Moms, Chicken and Teeth.

May 12, 2014

Yesterday was Meagan’s first Mother’s Day and what an exceptional mother she is to that sweet grandson of ours.

Nathan honored her by cleaning their whole house and presenting her with a collection of treats. I love what he wrote in the corners of the envelope. “We are Blessed. Best Mom. I Love You.”  His dad sure did teach him how to treat a lady right!


Here’s the little fella responsible for making Meagan into a mom.  I love that baby boy face and that baby boy smile.  Don’t you just want to squeeze him? 


I know Noah is probably a little young, but Nathan recently stopped by Verizon to get him his own high tech cell phone. Noah loves having the latest technology!


Happy Mother’s Day, Meagan. You’re an amazing mom and a treasured daughter!

 I had my own Mom’s Day blessings yesterday.

Sarah designed and made this card for me. It’s inconceivable that anyone related to me could have any artistic gifting whatsoever but I’m glad she does! (Sarah’s Grandpa Campbell was artistic and so is her Grandma Smith so she comes by it honestly.)


Steve also gave me a flowering plant (we’re taking bets on how long it will take me to kill it) along with a card.  I also made special note of what he said in the card that we sent out to my mom. “Thanks for your many acts of love that contributed to the beauty, wisdom and grace that I find in Becky.  You’re a blessing.”

Such sweet words.

After church, Sarah and Steve prepared a lunch of grilled chicken, baked potatoes, bread, and broccoli.  (You can tell this is Steve’s plate and not mine since it has been tainted with those awful olives. Ick!)


We spent last evening doing Sarah’s graduation photo shoot; we’ve seen a couple sneak previews already and they are gorgeous.  (Cue the mama tears.)

While the photographer was taking pictures of Sarah, Steve took a  few shots of me. (I had the camera set wrong when I handed him the camera so this shot is a wee bit overexposed.)



After we got back home following the photo shoot, Steve finished off our line up of Mother’s Day events by swallowing a tooth.

Yep. A tooth.  

Half of one of his molars broke in two and then disappeared. So it seems as though Steve’s Mother’s Day dining selection consisted of . . . chicken and teeth.  Yum!  

Since he’s now going to need a crown of his own (I had mine last month), we have decided to just start signing our weekly paychecks straight over to the dentist to save time!  Sigh.

So. That was Mother’s Day around here. What was your day like?

 If you have anything special to share, please do. We’re all ears. (And also teeth!)

21 comments so far.

21 responses to “Moms, Chicken and Teeth.”

  1. Mrs. Pam says:

    my newspaper had an article saying that the most popular boy’s name in 2013 was Noah (beat out Jacob which had been #1 for I think 12 years… that sounds long; how about 6?) anyway you can imagine who I thought of! Most popular girl’s name was Sophia.

  2. Happy Mother’s Day (belated) to you and Meagan! Mother’s Day was low key at our house as 3 of us were recovering/still fighting a virus. So being allowed to sleep was the best gift!

    • Becky says:


      I agree–getting to sleep, especially in the middle of the day, is a fabulous (cheap!) luxury. Just sorry to to know that you all were sick!

  3. Michele says:

    It sounds like you and Meagan both had wonderful Mother’s Days! Noah get cuter everyday! I had a nice Mother’s day with my husband and 2 of my daughters. They got me some nice gifts and we went to a restaurant and ate outside overlooking the lake. The weather was perfect(finally in CNY). My 3rd daughter is still at college (it’s finals week) 2 1/2 hrs away… until Friday. But she sent me flowers! Very nice day!

    • Becky says:


      Flowers and a meal overlooking a lake sounds absolutely wonderful. Glad your other daughter will be home soon!

  4. Tammy Wright says:

    My day was super relaxed and fun until 6p when I went to get the broccoli from the freezer downstairs only to discover it had been left open. All the food was still chilled but quite thawed. So….the last of my Mother’s Day consisted of cooking lots of meat! Four hours later I had 3 ground chicken for tacos, 4 baked chicken thigh packages, 6 broiled steaks, and 4 bags of cooked meatballs ready for upcoming meals all prepped and frozen. The up-side is I have dinners for the next 2 weeks already cooked. Yea, me!..?

    • Becky says:


      That is TOO funny! You will never forget Mother’s Day 2014. Enjoy these next several weeks of of pre-prepared food just magically appearing on your table every night. You did a great job of efficiently dealing with your thawed food crisis!

  5. Ann Martin says:

    Had a good day with tears and laughs. Church was very special but lots of tears there. My sister and I were dressed alike and neither told the other what we were wearing. It is the b/w dress we wore to the last church homecoming Mama attended and she had the same dress on. We have posted pictures on Facebook with Mama. Then Jim and I visited the rest home where Mama passed away March 15 to see some of the Moms there. Got calls, text and face time from my sons and youngest grandson. Today got a card on which the 2 year-old colored me a picture and also a Facebook picture of the 5 year-old grandson. It was a good day. Anxious to see the graduation pictures.

