginning of your blogging journey (and Sarah’s cancer journey) from the other side of the Atlantic, I have had every finger crossed since you first let us know about the mass that Sarah found. Such fantastic news that it isn’t cancer… Sending love and best wishes from England for the next steps to you, Steve, Sarah and Gage. Full steam ahead wedding plans!

  31. Babette says:

    So so happy for you!! Now on to fighting this (at least named) thing and preparing the wedding. What a whirlwind of times.

  32. Krista says:

    Oh, Praise The Lord!! Also, just the title alone made me do a Happy Dance. Then when I read the first paragraph, I did another one =)
    And, lovely pictures. We have snow (blech) on Monday here and it’s ugly, so your pictures cheered me up, too!

    Continuing to pray for everyone!!

  33. Megan from NJ says:

    This is such a relief and an answer to many prayers. While there are still challenges ahead, I KNOW Sarah will overcome them with her signature grace.

    Lots of love from a long time Sarah Smith fan.

  34. DeLynn says:

    Praise God from whom all blessings flow! This was your best blog title ever, I think! Thank you for this wonderful update. I will continue to pray for you all–including the doctors making decisions about how to care for dear Sarah. May God meet all your needs. So so so thankful for this wonderful news!

  35. Joy says:

    Wonderful news. God is good. Now we just have to pray that this tumor shrinks fast. I know you all are so relieved.

    Love and Hugs!!

  36. Guerrina says:

    Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Leaky eyes!

  37. Ann Peterson says:

    So so so happy to hear this news!! I’m not much of a dancer, but I’m doing a happy dance this morning for sure. Continued prayers as the doctors work thru the rest of the treatment options. Enjoy the wedding preparations!!!

  38. Jen O'Dell says:


  39. Mrs. Pam says:

    thank you, loving Father.
    I can’t dance, but I sure can smile 🙂

  40. Cindy says:

    The two best words to read this morning! I did a happy dance and my cat looked at me like I was crazy!

  41. Beth Kayser says:

    I am totally doing a Hallelujah Happy Dance. Praising God for such great news and welcome relief. Continuing prayers for treatment direction and WEDDNG plans. There is quite a bit of HAPPY to go around.


  42. JennyJoT says:

    So, so SO happy to see this news! We’ve been praying hard that it would NOT be cancer. I realize it is still serious, but NO CANCER!!! Thank you for sharing, Becky. We rejoice with y’all, and continue to pray for wisdom and discernment for the doctors.
    Now let the wedding festivities (or preparations for them) continue. BIG SMILES and BIGGER thanks to our loving God.

  43. Debbie Haskell says:

    Best blog title ever! So relieved and happy for all of you!

  44. JenniferK says:

    Just the most wonderful news! I’m so thrilled that Sarah and Gage will begin their lives together without the terrible C word hanging over their heads. Happy for all of the Smiths today!

  45. Teresa Hewitt says:

    I read the words NO CANCER on my phone and immediately texted those happy words to my daughter, who has been following Sarah’s story with me for many years. We are both dancing our hearts out and our legs off here in England, alongside everyone who loves Sarah all across the world. Understood that there are some hurdles ahead, but there’s so much hope and positivity and LIFE to look forward to for Sarah now.. life as a married woman with her lovely Gage. All our love to all of you, Teresa and Juliet xxxxx

  46. Heather E. says:

    The two most beautiful words I’ve read today ” No Cancer”. So thankful!

    Praying for wisdom for the tumor board as they meet to determine the best course of treatment for sweet Sarah.


  47. LeeAnne says:

    Oh hallelujah!!!! No cancer!!! Happy dancing in Nebraska!!
    This news was totally worth the wait!
    Gorgeous pictures as usual. The 45 minutes sounds hairy. Yuck! Glad you made it home safely.

    • Janet says:

      Happy dancing and praising God!!
      What wonderful news and an answer to many prayers. No you just have to get the rest of those pesky questions answered. I can’t imagine your gratitude knowing that tumor was not malignant. Continued prayers for all of you.

  48. Lynne says:

    I can’t even tell you how happy this makes me! What an answer to prayer 🙏!!!!

  49. Jessica K says:

    Yay! Praise God!

  50. Candy Charles says:

    What a blessing ! Sarah is a special lady and God has plans for their ministry together. Thanks for sharing with us. Enjoy planning the wedding and we will rejoice with you all at this special time in the lives of us as parents. Love you all and enjoy your journey, you are a special family.

