Las Vegas. Lawn Mower. Waffle House Tears.

October 17, 2022

Last week Steve and I were sitting in our box-bedecked home when I turned to him and said, “Let’s fly to Vegas.”

Now you have to understand that this is something that Steve would never, ever expect me to say.  (Isn’t it fun to be able to surprise your spouse even after forty years of marriage?)

But after a brief explanation on my part, he replied, “Okay!”

So. The two of us are flying to Las Vegas soon.

I’m sure you’re scratching your head and saying, “What in the world?”

Well, here’s the rest of the story.

Our 40th wedding anniversary was in January; we had been saving money for a getaway and our kids had even gathered some money to put toward a trip.  But in February, Steve’s mom took a turn and the rest of the year was absolutely non-stop with no time for even a thought of a vacation.

So why would we do something at this crazy time of our lives?  And why would we (non-gamblers that we are), choose to go to Vegas?

When our renovation guy starts working, he will be removing a load-bearing wall which will require work in the kitchen, the basement, and the attic.  This work will create a lot of dust and a house full of dust does not make my lungs happy. His work will take three weeks but the first week will be the dustiest.

It suddenly occurred to me one day, “We have to be out of the house for a week.  We have money saved up. We didn’t do anything for our 40th anniversary.  Let’s go to Vegas!”  Hence, my suggestion to Steve.

We are flying to Las Vegas because it is one of the airports near the Grand Canyon which we have wanted to visit for years. Also, Steve has really wanted to see a Cirque du Soleil show, so that will be our big splurge for the trip.

And of course, my photographer’s heart is beyond excited to view the vast, wild beauty of the deserts, the rock formations, the big trees, and all of the things that await us on that side of the country.

From Las Vegas, we will go to Santa Ana, CA where Steve’s Aunt Yvonne (Vernie’s only remaining sibling) lives. Steve hasn’t seen one of his cousins in over fifty years so he is excited about spending time with his faraway family.

We haven’t had a real, going away-together vacation for quite a while so we are truly looking forward to this. It will also be Steve’s first vacation when he won’t be thinking about sermon prep and having his mind on the church back home. So I’m hoping we can both really relax after a long, stressful year.

In the meantime, we are keeping ourselves busy with a variety of things.

All four of our kids have been trying to convince Steve and me that we needed to visit an IKEA store so we finally did last week. Look at Steve’s face. He’s just not sure.

We ended up really enjoying it; it is such a creatively put-together store. And now we can say that we are both Charlotteans and Ikeans.

And on the subject of home improvements, Gage has been working on removing wallpaper and prepping for the big paint job.  If you’ve ever removed old wallpaper, you know it’s not a job anyone really loves to do.  But he is making great progress.

Just outside that kitchen door, we have this sight so that makes up for the mess inside.

I love that the back area of the house has space for all four vehicles. We are the red and gray family.

Do you want to see a photo of Steve fulfilling a lifelong dream?

Well, here it is.

For the first time in his life, he owns a riding mower.  Our lawn is hilly and relatively large so he finally had a good reason to get one.  It’s a Simplicity brand, a brand that his beloved Uncle Lloyd loved and used for years.

Since Simplicity is not a common brand, he had to do extensive searching online to find the right features and the right price. He finally located a winner (a used model) four hours away in Tennessee and after he’d rented a trailer, he and I took off Friday morning to pick it up.

Due to all sorts of delays, accidents, road work, leaf-peepers, and a big college game in a town along the way, traffic was horrible. Our four-trip turned into seven hours and we didn’t arrive at the seller’s house till  6 p.m.

We figured if we could complete the transaction quickly and hit the road immediately, the traffic would have settled down and we would get home before it got too terribly late.

But alas, as Steve was looking at the mower and listening to it run, he noticed a small oil leak. The seller was a crack mechanic and he and Steve spent two hours trying to track down the problem.

While the two of them were working on that, I entertained myself by wandering around the area near the house and taking photos.

This was my favorite.  Just in case someone happened to be a leaf PEE-per.

