Being Infused. Thinking Spring. And Your Weather Report.

March 16, 2014

I’m leaving the house tomorrow at 5:45 a.m. so I’ll go ahead and get my Monday post written today. The reason for my early morning journey is to pay yet another visit to my rheumatologist  who will be starting me on an Orencia infusion. The Remicade didn’t do a whole lot for me so I’m hoping for good results from a different med.

While I’ve got you here, I wanted to mention Sarah’s latest blog post; you’ll want to peruse it and find out more about the the novel she’s been working on for the past seven years. It’s a very interesting read.

Also, I mentioned in an earlier post that I went out on my birthday and took some springtime pictures around our lovely Outer Banks area. If you still have snow on the ground where you live, I hope these pictures give you that little extra reminder that winter won’t last forever. (Please scroll to the end of post for info on giving your weather report.)








 scenery edit










Since I have readers from around the world, I think it would be especially interesting to hear some brief weather reports from hither and yon. 

Leave a quick comment and let us know the following:

Where do you live? Do you have snow on the ground or no snow?  

What is your weather forecast for the next day or two, especially temperature?


68 comments so far.

68 responses to “Being Infused. Thinking Spring. And Your Weather Report.”

  1. Kristina says:

    All the comments have disappeared! It says 64, but I only see 2…

    • Kristina says:

      Wellll… never mind. Apparently there is a ‘previous comments’ button. Found them! 😛

      • Becky says:


        You get the Reader of the Week award!

        I noticed yesterday that the majority of the comments on this post had disappeared (even though the the number said 64) and had even emailed my blog designer to see if she could figure out the problem.

        I hadn’t heard back from her but came back this morning and noticed YOUR comment saying that there was a previous comments button. (Would you believe I hadn’t even noticed it?)

        So then I went into my blog settings and saw that at some point in the past I had selected an option limiting the number of comments that could show up on one page. So I deselected that and, Bingo! The comments have reappeared.

        Thank you for your help! See? You’re good at blogging already, even if you haven’t yet started! 🙂

  2. Becky says:


    How nice to hear from a long lost Smithellaneous family member; I’m glad you found us again! 🙂

    And what an interesting life to be going to veterinary school in Scotland; that’s one of my dream places to visit. From what you said about the weather, I would imagine that it would be a challenge to know how to dress each day, since you never know if the sun or the clouds are going to win the weather war!

    Enjoy that lovely, lovely place and thanks again for stopping by!

  3. Kristin says:

    I used to read your site frequently a couple of years ago. Then I moved from sunny Arizona to Scotland and started veterinary school. Between moving and starting school, I lost track of keeping up with various blogs. For some reason, I randomly thought about you and your family a few weeks back and decided to check in. I am glad that I did, as I love reading about you and your family and seeing how everyone is doing.

    Back to the topic, currently in Scotland it is sunny and windy, with an expected high of 41 degrees. However, the only thing about weather in Scotland that is predictable is that it will be entirely unpredictable. It is best to expect that it will rain here, even if the day starts off beautifully sunny. Even as I type this, the clouds are fighting with the sun.

  4. Kristina says:

    Alaska is still pretty cold and snowy. We’ve had a few warm-ish days (as in above freezing) so we’re slooowwly starting the melting (here we call it breakup) process. But this morning it was -4 F outside. So definitely not into spring yet!

    • Becky says:


      Four degrees below zero is a very disheartening number when it’s almost April.

      However, I am excited with you and for you about the onset of spring in Alaska–any day now!!

  5. Jodi says:


    I’m not sure where to even post this comment/question?? Because I feel like others might find the info interesting/helpful, some might be able to offer suggestions, tricks, tips, etc., along with what you (and Sarah) may have to offer I decided to write it here instead of in an email……..”THIS FIRST PARAGRAPH IS SO POORLY WRITTEN, PLEASE FORGIVE THE SLEEP DEPRIVED GAL FROM IL!”

    Too blog or not too blog? Best “host” to BLOG? Anonymous or go public (tips how to remain anonymous) How to come up with a name?

    I do know that part of your success (in addition to your kind and sunny personality) is that you comment on everything people comment to you on. That says so much to me as a reader. If I’m going to take the time to comment, I love that you take the time to acknowledge that.

    Any suggestions, from you, or anyone, that would be great!

    • Becky says:

      Hi Jodi,

      Thanks for commenting on the fact that I comment on everyone’s comments! 🙂 That means a lot to me that you noticed. I believe blogging should be a 2-way street and so I love hearing what readers have to say and responding to it. It makes for nice conversation and I love getting to know folks!

