Isn’t It ‘Bout Time For A Noah Post?

January 17, 2014

This is a photo from Meagan’s FB page this week. It was taken at her sister’s house, who takes care of Noah while Meagan teaches.

She captioned it: This is Nathan’s impression of me going to work in the morning. I’m dying right now because its pretty true.


Someone left a comment  on her page and said that it’s usually at that point in the process that you realize your keys are in the bottom of the bag.  How true is that? 

And speaking of the Nathan Smith family . . .

here are two of photos of Nathan and me, one taken about three years ago and the other taken a month ago.

1-nate and me

Meagan and I were giggling over the first photo because Nathan looks so very young!  In fact Meagan told him, “Nathan, you were just a baby in that picture!”  Amazing how a great wife and a good kid can grow a guy right up!

Having a grand baby in our lives . . .

has caused me to on the lookout for all kinds of baby stuff that we can pull out when Noah graces our home with his sweet little self. I was looking at a stroller in a thrift store recently and since it was $20, I didn’t buy it.  A few days ago, a woman in the church texted me and said, “Can you use a stroller?”  

And presto!  We have a stroller!

She also gave us a teensy weensy lawn chair which I absolutely love. Can’t you just see Noah plopping in his little bottom down in this and trying to sit up all straight and tall like the big guys? Love it.



And lastly . . .

here are a few photos of Noah taken about a month ago by a friend of Nathan and Meagan’s.












Sweet, sweet baby. Sweet, sweet mama and daddy.

Love them.


26 comments so far.

26 responses to “Isn’t It ‘Bout Time For A Noah Post?”

  1. Elizabeth Bowen says:


  2. Karen Lynch says:

    He is just beautiful! And whoever took the pictures did a wonderful job. Being a grandparent is one of my biggest blessings.

  3. Lesley says:

    What beautiful pictures of Noah and his mom and dad. He is such a blondie, still loving he cleft in his chin! And Becky, I have to say that you are aging very gracefully, improving with age! How do you do it?

    • Becky says:


      People have commented on the cleft in his chin but for some reason it doesn’t stand out to me as much; I need to notice it more! 🙂 I do you hope you and Sarah are feeling a little recovered today; sounds like you’ve had a tough time of it. Hugs!

  4. Ann Martin says:

    Lovely pictures of beautiful people. I agree with the others–you look younger in the recent picture. The Christmas ornament ones are different and so cute. Of course I like all of them. Thanks for sharing. Love you.

  5. Bea says:

    Becky, I have to agree! You DO look very beautiful in the pictures and I too like your hair just a little longer, like the second picture. 🙂 My favorite photos are the hands and feet too, plus the one of the three of them kissing the baby. Awwww. too cute. That baby is gorgeous! So fortunate to have such special, loving parents, and a priceless family that loves him as well. Thank you SO much for sharing them with us.
    Love to all of you!!

    • Becky says:


      Thanks–you are always so sweet and encouraging! I’m happy to share him and happy that you love having him shared! 🙂

  6. Fred Johnson says:

    Becky, it’s nice to be on-line with your blog again! And thanks also for all the photos of your wonderful family! You are the most creative photographer – I loved all those photos of Noah! “dmantic’s” comment about Noah’s expression when Megan was kissing him – well that perfectly expressed my thoughts, just more eloquently. The caption I first thought of was, “Oh, brother!” (Oh well, we can do that later when the baby is a – gasp! – a teenager!) 😉 ~ Fred & Lucy

    PS -Thought for a future photo. Remember the “BIG LAWN CHAIR” that used to be across from “His Shells by Brenda” in Manteo? I still see it somewhen beside the highway, after I cross the big bridge into Powell’s Point. Okay, my idea is Nathan & Megan in the “BIG Lawn Chair ” and Noah beside him in his new “Little Lawn Chair.”
    Oh wait, I just got an e-mail from Noah telling me to forget taking a two-hour ride for a photo. Sorry, Noah. 😉

    The Big Chair –

    PPS – Hey Mrs. Pam, missed ya. 😉

    • Becky says:


      We actually used to have a big chair here in Manteo near some of the little shops downtown. I’ll have to see if it’s still there! That would be a cute shot. Good to have you back!

      (PS. Just wanted to make sure you know I didn’t take all the pictures; those were taken a friend of Nathan and Meagan’s. He did a great job!)

    • Mrs. Pam says:

      Fred & lucy, here I am! I couldn’t get a Comment Section to sign in, so this works….
      REALLy cute pictures of Noah… love those sweet little toesies!
      are you feeling better, Becky?

      • Fred Johnson says:

        Hey, Mrs. Pam! It’s great to hear from you and to be getting Becky’s blog again – now that I figured out what was happening with my e-mail! Hope you and yours had a wonderful Christmas season. Best Regards, Fred & Lucy 🙂

  7. Jenna Hoff says:

    Beautiful photos. He is such a cute guy. My brother and his wife are expecting their first baby in June, and I can’t wait to have a baby in the family!

  8. dmantik says:

    So how can you possibly look younger now than you did 3 years ago? I mean really. Is there no justice in this world?

    My fave pix is the one of Meagan kissing Noah and his expression seems to be that of the quintessential boy with a frog and half an old peanut butter sandwich in his pocket, rolling his eyes and saying, “M-o-m! Do you HAVE to kiss me in front of everybody?” Such a lovely little family.

    As for you, Grandma, you can start looking older any time now.

    • Becky says:


      I never really noticed his expression until you pointed it out; you’re right, that is what he looks like! 🙂

      I appreciate your kind words about my alleged youthful appearance. Don’t FEEL too youthful these days but I’m happy to know the passage of three years hasn’t aged me too much.

  9. Mary H says:

    I love all the photos but my favorites are the hands and the feet with the Christmas ornaments. Precious. I love those baby hands and feet. And, yes, it was BOUT TIME for a Noah update – I campaign for ones more often – can’t get enough of that little man.

    • Becky says:


      I know, isn’t that a great shot? It would be lovely on a Christmas card. Glad to know that I am not over saturating my market with Noah Posts! 🙂

  10. LeeAnne says:

    Such sweet pictures of Noah. 🙂 He will look adorable in that little chair. Can’t wait to see that!

  11. angela says:


  12. beckylp says:

    Becky – I love your hair length in the recent photo – in fact you look much younger. Love all the pictures especially the 3 hands…….. Can’t wait to see Noah in that little chair.

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