At 8 p.m. Steve returned to the car, thanked me for my patience, and said, “Let’s go ahead and get a hotel. It’s not ready yet.”

We hadn’t had dinner so we headed to a nearby Waffle House. As we were eating, Steve told me that the owner of the mower has two children struggling with drugs, and he and his wife are raising their grandchildren. Steve had a chance to share his own story of addiction and to pray with him.  It always makes long and tiring days worthwhile when an opportunity comes along to share encouragement and help bear another person’s load.

As we were finishing up our meal, I could feel fatigue wash over me.  Mountain driving is beautiful but tiring and I was weary deep in my bones–not just from the day but from all the weeks leading up to that day.

It was right about that time someone went to the jukebox and punched in Allison Kraus’ song, “Down to the River to Pray.”  Steve lit up as soon as it started because we both love Allison Kraus. Unfortunately, though, about the same time he was lighting up, I was breaking down.

He got that look on his face that husbands everywhere have when their wife starts crying for no obvious reason.

What’s wrong? What did I say?

When I could finally speak I said, “Remember? That’s the song we always played before our water baptisms in Manteo. Hearing that song just makes me miss the church and the people so bad.”

He understood immediately and said, “Yes, those were some special days and special people.”

I wiped my tears as we dragged our bedraggled selves to the hotel. We went to bed in our clothes, thankful for the travel toothbrush and toothpaste I always keep in my purse.

The next morning the lawn mower was running like a dream and we had a gorgeous, non-stressful, no-delay drive back home through the Smoky Mountains.  Along the way, God put on the most amazing display of colors for us–and a few thousand other drivers, too.

I’ve always thought that I would love to have an outfit made out of one of the colors from His paintbrush. He creates colors that earthly artists can only dream of.

Yesterday morning, Steve and I visited a new church and had a good afternoon resting and gearing up for all the days that are to come.

Because we never know just what a day will hold, do we?  Colors. Waffles. Tears. Leaves. Fatigue. Music. Outings with kids. Memories. Lawn mowers. Last-minute trips to far away places.

It reminds me of the verse from Psalm 23, “Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life.”

Whatever today holds, I’m thankful to be followed by His goodness and mercy.


What about you? 

What is your favorite Bible verse?

Do you have a certain song that moves you whenever it comes on?  What is the history of that song?

Do you have any good advice for visiting the Grand Canyon? Can you suggest any other beautiful spots in that area or heading toward Santa Ana?

58 comments so far.

58 responses to “Las Vegas. Lawn Mower. Waffle House Tears.”

  1. Fred & Lucy says:

    Dear Becky, thank you for keeping us about life in your new home. My favorite hymn is “Let the Lower Lights be Burning”, although it is hard to find in modern hymnals. But the hymn that always brings tears to my eyes is “Amazing Grace” when played on the bagpipe, often heard at funerals of first responders. My favorite bible verse is – John 13:34: “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.”

    • Becky says:

      Fred and Lucy,

      There is nothing quite as evocative as Amazing Grace played on the bagpipes. It’s like those two things were meant for each other.

      And what a tremendous favorite verse; this world of ours needs to learn the lessons of love.

  2. Sharyn L. McDonald says:

    I’ve Just Seen Jesus is one of my favorite songs and it brings me to tears. Even through struggles in this world we can see Jesus in many things that seem to amaze us.
    We have been to Las Vegas with our “kids” and their families. I would not go back again. Don’t believe that needs any explanation. Glad you are able to visit other places and relatives.
    Way to go Steve. Yep, that is definitely a man’s toy. Great pictures again and the one in front of Ikea is just great. Have been there, but always just to look. Have heard about their food – might have to go back just to try the meatballs.
    Definite view of distinction out the kitchen window to watch the season’s go by. Really dislike homes that have a sink that faces a wall – need to get creative (Gage, someone might need your creativity there).so it would be interesting. My sink faces into the great room and then outside. When we moved into our last home, decided to redo our daughter’s room – it apparently had been a baby’s room because they chose to throw wet diapers on the wood floor. In removing the wallpaper, there were 5 layers of paper. Bless you Gage for doing this. Know it is appreciated.

