The Last Smith Standing

May 8, 2017

Last week on our trip to Charlotte and Greensboro, Steve started getting sick the first day we were on the road. Despite his ailments, we had a lovely visit with his family, celebrating Vernie’s 83rd birthday.

Steve, as always, enjoying hanging out with his dad and two younger brothers.

I grabbed a photo of Ken reading my article in Angels on Earth. He was so complimentary and affirming. I am blessed that both my dad and my dad-in-law have spent a lifetime encouraging me in my writing.

Is this not a beautiful photo of my parents-in-law?  I so admire their relationship and the love and respect and laughter that shine between them.  They are a treasure.

As soon as Steve and I got to Greensboro for our denomination’s annual conference, he went to an Urgent Care for a diagnosis and meds.  He ended up spending the whole conference in the hotel room while I went out on my own to the meetings.  Happily, it was a lovely hotel to be sick in.

A few hours after we got home Saturday afternoon, Sarah started to feel weak, dizzy, feverish and had an upset stomach out of the blue.  (She is feeling better now.)

And so when Sunday morning rolled around?  

Even though I still had some laryngitis and a lingering cough,  I was the healthiest Smith available and therefore, I was the last Smith standing.  

I headed out to church leaving the Sickly Smiths to comfort one another. (Fortunately for them, Nurse Summer was on duty in my stead.)

We all need to work on getting better quickly because this week is a special one in the Smith House. On Saturday, Steve is turning SIXTY!  

I am inviting the church to attend a party in Steve’s honor and so, as you can imagine, my days are awash with a thousand or two details.  The theme of the party is vintage cars and planes in honor of the Vintage Dude. You can be sure I’ll take plenty of pictures to share with you.

And by the way, if you would like to share something with Steve for his birthday, maybe a word of affirmation or something you appreciate about him, feel free to do so this week in the comments.

This is the last Smith standing . . . signing off.


21 comments so far.

21 responses to “The Last Smith Standing”

  1. Lesley says:

    Happy birthday to Steve! He’s one in a million. My favorite thing about Steve is the love and humor that he and Sarah share and that you are able to capture so well in photos. Sarah’s a lucky girl to have a dad like him.
    I hope everyone was well enough this weekend to enjoy the celebration

    • Becky says:


      Thanks for taking the time to share such specifically encouraging things about Steve.

      With so many compliments, people tend to say, “He (or she) is a great guy.” But it’s always especially meaningful when a person lists specific reasons. You’re a good encourager!

  2. Jenna HOFF says:

    Hope you are all feeling better soon! Wow, 60, that is an exciting birthday. What a fun idea to make the theme vintage cars and planes given Steve’s love of cars and planes. Have fun!!

    • Becky says:


      I still haven’t quite figured out how I could be old enought to be married to a 60 year old man. Seems like I was 25 just yesterday!

  3. Sharyn McDonald says:

    Having met Steve once upteen years ago (now you know that’s a long time) at our former church, he is still the same upbeat, funny, jack of all trades, sometimes serious man of God. He is so caring for his family and extended family. A blessed and Happy Birthday Steve – may the Lord give you more years of service for him, and the next time, try and time it better if you’re going to get sick!!! :-). Glad all of you are getting better.

    • Becky says:


      You’re right. Steve’s timing was way off when it came to what time to choose to get sick. He needs to work on that! 🙂

      Thanks for the encouraging words for him.

  4. Ann Draper Martin says:

    Prayers that everyone is better and the last Smith standing remains that way. Excited about Birthday pictures.

    • Becky says:


      The Last Smith Standing is doing her best to get (and stay) healthy! The pictures will be very fun to see.

  5. Kari says:

    Happy 60th Birthday Steve! From all that Becky writes, you seem to be an all around great guy, son, husband, dad, grandpa and pastor! Hope you enjoy your birthday celebration!

    Prayers for everyone to feel much better soon!

    • Becky says:


      It’s funny how you don’t really realize how many roles a person plays in life until they’re all listed, the way you did. Thanks for taking the time to send birthday wishes.

  6. Cindy from Sonoma says:

    Happy Birthday Steve, I am still older than you. Not to mention suffering with cold like symptoms. I better go take yet another nap.

  7. Mel says:

    Oh I hope everyone feels better by the time of the party. Happy early birthday Steve.

  8. Ruth says:

    Oh, I forgot about commenting about Steve… oh dear, it has been so long since I have been in his company… I will summarize my thoughts of Steve Smith here; he is generally noticed in this world (wherever he may wander to and fro…) as being, zany, zealous, optimistic, gregarious, strange, charming, gentlemanly, brave, brainy, polite, particular, faithful and plain happy– to be–himself! (Thank the Lord for that!) And thank God that Steve is here and now… being a living witness of His wonderful grace. Ruth

  9. Catherine says:

    What do I say about a great youth pastor and his lovely wife!!! Thank you!! We are much older now but you”er still there for me. Thank you! You preformed my wedding ceremony! Thank you! You and Becky sang at my wedding. Thank you! Steve you have always had a great listening ear. Thank you. Always ready with great advice. Thank you! You have been such a blessing in my life! Thank you. I am blessed to call you friend. Happy birthday Steve! Hope it’s as special as you are!!

    • Becky says:


      What very sweet words to Steve. They truly made me smile. Thank you for taking the time to express your thanks and your heart. Blessings!

  10. LeeAnne says:

    Oh geez….so sorry that Steve AND Sarah are sick. Get better soon you two!!

    • Becky says:


      Yeah, it’s been a fun week here at the Smith abode! 🙂 I thnk we’re all well on the road to recovery–finally.

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