Last Minute Flight

June 20, 2022

Quick update for my Smithellaneous family . . .

When the hospice nurse said this morning she thought mom had 24-48 hours left, I made the last minute decision to fly to Wisconsin. Will land in Minneapolis at midnight with a 2-hour drive to the house.

Prayers she holds on for one last goodbye.

Thanks for all the comments, thoughts, and prayers.

(Photo taken last month.)

28 comments so far.

28 responses to “Last Minute Flight”

  1. Kristina Creek says:

    Glad you are able to go. ❤

  2. Lisa MacKay says:

    Sending prayers to you and your family

  3. Gloria A Smith says:

    Really glad that you decided to take the flight. I know that your sisters are very glad as well. It was so good seeing you, Pastor Steve, Sarah & Gage at church on Sunday. Pastor Steve delivered a heart warming Father’s Day message. I also enjoyed Linda Tillet’s powerful Sunday School message.

    Praying for Joanne and your family.

    Safe travels.

  4. Lizz says:

    Praying for you Becky and your sweet mama and family. May your mama have the most beautiful transition into Heaven. 💜

  5. SueEllen says:

    Prayers that you have a safe journey and that you are able to be there when she transcends to her Heavenly Home. I’m so glad you will be with your sisters to comfort each other and share some stories and laughs through the tears. Much love…

  6. Linnae B Stole says:

    Prayers to you on your journey, and your dear mother on hers, Becky.

  7. Buff says:

    Safe travels. Im sure we are all praying for peace, comfort, and no pain for your mama.
    Be safe.

  8. DeLynn says:


    I am so thrilled you are able to go. Have been praying all day for your dear mom, for you, for all who love her, and for anyone caring for her. It is such a holy experience to be there as someone is on their way to their Heavenly Father.

    I pray that your trip tonight goes well. God is with you.

  9. mrs. pam says:

    praying for you

  10. Elizabeth Wimmer says:

    Prayers for safe travels and your Mom to hold on until you are there… is a hard/sad, time. Even as believers knowing there is a better place waiting!!! 🙁 prayers for you, your mom & your family.

  11. LeeAnne says:

    Praying for safe travels and the chance to hug your sweet momma one last time. I’m so glad you are making the trip. God bless!!

  12. Lisa Landrum says:

    I am so glad that you are making the trip. Praying for safe travels and that you arrive in time to say goodbye.

  13. Phyllis says:

    Prayers for safe and timely travels.

  14. Diane Derheim says:

    Thoughts and Prayers for you. Your Mom sounds like an amazing daughter of God.

  15. Donna says:

    Prayers for your safe travels! So glad you are getting to fly out and be with your Mom. I wasn’t with my dad when he passed and I regret it all the time! Continued thoughts and prayers for your family!

  16. Nina says:

    So glad you are making the flight. I missed my dad’s passing and I will always regret that. Prayers for your family. It’s never easy even when we rejoice for the final destination.

  17. Colleen says:

    thoughts and prayers for your mom and family during this difficult time

  18. Suzanne says:

    Godspeed to you and your sweet Mama! Praying for you and your family.

  19. Ginny says:

    Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Safe Travels! Ginny and Ken

  20. Gail says:

    Becky. So very sorry to hear about your mom. I spent my mom’s last moments here on earth and they were precious ones. Praying for a safe journey and peace for you

  21. Dale Tousley says:

    Oh Becky, I am so glad you are getting the chance to say good-bye, I didn’t with my Mom because she had a sudden accident and it has always made me so sad, but luckily she was surrounded by my sister and her family….Safe travels and Godspeed.

  22. Dee from Tennessee says:

    You will never regret this decision to be there with her. This is a sacred “thin” place in this earthly life. Prayers and thoughts are with you and special prayers for safe travels and in agreement with your request. Love in Christ Jesus who first loved us all to the glory of God

  23. Shannon B says:

    Safe travels and praying for you and your family.

  24. Jenna Hoff says:

    I’m thinking of you and praying for you.
    These final hours are among the most precious of a person’s life. Know you have bent friends near and far

  25. Jan Turner says:

    I am so glad to hear you are able to fly back home. I hope you get your one last good bye. Safe travels.

  26. Cindy says:

    Becky, I am so happy you decided to fly back for hopefully one last visit with your Mom. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

  27. Janet H Reuther says:

    I’m so glad you made this decision for yourself. I know it will be a great comfort to your sisters to have you there.

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