    • Becky says:


      I had forgotten about that song but glad you reminded me of it; it is so great!

      Five layers of wallpaper. Eeeek! I can’t even imagine taking all that down. One layer is plenty for us. And yes, we DO appreciate Gage’s work. It’s very painstaking and time-consuming and he has been a real trouper working on it. We’re thankful for him.

  3. Meredith says:

    I’m not religious (is it weird that I’m here?), but I do have a favorite verse.

    “He has shown you, o mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To do justice and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” Micah

    I just love it so much. Religious or not, I think it’s something that all of us could stand to keep in mind.

    I’ve heard that Las Vegas is actually really great for people who don’t gamble or drink. I’m a mega-homebody and my idea of vacation is not having to change out of my jammies all week.

    Hope you and Mr. Smith have fun! You guys have certainly earned a getaway.

    • Meredith says:

      Missed the 6:8 in there, although I am sure you know what I meant!

    • Becky says:


      I LOVE having people here who don’t consider themselves religious!

      And what a great verse. Do justice. Love mercy. Walk humbly. As you said, three things we all need to hear, remember and do.

      Yes, I would love a pj vacay too, but this one will not be that. Lots of adventures ahead.

  4. Lesley says:

    Hooray for deciding to take that vacation. How glorious to go to the Grand Canyon, it must be a magical place. Good planning to decide to get out of the house 🙂 It always takes longer than they say though, so don’t rush back.
    Music is a big deal to me. California Dreamin by the Mamas and the Papas was the first song that spoke to me at age 12. It was a hard time for me, and something about the brown dead leaves and praying in a church for help, along with the cadence of the song gave my soul great hope. I felt changed after I heard that song. Then came My Sweet Lord by George Harrison, no idea why but something about it, I love it. Finally, Hallelujah by KD Lang (what a song!) rounds out the trio. Probably my all time favorite. There seems to be a theme of sorts going on here LOL. Which is funny because I am not a regular church goer. I guess I worship at home 🙂

    Looking forward to a picture of you standing on the glass floor over the canyon!!!

    • Becky says:


      Interesting song choices! I’ve always loved the line “it’s a cold and it’s a broken hallelujah.” From a songwriter’s viewpoint, that is gold.

      Don’t know if I’ll stand on that glass floor or not but I’ll sure give it a whirl! Steve is the one who’s not big on heights so he may or may not try it. 🙂

  5. dmantik says:

    I’m so glad you guys finally get to take your 40th anniversary trip and get away from boxes and messes for a while. And being able to see all that lovely scenery and beloved family–a win-win!

    Great job on the wallpaper removal, Gage. I think that is one of life’s more unpleasant tasks. But it’s so nice when it’s done.

    I loved the story of picking up the lawn mower. Even with it’s frustrations, the fact that Steve had an opportunity to encourage someone made it so much more than just a tiring trip. How wonderful to find a mower of the same brand that his Uncle Lloyd loved. That will make every lawn mowing a tribute!

    Love to you both and the Longs! ❤️


    • Becky says:


      Yes, a Box Break will be a wonderful thing. I’m starting to see them in my sleep!

      I know you and Randy have removed some wallpaper in your day, including helping us do it in our Smithfield house. You know of what you speak. 🙂 We’re very grateful for Gage’s help.

      Always good to be able to be a listening ear to someone who is in a difficult place; Steve is very good at that.

  6. LeeAnne says:

    I, too, love all of the fall colors. They are spectacular and I never get tired of seeing them!
    It has been 50 years since I’ve been to the Grand Canyon so I can’t be of any help. However, the outlook point with the glass floor looks absolutely amazing! Back in the day, one could actually drive across the Hoover Dam. Not any more. We haven’t been back to drive over the bridge that crosses the canyon but it would be awesome to see. Lake Mead is SO very low so that bridge might be very revealing. We hear that they are finding lots of things in the low water!
    Have a really great trip and enjoy!!

