Memories, Recipes and Storms

January 8, 2024

I have to say, it was a bit of a slow weekend. Although I was able to work one day last week, my stamina is taking its time returning since my Covid/flu diagnosis from nine days ago. I’ve had lots of napping time and not much getting things done time. But if there’s one thing I know for sure, it’s that all that stuff that needs to be done will always be there.
Steve’s also still fighting whatever it is he’s been fighting for the last month. Fortunately, he has a Napping Nurse who is right there with him whenever she is needed.  Aren’t dogs the best little buddies?

Do you remember this little nursing/napping buddy? I can never decide who is the cutest in this photo since Sarah is darling and Snowy looks exactly like a stuffed animal.  Little did we know at this happy moment that Snowy would earn his weight in gold many times over by helping Sarah through a very difficult cancer season. The best fluffy nurse that ever was.

And since I’m on the subject of old photos, I came across these the other day showing the Smith Brothers. This would have been near the time I met Steve which was 1980. (I was seventeen.)

And here is the eldest of the Smith Brothers with his very young bride.  (I should have had these photos last week when I wrote about our 42nd anniversary.)

Please note the festive, exotic array of Ritz crackers and Cheese Whiz beside the wedding cake.  I’m really surprised we were not featured on the cover of the Bride magazine.

We were newlyweds awhile, and then parents awhile, and then (drum roll, please) . . . .

we turned into first-time grandparents. Oh, how the years go by.

Since our 42nd year of marriage went was last Tuesday, Steve brought me flowers to celebrate.  Flowers and peanut M&Ms, my favorite candy.

One of the biggest parts of marriage is adjusting to all of its different seasons.  In this particular season of my working full-time Steve has jumped in with both feet in taking care of many of our evening meals.  I wanted to share a recipe we love that he made this past week. It can very easily be personalized to suit your tastes.

He cooked up some onion and diced Hillshire Farm Kielbasa (you can use turkey, pork, or beef) in olive oil. When all that got a little crispy, he added Simply Potatoes diced potatoes and cooked those according to the directions on the bag.  Steve sprinkled in a little Montreal Steak Seasoning which makes it extra good. It’s a quick, simple and delicious meal that you can eat on its own or add a salad, bread, veggie–whatever you feel like.

If you’re just cooking for two like Steve is, you’re going to have leftovers but maybe not enough for a whole extra meal. So the next night, Steve just started adding miscellaneous ingredients–a can of drained black beans, drained corn, tomatoes (plain or Rotel), and whatever else struck his fancy.

He added a steamed egg before serving and we ended up with lots of economical protein to fill us up for another meal or two. (This is the third time it was heated so it’s looking a little less crisp–but still delicious!)

Sarah has a similar recipe except it’s done on a sheet pan in the oven and has green beans added so it’s an all-in-one pan meal.  By the way, this is one of her favorite websites because all the recipes are delicious and frugal.

Sheet Pan Kielbasa and Potatoes

In closing . . .

I think a lot of people will be getting storms throughout this week. We are supposed to get between two and three inches of rain on Tuesday so that should make for an oh-so-fun commute. If it would just drop in temperature, we could have snow and I could stay home from work.  In case you you don’t know, Southerners cancel everything at the first sight of the first snowflake.  (People from snowy climes, please try your best not to snicker.) 🙂

Here’s hoping your week is healthy and happy and you will weather well any storms that come your way.

What about you?

Are there storms expected where you live?

Do you have a favorite sheet pan recipe?

How old were you when you met your signficant other?

Did you serve anything “interesting” at your wedding reception?

24 comments so far.

24 responses to “Memories, Recipes and Storms”

  1. Stefanie in Lake Saint Louis says:

    It’s currently raining here, but our temps are supposed to start falling about noon – currently at 45°F, but headed for 17° by 6pm. The rain will turn to snow. Luckily, I can leave the office about noon to beat the storms, and work from home the rest of the day. 🙂

    The sheetpan meals sound really good! We don’t generally make those, but I can definitely see the appeal!

    Glad you’re on the mend – and Happy Anniversary! I love Peanut M&Ms too. 🙂

    • Becky says:


      Working from home. Such a lovely option–especially when there is snow outside your window.

      I could eat 500 Peanut M&Ms a week. They are a billion times better than the regular kind.

      Enjoy the snow! We’ve got heavy rain and wind. Happy day!

  2. Suzanne says:

    So thankful you are starting to feel better! I love the picture of Sarah and Snowy. He was sure an amazing dog!

    We got about 6 inches of rain here so some flooding but nothing too serious for us personally.