  51. Bridgette says:

    A “No Cancer” update was absolutely worth the wait!!! Rejoicing with each of you!

  52. Linda brown says:

    I know you must be worn out but such great news!!
    Thank you for keeping us up dated
    Life certainly has a lot of twist and turns so glad that our Father is in control and he knows all and sees all.
    Thanking God for all his blessings and holding you and your family strong.

  53. Kay says:

    Rejoicing! Goosebumps! Happy dancing! And… “ being confident of this very thing, that HE who has begun a good work in you, will finish it until the day of Jesus Christ”. What God has started HE will complete. Trusting together for complete and total healing. Kay

  54. Patti says:

    Such good news. What everyone has been praying for. Prayers as you go forward with treatment and wedding plans.

  55. Katrina says:

    Does Bully tumor has a official name?

  56. Gayle in AL says:

    Praise, praise, praise!!! I’m so glad that you got some happy news! Now wedding planning can be done without an awful cancer diagnosis hanging over your heads. I had to read the “No Cancer” title several times. What wonderful words. Praying for no further treatment before the wedding so that it can just be enjoyed! What relief you all must be feeling. 🙂

  57. Marjie Rinehart says:

    Oh Becky, Steve, Sarah,
    My heart is leaping with joy, amongst tears of gratitude. Prayers will continue, and hopefully answers to everything else. May God continue to wrap his arms around you as you go through all of this. I wished I was there to hug you all.
    Prayers from Iowa,

  58. Jan Reuther says:

    I’d say that your news took my breath away, but I think it was just me exhaling all the breath I’ve been holding, waiting for the news.

    CONGRATULATIONS! Nothing like a little pre-wedding excitement to give them something to talk about! And by the way (and you can assume this is a hint if you so desire), you do know how easy it would be to invite all your faithful Smithellaneous fans to the wedding via Zoom, right?

  59. Gloria A Smith says:

    Father God, we boldly come before you asking for complete healing for Sarah. In the Mighty Name of Jesus we praise you for casting down every stronghold in Sarah’s life today. We praise you for walking with Becky and Pastor Steve, for guiding the doctors at Duke Hospital. We praise you for our strong Christian leaders in Manteo, NC, Becky and Steve Smith.
    Cousin Gloria
    Asheville, NC

  60. Heather says:

    Been reading for a long time and rarely comment – this is worth commenting, hollering and dancing! This news is tremendous!

  61. Gail Puckett says:

    Happy dancing in East Tennessee. Praise the Lord for His goodness. Of course I choose to believe she was healed of cancer. So many prayers going forth for sweet Sarah and your family. I am so very very happy and thankful

  62. Vicky elder says:

    Praise the Lord!!

  63. Catherine says:

    Yay!!! No Cancer!!! PTL!!!!
    Such a relief!!! Now onto the wedding!!! Praying that all works out with the tumor. And the Dr. find the right plan for Sarah. I’m so happy for y’all. Hugs to all.

  64. Michelle says:

    Wonderful news!! Happy dancing from Harford County, Maryland!! Hope you all have a great day 🙂

  65. What a beautiful early wedding gift from our Maker.

  66. Lesley says:

    Wonderful news on the no cancer front. What a relief. It does sound like a Desmoid tumor, which if so is challenging in a very different way. They will be on it for sure. In the meantime, eyes toward the wedding! Oh happy day! Hoping for clear results with the pesky colonoscopy.

    • Becky says:


      Yes, I know as a nurse you are especially aware of the complexities of this tumor. Glad we have the excellent folks at Duke looking out for her.

  67. Jan Turner says:

    Woo hoo! Best news EVER!

  68. Buff says:

    Cold chills down my body when I saw No Cancer. Like I didn’t expect God to answer all those prayers! Sheesh!
    Will be praying for Bully Tumor to shrink away. I know that Alligator Alley. And I hate driving in storms. So glad you made it home safely. Rest up! You have things to do!
    But did you find a dress? I loved both of my mother of the bride dresses. Good luck if you are still looking for it. You will know it when you see it!
    Excited about the wedding!

    • Becky says:


      Didn’t find a dress at the mall. May be happier looking at a consignment store. 🙂

      • DeLynn says:


        I don’t know if you shop on Amazon, but I got one of my MOB dresses on Amazon. It made us all chuckle! It was a great dress! Also, I have a friend who has been shopping recently for MOG and GMOG dresses…Dillard’s (often a great place for fancy dresses) had a great inventory and many were marked down quite a bit. I don’t know if you have one near you, but it might be worth a try if so.

