Mirror, Mirror on the . . . Porch

November 13, 2017

Last week I was at home cleaning when I happened to open the front door to check on something. I had been so caught up in my battle with the dust bunnies that I had no idea how much gloriousness was abounding outside.

It was such a perfectly pristine morning, I knew I had to take at least a few minutes to appreciate the beauty that God had gone to all the trouble to make. I set aside my chasing of the dust bunnies and called for Summer to join me.

Shy Summer was a little hesitant at first but eventually she meandered her royal way out to the porch and took a few appreciative sniffs of the morning and the mums.

Through the open door behind her, I happened to see a mirror (that we were re-hanging) leaning against the wall and I thought to myself, “The only thing that could be any better than beauty is reflected beauty.”

And so I spent the next practically perfect half hour puttering on the porch with the dog, and the mirror, and the morning. (Single click on any picture to view full size.)

I’m so grateful that I took the time to stop and enjoy the gift of the day. Housework and dust bunnies we have with us always, but sparkling snippets of beauty are too soon gone.

And so today, at the beginning of this new week, Summer and I would like to encourage our dear readers to stop and smell the roses mums, and to appreciate loveliness in all the ways it shows up in your lives.  We are all incredibly blessed to live in this incredibly beautiful world.

What about you? Were there any moments of loveliness that sneaked up on you in the past few days?  Please share!


20 comments so far.

20 responses to “Mirror, Mirror on the . . . Porch”

  1. Kari says:

    It it still looks so pretty outside where you are! We had two nice days this week, weather-wise, so they were spent cutting down more plants, cleaning up leaves, and winterizing my pond. Lots of work! Most of the trees here have lost their leaves and I have emptied planters, cut down perennials, and taken my tropical plants to the greenhouse to overwinter. By nice days weather-wise, that is temperatures in the 40’s and not a whole lot of wind, lol! The water in the pond was quite cold for having my arms in up to my elbows. Also took down my cornstalk decorations and will be getting ready to put evergreens and decorations in some of my outdoor planters. Oh, I forgot, also have all the yard decorations stored in the basement or shed. It is quite a chore getting ready for winter!

    • Becky says:


      I hope you had a cup of hot chocolate waiting after sticking your arms into a cold pond during your winter prep!

      Sounds like you are very gifted at growing things and putting together lovely decorations. Two things I truly admire.

  2. Ruth Rehberg says:

    mirrors are mesmerizing in their reflection of beauty– a poem I did on them.

    Anywhere, I have seen them,
    I look again.
    Anywhere, I have put them,
    I thrill at the scene.

    Cold as stones,
    hard as ice, clear like rain;
    bearing nothing
    but hard truth.

    Plainer than day before
    me, I see the world
    around me caught,
    in a still-life mystery.

    Though they never
    speak, laugh or sing,
    they delve into the eye
    gate of my soul.

    Mirror, mirror,
    I wonder
    how your simple job
    of reflection,

    surpasses plain

    • Becky says:


      I think this is the first time I ever had a gorgeous poem left as comment. What a treasure!

      I have always enjoyed seeing mirrors set around in various ways in your yard among your other decor. Such a wonderful, unexpected element.

  3. Cindy from Sonoma says:

    We have snow to watch until it melts again, but there is beauty in that brightness and I love looking at all the bare trees. It might be cold and I have to bundle up if I go outside, sure is worth it though.

    • Becky says:


      I bet you especially appreciate snow because you haven’t seen a lot of it up until recently. As you said, the cold is no fun but the beauty of the snow makes it MORE than worth it. Enjoy being a midwest gal! 🙂

  4. LeeAnne says:

    This is an especially beautiful time of year and I do so enjoy all of the changing leaves and beautiful fall colors. One thing we are seeing a lot of right now is combines and grain trucks. We are smack dab in the middle of corn harvest in this part of the country and seeing the corn pouring out of the combine chute into the grain truck at sunset, in the middle of a field is so awesome!
    Another pretty moment was when I was going through the yard looking for sticks and tree twigs to pick up before mowing. Right in the midst of all of the brown grass, leaves, etc. was one perfectly gorgeous brilliant red leaf. When I see that I always think of my mom and wonder if she had something to do with me finding that right then? (She absolutely LOVED the fall leaves!!)