    • Becky says:


      A glass floor sounds very cool although I’m glad I wasn’t one of the people responsible for installing it!

      It would have been fun to have driven across Hoover Dam; what an experience!

  7. Cindy says:

    Just a warning about best laid plans. Years ago when I lived in Sonoma my house was being remodeled while I was away on vacation to Florida with my family. When I returned ten days later neither of my bathrooms had a working toilet or shower. At least my kitchen sink had running water, but that was it. My bed had been moved into the smallest bedroom that already had a twin bed in it so I had about six inches of space to crawl into it. The icing on the cake though was my cat had crawled though the hole in the master bathroom that used to hold the tub. I managed to find Sophie who had never been outside before. I was not a happy camper! Oh the contractor did put the toilet back in the guest bathroom. For a week I washed myself down with a washcloth, but I survived and can laugh about it now. I am sure your remodeling will go more smoothly!

    • Becky says:


      Sounds like you had a memorable experience, to put it mildly.

      Fortunately, our guy isn’t dealing with anything water or bathroom related; just removing a wall, pain, and flooring. So hopefully there will not be anything too terrible that could go wrong. But I guess you never know! I’m sure Sophie had quite the adventure with all of it.

  8. Cindy says:

    I am not sure how many years it has been since I was in Los Vegas, a lot. My friend conned me into going to see Celine Deion (sp). The show was absolutely wonderful, the rest of the trip not so much. If you are going to spending any time wandering around the many casino’s wear sturdy comfortable shoes, my friend did not and we had to resort to taxi service often. Perhaps her feet would have felt better if she bought some practical shoes when she dragged me to the pricey mall. I also wasn’t aware that she was a gambler and I am not. I resorted to playing a penny machine just to have something to do. I will admit some of the casinos we saw were amazing, but I will never go back. I also will never travel with her again, she booked us into a shabby, sketchy place for three nights. Glad you are going with Steve. I expect you both will have a wonderful time!

    • Becky says:


      We won’t be doing much wandering in Vegas; just so excited about seeing all the things that lie beyond the city.

      I’m sorry you didn’t have a good experience when you went; sounds like you and your friend didn’t quite see eye to eye on some things. I know ahead of time I’ve got a great traveling companion. 🙂

  9. JKM says:

    I am not a gambler or a drinker but I am a people watcher and I love to head to Vegas with friends. So much of humanity on display. The excess of everything really brings back into perspective what we need. My most recent trip to LasVegas was just a few days after returning from a Work and Witness trip to Paraguay. The stark contrast between the two places was overwhelming at times. But, I was also thankful that God took the opportunity to remind me of His provision. With so much to stimulate the senses at every turn there, people are people everywhere and in need of someone to tell them they are loved.
    Congratulations on your anniversary and enjoy your travels across the country!

    • Becky says:


      Yes, that was the first thing I thought of when we finalized our trip plans–people-watching! I’m right there with you on that one.

      And I loved your insight about “the excess of everything really brings back into perspective what we need.” So very true.

      And then I also loved what you said in your second to the last line: with all the overstimulation, people just need to know they are loved. You need your own blog! 🙂

  10. Liz says:

    Having lived through two house renovations such as yours, getting out of Dodge is very wise! Have a wonderful, well-deserved trip!

  11. Suzanne says:

    Out west is certainly a beautiful place to go! I can’t wait to see your pictures! We loved the Grand Canyon and Hoover Dam is a sight to behold for sure. You find beauty everywhere you look as evidenced by the pictures you share.

    There are several songs that make me tear up including the Bulldog Nation Battle Hymn (:-) – football) but when my dad was on Hospice care, “Rescue” by Lauren Daigle was a source of strength and comfort for me and still takes my breath away. I prayed for God to rescue my earthly father HOME to Heaven. I still pray that I’ll find him there one day.

    My favorite Bible verse tends to change with my journey with Jesus but I’m often led back to Ephesians 2:8 –

    For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—

    • Becky says:


      I had heard Rescue in passing before but just went and actually read the lyrics for the first time. What an amazing song during that very difficult time.

