Lungs and Popcorn and Alma Maters

September 24, 2018

Last Thursday I took a trip to Greenville which, for me at least, is the medical/thrift store/Chick-fil-A capital of the world.

And on that particular trip, I hit ’em all–got a sandwich at Chick-fil-A, bought a pair of cute, comfortable shoes at the thrift store (which were marked down from $8 to twenty-five cents) and visited a new (to me) medical building–East Carolina Heart Institute.

Since I love cool buildings, sculpture, architecture, etc. the building was a delight to visit.

And just to set your minds at ease, I wasn’t there for a heart-related procedure.  I was there because, as it turns out, the same machines that are good for examining hearts are also good for examining lungs.

And since I just happened to have my very own personal pair of lungs that needed examination, I spent twenty minutes inside this C.T. scanner. 


I had mentioned in a previous post that I didn’t think I would have C.T. results until October 30, which is my next appointment with my pulmonologist.  But after double checking, I found out that my doctor will be calling me with the results, although they didn’t say when.  I would be much happier with sooner rather than later but as we all know, medical test results don’t always show up when we want them to. 

Today, I am hitting the road for Greenville yet again for an infusion and injection; I will also have blood work  done that will be used in conjunction with the C.T. scan to shed light on whatever it is they are trying to shed light on.  The blood work takes a week to come back so I will wait (semi) patiently on that, as well.

In other news . . .

Eastern North Carolina continues to struggle following the visit from Hurricane Florence.  Different people in our church have been involved in collecting supplies and volunteering to travel to the affected areas and help in whatever way possible.

I posted on Facebook a few days ago about an idea I had that I wanted to tell you about. I was gathering up some canned goods to take to a drop off place and I was thinking, “I wish I could tell the recipients of these groceries that they are being prayed for and they are not forgotten.”

And then I thought, “Well, why can’t I?”

I grabbed a sharpie and wrote a message on the top of my cans.  (You could, of course, also write on boxes or bags.)

Some other messages might be, “You’re going to make it,” “You’re not alone,” “You are loved,” “Big hugs from us to you,” “God bless you” and “Hope.”

I know it doesn’t seem like a lot in the light of a horrible catastrophe, but sometimes simple words passed along at the right time can be just what a person needs to get through the next five minutes . . . or hour . . . or day.

So I just wanted to share that with you in hopes that you might use it down the road to pass along some encouragements of your own.

I teach a class on Wednesday nights at church . . .

and occasionally, one of the class members will bring popcorn for everyone to share. May I just say that I have one particular person in the class who has shown himself to be rather out of control in the area of popcorn imbibing?

Steve filled up these four glasses with popcorn two or three times over. We almost had to ask him to leave and never come back but since he is a bit of a teacher’s pet, I decided to let him stay.  (Because I’m nice like that.)

Meagan just posted on Facebook . . .

that she and Nathan paid a visit to Southeastern University, their alma mater.  They attended a football game and walked around and looked at the old places where they used to hang out.   Nathan graduated in 2011 and Meagan graduated a year or two before him. In seven years, they have gone from being single college kids to married with three kids and a mortgage.  

Both of them have done an amazing job in all the transitions of their lives.  With so much responsibility on their shoulders, it’s extra fun to see them return to their roots and remember (and treasure) those earlier, simpler days, even as they move forward to new chapters.  So proud of our kids!


Let me close with a few photos of the kids’ kids, just because everyone needs some extra smiles on a Monday morning.







14 comments so far.

14 responses to “Lungs and Popcorn and Alma Maters”

  1. twinclarinets says:

    You’ve just GOTTA love a guy who loves POPCORN! 🙂

  2. Phyllis says:

    Noah looks so grown up in the picture with he and the baby – hair parted on the side just like a big boy.
    Waiting on test results is awful. My cousin recently went through surgery and waiting on the biopsy took forever. The results revealed uterine cancer but hopefully the surgery took care of everything. Then she had to wait for her insurance company, not saying who, approved a CT Scan to stage the cancer. She finally had that last week, the oncologist appointment is Wednesday.
    I like the idea of writing on top of the cans – we do a bag of groceries for Christmas – may have to remember that for it.

    • Becky says:


      Yes, waiting on test results is not for the faint of heart.

      I’m glad that what your cousin is curable with the surgery; such a relief for all of you!

  3. Ruth C. Rehberg says:

    Deb said it–thrift stores can help soothe the bumpy spots in life… us three know how to find them! Ruth

  4. SueEllen Williams says:

    I absolutely love the idea of writing words of encouragement on your donations! What an easy, quick way to brighten someone’s day.
    Kudos on such a fabulous bargain on your shoes…as a fellow bargain hunter, I know the feeling of accomplishment when you score such a deal!
    I’m so glad to hear you won’t have to wait until the end of October for your CT results. Prayers that you get great results on all the tests, and that you receive them quickly.
    And of course, thank you for the adorable pictures of your beautiful family.

    • Becky says:

      Sue Ellen,

      Bargain hunters–unite! 🙂 Such fun to find those treasures.

      Glad you liked the idea of writing encouraging messages. A small thing that will hopefully have big meaning to those in need of encouragement.

  5. LeeAnne says:

    Praying over the medical reports too.

    I LOVE the idea of writing on the cans. I will definitely use that one!

    Those kids are just plain precious, and Noah has that big brother role down! So sweet!

    • Becky says:

      Lee Anne,

      Plain precious. A perfect way to describe those grand treasures of ours.

      Thanks for your medical report prayers. I need extra prayers for patience!

  6. Ann Martin says:

    Love the grandkids pictures. Prayers for good tests results. You always get the best bargains at the thrift stores. Have a great week. ?.

    • Becky says:


      I do love my thrift stores! I am indebted to whomever had the idea to open the very first one!

      Hope you are doing better in your corner of the world and your grocery stores are getting their shelves restocked.

  7. dmantik says:

    Praying with you on the medical reports. That waiting time is killer. :(. Glad though that you got some thrift store/Chick-fil-A/architecture therapy in! ?

    Loved your writing on the can idea. I will use that.

    I also loved the pix of the Adorables and their amazing parents!

    Nice of Steve to share his popcorn. Also nice the teacher let him stay.

    Love, Deb

    • Becky says:


      Yes, I would consider myself to be a very nice teacher, and extra patient with that difficult student! 🙂

      Glad you loved the pictures of those babies of ours. Everytime I see a picture of them, they look so much older. Slow down!!

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