A Little Weary and Befuddled

January 19, 2015

Edited to add:  Shortly after writing this post, I called the Breast Imaging Center where Sarah’s biopsies were done; I wanted to be sure they had written down correctly where the results were to be called into.  (Which would be our primary doctor here in Manteo.)  Their info is all correct.

I then told the woman on the phone that it has been almost two weeks without any news and asked if that was normal. She said it had been very busy and backed up which was the reason for the delay.  


No news.

As you can probably imagine, this waiting is getting a bit old for all of us . . . including sweet Summer.

05-2014-08-16 06.40.44

Since my stressed out, brain-in-waiting self is quite incapable of putting together even mildly intelligent sentences at the moment, I thought I would feature something on the blog today guaranteed to make us all smile while we wait: A Noah Blog!

While Noah doesn’t do a whole lot of writing at this stage in life, he doesn’t actually NEED to.  His face is the picture that paints a thousand words.   (These are from the Christmas visit.)





I love how he looks like a little man . . .


walking around and exploring his world . . .


while thinking deep thoughts. (Or possibly even filling his diaper. We’re never sure.)


He’s always planning his next adventure. . .07-DSC_8360

of grand travels and toddler-esque derring do.08-DSC_8361


But eventually he always finds his way home, walks in the front door and says, ‘Hey mom, what’s for dinner?”


I love my little grandfella. 11-DSC_8553

After I had put together the above post, I happened across a few older pictures of him . . .

When I saw this picture I thought, “This is exactly how I feel right now. A little weary and befuddled.”



But happily, befuddlement doesn’t last forever and laughter returns.







Thanks once again for your comments, support and prayers as we wait . . .

35 comments so far.

35 responses to “A Little Weary and Befuddled”

  1. Denise says:

    I’m so sorry that you are all still waiting. I hope that in this case, it truly is that “no news is good news,” but still…whatever the news is, waiting so long for it is awful! I guess the Imaging Center might be a separate entity from the lab and perhaps they can’t control how quickly the lab works or how many samples they have, but it does sound as though there’s a major issue and a lack of compassion when they keep worried families waiting that long for something of this magnitude.

    Here’s sending many positive thoughts that Tuesday brings the call that you’re all waiting for, and that the voice on the other end of the line has nothing but good, GOOD results for Sarah.

  2. SueEllen says:

    I’m so sorry you all are having to wait so long for results, I would be so impatient in your place. Thanks for sharing all the fun Noah pictures – he Is at such a precious age!

  3. Shawn says:

    Praying that news will come soon and most of all thinking that no news is good news.

  4. Lesley says:

    Backed up?????? Grrr. So so difficult for you all. I’m hoping, like everyone else, that no news is good news!! And Noah is so adorable.

  5. Pam D says:

    I vote for filling the diaper. Little guys do that quite well. He is a precious and much-loved boy, and it shows. I’m so sorry that it’s taking so long to get results. I wonder if the “busy and backed up” thing is due to all that is happening in the healthcare world now or because there are so many women with the need for biopsies? Neither one is a good scenario. Praying for peace like a river to flood your soul… love you all.

  6. Jill says:

    Saying a prayer for good results soon! 2 weeks is half a month. That’s long! I’m going with the no news is good news theory.

  7. Robin CS says:

    2 weeks is really unacceptable. I know you are not a “boat rocker” but there is a serious lack of compassion coming from that office, especially given her history. Having been in Sarah’s shoes and yours twice, I do know that usually no news is good news. Praying for you guys.

  8. Cindy Latoures says:

    Becky, As mentioned your email at AOL appears to have been hacked. Just wanted you to know which one.


    • Joleen says:

      I received one as well. Just deleted it as it didn’t look right.

    • Kristina says:

      Ditto here… might be time to change out your passwords!

