Missing Pictures and Westward Journeys

July 12, 2015

And we’re back!

Sorry about this past week of radio silence; I ran into some complicated, frustration-producing technical issues which I will not bore you with. The important thing is that Smithellaneous is once again live.  Can I get an amen?

In one of my posts last week, I mentioned that I had somehow neglected to get any pictures of Steve with the baby.

Well, guess what?  I was looking at the photos on Steve’s phone the other day and found a whole bunch of shots I didn’t know we had gotten, including some of him and Madi. Hooray!  I no longer have to turn in my Smith Family Photographer badge for such an egregious oversight.

So now . . . here are some of those missing photos.












I love the way Noah is hamming it up for the camera.  He’s going to be my photo buddy!


Precious snuggle time with that grand baby of mine.


This Wednesday . . .

Steve and I will be heading out on vacation for eight days. (It’s been 13 years since we’ve done something like this with just the two of us.)

We’ll fly into Albuquerque, drive to Clovis for his 40th High School reunion, drive to Santa Fe for a couple days of sightseeing, then fly back out of Albuquerque.  Although I still have some new grand baby photos to share, I’ll be interspersing those with the pictures from our trip.

I don’t know if you missed me or not, but I sure did miss you. It’s great to see you again!



30 comments so far.

30 responses to “Missing Pictures and Westward Journeys”

  1. Ann Martin says:

    Missed updates and pictures. Looking forward to reunion pictures. Today as we traveled through FL I told Jim “Becky would take pictures of that church” but I was driving and could not stop. So many pictures I would have liked to take but cannot while in traffic. Enjoy!!!!!

  2. Michele says:

    Glad you’re back! What precious babies!! Have a great trip!

  3. Angela says:

    Missed reading your posts! SO glad you are back!!! (BTW, it looks to me as though a certain sweet little granddaughter has got her granddaddy wrapped!) 🙂

  4. Krista L says:

    Phew! You’re back! I may not comment too often, but I read your blog religiously! I sure did miss you! I’m glad you care back and I hope everything is fixed!!
    I love the photos and loved Noah’s post, too.
    I pray for safe travels and that you have tons of fun!

  5. Mary H says:

    Yes, you were missed! I am so glad you are back and getting ready for a vacation – can’t wait to see the photos from the trip and more grandbaby ones too. Have fun…and… AMEN for getting back to us.

  6. beckylp says:

    glad you are back. safe travel as you spend time together

  7. ncbev says:

    Yes, yes, yes – I missed you. So glad to see you back in time to wish you a happy vacation. I hope you and Steve enjoy every minute of being together. I’m looking forward to your pictures and your beautiful words telling us the story of your vacation. I’ll be thinking of Sarah too.

  8. Marjie says:

    AMEN. So happy this is up and running again. I missed you. Have a safe trip, thanks for sharing your grandchildren with us. They are adorable!!! Hugs from Iowa!

  9. Beth Kayser says:

    Definitely missed your posts! Love seeing the pictures of sweet little Madi (not to mention the rest of the Smith clan). Enjoy your vacation….

  10. Mrs. Pam says:

    yep.. strange things were happening when I tried to find you….
    glad that both you and the photos were found!
    have a super duper vacation…. well deserved

  11. LeeAnne says:

    Amen!! I sure did miss you…..glad you’re back!!! Love the pictures too. 🙂 Have a fun, safe trip!!

  12. Mel says:

    Yay, you are back. I checked every day so yes, I definitely missed you. Precious pictures of precious babies. What more could I ask for first thing on a Monday morning.

  13. Gail Puckett says:

    so glad you are back, you were definitely missed. Have a wonderful vacation and looking forward to LOTS of photos!!!

  14. Deb P says:

    Yeah for being back! Missed you. Safe travels and have a wonderful time.

  15. dmantik says:

    A bunch of amens in a row! Mom and I sure missed you–so glad Smithellaneous is up and running again. Makes the world seem better.

    Loved the pix! Glad you have been vindicated as the Grandpa-Inclusive Photographer! 🙂

    Godspeed on your trip. I will look forward to posts/pictures!

    Love, Deb

  16. Steve says:


  17. Karen from shawano says:

    AMEN!!!!! Glad you’re back up and running. I hope you have an amazing time on your time away.

  18. Sharyn McDonald says:

    So glad you were able to post on Facebook – that helped. Love all the pictures, especially the colored one of you and Madi and she’s got the colorful hat, outfit and blanket on her. Soooo cuddly looking. Happy she is doing great.

  19. Lesley says:

    I sure missed you! Love the pictures. Can’t wait to hear about your travels!

  20. Anonymous says:

    I sure missed you!! So glad your back! As I love your family! Love all the pics! Safe travels . Have a great trip!!

  21. Amen! What I love about your series of photos is the differences in facial expressions over your new granddaughter. Pastor Steve is clowning around, overcome with the happiness of this new family member. And yet, in response to this same happiness, your face projects a holy reverence over this new miracle. Both responses are, of course, completely appropriate – but I love the contrast. Congratulations! “Papa Fred & Grandmama Lucy.” 😉

  22. Gayle in AL says:

    You were definitely missed! Have a great trip!

  23. Guerrina Waters-Hernandez says:

    You are always missed!

  24. Jan Reuther says:

    Love the pictures. All of you look (probably because you are) so thrilled with Madi!

    Words can’t say how glad I am to have Smithellaneous back.
    Let’s just say it’s about this | | much.

    • Jan Reuther says:

      No! It edited my big space! Let me try this again….

      This | ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… | much.

  25. Lib Nance says:

    I miss you always when you are not sending out your wonderful blogs!!! I hope you and Steve have a wonderful time on your trip and his reunion!!!

  26. Jenna Hoff says:

    Definitely missed you. Glad you’re back! Hope you have a wonderful trip
    Love the photos!!

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