    No sheet pan dinners for us. I don’t like “mixed up food” – lol. I’m better now than I used to be but it’s definitely not my favorite.

    I was 16 (he was 17) when we met, both 17 when we started dating and we were 22 and 23 when we got married after graduating from college. My mother and her sisters did the food for our wedding and it was a lot of finger foods. I just remember not getting to eat enough of the yummy stuff!! I can’t remember anything unusual…I’ll have to ask my husband.

    I hope you have had a wonderful week!

    • Becky says:


      Oh yes, if you don’t like mixed-up food, sheet pan dinners are DEFINITELY not for you! But for the rest of us, they are such an easy meal!

      Wow. You and your hubby were young when you met! Isn’t it amazing how even at a young age, we just know that someone is extra special?

      I’m sure your wedding guests loved having homemade food prepared by those special women in your life. Good memories!

  3. Phyllis says:

    Not sure how much snow we got as I haven’t ventured out. I would say 6 inches based on the snow on top of posts on my patio. Our HOA dues pay for snow removal if we get at least 3 inches. They are here now clearing drives and sidewalks. The main street through our neighborhood has been plowed. It’s supposed to get pretty cold by Friday with lows below 0.
    I don’t really cook a lot so haven’t made any sheet pan meals. My mom used to do the kielbasa with potatoes in a skillet.
    I’be never been married but my cousin got married in a park many years ago. It must have been sunrise as it was an odd time like 6:38. Their cake was a donut cake.

    • Becky says:


      A wedding at sunrise? Wow. They would have to have some very dedicated friends to get up that early! 🙂 A donut cake is a unique idea!

      Nice to have people to remove snow for you. Enjoy staying inside with tea and a good book!

  4. Kaye Joyce says:

    Glad y’all are starting to feel better… we are too, but that covid mess like to killed me!! I still don’t have taste or smell and still get tired so easily and have a cough and runny nose and I had covid the week before Christmas. I don’t wish that stuff on anybody!
    We are expecting the big rain up here in Mount Airy too and some of the schools are getting out early. I truly wish we would get a big snow.
    I have a page on my Facebook called Memaws Recipe Page and I have some great recipes on there. I made the page to keep those recipes so I can go back to them anytime. Others in the group also share recipes.
    Have a blessed day and feel better! God bless you and Steve and your families this year!

    • Becky says:


      I’m grateful I didn’t lose taste or smell this time around. As you said, it takes a LONG time to get strength back, though. Day by day . . . I hope you are feeling stronger.

      I wish we would get a big snow, too. That would be so fun! Hopefully, before winter is out we will see a few inches.

      Will have to find your recipe page. Sounds good!

  5. SueEllen says:

    And don’t forget, at the first mention of possible snow, Southerners are required to rush to the grocery store to buy milk & bread before the shelves are depleted. 🙂 I’m glad your strength is starting to return, but don’t push yourself too hard. I hope your weather isn’t too bad this week. So far, our cold temps and precip are not supposed to occur on the same days – I hope it stays that way. I hope your week goes well.

    • Becky says:


      Oh yes, we Southerners can clean out a grocery store in no time flat! It’s one of our charming, southern skills. 🙂

      I’m feeling a little stronger today. Little by little!

  6. Cindy says:

    So far we’ve had a very mild winter until today, but only about six inches of snow so far. I know we need it but that doesn’t mean I have to like it, especially when it’s heavy wet snow. I managed to make it to my mailbox with out tripping over my feet. I know my friend Dave will be over at some point to take care of the rest. Yesterday I finally got my Christmas decorations packed up and ready to be moved to the basement. Yes, Dave will do that too. Every year it seems like I end up with more decorations, but I do enjoy them.

    Hopefully tomorrow I will feel safe enough to go grocery shopping, but it isn’t like I’m running out of food. That will depend on Dave. He most likely will drive me there, which benefits him since I buy his groceries too.

    I have new neighbors as of last week, a sweet child with a baby. I think I will enjoy them as neighbors. I am going to look through my yarn supply and crochet a blanket for their infant daughter. Something to keep me busy in the dead of winter.

    • Becky says:


      How sweet of you to crochet a blanket for your new neighbor’s baby. I know they will treasure something handmade–so rare these days.

      Sounds like your neighbor, Dave, is quite the angel in disguise. I know you are grateful for his kindnesses and nice you can do his shopping for him in return. I love it when neighbors look out for each other.

  7. Gayle in AL says:

    That recipe sounds delicious! And I love the inventiveness of adding things the next day to make a newish meal. We love sheet pan recipes. Our favorites are kielbasa or andouille sausage with Brussels sprouts or green beans. So good!

