Nathan and Snowy

August 22, 2012

Right now I am working on a post about Snowy’s funeral—a daunting, precious task.  I should have it up in the next couple of hours.

In the meantime, Nathan’s blogging mom-in-law, Sheri, just wrote a post a post about Snowy and Nathan that you just have to read.  So very, very sweet.

Here are a few miscellaneous pictures Nathan and Snowy together, followed by a few photos of all three of my “kids.”




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8 comments so far.

8 responses to “Nathan and Snowy”

  1. Becky says:

    Mrs. Pam, yep, I agree that Nathan AND Snowy are special fellas.

  2. Elizabeth says:

    I haven’t been able to check my favorite blogs lately. I was so sad when I read about Snowy! I feel your pain as we had to put our beloved labrador, Beau, to sleep 3 years ago. It is such a heart wrenching decision. Even thought we have a new fury friend, I still think about Beau all the time. I’m so glad you are remembering these special times with Snowy. He will be forever in your hearts. God Bless!

    • Becky says:

      Elizaberth, Beau is such a sweet name for a dog; I love it. I’m glad you had such a wonderful dog to love but so sorry that he is gone. Thank you for your compassionate words.

  3. Mary H says:

    Tears, again. Not for the loss of Snowy but for the love of a wonderful young man for his mama and for his mother-in-law and her care of his heart and her pride in her “new” son.

  4. Nancy Irving says:

    I had gone over to Sheri’s blog early this morning and of course cried (I seem to be doing alot of that lately). The story was really sweet. I love the pictures you posted of the 3 kids, they are beautiful and definitely hold wonderful snowy memories.

  5. Mrs. Pam says:

    Since I wasn’t successful in leaving a comment on Sheri’s blog, this is for her:

    Sheri, yep, not only one special son-in-law, but a pretty special doggy-in-law, too!

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