Mrs. Pam, Lesley, LeeAnne, Jenna Hoff, Mary H.

January 2, 2015

The names that make up the title of today’s post were the top five commenters in 2014.  Thank you ladies, for being such a special part of the Smithellaneous community and for taking the time to not just read the posts, but to add your voice to the conversation.  You are special to me!

If you’d like to see any more stats (like how many times each of those people commented, who was in the top 25,  which of the 104 countries my readers were from, etc) you can click here. (And then scroll down.)


Before I start on today’s post . . .

I just want to say thank you for the comments you have continued to leave on Saturday’s post.  To know we are not waiting alone . . . well, that means everything to us.

Today, Steve and I celebrate 33 years of marriage and one of the best parts of our marriage has been the children God has blessed us with.  We have enjoyed this Christmas so much, getting to spend time with our three Smith kids and grand baby.

One of the things that Meagan was especially excited about from a picture-taking vantage perspective was getting some photos of Noah in the fall leaves. (Florida is a fabulous place but it is not widely known for a plethora of fallen leaves.)

Here are some of her shots. 




I LOVE this one.


At one point, Nathan had to grab Noah from running toward the road; when was done, he took the time to explain to him why it was dangerous.  He and Meagan are such excellent parents—we are so proud of them both.


I took a few outdoor pictures as well.




When Noah wasn’t strolling through the fall foliage, he kept busy helping Grandma rearrange her cupboards. Although I keep some plastic items in that cupboard, too, he was much more interested in the metal things because they made such a Lovely! Loud! Noise!  Whatever would I have done without my little helper?


One of the nights that the family was here, I got a touch of the stomach flu that Sarah had just gotten over.  Meagan sent me off to rest and whipped up a wonderful dinner for us all—a lovely chicken casserole that was the perfect food for a delicate stomach.  Have I mentioned what a fabulous daughter-in-love she is?

After we had all eaten her delectable repast, Nathan and Sarah launched into dinner clean up.  (Meagan’s family, the Hawleys, have a rule that if you cook, you are not allowed to do dishes.)

It brought me so much joy to see the two of them together in the kitchen once again.



 I’ll leave you with one more picture to make you smile!

noah edit

36 comments so far.

36 responses to “Mrs. Pam, Lesley, LeeAnne, Jenna Hoff, Mary H.”

  1. Kristina says:

    Perhaps this will be my New Years resolution…. heh, heh, heh….

  2. Jodi says:

    Noah is simply adorable! MeagaNate make beautiful babies! It seems Noah adores playing in the leaves! If nature is what they want for Noah, I’ve got a whole bunch of snow that I’d be happy to send to Florida for Noah to enjoy! Please, don’t argue (wink, wink), it really would be no trouble @ all!

  3. Mrs. Pam says:

    that was sorta exciting to see that I made quite a few comments.
    I love the idea of mailing leaves to Florida…. wonder if that CUTE Noah would appreciate a moving van full of St. Louis leaves next year…..

  4. Jill says:

    We have an abundance of leaves in North Florida. Send them my way with a rake! They can rake and take!
    Glad you had a nice visit despite the illness.
    Praying for good results Wed!

    • Becky says:


      I know you wonderful Floridians do get a hankering for a few leaves to fall every now and then. I like your line “rake and take.” (As opposed to ‘shake and bake.”)

  5. Joy Davis says:

    Happy New Year to the Smith family. My new year’s resolution is to comment on your page more. I have kept up with Sarah soon after she was diagnosed. I was trying to remember how I came upon her caringbridge page and I think it was from Sarah Morgan from Wilson. I guess you might call me a stalker. lol I look forward to every night to check and see if you have posted. You are such an inspiration! No matter what you or your family are going through you always seem to stay positive. I will be praying for Sarah, you and your family as you wait for the up coming tests. I pray Sarah gets good news. She is a real trooper. Have a wonderful Saturday.

    • Becky says:


      I have to say that I love your New Year’s resolution! 🙂 It makes my whole day when I have the privilege of hearing from my readers. Thanks for taking the time to leave a note!

  6. Becky,
    You and your family are on Center Presbyterian’s Prayer Chain. You are also in my prayers.

    From one Sarah’s Mommy to another

    • Becky says:


      From one Sarah’s Mommy to another–many hugs and sweet thoughts of your Sarah.

      And thanks for putting us on Center’s prayer chain; that church is so incredibly dear to us–so many memories there.

  7. Tiffany Hawkins says:

    Happy Anniversary!! January is a great month to celebrate!! My birthday is tomorrow (The 3rd), my great grandma’s was the 4th and the twins will celebrate turning 8 on the 24th! 🙂 Not to mention that Abby’s dance team will head to Knoxville, TN to compete in the National Competition for their clogging routines! 🙂 Prayers still for Sarah and the whole family… and have I mentioned that Noah is simply adorable??