      And love the Ephesians verse–everything we are and everything we have are gifts from God.

  12. SueEllen says:

    I’ll admit – I was not expecting you to request a trip to Vegas; but it sounds wonderful. I’m guessing Saturday to got to “share” the road with 100,000 people going to Knoxville for the epic Tennessee/Alabama game. As a lover of college football, especially the SEC that was quite the game. And that area of the country is getting close to peak leaf season, so I’m sure it was a lovely trip. I haven’t been to Vegas in over 30 years, so I’m no help there; but how exciting for Steve to get to spend time with relatives he hasn’t seen in half a century. I can’t wait to hear about it and see ALL the fabulous pictures I’m sure you’ll take.

    • Becky says:

      Sue Ellen,

      Well, I’m glad to know what part of the traffic problem was. 100,000 people are quite a lot to share the road with, in addition to regular traffic. We probably spent two hours on the trip averaging about 10 m.p.h. which gave us plenty of time to appreciate the leaves. 🙂

  13. Robin says:

    Have fun at the Grand Canyon! I haven’t been since I was little. I can’t wait to see your photos.
    “She Said” by Jon Foreman is a song that evokes overwhelming emotions for me. When I was very ill with severe depression and was barely clinging to life, I would play that song on repeat. It felt like it was written exactly for me. Unless I’m willing to have a big cry, I have to skip that song whenever it comes up now.

    • Becky says:


      Well, of course, I had to look up that song and listen to it after reading what you wrote. What an honest, emotionally bare song. I loved it.

      It’s amazing to me how music written and sung by someone else can express what we feel so well. Hugs to you.

  14. Lisa L. from GA says:

    I have a red Ford Edge Limited that I absolutely love. I’m assuming that is your car. Aren’t they wonderful? I love Vegas. I’m not a gambler either, but I do love the shows and just taking in the sights. It’s bustling with people who are so entertaining to watch. They also have some fabulous restaurants. Unfortunately they allow smoking in the casinos and hotels, so it’s a little difficult to get through without getting smoke in your face. The Grand Canyon is spectacular! You will absolutely love it. It will speak to your picture–loving heart.
    I do hope your construction is quick and painless. Living in chaos is never fun. I’m am excited for the pictures to come.
    In thinking about songs, Bebo Norman’s “I Will Lift my Eyes” and “The Hymn of Promise” always take me back to some of the valleys through which we have walked. I am always grateful that God was waiting for me in those valleys and carried me right back to the mountain top!

    • Becky says:


      Yes, the Edge is my car; it’s an older model but I have loved it. It’s my trusty, traveling companion.

      Isn’t Bebo Norman wonderful? He’s been around a good long while but it’s no wonder when he records songs like I Will Lift Up My Eyes. I’d never heard Hymn of Promise before. What amazing lyrics!

  15. Phyllis says:

    I have only flown over the Grand Canyon so no advice on that. I flew through Las Vegas on the way to San Francisco about 11 years ago so not much advice there either. I do know Hoover Dam is close to Vegas so that might be a stop for you. My brother and his family went to the Grand Canyon about 6 years ago. I know they took a train trip of some kind – my nephew is a big fan of trains of all kinds.
    My favorite Bible verse is actually a chapter. 1 Corinthians 13. I also am partial to 2 Chronicles 7:10 as that describes my birthday. I found that out when Nathan and Meagan set their wedding date.
    It Is Well with My Soul is a song that reminds me of my friend’s husband’s funeral. His patrol car was hit by a drunk driver and he was killed. That song was played at his funeral. The first time it was played at my church after that, I didn’t do much singing.

    • Becky says:


      It Is Well is one of my all-time favorite hymns. LOVE it.

      And what a perfect song to be played at such a sad and traumatic gathering as a patrolman’s funeral. I can only imagine how you felt the next time you heard it sung. Songs are so emotionally moving.