      As for your questions:

      1. There is really no reason NOT to blog if you have a hankering to do so. Whether or not your readership grows into the thousands or just consists of a few friends and relatives, expressing yourself through words is a wonderful thing to do. It is also nice to have a record of your life in words and pictures to go back and read later.

      2. The best blog host for me has been WordPress although I spent several years on Blogspot. They are both user friendly and have free versions. For more extensive insights on their pros and cons just Google WordPress vs. Blogspot. Lots of good info out there.

      3. As far as blogging anonymously, that whole concept has never even entered my brain in the 11 years I’ve been blogging so I’m probably not a good person to address that. Most people blog to let people know their story and their experiences so I would think that anonymous blogging would very much be in the minority. I’m sure there are reasons to do it that way but at the moment, I can’t think of any! 🙂

      4. Coming up with a blog title is a pretty tough thing to do. After transferring all of my blogging from Sarah’s Caringbridge page over to Blogspot (and then to WordPress) I had an awful time coming up with a name. Finally, a long time reader (and friend) Pam Doughty suggested Smithellany. I changed that to Smithellaneous and have loved it ever since!

      Thanks for the great questions!

    • Kristina says:

      Hi Jodi :). These are good questions… I have been in the process of “starting” a blog for years, and haven’t actually done it yet because I’m a procrastinator and a perfectionist. Oh, and nervous. 😛

      I agree with Becky — WordPress is great, and coming up with a name is DEFINITELY the hardest part. It took me forever, and when I finally did, I actually got the idea from Sarah’s blog title… I’ll have to write a blog post about that someday!

      The one thing I can address is anonymity… I read a lot of very varied (ha) blogs, and several of them actually are anonymous. Usually, people who chose anonymity do so to avoid the weirdness that can be found on the internet — there’s always the possibility that someone could get a little too overzealous and try to track you down. Or get very personal when leaving angry/ridiculous comments. Also, some people do it to protect their kids — largely when they have very small children who they post about frequently — in case after the children grow up they’re not keen on their friends/college admissions boards/etc. being able to go online and read about every ridiculous thing they have ever said or done!

      It’s a personal, choice, really… I’ve planned to aim somewhere in the middle, at least at first, while I figure out how I feel about it. So I’ll use my real first name/picture/basic geographic location, but avoid divulging my last name/where I work/specific geographic info. That is, of course, assuming I ever manage to actually launch my blog.

      • Becky says:


        Thanks so much for jumping in here on the blog topic. As articulate as you always are in the comments you leave, I can imagine you would have a wonderful blog. And I look forward to reading the post about how Sarah’s blog inspired your blog title! 🙂

  6. Elizabeth Bowen says:

    I live in Mississippi. Yesterday it only made it to 41 yesterday, but today we have abundant sunshine and it’s 64! We have had a bit of a crazy and cold winter for being so far down south. I won’t complain though, my in-laws are in Wisconsin and have had more than their share of snow and frigid temps!

  7. MusicGirl says:

    Unfortunately, more snow. Just had ten centimetres (four inches) on sunday, now we might get that much more. So tired of winter up here in the Canadian prairies.

    • Becky says:


      Oh my. More snow is NOT what you need at this point in the season. So sorry springtime is not making a timely appearance. Soon . . . .

  8. Emily says:

    I miss the Outer Banks!!! We started vacationing there (Southern Shores/Duck) about three years ago & completely fell in love! Unfortunately we weren’t able to go last summer & that, combined with the brutal winter we’ve had here in PA this year…well, I’m very thankful that we’ll be back this summer! Thanks for the beautiful pictures!

    • Becky says:


      I know. Isn’t it great out here! I keep on saying I need to get up to Duck on a photo taking journey but haven’t done it yet. It’s on my Summer List. (Or maybe late spring list.)

      Glad you’ll be back to enjoy it again!

  9. Sheri says:

    We live in the balmy state of Wisconsin. Today we had a high of 36 and tomorrow they say 48 and rain. We still have snow but it is quickly going away when the sun comes out. My (almost) 3 year old has told me he is DONE with winter and he loves the sun because it makes the snow go away. It has been a VERY VERY cold winter here this year and we are all sick of being indoors all day, every day. I can’t wait to see the leaves on trees and green grass under our feet. It will be here soon and we can’t wait!

    • Becky says:


      THAT’S a great joke–the balmy state of Wisconsin! 🙂 Actually you’re having about the same weather we’re having in NC today and tomorrow which is cool and rainy.

      I’m with your son. DONE with winter!

  10. Diane Carson says:

    I am in Bellevue, IA. It is right on the Mighty Mississippi! Yes, we still have some snow on the ground. The temp was around 35 today. Tomorrow we are supposed to have rain in the afternoon and then turn to snow, Shouldn’t be much accumulation though!!!

