
November 26, 2018

I know you are probably eager to read the report of the latest Dare Challenge Thanksgiving Meal but I’m afraid I haven’t been able to get it all together yet; life’s been a little crazy.  I promise I will post it in the next couple of days.

In the meantime, I’ll share a few other photos.

Here’s a picture Meagan posted with Nathan as they started a quick family vacation. She wrote:

Every day isn’t perfect but I love the journey we are on together! I cherish the time we can get away from the everyday norms to refocus and refresh. 

Happy news on the Grayson front. He has been gaining a pound a week.  Way to go, Grayson buddy!

And for a total overload of cuteness, here are the two older grandkids with their cousin. (in the middle.) 

As cute as the pictures above are, this one wins the Picture of the Week for me. 


It is especially meaningful in light of the fact that Ken has been in the hospital for several days with heart pain and is having a stent placed this morning.  Steve drove to Charlotte last night so that he could be with his parents during the procedure.

Speaking of health, I spent three days in bed last week with a bad case of strep throat. In fifty-six years, I have NEVER had a sore throat that hurt that much. I could only speak in a whisper for a few days; in fact, when I went to the doctor, I typed out all my symptoms and medications on a piece of paper so that he wouldn’t have to decipher whisperspeak.

I finally dragged myself to my feet on Thursday morning and did a week’s worth of prep in one day, just barely getting it all done in time for the Dare Challenge guys to walk in the door at 4:45 p.m.

I could NEVER have gotten it done without Steve, Sarah, and her roommate, Becca. They got last-minute groceries, set the tables, carted things around, and generally made themselves invaluable.  

(And for those of you who have been inquiring about Sarah’s weight, she has still not been able to gain back any of the ten pounds that she lost–which was about 10% of her body weight.  But she is holding steady and not losing more, so that’s a good thing.)

As always, our Thanksgiving season was filled with all manner of loveliness and order.


There is a story behind that toppled table which I will tell you in the next post.

Just so you don’t worry that the guys had to cope with messy chaos, here is a little glimpse of the actual evening.

Don’t you love the table runner?  It’s actually supposed to be a garland which Steve found on clearance. But then he had the idea of making a runner out of it. Perfect!


Lots more pictures and stories to come.

                What was your favorite part of Thanksgiving this year?

22 comments so far.

22 responses to “Mondayness”

  1. Jenna hoff says:

    Looks wonderful! And as an aside, I love Sarah’s hair. Very cool!!!

    • Becky says:


      I love your aside that you love Sarah’s hair. Since your two kids have creative styles of their own, you are more in position to appreciate it!

  2. Lesley says:

    Oh Becky, strep throat is awful. I had it when I was about 10 and I can still remember the pain, I could not swallow at all! I do not know how you were able to attend the Thanksgiving festivities, altho it sounds like you went to the doctor quickly for antibiotics. You are a trooper.
    Sarah still looks good, even with her weight loss. She looks happy and healthy. And Mr Grayson is just so adorable!! He looks a tiny bit like his sister. Nathan looks a little tired, no wonder with 3 kiddos now, it must be a very busy household. Will you see them for Christmas this year?
    As for my thanksgiving, well I pulled a “Becky” and was also sick. For me, it was a UTI. I got into urgent care just before closing the day before Thanksgiving so I could start antibiotics. So I made the executive decision to stay home on the big day rather than dragging my sick self and Sarah out in the freezing cold and over to one of the boys’ houses. I was more than happy to stay in my pjs all day, drink LOTs of fluids, watch the parade in the morning and cook our own little meal later in the day.
    I hope by now you are perking up and that the strep throat remains at bay after your course of antibiotics ends. Sometimes it is stubborn and revisits. If there is the slightest increase in throat pain afterwards -get back to the doc, do not wait. Hugs to you.

    • Becky says:


      Yes, we will be going to Florida a few days after Christmas to spend a few days with the Southernmost Smiths. I think Nathan and Meagan just stay continually tired with three little ones and church and jobs a bazillion other things. Glad they are young enough to pull it off; their schedule would do me in!

      I’m so sorry you were sick over Thanksgiving, too! Thankful you made it to Urgent Care before closing. Those antibiotics are wonderful things! Sounds like a simple Thanksgiving was definitely the BEST Thanksgiving for you and sweet Sarah. Hope you are feeling much, MUCH better.

  3. Sharyn McDonald says:

    So glad that Sara and her friend were able to be there to help, oh and Steve – beautiful runner. I guess I was or am more interested in how YOU were or are doing. Cannot imagine how hard it was to get through the day and probably wishing that nap time could not come soon enough. I’m sure the men as usual were appreciative of you and Steve for having them again. God bless each of those men as they continue to live for Him. And bless you Becky and praying you’re doing better every day. What a time to get strep throat!

    • Becky says:


      Yeah, I agree it wasn’t the best week to have strep throat! Fortunately, I got on an antibiotic soon enough so that I wasn’t contagious and was not feeling quite as bad as I was earlier in the week.

      It was worth it to see the appreciation and joy of those guys; such a great evening!

  4. Ann Martin says:

    So sorry you are sick but thankful Grayson is gaining weight. Now prayers that Sarah will gain. Prayers everything went well today with Ken and safe travels for Steve as he returns home. Know the dinner was a great success as usual. My favorite thing was cooking for Jim and me and using some of my Mama’s recipes for the first time cooking dressing, sweet potato casserole and pecan pie. My Mama would have been proud and that made me feel good. I have used Stove Top dressing but never made it from “scratch” and baked it before with oysters, toast and crackers. I used bag cornbread dressing mix with it. Prayers continue for good health for all.

