Legos, Trauma and Skipping.

August 2, 2013

Yesterday, we went to LEGOLAND.


Good times ensued.


The crowds were small . . .


. . .  and the company was great. (Those are Nathan’s and Steve’s feet, in case you’re wondering.)


We made new friends . . .


and beheld new vistas. (Amazingly, these cities are made entirely of Lego’s.)



Our beloved Pregnant One did very well walking around in 90 degree heat with a whole other person inside her.


Sarah was pumped that she was tall enough for the rides!


But sadly, just when things were going along so well, trauma happened, the kind of trauma that made us scream, screech, and caterwaul. The kind of trauma that can only be caused by . . .  a roller coaster.

Here’s the deal. Sarah is almost 18 years old and until yesterday, had never been on a coaster.  (I’m not a huge fan of roller coasters either; in fact, I rode The Hulk with Nathan a few years ago and have been in coaster therapy ever since.)

However, yesterday Sarah decided that the time had come for her first ride and I figured that if she was going to get on a coaster, I was going to get on it with her. And so we chose a relatively mild one, strapped in and got ready.

Things went very, very well . . . for the first 23 seconds.  And then I looked over at Sarah and started to get a little worried because it looked as though she was perilously close to panic and/or tears. I immediately leaped into Official Mother Mode and started saying Official Mother Words like, “Sarah, take deep breaths. Close your eyes if you have to. There’s a drop coming. Get ready. Hold my hand. You’re doing great.”  

Here’s a picture that Meagan snapped as we came around a corner.


The only reason Nathan was yelling was because Sarah and I were yelling; he loves the huge coasters so this one was not exactly scary for him. But he’s all about having as much fun as possible under any kind of circumstance.

And remember yesterday when I said I had a picture that makes me laugh every time I look at it?

Well, this is it. 


I dare you. Look at it and try not to laugh.   (And just you don’t feel bad for laughing, Sarah giggles every time she sees it, too.)

It just so perfectly sums up the whole experience as it caught Sarah in full fledged panic mode, me in semi-panic mode, Nathan in “Let’s all yell and have fun” mode and Steve in, “I am feeling very calm on this ride” mode. 

But you know what? I was so proud of Sarah. After the trauma and the near-tears experience, she pulled herself together and by the end of the ride, even managed a tremulous smile or two.  I don’t know if she’ll go on another coaster any time soon, but she faced a big fear in her life and that’s a great accomplishment.



After the roller coaster experience, she and I figured that there was only one ride that would work to soothe our shattered nerves.


Yep. The Merry-Go-Round. This ride is exactly Sarah’s and my speed.


Of course, no day spent in public as a family is complete until Steve and Sarah have performed their ritualistic Father/Daughter Skipping Tradition.


Love them. Love my family.  Loved this day.


20 comments so far.

20 responses to “Legos, Trauma and Skipping.”

  1. Alyssa Boreiko says:

    Oh my gosh, that picture is epic! I laughed so loud my dogs woke up and looked concerned. Of course her being scared was not funny, but that expression is priceless! You should send that into Ellen!

  2. Jill says:

    Oh wow! My husband and daughter (she is 18 now) skip every time we are at Disney! And I take a photo from behind! My son joins in on occasion. Other times he will make faces, off to the side, for the camera. Glad to see you all having fun and Sarah facing a fear!

  3. Mary H says:

    Laughing, absolutely chuckling over that photo. You are ALL braver than I. Never step foot on a rollercoaster. You need to frame that photo! Glad you are having fun and mama-to-be looks fabulous.

    P.S. Laid back vacations are the best for me. Just want to soak up the time with family and see a few sites but nothing better than time spent leisurely enjoying a trip away from home.

  4. Wendy says:

    Oh my goodness, How funny! Made me laugh too. I used to love roller coasters and pretty much any kind of ride, but no more! Glad you have had such fun days visiting!

  5. Yup, truly laughed out LOUD.

    I’ve always been a coaster fan, and prefer wooden coasters to steel.

    My hubby had never been on a roller coaster until we moved to STL. Now he’s ridden the Screaming Eagle AND the Boss at 6 Flags over St. Louis. 🙂 We rode the Screaming Eagle in POURING rain. It was AWEsome!!!

  6. Kathy says:

    I too laughed, but I have almost an identical picture of myself looking like that on a roller coaster. I was twice her age with my kids in the picture. I am glad Sarah can laugh at it also! Fun times, maybe?? 🙂

  7. Holly Hart says:

    I don’t do roller coasters either! That having been said, oh my goodness, thanks for sharing the picture! After an exhausting few days of helping my son and his family move I needed a good laugh! I laughed until I cried! I know I would certainly look exactly like Sarah! You guys are my heroes for doing that! I am not that brave!

    Nathan and Meagan are ADORABLE!

  8. Ann M. says:

    I don’t do roller coasters! I rode one at White Lake, NC when I was 13 and promised the Lord if He would let me get on the ground again I would never ride another one. I, too, like the merry go round. One of our ladies in the Beth Moore Daniel study went to LEGOLAND when we were studying and brought us all a picture of a Lego Lion to remind us of Daniel. So glad Sarah got to experience one roller coaster but now that she has done it she can make up her mind about another one. Love the pictures skipping–you got them “in the air.”

  9. Melissa says:

    Wow, you guys are in my neighborhood now! I live about 30 mins south of LEGOLAND, and we’re actually planning on going there ourselves probably early next week! I LOVE coasters but I still scream like that on them. And the contrast between Sarah and Steven’s faces is hilarious.

  10. Lesley says:

    Yup, it made me laugh out loud, which then made my Sarah laugh to hear me laughing! Thank you for brightening up our afternoon 🙂 She’s been giggling ever since.

  11. Sharon Holweger says:

    I have ridden on two roller coasters both at Opryland when it was there, One I rode at night with family (they talked me into it) and it was fun the lights every where were great to see. the other was an inside one and I rode behind my grand daughter and prayed all the way that I would not get sick on her.. by the way when I saw the first one in day light I would have never never got on it. I am scared of farris wheels but love the tilta whirl. by the way I am scared on ski lifts too.

  12. dmantik says:

    I did! I laughed out loud! I would like to frame that picture–so funny. Caleb wants to go to LEGOLAND too. Glad u previewed it for us! 🙂

    love deb

  13. Steve says:

    The mini cities of DC, NYC, Frisco, FL and Vegas reminded me of seeing mini cities in Holland when I visited at age four.

  14. Jodi says:

    Even the merry go round is too much for me!

  15. Steve says:

    And a good time was had by all.

  16. Great photos!

  17. MusicGirl says:

    Yeah…I don’t go on roller coasters anymore. Merry go rounds are much more my speed! Although bumper cars are pretty good too. I as well am short (4’9) due to my genetic disorder. So I understand Sarah’s smile by the height measure-er!

  18. Mrs. Pam says:

    I felt a little queasy looking at the roller coasterers’ faces!
    I never liked ferris wheels… being stopped at the very top and rocking back and forth.
    too much time to think. with a roller coaster, you don’t have too much time to think between the screams!!

  19. Dina says:

    Oh goodness, I had the *exact* same reaction on my first roller coaster, only I made the mistake of going on one that suspended you in the air and went upside down. I don’t care what anyone says– roller coasters are *not* fun!
    It is great to face a fear, though, and having faced it, know that you will never, ever, EVER have to face it again. 😀

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