  16. Jojy Smith-Hayden says:

    Hi Becky! As a West coast gal with bad lungs, Nodules and COPD, I wanna suggest that your lungs and heart would be better fed if you make your destination Sedona, which is in Arizona, but close to Vegas. I haven’t been in Vegas for years (don’t gamble or whoop it up much) but last time I went, it allowed smoking almost everywhere. Not so where I live in California, so I gagged and choked my way thru Vegas. Sedona, is absolutely breathtaking in scenery and grandeur and has lots to see and do. Check it out on line. It’s one of our favorite places!

  17. Mary Winters says:

    You really need to check out the Bellagio casino lobby. The ceiling is covered in gorgeous glass flowers and they have a seasonal display entirely made of flowers and seeds that has to be seen to be believed.
    Really all the casinos have their own themed decor and going in to see them doesn’t cost anything. NYNY has a large Statue of Liberty made out of jellybeans.
    Also, the old strip aka downtown (which you can take a bus to) has a light show that’s fun as well. It’s free as well. Don’t walk there though because the area between the strip and downtown Vegas can be dangerous.
    Regarding shows, the Michael Jackson show is excellent too with a hologram that makes it look like he’s actually there dancing. It’s pretty amazing. Sometimes you can get show tickets for half price for the same day at a kiosk near the M&M store. It’s a good deal because the show tickets are expensive.
    As mentioned by others, the Red Rock area is beautiful too as is Laughlin NV

    • Becky says:


      That ceiling you described sounds wonderful! Nice to think of a tribute to nature popping up amidst all the manmade glitz.

      Glad to have another vote for the Red Rock area. So much beauty to see; I can’t wait!

  18. Lynn Ladd says:

    We love going out west. Beautiful scenery! In the Las Vegas area, I recommend Red Rock Canyon and about an hour to the north, Valley of Fire state park is amazing. On your way to the Grand Canyon, if you cross Hoover Dam and go south into Arizona on rt. 93, before you get to Kingman, you will see signs for Chloride, Az., an old mining town. It only has a population of a few hundred people, but it is quirky and eclectic. Lots of rusty yard art and interesting things to see. We also enjoyed Oatman, Az. which is south of Kingman on the old Rt. 66. Burros roam around town and beg for food. They have the right of way and traffic stops for them. There are a lot of old west buildings and shops. I hope you have a wonderful vacation!

    • Becky says:


      You said some of my favorite words in connection with a small town: quirky and eclectic. Also, the thought of driving on the old Rt. 66 is so cool!

      I looked up some photos from Valley of Fire and it looks incredible. Can’t wait to fly out there.

  19. Cheryl Denton says:

    Love you have an anniversary trip on your calendar. Already looking forward to seeing your photos. 😊

  20. Pamela M Doughty says:

    Favorite verse is Philippians 4:6-7. Especially the “with thanksgiving” part. And we went to Vegas in Nov 2019, right before we discovered that Chuck’s lung nodule was melanoma. Our last real vacation before plunging into the world of medical trips and it was a great one! We went to a Cirque show, gambled (hubby loves blackjack), saw the fountain show at the Bellagio, went to Hoover Dam, and then rented a car and drove through AZ (but no Grand Canyon) to Utah. Bryce Canyon and Zion National Park were both incredible. No matter which direction you go out there, it’s going to be wonderful! Have a lovely vacation!

    • Becky says:


      Yes, going through what you have Chuck have, the “with thanksgiving” part of that verse takes on all sorts of deeper meaning. Love that passage.

      I think I need to spend about a year out west just to see all the grandeur. Wow! Everyone has such great suggestions I want to see them all.

      I’m glad the two of you got to take such a memorable trip before the medical stuff started. That gave you some good memories to sustain you through the months and years to come. Hugs to you and your family.

