Lucy the Llama. New Friends. Merriment.

December 23, 2024

It took Steve and me a minute to pick Madi out of the crowd when we went to her school program. She looked so much older–a young teenager instead of a young girl.

Yesterday we watched her and Grayson in their church program

Madi was part of the flag worship team for the program and did a beautiful job.

On Friday . . .

Steve was supposed to keep the kids during the day and then bring them back to the house to stay overnight. Unfortunately, he was getting over a cold/ear infection, and his stamina wasn’t up to par so I took the day off from work to stay with them.

The day was going along well until something alarming happened. We were just driving along a country road minding our own business, when all of a sudden, we were confronted by a llama–a llama who I have named, “Lucy.”

Lucy Llama and her friends came over to say hi and invited us to have lunch with them . . .

. . .but only if we provided the lunch. Which we very generously did.  (It all happened at  Lazy5 Ranch where are are 700 different animals from 6 continents.)

After the Llama Lunch with Lucy . . .

it was on to our house where Steve had each of the kids do a little something on the deck stairs so that they could say that they helped build it.  (Andrew worked on a different building project with Steve later.)

We made dinner together . . .

with Noah setting the table in the tradition of his dad and Aunt Sarah before him.

We decorated the tree . . .

indulged in general merriment . . .

and enjoyed eggnog in Vernie’s vintage glasses.  (I even sprinkled nutmeg on top, the way she always did.)

And lastly, our weekend included having lunch at the home of Nathan and Meagan’s friends, Jared and Sarah. They told us that any friends of Nathan’s and Meagan’s were friends of theirs so here we are: a whole new group of friends!

One of my favorite things at their lovely house was this display of Bible pages.

I’m thankful to Meagan for suggesting we get a photo of us all together since we won’t be together on Christmas day.

It was such a busy weekend I told Steve I was going to have to go to work just to get some rest!

Whatever your weekend held and whatever your week ahead holds,  may you be surrounded by the Peace birthed in a Baby in Bethlehem.


What about you?

Do you feel like life is crazy right now or do you feel like you have things pretty much under control?

Will you be traveling or staying home for the holidays?

Is this your favorite season? Why or why not?

Is anyone else like Steve and me who haven’t wrapped even one gift?




12 comments so far.

12 responses to “Lucy the Llama. New Friends. Merriment.”

  1. SueEllen says:

    Lucy is very cute! I’m glad you’ve been able to enjoy the grands this year in everything leading up to Christmas. The interior of Nathan & Meagan’s church is very pretty – it reminds me of the church I grew up in. What a cool idea to have each grand contribute to the building of the stairs. And yes, I waited until the weekend before Christmas to wrap presents, but it wasn’t too bad.

    • Becky Smith says:


      Nice to know there are other procrastinators out there. 🙂 The main thing is that we got ‘er done!

      Yes, I really love the interior of their church; unique and beautiful with all that wood.

  2. Patti says:

    Beautiful photos. So great that Steve had all the grands help him. What memories you both are making with them.
    Life is pretty quiet now and we are home for the holidays. I am healing from hand surgery and not doing much. A small dinner tonight and breakfast and worship following at our church.
    We give the grands money-so no gifts to wrap here.
    I love the winter season for the snow, which we have had very little this year.
    Merry Christmas blessings to you and your family

    • Becky Smith says:


      Money is definitely a great, practical no-wrap gift appreciated by everyone!

      I hope your hand heals quickly and I’m glad you enjoyed a quiet Christmas and worship at your church. A lovely way to celebrate.

  3. sharynmcd says:

    That was quite the car ride to find a llama on the road. What a great time for the kids. Yes, Madie is certainly growing up to be a lovely young lady. That is such a lovely picture of the family. A Kodak moment! A very Merry Christmas to all!

    • Becky Smith says:


      Yeah, well it helps that the road ran through the Lazy5 Ranch! 🙂 Those kids had the best time feeding the animals and seeing all the different varieties. Lots of screeching and laughing–music to my ears.

      I hope you had a lovely Christmas–blessings to you.

  4. Lisa L. from GA says:

    What a fun weekend! Our son was born on December 22, so we always make sure his birthday gets a special set-aside time. He’s 32, but I still make sure that day does not get pushed aside by Christmas. Today, December 23 has been dubbed Christmas Adam by our family. That same son started calling it that when he was 5 or 6, since Adam come before Eve—naturally.
    We have a one-year old grandbaby so Christmas is extra exciting this year. I can’t wait to see how he reacts to all the presents. So far, he has not bothered the trees at either of our houses. But we do not touch the trees in front of him to reduce interest. It’s worked this year. Next year may be a different story.
    I pray blessings abounding on your family this Christmas and traveling mercies to those who will be on the roads or skies.

    • Becky Smith says:


      Good for you for setting apart time for your son. Meagan’s birthday is the 20th so I know just how you feel.

      LOVE the Christmas Adam moniker. What a creative thinker your son is! 🙂

      A one year old at Christmas is the best; enjoy!

  5. Robin says:

    Wow what a busy weekend! I hope Steve is feeling better. We are having a very busy month. We moved houses on Dec 15 and spent a crazy week unpacking while also working. Luckily my mom came to help, and she is an absolute powerhouse of energy and organization. On Dec 21 we flew to Wisconsin to visit my in-laws. On Dec 26 we fly to California to visit my family. On Dec 31 we fly home and start back at work Jan 2. Someone, I’m not exhausted yet, but I’m sure that is coming.

    • Becky Smith says:


      Okay. I have only read the description of your month and can barely summon up the energy to type a response. 🙂 You must have a boat load of stamina!

      And it sounds like you get it from your mom. You definitely want a “powerhouse of energy and organization” on board moving a week before Christmas. Bless her and bless all of you as your celebrate this joyful, busy season.

  6. LeeAnne says:

    What a great picture! Your family is beautiful!
    I feel like I have things pretty much under control. However, I still have gifts to wrap.
    I love all the seasons so it’s hard to say which one is my favorite.
    We will be staying close to home. Not traveling anyway.
    Merry Christmas to you and your family!
    May your heart rejoice in knowing you’ve received from Him the greatest gift of all!

    • Becky Smith says:


      I love the last line of your comment. It sounds like it could be on a Christmas greeting card from Hallmark!

      Staying close to home is lovely. Blessings.

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