Meagan Update

May 29, 2018

Several of you had been asking about an update on Meagan . . .

She was discharged from the hospital last night.  Her medication to stop contractions was increased and while she hasn’t been put on total bed rest, she is supposed to do as little as is absolutely possible. (With two toddlers in the house, that’s a challenge.) She had been providing daycare for an infant but has to give that up in order to conserve her strength.
It  pretty much looks like Nathan is going to be the chief cook and bottle washer for a while!
Her doctor is hoping she can hold off delivery for another six weeks but if she can’t, she’s had injections of a steroid to develop the baby’s lungs more speedily which will help him if he is born early. 
She and Nathan both appreciate the prayers and concern of the Smithellaneous family.
26 comments so far.

26 responses to “Meagan Update”

  1. Kristi says:

    Prayers and Hugs!

  2. krista121799 says:

    Thank you for the update! So glad she is out of the hospital. I will continue to hold her close in thought and prayer.

  3. Cath young says:

    I’m holding Meaghan in my prayers! Now, areboth of her sisters pregnant? How many new babies expected This year among the Hawley sisters?

    • Becky says:


      Just one sister was pregnant; she had her baby about a month ago. You may have seen a photo I posted a few weeks ago where the three sisters posed together and the third one (who already has 4 kids) put something under her shirt to LOOK like she was pregnant, just for a joke. 🙂

      But just two new babies in the family this year.

  4. Guerrina says:

    Keepin’ prayin’!

  5. Angela STURGES says:

    Hi Becky It’s been a long time but I still read the blogs (always too much to do ) I am glad that Megane and the baby are good. At least she is 31 weeks now, not so bad if born soon specially as lungs are prepared, I pray she holds on for a few more weeks though! Bless y’all

    • Becky says:


      Always so happy to see your name pop up here and to know you are still following along with the Smith adventures!

  6. Kari says:

    Continued prayers for Meagan and Family!

  7. Dale Tousley says:

    Thanks so much for the update Becky, I have been thinking about them so much, continued prayers and I am sure she will get lots of help from Noah and Madi !

    • Becky says:


      You are so sweet to think of Meagan and the family–thank you for that, and especially for the continued prayers.

  8. Phyllis says:

    Glad to hear that she is back home. Praying that the contractions will give the baby more time before being born. Good luck to Nathan as he becomes chief cook and bottle washer.

    • Becky says:


      Yes, we continue to pray for that sweet baby to hold on a few more weeks. I am anxious to meet him but not THAT anxious! Thanks so much for the prayers

  9. LeeAnne Lind says:

    Thank you for the update! The prayers will continue for all of them.

  10. Mel says:

    Glad to see she has been discharged. It will be hard for her with two at home but I am sure that Noah and Maddie will love to pitch in and help to make sure that this new addition arrives safe and sound and cooks as much as possible. Continued prayers to the entire Smithawley families.

    • Becky says:


      Yes, we are definitely hoping for that sweet baby to continue to “cook.” We want him well done! 🙂

      Thank you for the prayers–it’s means so much!

  11. mrs pam says:

    continued prayers for all the Smiths

  12. Jodi says:

    A boy, baby, huh? Glad she’s back resting at home allowing Baby MeagaNate a bit more time too cook. Does he have a name yet? I bet Princess Madi will love being protected in her castle boy all those boys. Lot of love to you ALL!

    • Becky says:


      Yep, Noah and Madi will be getting a new brother! They haven’t finalized a name yet.

      And I have no doubt Madi will be protected by AND hold her own with those two fellas.

  13. Ann Martin says:

    Definitely prayers for them and the baby.

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