Layers of the Day

May 11, 2015

Yesterday’s celebration of Mother’s Day had a variety of layers.

I was presented with a gorgeous corsage by my one true love.


I got to see this photo of a lovely mom, carrying a lovely, yet-to-be-met granddaughter.  (Meagan is on partial bed rest but was allowed to go to church yesterday.)


Before church, Nathan fixed her poached eggs and watermelon and served it to her in bed.  He gets his thoughtfulness from his dad. (By the way, poached eggs have been one of our family’s go to meals for many years.)


At church, Steve preached an excellent sermon called, “When Mother’s Day is Hard.”  I know that sounds like a depressing title but as always, he made it a message of hope.

At the end of the sermon, he called all the women forward and asked me to sing a song called “Circle of the Broken.”  Halfway through the song, all the women were crying and I was crying, too.  Note to self:  It’s very difficult to sing when one’s eyes and nose are producing copious quantities of liquid.

But the tears that all of us ladies cried were good tears, healing tears. The best kind.

Before lunch, I organized a brief Front Porch Photo Session.

Sir Smith and Miss Smith.


Mama Smith and (No Longer) Baby Smith


Mama Smith with another sweet girl.





After lunch, it was time to say good-bye to Sarah. She was headed out to a 6-day college retreat with 175 students attending—all of them strangers to her.  It’s the first time she’s ever driven herself to an away event so I was a wee bit teary.  


I have gotten a couple texts from her and she said she’s having a great time. That makes my mama heart happy. (I hope you appreciate the artistically placed dumpster in the background.  I’m a detail person like that.)


I stood on the porch and waved goodbye to her and treasured thoughts of my husband, my children, my grandchildren, and all the moments and memories

A sweet, many-layered mother’s day.


What about you? What did the layers of YOUR Mother’s Day look like?

24 comments so far.

24 responses to “Layers of the Day”

  1. Mrs. Pam says:

    lots of beautiful smiles in those photos, but I have to admit that I’m impressed that Summer was smiling in all of her shots. 🙂

  2. Mel says:

    Happy Mother’s Day Becky. I love your outfit in the pictures. So colourful. I just don’t know about Sarah driving. I am pretty sure that the last time I checked, she was only 10 years old. Where have the years gone? She looks so much like you. A true beauty, inside and out.

    • Becky says:


      Well, you’re right. Ten years old was just yesterday. And now she is a rising college sophomore. So proud of her but so wistful, too . . .

  3. Denise says:

    I think it’s really thoughtful that Steve chose to make a sermon with that subject. A lot of the time people tend to forget that Mothers Day can be really hard for those who have lost their Moms, have lost children, or have difficult or abusive family situations, and I think it really helps when that is acknowledged.

    My Mom is 3000 miles away. We did talk on the phone, and I sent her some presents, but I was still sad that I couldn’t celebrate the day with her in person. I distracted myself by doing things I love – going to a Major League baseball game (where they played with pink bats for cancer awareness, and the players even wore pink shoes!) and a theme park where I have an annual pass.

    BTW, I LOVE your multicolored skirt in that photo, and the aqua ensemble that matches it! And I’m trying to read the bumper sticker on Sarah’s car — can you share what it says?

    • Becky says:


      It IS easy on Mother’s Day to overlook the women who don’t even want to come to church because of various kinds of pain they experience on that day. We don’t ever want to forget! Sounds like YOU had a fabulous day.

      Thanks for the skirt compliment; I love it, too. I found it at a thrift store last week and paid a whopping $7 for it. (Most my stuff is $3 so I had to stretch a little.”) 🙂

      Sarah actually has two stickers: a small oval one that says 221B (an allusion to Sherlock Holmes, whom she has always loved) and the bigger one that is name of her school, College of the Albemerle. (COA)

  4. Ann Martin says:

    Enjoyed the pictures. Sarah is really spreading her wings. First the bicycle ride alone and now driving alone to the retreat. Glad you are feeling better. Had a good day–text from both stepsons and face time with our 3-year-old grandson. Wonderful church service ending in all the Mothers at the altar joining hands in prayer. Remembered Mama and Daddy as Sun was his 90th birthday. They celebrated in Heaven and I rejoiced in memories. God is good!

    • Becky says:

      Ann, glad you enjoyed the pictures!

      My dad’s birthday was also on the 10th! 🙂 Two special men to celebrate.

  5. Michele says:

    I’m glad you had a nice Mother’s Day.I love the pictures and I hope Sarah has a great time on her adventure! My daughter”s 25th birthday happened to fall on Mother’s Day this year, so we had a double celebration! Unfortunately my youngest is 2 1’2 hrs away at college and it’s finals week. So I told her to stay put and study and I’ll see her this weekend!