    • Becky says:


      I would love to have a camera capturing that pouring corn against the sunset. What a sight!

      And I love to think of you finding a leaf that reminds you of your mom and HER love for the fall leaves. I guess the leaf doesn’t fall far from the tree. 🙂

  5. jenna Hoff says:

    Such beautiful photos Becky! It looks so summery and lovely with the green grass and flowers and colour! Such a contrast to the snowy world here! In terms of beauty here, I’ve really been noticing the past few days how the snow glitters like diamonds.

    Have a great day!

    • Becky says:


      I don’t get to see that snow diamond sight as often as I used to growing up but there are truly few things more stunning than when the light catches all those crystals of ice. Breathtaking!

  6. Ann O. says:

    I drove from my home in Baltimore, MD through the big hills of western Maryland, through parts of West Virginia, and into Ohio, to spend some time with my dad this past week. Surprisingly, there are still leaves on many trees, and they are strikingly red and golden this year. The way the sun lit the landscapes was stunning! I often try to remind myself to appreciate these scenes, and also look for beauty, in the shadows, or cloudy weather. Brilliant sun makes it especially easy, but the sun ain’t always out, if you know what I mean!

    When I wake in the night to go to the bathroom, I’ve made it a habit to sneak a peak outside. We have a view of the city, and it is so peaceful and lovely at night, or in the very early hours. As a country girl for most of my decades on earth, I was accustomed to thinking of cities as loud, crowded and dirty. Sure, that can be true. But a city can be quite beautiful, with all the miles of concrete that go vertically as well as horizontally, especially in the moonlit hours.

    Thanks for this post, Becky. And the reminder to take time to smell the mums!

    • Becky says:


      I know I am not supposed to be jealous but a drive through those states at this time of year? Well, maybe just a TAD jealous!

      And I know just what you mean about the beauty of a city at night. On the rare occasions when we are in a large city hotel on a higher floor, I LOVE to stand and just look at all the sparkling lights and think about all the stories and lives that are lived behind those lights. I’m glad you take the time to enjoy them, even in the middle of the night on a bathroom trek. 🙂

  7. Patti says:

    What great reflection photos. Love the idea.

    • Becky says:

      Patti, thanks!

      I think I got the idea from my sister Ruth who will often put old mirrors in various places around her yard. It’s such a cool idea to bring a mirror outisde. I mean, what is better than reflections on loveliness?

  8. Phyllis says:

    Went to my parents on Thursday and back Saturday. They live on the main street of town. The trees are at the height of fall glory. I had to take a couple pictures and switched out my cover picture on Facebook with one.
    Wednesday I drove to Nebraska to see my niece in her first honors recital. There were nine kids selected, one number was a duet. As always, she played beautifully. I also got to meet her piano instructor as well as three of her good friends. When my sister-in-law went out to the hall to talk to her, she came back in and said the students were all in a room praying – she goes to a Lutheran college. Another confirmation for her parents, and aunt, that she is at the right college for her!

    • Becky says:


      What fun that you get to travel and see people you love at the end of your journeys Especially when one journey ends on a main street with beautiful leaves and the other one ends at a piano recital given by a lovely, beloved young woman. You’re blessed!

  9. Mel says:

    We had our first snowfall last Thursday and even though many people dislike snow, I think it is beautiful when it falls and really there is nothing I like more than watching a winter storm from the warmth of my livingroom.

    • Becky says:


      You are absolutely right about that. Watching falling snow from a cozy spot is just about as idyllic a scene as can be imagined. Shoveling your way out the next morning is not so great but the experience of seeing those flakes fall-bliss!

  10. Ann Draper Martin says:

    I enjoy each day the beautiful yellow and red trees. It just amazes me how God’s paintbrush makes the earth more beautiful with each season. I stand in awe of our Savior’s work and wonder how some do not believe. Only God!!!

    • Becky says:


      Yes, that paintbrush of His creates results nothing short of splendid. I’ve always thought God chose the perfect colors for everything. Can you imagine a red ocean or blue trees? His colors are spot on.

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