    • Becky says:


      I was born in Cedar Rapids and I also LOVE the Mississippi. Such a beautiful river!

      Thirty-five degrees isn’t too shabby for late winter in Iowa. Just think how different everything will look (and feel) just one short month from now!

  11. krista says:

    Here in Bismarck, ND, there is no snow on the ground. Today it is cloudy and drizzly (is that a word?) and in the lower 40’s. The next 4-5 days it is supposed to be the same. I am very ready for Spring. We had a very cold winter!!
    Holding all the Smith’s close in thought and prayer!

    • Becky says:


      Thanks for the thoughts and prayers–very much needed and appreciated.

      I know you must be thankful to look out your window and see no snow for a change. Hooray!

  12. Hi Becky. It’s lovely and Spring like here in the UK today – we have had sunshine all day with some fluffy clouds and bit of grey this morning. 16C yesterday – very warm for March! That said, after all of the flooding of our lovely coastal areas over the past few months, we really need it to be dry so people can get back into their homes and the tourist industry won’t be harder hit for the Summer.

    Good luck with your appt tomorrow! fingers crossed!

    • Becky says:


      I hadn’t realized your area has had such flooding problems. And it sounds like you’re very much like we are on the Outer Banks–you rely on the tourist season in your economy; any big changes (like flooding) can make a difference whether or not they come to visit.

      Glad that your weather is currently lovely though. Sunshine and fluffy clouds . . . ahhhh .

  13. Phyllis says:

    I’m in Tampa where the high today is supposed to be 76 with a 70% chance of rain. Skies currently are dreary gray. No snow on the ground of course. High tomorrow is supposed to be 74 with partly cloudy skies. It was near 80 yesterday, my red legs will attest to that as I was at a Yankees Spring Training game and apparently didn’t have on a high enough SPF sunscreen. Ouch!

    • Becky says:


      Sounds like great fun–attending a Yankees Spring Training game in 80 degree sunshine! Lucky you! 🙂

  14. Gail Puckett says:

    Becky, today in Kingsport, TN it is cloudy and rainy, like it was yesterday. On Saturday it was in the upper 60s and beautiful. That is East Tennessee weather in a nutshell in March. Still, I wouldn’t want to live anywhere else, I am a Tennessean through and through.! Hope all goes well with your doctor’s visit, we will be praying for you !

    • Becky says:


      TN is such a lovely state; I love those rare times when we get to drive through it.

      Thanks for the doctor’s visit prayers–much appreciated!

  15. Jenn says:

    I’m sure you are familiar with March snowstorms, being from Wisconsin. I’m just north of Minneapolis and we’re supposed to get 6-8 inches tonight. Fun times for my kiddos, not so much for me!

    • Becky says:


      Yep, March snowstorms are not too rare for your Minnesotans! My brother and his family live in Roseville, MN which sounds like it’s pretty near you? My hat is off to all of you up there who bravely endure so many months of coldness and snowy. Really and truly. I admire you guys!!

  16. Jodi says:

    I’m in IL, about 45 minutes South of the Wisconsin boarder! Currently, it’s -7 (w/out the windchill); today’s high will be right around 2 degrees. Tomorrow, Tuesday, they’re forecasting a high of 51 (yes, 48 degrees warmer than today). We still have quite a bit of snow on the ground but a good amount should melt tomorrow with such warm temperatures. Last winter we had just under TEN inches of snow for the entire season and this winter we’ve had just under EIGHTY inches (third worse winter in IL history just behind the blizzard of 79 and 60). And if that’s not enough, last winter we we had only SEVEN days with temperatures BELOW ZERO (without the wind chill) and so far this winter we’ve had TWENTY SEVEN. It’s supposed to get super cold again next week. UGH! The joys of residing in the Midwest. WILL SPRING EVER ARRIVE?

    I hope that your infusion goes well today. Someone else I know is also getting Orencia. If I’m remembering correctly she said it took 30 minutes and she’s going one a month? She’s doing very well on the drug with minimal (if any) side effects. I’m thinking and sending positive vibes your way that it works, works well, and works fast. Be sure to let us know how you did today. I’m sure you’ll be exhausted when you get home. I know when I travel out of state to my IN GI MD to have my pacemaker adjusted (my IL GI MD doesn’t work with the pacemaker directly) it’s a very long day. In fact, I’ve started flying (about 35 minutes in the air) because it shaves several hours off an already long day (I’m gone from 4:30 am-6:30pm when I fly).

    What is the plan for the low platelets? Man do you have a lot going on.

