Just Want To Make You Smile

November 28, 2012

As promised, today I’m featuring the video of the guys from our local faith-based rehab center who we shared Thanksgiving with.

This is Steve with Ken, the staff member who accompanied the guys.  (Ken is a graduate of the program.)


Here’s a little video background:

Every Thursday morning, Steve goes out to Dare Challenge to teach a class.  (And when the class is over, he always takes one of the men to lunch.)  He usually takes his guitar with him and sings with the guys before he teaches and over the course of a few months, he’s had a chance to teach them a song he wrote called, “Just Want To Make You Smile.”

Here are the lyrics: 

We will love the Lord, love the Lord, our God
We will love our neighbor, love them as ourselves
We will welcome the stranger, bless our enemies
Heal the broken hearted, set the captive free
Jesus, we just want to make you smile

(Since Dare Challenge’s program is an induction phase and only four months long, there are a couple guys in the video who have recently arrived and therefore don’t know the song as well as some of the others do.)

The guys have unofficially adopted this as their theme song and have nicknamed it the “Whoo Whoo Song.”   If you want to know why, you’ll have to watch the video.




16 comments so far.

16 responses to “Just Want To Make You Smile”

  1. dmantik says:

    LOVED that song! Made my heart happy! And just think–I get to be related to that fab guitar player and song writer. 🙂 You Smiths are fantabulous!

    Love deb

  2. Joleen says:

    Whoo Whoo! What a JOY!

  3. Gayle says:

    It made me smile!! Whoo Whoo!! 🙂

    Gayle in AL

  4. Jojy Smith says:

    I hooty hooed the rest of the day!!

  5. Chase says:

    Great song. Made me smile as well.

  6. jenna hoff says:

    Love the song! And can I just point out that even though Steve wrote it as song lyrics, in another context, these same words could very much be used as a description of your family’s mission statement or the way you live your lives.

    • Becky says:

      Jenna, that is a great point. As I was posting the song I thought that the “welcome the stranger line” perfectly described us having these guys to our house. (Although Steve knew them a little, Sarah and I didn’t know them at all.) It’s cool how songs fit different situations and different moments.

  7. Nancy Irving says:

    It was sooo wonderful Becky, it sure did make me smile. 🙂

  8. Mary H says:

    Wow! Does your community know how blessed they are that you waited and waited and waited some more before being led to minister in Manteo? I hope they do!

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