    • Becky says:


      How exciting for Abby’s team to be going to Knoxville! It’s not every day you meet a kid who knows how to clog! 🙂

  8. Linda in Pgh says:

    Such wonderful pictures! Especially love the ones of Noah in the leaves, and the siblings in the kitchen. Actually, love them all.
    Am sending all good and positive thoughts and prayers your way as you and Sarah face this next “bump in the road” Hope the appointment goes well today, and the test results bring good news.
    Linda in Pittsburgh

    • Becky says:


      I was so much fun watching Noah play in those leaves. Leaves and kids were made for each other!

      Just to confirm our schedule: Sarah’s appointment (biopsy) is not till next Wednesday. (Although I wish it HAD been today so we could get it over with!)

      • Linda in Pgh says:

        Sorry, don’t know how I got the days mixed up. Will be saying extra prayers for all of you and especially for Sarah and good news from the biopsy results. Waiting and praying with you.
        Linda in Pittsburgh

  9. Jenna Hoff says:

    Happy anniversary! Love that last photo of the little quarterback! What a sweet baby. How fun to make your top five commentor list! I so enjoy reading your blog; you and your family have become special to me too.

    It was nice to see autumn leaves photos, made me miss autumn! We are in the midst of a blizzard today (on top of all the snow that stays on the ground 8 months per year) but one nice thing about living in a northern city is the city is equipped for heavy snowfall, so even when several inches fall, like today, we still will be able to drive across the city and go ahead with regular activities and all stores stay open.

    Happy new year!!!

    the ground) How fun to make your top five commentor list! I so enjoy reading your blog; you and your family have become special to me too. Happy new year! !

    • Becky says:


      I cannot even comprehend having snow on the ground 8 months a year. Just. Wow. My hat is off to you hardy folks who continue on with your schedules just like billions of snowflakes are nothing out of the ordinary!

      I’ll think of you next time I walk through some fall leaves. 🙂

  10. Lesley says:

    That Mrs. Pam! She always beats me!!

    The house must be so quiet now 🙁 One of the many things that is wonderful about where you live is that you have the beautiful weather(no coats), along with the colorful leaves. Too cold up here on Cape Cod. Brrr. So nice to see ‘the kids’ in the kitchen together. And Noah’s eyes! Oh my!

    • Becky says:


      Yeah, I know, Mrs. Pam is pretty hard to beat but being in the Top Five at all took some doing. I always enjoy your comments!

      And I agree–Noah does have some beautiful eyes!

  11. SueEllen says:

    Happy Happy Anniversary Becky and Steve! Thank you for sharing all these fabulous pictures with us. Continued prayers for wisdom, discernment, and peace in the days ahead.

    • Becky says:


      Thanks for your prayers and words of encouragement. They are much needed and much appreciated. And thanks for the anniversary wishes–we are going to celebrate next week when we can carve out some time.

  12. Liz says:

    Keeping you all in my prayers as you face this next hurdle with Sarah.

  13. Steve says:

    Wonderful Christmas memories. We’re so blessed!

  14. Shawn says:

    Happy Anniversary!! I just love Noah’s blue eyes. Thanks for posting all of these pictures. I really enjoy all of them. Sending prayers your way, hoping that everyone is feeling better and prayers for Sarah, for her procedure next week.

    • Becky says:


      Thankfully, we’re all basically back to feeling normal. Getting geared up for that biopsy in a few days.

      So happy you enjoyed the pictures; I sure loved sharing them.

  15. Anniversary Blessings to you and Steve!

  16. Phyllis says:

    Happy anniversary! I need to impose that rule in my household. I do all the cooking for holidays – my mom helps as much as she’s able. I have one brother that will rinse plates but thinks the dishes magically jump from the sink to the dishwasher by themselves. 🙂
    I agree with Meagan on the leaves. After living in Florida for nearly 13 years, I moved back to the Kansas City area in June. I was happy to see the fall colors this year, the 3 degrees Wednesday morning – not so much.

    • Becky says:


      Yes, it IS amazing how some people think that dishes organize themselves into an orderly little march over to the dishwasher. Wouldn’t it be great if that were the case?

  17. LeeAnne says:

    Great pictures and such An adorable little helper. 🙂 Happy new year!! Many prayers for Sarah and the upcoming test!

    • Becky says:


      Yes, Noah was a great little helper but it’s amazing how much more quickly I got dinner prepared tonight without his help! 🙂 He’s such a sweetie.

  18. beckylp says:

    next year when the leaves fall, you must send a surprise box full to Florida. They weigh next to nothing. One of my Florida friends is always so excited when her leaves from back home arrive as she wanted her little ones to enjoy leaves as she had growing up. So glad you all seem to be feeling better. we continue to pray for all of you and especially Sarah

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