    • Becky says:


      That is so funny; I was just looking at your FB page a couple days ago and noticed the picture of the three of you all dressed the same. I figured there was a story behind it! 🙂

      I know there are lots of tears on the first Mother’s Day when your mom is no longer here. so glad you had your church family around you and calls and texts from those who are far away. You are a blessing to so many!

  6. Mary H says:

    Happy Mother’s Day, Becky. I spent the weekend with my daughters and grandson and my sister and a good friend joined us yesterday for some grilled chicken and many vegetables (but no teeth!). My daughters worked in my yard all day Saturday and then planted many flowers that my grandson and I picked out earlier that day. Ryan played in the hose, with his water guns and just ran around and got dirty and wet and had a great time – as all little boys should do. It was wonderful. I am glad you had a wonderful day also – up until the tooth episode, that is.

    • Becky says:


      What a luxury to have daughters who work in your yard. You obviously raised them right! 🙂

      I loved the photo you sent me of Ryan and the dog and the hose. Looked like a magazine cover.

      So glad your day was happy.

  7. Lesley says:

    I had to work 3-11 on Mother’s Day. (gotta get rid of this job, it’s so inconvenient lol). Anyway, it was nice to see the adult children of some of our residents come and visit them. We never have enough vases for the cut flowers. (Note to people: please bring vases along with your flowers to a long term care facility :)) A few vases crashed to the floor and shattered everywhere. Fun times.
    As far as my kiddos go, the boys live far away but I received lovely roses and a heartfelt letter. Made my day.

    Can’t wait to see Sarah’s graduation pictures!

    • Becky says:


      I had never thought of places like that needing vases; I always seem to collect SO many vases that I am always carting off to the thrift store. I’ll have to look into donating them elsewhere! (And that’s great to remind people to always bring a vase with their flowers.)

      Glad you were remembered long distance with roses and a letter–two items sure to warm the heart of any mother. 🙂

  8. Catherine says:

    Nice day home with kids! Then went to a spa party. Got a facial and foot soak. It was nice.

  9. LeeAnne says:

    PS: Happy (belated) Mother’s Day to you Becky!

  10. LeeAnne says:

    I spent the weekend with my hubby, parents, kids (2 of my own + 2 ‘in-laws’ = 4 of my own!!) and my 2 precious grandbabies. Grandson George was baptized and then we all gathered for lunch. A fantastic day! The weather threatened to keep us from going home as there were numerous tornadoes and torrential rain all along the I-80 corridor which is our route home. Our alternate State Highway route farther south was closed due to a tornado that caused much damage and downed power lines. Ugh. We stayed back for a couple of hours and then were able to safely make the trip. We were VERY glad to be home! All in all, it was a wonderful weekend and a perfect Mother’s Day celebration. 🙂

    • Becky says:


      Thanks for the Mother’s Day wishes!

      How wonderful to have a grandson baptized on Mother’s Day; such a sweet memory!

      And a MUCH better memory then all those storms and tornadoes. Glad you eventually made it back home safely.

  11. Gail Puckett says:

    Becky, so glad you had a wonderful Mother’s Day, you are more than blessed as I am. I started my Mother’s Day on Friday night, since my son is working out of town and had to fly out to Albany NY on Sunday after church. I had all four of my children (that number includes a daughter in law is claimed as a daughter and a son in law who is claimed as a son, what can I say, LOVE LOVE LOVE all my kids) and all four of grandchildren and my sweet and precious hubby. We all did covered dishes so it wasn’t hard on anybody and a fun time was had by all. I woke up Sunday morning to find my husband gone and when I got up, he came in few minutes later with a dozen roses and breakfast. What a guy! You know I really don’t need a Mother’s Day, because my precious family treats every day like Mother’s Day for me (to clarify, SINCE they have grown up 🙂 ) After a wonderful church service, my kids visited again, then I went to the nursing home to see my sweet mama. She was doing well and when I had to leave I told her if she needed me before I came back, to just have the nurse at the desk call me. She agreed that was a good idea and then said “Now what is your name?” It made me sad for a minute until I realized that not everybody has a mama to visit. I didn’t mean to write a novel I just wanted to share what a wonderful day (weekend) I had. I am WAY more blessed than I have any right to be. God is so very good to me.

    • Becky says:


      Don’t apologize for writing a novel; I loved it!

      And I also loved how you turned a potentially sad moment with your mom into something positive when you pointed out that even though she may not always remember your name, you do at least still have a mom to visit. What a sweet gift she is to you!

      Sounds like you were spoiled by all the people who love you–a perfect day!

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