
September 29, 2014

Miscellaneous thoughts and photos to share today . . .

Here’s another thrift store outfit I wanted to show you.


 Total cost of the outfit including belt and shoes: $17.  Have I ever mentioned how much I love thrift stores?

becky edit

Sarah got this shot of me at a birthday party. I’ve been seeing stars lately and I think I finally figured out why!

glasses crop

We started up our twice-monthly small groups at our church again and I’m facilitating the 18-35 year old group which we’re hosting in our home.   (We have a few more people who will be attending–they just weren’t able to make it last night.)    Good times!

Is this a cute child, or what?  As soon as I saw it, it reminded me a photo of another little boy from almost a quarter century ago . . .

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Noah and Noah’s daddy—rocking the same hairstyle and the same red tie.

1-Nathan scanned

And speaking of rocking, Steve did his sermon on Sunday with the assistance of Billy Joel in the background . . .

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and a group of children in the foreground. And yes, that IS a can of Red Bull he is holding.

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He had just taken a bite out of a Styrofoam cup when I snapped this shot.  The children were happily appalled.

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Steve was talking about the way we try to quench our thirst for water with soft drinks or Red Bull or coffee. He said that in the same way, there is a thirst in each of us for God but we often try to quench that thirst with substitutes that don’t do the trick.

He went on to add that it’s kind of like taking a bite out of a Styrofoam cup instead of taking a drink out of the cool, refreshing water that’s in the cup.

Good preaching,  Hubby!

And lastly, here’s a recent photo I took somewhere during my meanderings.   


 Thanks so much for stopping by and being a part of our Mondayness. 


16 comments so far.

16 responses to “Mondayness.”

  1. Sharon Holweger says:

    I can never ever find anything at the thrift store for me. One of my sons used to buy his clothes there by the bag full. he would come home with a paper bag full and say see what I got for $5 lees jeans and all. my daughter can find things too. I suppose its cause I need plus size and there just isn’t much

  2. jenna hoff says:


  3. Sharyn McDonald says:

    You have great taste in clothes and the stores in which you shop. I’m so thankful for those that have started these thrift stores and dollar stores. Last year at a thrift store I got an Oleg Cassini top for about $7.00 (it was 25% off that day). So much fun to find great bargains. I found a glass vase, which I did not need, but was curious what the retail price would be after looking at the bottom and finding a brand name. The thrift store wanted $9.95, did a search and it was regularly $65.00. Maybe I should have bought it any way. :>)

    • Becky says:


      Like you, I enjoy doing a search on the items I get to see what their retail price would be. It never fails to amaze me how much stuff costs when it’s bought new. Sounds like you got a GREAT deal on that Oleg Cassini top!

  4. Mrs. Pam says:

    good to see Mary H.’s comment; I think I’ll just ditto what she said!!

  5. Lesley says:

    Great outfit!!! Do you shop for Steve at the thrift shop too?

    • Becky says:


      Steve does have quite a few thrift store items although as he has pointed out the selection for men is a lot more sparse because men tend to wear their clothes a lot longer than women. And that is true. However, I have found some wonderful stuff for him–from sport coats, to dress pants, to shirts. We are a thrifting family, for sure!

  6. dmantik says:

    I love that outfit! How do you find such great stuff? I shop at Goodwill all the time and my finds aren’t as snazzy as yours. 🙂 We’ve been privileged to hear Steve preach many times–he is a great communicator. Love you guys!


    • Becky says:


      Glad you like the outfit. As for finding good stuff, it helps me to not just shop at one store all the time; rotating between two or three it gives so many more options. Thanks for your nice words about Steve. I think I’ll keep him.

      Love you, too!

  7. Ann Martin says:

    Beautiful outfit. I do not find much at thrift stores either. You do great. Enjoyed the comments on Steve’s sermon. I, too, want to hear him preach.

  8. Mary H says:

    I immediately thought that picture of Noah was Nathan. Spittin’ image, I must say. Becky, on my bucket list, still, is a trip to a thrift shop with you (because I never find the things you do) and to hear Steve preach!

    • Becky says:


      How great to see your name pop up; we’ve been missing you around here!

      I too loved how much Noah and Nathan look alike. It’s the hair that really gets me–EXACTLY the same. Platinum blonde and little tendrils sticking out everywhere. 🙂 Too cute.

      I am very honored to be on your Bucket List and hoping right along with you that you get to cross off some of those items!

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