    Take care, Becky!

    Love, Jodi

    • Becky says:


      Wow–those weather statistics you wrote about are amazing! Going from 10 to 80 inches of snow? That is huge!

      Orencia infusion went well and it was just like your friend’s experience–30 minute infusion once a month. Unfortunately the doctor said I won’t see any results until 3-6 months of taking it which is a bummer. Happily my platelets were normal for the first in a long time. Woo hoo!

      At least I don’t have to FLY to my appointments, like you do! 🙂

  17. Sue in Califoria says:

    80+ degrees today and just beautiful here in San Jose but everything is so dry. The farmers and ranchers are in deep trouble..

    • Becky says:


      Yes, I’ve got another friend in California who has been emailing me about the drought conditions there and the water conservation efforts. Even though no one prefers cloudy, rainy days, I know you all would be very grateful to have a whole bunch of those kinds of days arrive in your area!! So sorry you all are facing this . . .

  18. Lesley says:

    Is there snow on the ground here on Cape Cod, MA? I have no idea! I could go look out the window but it’s 1am and too dark to see lol. Why would I not know this off the top of my head? I guess I am not paying attention.
    Here’s what I do know:
    -when I came out of work tonight at midnight the moon looked fuzzy behind some clouds
    -there were no stars and no wind
    -I wore my hat and gloves, along with my winter coat
    -i did not have to scrape the car windows
    -walking to my house from the car, the ground was wet and muddy
    -there were some shiny crystals on the porch deck
    -i tested the deck first to see if it was slippery/icy before i stepped on it
    -it wasn’t

    So, one can conclude that is is above freezing tonight, but still cold, damp and cloudy.

    i remember looking at the weather for wednesday to see if it would be too cold for sarah to ride. I remember thinking it was borderline, so that means it will be around 40 degrees. I remember wishing it would be sunny, because that makes 40 degrees feel warmer, so that means it is supposed to be cloudy.

    the end 🙂

    • Becky says:


      Well, that was certainly an entertaining read! 🙂 You did well to be so coherent at 1 a.m.

      I know how much Sarah enjoys her rides–I hope horse-riding weather arrives quickly so that she can get out there and enjoy herself! And I know you would love to be out there with her under sunny, warming skies, rather than those seemingly eternal cold, winter skies.

      Thanks for leaving such a creatively worded comment . . . made me smile.

  19. D says:

    Best wishes for your new treatment!!

    Here in Southern CA it was 90 and sunny today. For the next few days it’s going to be in the 70s, so we have our typical pleasant SoCal weather. I live in the part of CA that has been hit the least by the drought (our local government put in some great water-saving measures about 20 years ago, after a similar drought, and as a result we’re in far better shape than other areas in CA), too. The scary earthquakes and need for rain notwithstanding, we are really blessed here.

    I’ve had to really watch what I said about weather this year, since my family, and many of my friends, live in areas that have had very harsh winters. I can’t very well complain about our “cold” 50 degree nights (we’re babies here; if it goes below, say 50, we’re in the Arctic) when everyone else has been hit with so much snow and freezing weather.

    • Becky says:


      That’s funny what you said about having to watch what you say to your family members about your weather. I can only imagine that someone who had just received their umpeenth snow fall of the season would not be terribly excited to hear that you’re having yet another balmy day. 🙂

      Glad to read that your local government has been so proactive in the area of water conservation. Good for them!

  20. Brooke R. says:

    Oh, and you’ll be in my prayers tomorrow. I hope the new meds work. 🙂

  21. Brooke R. says:

    I am in West Lafayette, IN (Purdue U) now (north of Indianapolis). The snow has melted, but it’s 23F at 10:32pm. *sigh* I’m beginning to doubt that spring will ever come. I

    • Becky says:


      Brrrr. Twenty-three degrees is just way too cold for the middle of March. What you said about being doubtful spring will ever come seems to be a sentiment that has been repeated several times in many of the comments left here. You guys are just ready for warm weather already!!!

      Thanks so much for the prayers!

  22. LeeAnne says:

    Nebraska here. 69 yesterday, 39 today and 70 tomorrow. The Midwest springtime rollercoaster!!! 🙂

  23. Meredith from Minnesota says:

    Lots of snow here in MN. The high only made it to 20 degrees today, but it was sunny and we saw 4 bald eagles near the Mississippi river on an afternoon outing. It is nice to see that spring is arriving somewhere – it gives me hope that it may find us sometime in the next few weeks. 🙂
    Good luck tomorrow – hugs and prayers.

    • Becky says:


      Bald eagles near the Mississippi. Ahhh . . . that word picture just made me stop for a moment so that I could savor that image. A mighty river, majestic birds and spring peeking around the corner . . . doesn’t get much better than that!