        Also, I meant to mention earlier that I know we rejoice at “no cancer,” but there are still certainly significant issues with which to contend–the tumor, treatment, Sarah’s weight–I didn’t mean to minimize the fact that there are challenges ahead. So thankful that the Great Physician is with you as well.

        • Becky says:


          I actually have looked at Amazon a little and found a couple of possibilities.

          As I mentioned in another comment, it’s a weird place to be emotionally. ALL of us rejoicing over no cancer and yes still trying to not ignore the medical complexities that are yet to come. Definitely a mixed bag of emotions–and most prominent right now is the joy of her being cancer free.

  69. suzie walters says:

    Praise God! I’m so happy to hear this. I will continue to pray for Sarah and your family. Now, let’s have a wedding for that beautiful girl.


  70. Suzanne says:

    Praise the Lord! This news just made my entire day!

    Happy dancing for SURE!

    Continuing to pray for Sarah and Gage and the whole Smith family!

  71. Lynne Lankford says:

    Oh my goodness I am so thankful God answers prayers! Get some rest, plan the wedding and know many of us will continue praying! Becky one of my prayers was for Sarah to be healed so she and Gage can be a light for young people! Sitting here drinking my coffee, thanking and praising Jesus!

  72. Katrina says:

    Great news!

    I hope Bully Tumor wil shrink on its own.

  73. Brooke Robertshaw says:

    Yeah! I’m so very glad that it isn’t cancer. So grateful. God is good. I’m also glad you got home safely. Long drive, horrible thunderstorms, not fun. I would have cried at some point. *hug* You are amazing.

  74. Ellen W says:

    No cancer???!!!!!!!! Best wedding gift EVER!!!! What a huge, massive, colossal relief. Wow!

    • Ellen W says:

      PS Not to be dismisive of the fact that the tumor is still a challenge. Just relieved that it’s challenging rather than imminently life threatening.

      • Becky says:


        Thanks for your sensitivity on that. We are in a very strange emotional place of being really happy and being really concerned all at the same time. The treatment is going to be no walk in the park and it’s not something any newlywed wants to face. (Or anyone else, for that matter.) So very mixed emotions in the Smith house today–but definitely grateful for the “no cancer” verdict.

  75. Cindy says:

    I am literally sitting in my car with tears running down my face….God is so good!!!

  76. Catherine says:

    Praise God from who all blessings flow. I will continue to pray for Sarah as she travels this uncertain path, but was happy to see the words ” no cancer”. Happy wedding planning

  77. Jill N says:

    Answered prayers! No cancer! I know there is another issue to deal with, but no cancer is such joyous news to hear! Wow! I will continue to pray for a good treatment plan or shrinking of this mass, and no health issues for this lovely bride to be!
    Did you find your dress? I enjoyed finding mine two years ago for my sons wedding. Enjoy the planning now! It’s not far off.

  78. Mary Chambers says:

    I have prayed that it wasn’t Cancer and Hallelujah it isn’t!
    I can’t tell you how pleased I am for Sarah. I will continue to pray for Sarah and all the family xxxx

  79. Faye L says:

    There is indeed a Happy Dance. Also get some rest, I know you are extremely tired. That was a rather bad storm last night. I hate to think of you driving thur Alligator Alley in it alone. Warm hearts going your way.We are always just a walk away or a call away if you need us.

  80. Mel says:

    God is great. No other words necessary.

  81. Shawn says:

    Happy Dance here in Kansas! Praying that they come up with an easy plan to take the tumor out.

  82. Ann O. says:

    Happy dancing in central Ohio!!!! And prayers continue for a good plan forward!!!

  83. Lynn Ladd says:

    Wonderful news. Praying for the tumor to shrink on its own!

  84. Laura Nettles says:

    Praise God from whom all blessings flow!

  85. Kathie Hamburg says:

    I feel like I’ve been holding my breath since finding out there could be a problem. I saw the title of today’s blog and a huge wave of relief came over me. I also did a little mental happy dance!
    Now on to happy wedding thoughts!

  86. Linda Wellendorf says:

    Whoo hoo! Happy dancing in Ohio!

  87. Judy says:

    Praise the Lord for mercy and grace! Continuing to pray for Sarah!

  88. Stefanie says:

    Happy dancing in St. Louis!!!

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