Kleenex and Comfort.

October 30, 2013

I’ve been having a great time doing some photo editing from my niece’s wedding. I thought it might be interesting to post some before and after pictures so you could see the sort of difference that editing can make.

(Be sure to make it all the way down to the bottom of this post for a couple of extra heartwarming photos.) 





 Two-before   (Hannah’s bridesmaid was trying to get Hannah’s wedding dress bustled. Better her than me!)


Two-after   (This was sort of a “radical” edit, but I had fun with it.)






Four-before (This is Levi, Hannah’s little brother.)


 Four -after 


 Five-before  (Hannah with her mom, Ruth.) 















hannah edit


second set

 Nine (before)







Hannah is blessed to have two younger brothers in her life:  Isaac (18) is a gifted musician who plays flute, piano, and violin. He played the prelude and postlude for the wedding and did an amazing job.


Hannah’s other brother, Levi, is six and he adores his big sister.


 In fact, he adores her so much, that he thought he might try to sneak in a little kiss when the wedding was over. . .


  . . .even though he was a little embarrassed about it.


And as if being embarrassed wasn’t bad enough, what did his big sister inexplicably do after the kiss?  She cried!

I’m sure he was thinking, “Women. You just can’t figure ’em out.”

Thankfully, Hannah’s tears immediately brought her dad and Isaac running, bringing both comfort and Kleenex.


 Having a daughter and sister get married is unspeakably dear and sentimental and joyful and heart-rending, all at once. I am prone to melt into a little puddle when I even begin to think about Sarah leaving us, when I think of her name on a wedding program.


But I know in those goodbyes, there are also joys–new love, new life, new chapter, new beginnings.  

Two. Becoming one.


 Starting their lives together with family, friends, smiles, laughter. . .  and Kleenex and comfort.

12 comments so far.

12 responses to “Kleenex and Comfort.”

  1. Ruth C. Rehberg says:

    just saw these Bec, so neat and fun!Thank YOU! I do not know how to get these onto facebook, do you?

  2. dmantik says:

    It’s so amazing what you do with editing. You turned those pictures in absolute jewels! What a life-long treasure they will be for Hannah and Karl.

    • Becky says:


      Glad I can be a jewel-maker. thanks for your encouragement! (And also, I’d like to have one of your pancakes about right now.) 🙂

  3. Lesley says:

    Wonderful artistic talent Becky! Beautiful pictures.

  4. Liz W says:

    What a lovely gift you have given the lucky couple! Your edits are beautiful, and having a family member do the photographs means so much more.

    • Becky says:


      I was honored that they would ask me to take the photos although I would have been completely overwhelmed if my brother hadn’t been there as well. It was nice to work as a team and know that if I missed a shot he had it covered.

  5. Mary H says:

    Those photos are wonderful! Love the “after” picture of Hannah and her little brother – his expression says so much about his heart at that moment. You are a very talented photograph, Becky. There is so much love that shines from your photos. I also especially like the “after” photos of the bride and her dress! What a beautiful dress.

    P.S. How is that grandson of yours?

  6. Fred Johnson says:

    Stunning and heartwarming photos – and “dreamy” edits! 🙂

    Fred & Lucy

    • Becky says:


      So glad you enjoyed them; I was excited about the chance to be there and capture the special day of a young woman I have known she was a baby. What an honor!

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