    • Becky says:


      Double celebrations are always nice–double the fun! I’m glad you’ll be seeing your youngest very soon. Telling her to stay put and study was a very good “mom thing” to do. 🙂

  6. Linda in Pgh says:

    So glad you had a lovely mother’s day, you certainly deserve it. I had a very quiet day as I am not a mother and my own mother is no longer on this earth. I did get to spend some time and celebrate with my very special “niece” and her mother. Sarah certainly has come a long way since I started following her original Caringbridge page when she was first diagnosed. Enjoyed the pictures, you have an awesome family!
    Linda in Pittsburgh

    • Becky says:


      Sounds like your “niece” is family which you chose for yourself which is a lovely kind of family to have. And yes, those CB days are (thankfully) a long, long time ago. So happy that you have stuck with us through all of these years.

  7. Lesley says:

    Awww Summer. You all looked very nice for mother’s day. I especially like that skirt. And Yay for sarah venturing out! Not easy for you but another step for her towards independence. She is doing great. You seem to be feeling better which is also terrific.
    I mostly had a quiet day at home with phone calls from the boys. I took care of Sarah and cleaned the house. For dinner I went over to my sister’s to celebrate the day and also her son’s birthday. He is the last of our children to turn 18. The baby, who is now 6’2″. Where does the time go?
    I was thinking last night that with the 6 children between us, we have been through quite a bit. Five boys, one girl. Now aged 18 to 30. The list: Learning disabilities, Traumatic Brain injury, Mental Illness(genetic), Severe Disability from undiagnosed genetic condition, Spontaneous pneumothorax x 3, Colitis/Crohns disease…..I have to smile because as we line them up to take pictures they are healthy, happy and very kind, empathetic adults.
    When I had my first baby, I had no idea what it really meant. No idea of the challenges and how far it would truly stretch my heart. No idea how invested I would be in their well-being. Yes, I knew, but I really didn’t KNOW. Best thing ever.

    • Becky says:


      What a profound, insightful comment. Parenting is truly full of challenges and heart-stretches, as you so eloquently stated and it sounds as though you and your sweet sister have had your hearts stretched more than most people. I think part of the reason that your six children ARE empathetic adults is because of the things they have suffered. Suffering creates amazing people. And YOU are amazing!

  8. Robin says:

    Wow what a great post! Happy Mother’s Day. I can’t believe Sarah’s driving….time flies. She looks fantastic and glad that she’s having so much fun. Awesome about the upcoming grand baby as well!

    • Becky says:


      Having Sarah driving has certainly simplified Steve’s and my lives; lovely when your child turns into her own chauffeur! 🙂 Happy running!

  9. Sharyn McDonald says:

    So glad you have a family that loves and appreciates you. It was about 1 1/2 years ago that my daughter told me she was seeing a counselor because of something I had done when she was 9 years old. Guess I had someone else pick her up from school when she was ill, and she had thought I didn’t care. Apparently has held that against me all these years (she’s 42). We are talking, but the relationship will never be the same. I got a text saying, “Happy Mother’s Day.” I am thankful she knows the Lord and so do her 4 “children.” I have envied the relationship you have with Sarah. May the Lord continue to bless you and your family.

    • Becky says:


      Thanks for sharing a painful part of your heart with us today.

      I’m thankful that your daughter is in counseling and thankful that she was able to wish you a happy Mother’s Day but I know the pain of the distance between you has been so difficult to deal with. Families so often bring us joy but at other times can bring pain. May you and your daughter continue to walk a path toward healing.

  10. beckylp says:

    Glad you had a great Mother’s Day. All 4 of us kids got home to mama, 3 grand”s and 4 of her great-grands so we had a noisy time. Was surprised to see Megan got to go to church while on bed rest – I was not so blessed. I know Sarah is having a great time but oh I feel your heart on this one

    • Becky says:


      Noisy family times are good times, aren’t they?

      Yes, Meagan was not put on strict bed rest, thankfully, she’s able to do a few non physically active things here and there which is wonderful. I was on total bed rest for a little while with Sarah and I agree with you, it’s no fun!

  11. LeeAnne says:

    Wow! This really brought back some very vivid memories of ‘firsts’. Among so many other things, I remember the first time my kids left for something similar. I cried too. A lot. 🙁 All those things that were steps to growing up and being independent were exactly what they needed and we completely encouraged. It didn’t make it any easier though.

    Your corsage is beautiful and I am glad that you had a happy Mother’s Day!

  12. Mary H says:

    So happy you had a great Mother’s Day. You have the best family. My friend had her sister, her niece and 6 of Greg’s friends over for dinner. Greg’s friends wanted to spend Mother’s Day with his mom. Yes, there were many layers to this year’s Mother’s Day. Many tears, happy, longing and sad.

    • Becky says:


      Oh, that is the sweetest story to think of Greg’s friends choosing to be with Greg’s mom. What fine, wonderful young men they are and what great friends to Greg and his family. I know it was still a very difficult day though; those “first days” after a loved one’s death are the hardest to deal with. Hugs to you.

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