    • Becky says:


      Isn’t it amazing how cooking the recipes of someone we love can make us feel so close to that person? It’s like the knowledge that they have stood in their kitchens and gone through those exact steps makes the memory of them and the love of them all the stronger.

      Sounds like you and Jim had a feast!

  5. SueEllen Williams says:

    So sorry to hear that you’ve been battling strep throat – I hope you are now fully recovered. Delighted to hear Grayson is gaining weight and Sarah is holding steady! (I have a few pounds I wish I could donate 🙂 ) Prayers that everything went well with Ken’s procedure today. Good to know you had such excellent help – but your “messy” looks about like my everyday. Have a great week and I look forward to this year’s installment of the Dare Challenge Thanksgiving.

    • Becky says:

      Sue Ellen,

      Yes, I told Sarah I could donate a few pounds, too! 🙂

      I guess messiness is okay as long as it means something good is in the works, right?

  6. Sheri says:

    I want to be just like YOU when I grow up! Hugs, My Friend!

  7. Ruth C. Rehberg says:

    So sad you have been so sick… hope you are getting better. Glad you had good help for your dinner, and such good news on the baby’s weight gain! Ruth

    • Becky says:


      Sounds like you all had a great time during Thanksgiving at your house. Such a lovely place to be thankful in and be thankful for.

  8. LeeAnne says:

    Oh that Grayson is sure a cutie! His smile is precious! I’m glad he is gaining weight.

    I am thankful that you had such wonderful help to pull that meal together. Way to go Steve, Sarah and Becca!!

    Prayers for Ken today and for Steve as he travels back home.

    My favorite part of Thanksgiving was spending time with some very special loved ones. We are so blessed.

    I’m also very glad you are feeling better. Hopefully back to 100% very soon. 🙂

    • Becky says:

      Lee Anne,

      Isn’t it amazing that something as simple as spending time with someone we love can be so special? Good food on Thanksgiving is great but nothing beats spending time with loved ones!

  9. Wendy says:

    I’m so glad to read that Grayson is gaining well now. PTL. Now if Sarah could put a few pounds on her too, that would be awesome, but at least she is not losing anymore. Thank God for that. So glad Steve is able to go and be with his parents while his dad has the stent placed.
    Your Dare Dinner sounds like another hit. So happy that Sarah and Becca and Steve as well were able to help out so much. Plus I am happy you are feeling better. Strep is a miserable thing to get. Your whole body aches and hurts from head to toe. I’ve had it numerous times. My two daughters with their families were here for Thanksgiving and did the whole meal since I was just out of the hospital where I had to have a valve replacement done. Not a fun thing to go through but I did fabulously thanks to all the prayers for me. Continue to feel better. Wendy

    • Becky says:


      I didn’t even know what a valve replacement was so had to look it up. Glad the procedure went well for you and that you had wonderful family and wonderful food waiting for you on Thanksgiving. So nice to be surrounded by loved ones and NOT have to cook!

  10. Phyllis says:

    Glad to hear that Grayson is gaining weight. Sorry that Sarah hasn’t been able to gain any but thankful that she is holding her own.
    Prayers for Steve’s dad on his procedure today.
    Good thing that Sarah, her roommate and Steve all pitched in to help you. It’s been a long time since I had strep throat but it does take it out of you. Hope you are almost back to par.
    My favorite part of Thanksgiving was cooking for my family and watching them enjoy the meal I had prepared. I sent most of the leftovers home with my parents – my cooler was full and there was actually a few things that wouldn’t fit. My mom doesn’t do a lot of cooking any more so having the leftovers will give them several meals. There were enough mashed potatoes left that she was going to make potato cakes. I kept enough for one meal but decided to save it for yesterday rather than Saturday. I grabbed a kid’s meal at Kneaders when I was making a Target run. The decision to save them was wise as church was canceled yesterday due to the blizzard warning we were under – I got about 6.5 inches of snow between about noon and 6:00 last night. I was thankful that I live in a maintenance provided community as my drive was plowed around 10:30 last night.
    My niece was to head back to school in Nebraska Sunday. Fortunately she was able to get into the dorm Saturday night rather than 10:00 yesterday morning as she would have been driving right into the heart of the snow. She left Saturday morning late and was there before dark.

    • Becky says:


      I couldn’t help but think of how cozy it must have been to stay inside and watch 6 inches of snow fall. I am just a little jealous–especially since you don’t have to deal with clearing it away!

      I know your mom appreciated you sending leftovers home with her. So nice to get to leave with “bonus meals” in hand!

  11. dmantik says:

    I can’t imagine how you did that meal with being so sick. All of you are to be commended. With a capital “C”! ?♡ Among your rewards in heaven will be the one for the annual Dare Dinner. What gifts you give those dear guys–gifts without price of yourselves, your treasure and your time. Not to mention beauty, candlelight, home cooked food and the essence of home. Good job, Smith’s and Becca! ☺️

    So thankful Smithette Grayson is getting better. Will be praying for Ken today. I know having Steve there is good medicine!

    Favorite part of Thanksgiving this year? Bring with loved ones to count our many, many blessings.

    Get some rest today. Love you guys!

    Love, Deb

    • Becky says:


      Well, each year we host that dinner I am convinced that we get so more joy out of it than the guys do. The blessing flows both ways!

      So glad you got to be with the family on Thanksgiving. Always miss it when I can’t be there with you all. Those pesky miles between us . . .

      Love to all.

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