    We’re expecting bad weather tonight and tomorrow in Alabama. In fact, all of our local schools have been canceled for tomorrow!

    I met husband in college. We were both 18, nearly 19, when we met. We were almost 21 when we got married and we just celebrated 40 years. Our wedding reception was just cake, nuts and mints and a champagne fountain. Pretty simple. I’m glad we didn’t get married in the FB era, where everyone has to do bigger, better, fancier. 😊

    • Becky says:


      Oh, you lost me at Brussels sprouts. 🙂 But the andouille sausage sounds like it would be wonderful.

      I agree about simpler weddings back in the day. There wasn’t the pressure to “keep up with the Jones” and a simple layout at the reception was fine. When my niece, Hannah, got married a few years ago, the reception was in the church basement and people brought dishes to share. Loved that idea.

      Congratulations on your 40th anniversary!

  8. Debbie says:

    I’m in the Florida Panhandle. We’re supposed to have severe storms tomorrow with the possibility of tornadoes. They have already canceled schools in all the counties across the Panhandle in anticipation of the storms which they say will have 75 mph winds. I’ll be riding it out with the grands. I hope we don’t lose power. My daughter has to drive to work in it.
    Stay safe everyone!

    • Becky says:


      Yikes. 75 mph winds are pretty hefty! They cancelled schools here too which is unusual for just rain and wind.

      Stay safe and hold on to that power! 🙂

  9. Sharyn L. McDonald says:

    We just celebrated our 57th anniversary on December 30th. Since we paid for everything, it was cake, ice cream cutouts with Bells on them, nuts and mints. We were 23 when we got married. Love the picture of Sarah and Snowy. He definitely was Snowy on the spot to comfort and provide warmth and whatever else was needed. Now you have another provider for warmth and snugglelingness (is that a word?) Praying Steve gets well soon. Hear it takes quite a while for some folks to get over Covid. Snow – well, it has taken a while for it to show itself. Just a few days ago we did get some of that white stuff and this morning a little more. Might have a 1/2 inch so far. Next week not much snow but a lot of cold. Sounds like a great recipe. Thanks Steve for doing this for your lovely wife.

    • Becky says:


      Happy 57th! That is a LOT of years together. I like your simple and elegant reception menu.

      Yes, I hereby declare snugglelingness to be be an official word–love it!

  10. Shannon B says:

    It has been snowing here in eastern Nebraska for about 2 hours, looks like a snow globe. I’m lucky and work from home, but many businesses are closing. They called school last night around 6pm, that never happens so early. I hope everyone starts feeling better in your house! Dogs are the BEST! 😉

  11. Patti says:

    Love the photos and glad you are feeling better. Prayers that Steve gets over his bug as well.
    We are expecting storms in MI. No snow all of Dec and this week the snow comes as I and a daughter in law are flying to Montreal-which also has snow predicted!
    I have never made any sheet pan meals. I like just tossing together whatever I can find. My husband isn’t a fan of that and he does most of the cooking anyway. Tonight we are having turkey. We bought one when it was on sale in Nov and had it in the freezer. I love turkey leftovers.
    I was 50 when I met my spouse. We had a catered buffet of finger foods. His friends who all married in the 60’s were talking about having creamed chicken on puff pastry shells at their receptions. Times sure change the wedding feast.

    • Becky says:


      Creamed chicken on puff pastry shells–how interesting to have at a wedding reception. As you said, menus definitely change with the decades.

      Nice that your husband is a cook; Steve has really enjoyed getting into the kitchen and learning to make new things and it sure helps me! Hooray for cooking husbands.

      How fun to get to fly to Montreal. Enjoy!

  12. LeeAnne says:

    The snow is just beginning this morning where we live. We are expecting 8 to 13 inches before it’s all said and done! We love us a good snow storm!! And the best part is that we are retired and we don’t have to go anywhere! I was 21 when I met my husband. We didn’t serve anything fancy, just finger foods and sandwiches. I barely remember what we had. My husband had a broken leg and I was more concerned about him. LOL
    Hoping you get your energy back soon and both of you are up and at ’em and feeling better quickly. I love the picture of Sarah and Snowy. I remember it so well! He was definitely the best little nurse!

    • Becky says:


      Oh, I think I remember you telling your husband’s broken leg story in a comment here once; what a complicated time to have a broken bone–at a wedding! Definitely made it an EXTRA memorable day.

      I love that you remember that picture of Sarah and Snowy. That’s a really old one!

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