Israel. Part 1

January 28, 2018

(Edited to add on Feb. 25:   All the pictures in this post eventually made their way into one of the posts I wrote in the weeks following.  I am going to leave it up anyway since it captures my initial overview of the country.)

I have just a very few minutes to get a post up so I’ll share some pictures with limited commentary.  We are having an exhilarating time–truly a trip of a lifetime. 

Steve didn’t go out on the tour today because he is coming down with a cold/flu thing; unfortunately, I’m feeling some of the same symptoms myself.  Hopefully some rest and some meds will get us back on our feet tomorrow.

This is a miscellaneous collection of pictures.  I have taken so many photos that I love but I don’t have them all moved to my computer and I forgot my inverter thingie so I can’t charge my computer again till I get home so I am using Steve’s computer real quick since he has some battery left.  (Yes, that was a run on sentence.)

Much more later!


The sea of Galilee in the rain.



We have one more day of touring on Monday and then will leave for the airport Tuesday at 5 a.m. for the 11 hour trip to NYC.  

Looking forward to sharing more with you.  

17 comments so far.

17 responses to “Israel. Part 1”

  1. Kari says:

    The photos are breathtaking! Can’t wait to see more along with descriptions. Especially want to hear about the paintings on the wall/ceiling, all of the black boulders, what looks like a HUGE bird over the Sea of Galilee, and the dark pink/fuchsia woven?textile.

  2. krista121799 says:

    Beautiful! Can’t wait to see/hear more!

  3. Phyllis says:

    Hope you are feeling better. It would not be a fun trip home to be be sick. Pictures are beautiful. Look forward to more when you get home.

  4. Mary H. says:

    Hope you two are feeling a little better and will arrive back in the U.S. healthy. I can’t wait to see the photos. I can’t begin to imagine the impact a trip like this would have one one’s heart and soul. Rest, get better, safe travels.

  5. LeeAnne says:

    It looks like an amazing trip! Hope your bugs don’t stick around long. Super bad timing…..ugh. 🙁 Safe travels home!

  6. Donna T. says:

    Love the picture with the city in the background with the circle in the foreground. And yes, I would love to see some pics with you guys on a camel. Glad ya’ll are having a great time except for the “cough, sputter, acckk”!!

  7. Mel says:

    Beautiful pictures as always Becky. So glad you got to do this. Hopefully this bug does not stick around.

  8. Tobi says:

    Thanks for sharing photos! I’ve been wondering how your trip was going. I’m looking forward to more stories about your experiences. I hope you’re feeling better. Have a safe flight home.

  9. Diane Pombier says:

    Beautiful pictures. thanks for sharing and feel better.

  10. dmantik says:

    Mom and I just looked through your pictures–I love how you capture things in unusual ways. Mom says she’d like to see a picture of someone riding a donkey or camel. Hope you both feel better. It stinks that you have to deal with the creeping crud on this once in a lifetime trip. ? love to you both!

  11. Sharyn McDonald says:

    Such wonderful pictures – will you have a description on the pictures that you took? Were you able to go down the Via Delorosa? Pray you both are feeling better. Must have been the air in the plane. 🙂

  12. Ann Draper Martin says:

    Pictures are very interesting. Safe travels home and pray for return of good health.

  13. Margie M says:

    Hope you both feel better soon. Pictures are beautiful.

  14. mrs pam says:

    SO SORRY to hear about the cough-sputter-acckks! UGH! glad the rest of the trip has been so wonderfdul

  15. Dale Tousley says:

    Beautiful pictures, they gave me chills when you think of all of the history that has happened there…..I hope you both feel better….and can’t wait to see more pictures.

  16. Steve says:

    Great trip. Cough, sputter, acckk!

  17. Catherine says:

    Wow! So beautiful. Would love to go there myself one day. Oh man! I hope y’all no get cold /flu! I got it. It no FUN!! Praying for ya’s. Safe travels home.

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