      Because what you need is one. more. thing. to deal with 8-|

      • Kristina says:

        Drat… in the messaging program I use most often, the 8-| characters make an emoticon (otherwise known as a smiley) that is rolling its eyes. It’s my absolute favorite, and relevant in so many situations! Unfortunately, most other programs do not translate it as such. Oh, the little things…

  9. Jenna Hoff says:

    Hey Becky,
    I think you might have an email problem. I just got an email from your account that did not look like something you would send and invited me to open an attachment that my virus filter is warning me not to open. Just thought you might like a heads up. (I’m Assuming it’s not actually from you)?

    Also praying for your family today and hoping for the call to come soon and for it to be good.


  10. Not sure I could be as patient as you are! In fact, I KNOW I’m not! I don’t think a time has passed in our 10 year cancer journey that I haven’t called before the given time for results for the mister. Praying Sarah’s call comes very soon!

    Love, hugs and ladybugs

  11. Mel says:

    So sorry to hear that you are still waiting. Hopefully looking at pictures of Noah will help pass the time. Continually praying for Sweet Sarah and her entire Smith family.

  12. Guerrina says:

    Good morning, Becky! I am not a good waiter in spite of God continually working on that in me 🙂 Prayers are up for all of you!

  13. Marjie says:

    Hang in there offered up special intentions for you all at Mass yesterday. I also hope you continually feel all the prayers and support from all of us out here!!
    Hugs from a warmer Iowa,

  14. Joleen says:

    Such a cute little guy! Can’t help but smile when you look at those pictures. I can’t even imagine how hard it has been to wait, and this long! Continued prayers for you all.

  15. Jenna Hoff says:

    Waiting can be so hard, especially in a situation like this. I hope the results come soon.

  16. dmantik says:

    With what is charged for medical procedures these days, I’m pretty sure it wouldn’t be too hard to buy more equipment and hire more people so there wouldn’t be any stinkin’ back-ups! It is cruel to make an anxious family wait so long. OK, rant done, but feeling indignant for you. Grrr…

  17. Courtney Hurd says:

    It seems cruel to wait and wait and wait for results of something so serious. I still struggle with how in this world of instant everything, it gets “backed up” and takes so long to get results. GRRR!

    Sending lots of love and comfort.

    • Becky says:


      You’re right–there IS instant everything, everywhere! Except, it seems, instant biopsy results. One week I can stand. Two weeks, not so much.

  18. Jodi says:

    You have to be going crazy, Becky (& Sarah & Steve too)! The fact that their backed up is inexcusable! This is not like their going to be letting you know why your pizza is delayed. Delaying results because their “backed up” is as I said, “inexcusable! I’m so sorry you’re still waiting! Love, Jodi

  19. beckylp says:

    so glad you called because that was going to be my suggestion – in the world of cancer test results – backed up doesn’t sit very well with me. Anyway, although your sweet
    Noah isn’t writing yet, he is certainly a busy little boy and his expressions do say it all.

  20. Judy says:

    Wish we could all have a day as a toddler. again…….carefree and not a worry in the world. My continued prayers for you and your precious family. Sending positive thoughts your way through my prayers.

  21. Mrs. Pam says:

    love the walking away photos…. too cute!
    continued prayers, of course.

  22. Ann Martin says:

    Waiting is so difficult. Praying for great news soon. Jim wanted me to call you but I know how every call makes your heart jump so I just send messages instead. Prayers for all.

    • Becky says:


      That is so sweet of Jim to want you to call and so sweet of you to decide not to call because I’m so jumpy with phones. 🙂 You two are dear!

  23. LeeAnne says:

    Hang in there. Praying for strength and comfort in this horrible, unbearable time of waiting. I like the way Vickie Buenger thinks and I’ll second that!!

  24. Vickie Buenger says:

    Becky, Please take comfort that if this was obvious and bad, you would have already heard. It has probably either slipped off someone’s radar or they are backed up with more dire cases to process. That’s what I’m hoping, anyway.

  25. Cindy from Sonoma says:

    The waiting is unbearable. Praying for very good news today. Noah is one cute little fellow and he sure makes me smile!


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