  21. Patti says:

    My favorite verse is Isaiah 55:12-13 I learned it after reading the book “Go Out in Joy” about a hospital chaplain.
    I don’t have a specific song, but so many songs bring me to special places and people in my memories.
    Las Vegas has some fun buildings to photograph like New York with its statue of Liberty and Paris with it’s Eifel Tower. The Grand Canyon is great and a photo dream too. There is a fun rock sculpture somewhere along the highway to CA, I used to live near Santa Ana and my favorite spot is walking out on the piers in the area-Huntington or Seal Beach. Favorite restaurant is Panda Inn in La Palma and if you like breakfast you need to try The Original Pancake House.
    Enjoy your vacation. Can’t wait to see the photos along the way.

    • Becky says:


      Oooh, that sounds like a great book. I looked for it on Amazon but didn’t see it. Will look around some more. And that verse is a wonderful one; such a comforting promise of joy no matter the circumstances.

      Thanks for the very specific suggestions about walking and places to eat. And I followed the link for Seven Magic Mountains. What a quirky surprise in the middle of the desert. Love it!

  22. Kaye Joyce says:

    Oh wow!! I have been to Las Vegas, Reno, Lake Tahoe, Ca. and lots and lots of other places. Vegas is huge and bright!! I sat by the pool in Reno and it was 101 degrees that day. This was years ago. I loved the Grand Canyon and the Hoover Dam and just everything. Going out West was a great trip and we drove thru 18 different states in 8 days. Whew. I am so excited for you both!! I don’t think I have heard the story of Steve’s addiction. Do you have that posted somewhere? I have a dear friend that’s son has been down that road and finally went to a place in Raleigh and got cleaned up and is working for the company and doing great. We sure did send up a lot of prayers for that young man. God is good!!!! Can’t wait to hear about your trip and see all the pictures. Be safe and have fun!

    • Becky says:


      Eighteen states in 8 days? What a wonderful whirlwind of travel!

      Steve’s story isn’t posted anywhere. He just got involved in drugs and drinking in college, part of the lifestyle of playing in bars and clubs with a show and dance band. The drugs started causing paranoia, and after a complete nervous breakdown, he turned to God for help. Life has never been the same for him.

      So thankful your friend’s son is doing well.

  23. Lynne Reed says:

    As a resident of Las Vegas definitely visit Red Rock Canyon! Mount Charleston is also beautiful this time of year.

  24. Michelle Zammat says:

    How exciting for you two to go to Las Vegas. There is so much to do other than gambling. I went for one of my milestone birthdays and had a blast. We went to the Hoover Dam, Red Rock Canyon, and just did a lot of sightseeing. Hope you guys have a great time!

  25. Angie says:

    Sedona is beautiful if you get a chance to go there. It’s my favorite and Bell Rock in particular. It’s easy to “hike” and just feels right.

  26. Ginny says:

    Enjoy your trip and give Aunt Bonnie a hug for us! I miss those fall colors! I also know that Lloyd is looking down with a big smile on his face seeing Steve on that simplicity. We will also be visiting the Grand Canyon for the first time next September. We are taking a 26 day RV Caravan through the Four Corners area and that is part of the tour. I have flown over but never seen from the ground. I am praying I can overcome my terrible fear of heights to take in the full view but even a glimpse will be amazing. Take care of yourself!

    • Becky says:


      An RV Caravan sounds like quite the adventure!

      Yes, it was very important to Steve to get a Simplicity; a lot of it was knowing how much Uncle Lloyd loved that kind of mower.

      Will definitely pass on hugs to Aunt Bonnie.

  27. Janice H Rosen says:

    Hi Becky —

    A few things —

    if you have time in Vegas and a car take a side trip to Valley of Fire State Park .
    It’s amazing.

    On your way to LA — this was fun to see ….


    I have no idea where you are in relation to this but a friend of mine loves deals — and I know you do too…. It’s the store she says that gets all of the Target returns. She says restock is Friday/Saturday.

    Quicklotz Bin Store – Shelby
    (704) 899-4747

    Have a great time in Vegas/Grand Canyon!

    • Becky says:


      Thanks for the additional recommendation for Valley of Fire; we are definitely going to try and visit there since so many people have mentioned it.

      Yes, I DO love a bargain. Thanks for the tip about QuickLotz!

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Twenty years.

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