  24. Melissa says:

    I live in central FL (only about 30 mins away from the town where Nathan & Meagan live!) and we’re in the 80’s, no snow in sight! Supposed to have thunderstorms tomorrow and the next day, then back to clear skies and low to mid 80’s after that!

    • Becky says:


      Well, if you see Nathan and Meagan at Walmart or anything, tell them hello for me! 🙂

      And lovely Florida sunshine . . .nothing quite like it.

  25. Michele says:

    I really hope you make out well at your appointment tomorrow.It must be frustrating when your treatment doesn’t help much….

    • Becky says:


      Eighteen inches of snow in one day? I can not even imagine. Especially when said snow shows up in March, of all times!!

      I agree with you. You need to ignore the calendar (and the snow banks) and go bbq something already! 🙂

      (And thank you so much for the prayers.)

  26. Michele says:

    North of Syracuse NY. Had a foot and as half of snow this last Wednesday. About 2 ft on the ground still. In the teens right now but is supposed to warm to the 40’s the next few days.. Need to braek out the shorts and the BBQ grill !

  27. Anonymous says:

    The snow is finally disappearing here in Connecticut. There is still snow on the ground, but more grass breaking through everyday. It will be cold, 30 degrees on Monday and then the temps should be in the mid to high 40’s and 50’s this week. Spring is on it’s way.

    • Becky says:


      Fifty degrees. I’m sure that those are two of the most lovely words a Connecticut resident can think of right now! 🙂

  28. Renee says:

    Right now where I live (Eastern Canada), it’s -11C/12F, but feels like -19C/-2F. We still have *a lot* of snow here, and I’m sure it’s not even the end of it! It’s been the coldest winter in last 20 years… and it seems like doesn’t want to leave us. It’s supposed to be around 2-3C/35F this week though, so that’s a start!!

    Good luck with the new med. I hope this one works better!

    • Becky says:


      You’re still THAT cold where you are??!! Oh my. Makes me shiver to think of it. You guys are tough . . . and brave! Wishing springy thoughts to you.

  29. Liz says:

    MN still has lots of snow, so hoping it melts slowly to avoid flooding. Forecast is for more snow but then some rise in temps. I don’t think CA folks should be allowed to tell us their weather!

    Becky, hope all goes well tomorrow.

    • Becky says:


      That line about the CA folks made me smile. 🙂 Actually I feel reluctant even as a “North Carolinia folk” to share our weather with you since we have relatively warm temps (50’s and 60’s) right now. You guys have had quite a time of it this year. Spring is coming!!

  30. Mrs. Pam says:

    sure hope the new meds work!!!

    St. Louis… I have no clue what the temp is but the forecast for today was rain, sleet and snow, so I didn’t go to church because I couldn’t handle my walker in all of that, and we have our service on livestream, so I thought I’d try that. Turns out the weather has been fine, and I could not find our livestream service. ugh!

    • Becky says:

      Mrs. Pam,

      Rain, sleet, and snow. Yikes. Those are not happy words, are they? Nice that your church has livestream; that is one thing we don’t yet; I need to figure out how to make that happen at our church! Sending warm thoughts your way.

  31. Nadine says:

    First of all: all the best for your appointment tomorrow!

    I, like always, love your pictures! I can’t believe how far along the leaves are where you live. After this hard winter you got.

    Weather where I live? It’s near Frankfurt in Germany. Well, spring all the way, not that happy about it, though. I would have loved to have a winter before it turned to spring (seems like you in the US got the whole load and us flatland Germans nothing). Only saw some snow in lamplights this “winter” but when I got up next morning all was gone. Forecast the next couple of days is 7-12°C (44 to 54F) and overcast.

    best wishes Nadine from Germany

    • Becky says:


      Thanks for the good wishes for my appointment tomorrow; I truly appreciate it.

      Hmmm. Somehow I had always pictured Germany having winters similar to what some of our colder states in the U.S. get. I guess I learned something!

      Always nice to hear from a faraway friend!

  32. Jan from toledo says:

    Your pictures are beautiful. I live in Ohio. We still have dirty mounds of snow from the 85″ we got this winter, but grassy areas are increasing. It’s cold today – in the 20s – but more seasonal 40s and 50s are predicted for later in the week. Kids missed 17 days of school due to weather this year. Can’t wait for spring!

    • Becky says:


      I’m so sorry you have dirty mounts of snow while we are enjoying leafy greenness! Truly I am.

      And 85 inches of snow and 17 days of school missed???!! That is hard for me to even comprehend. When you see your first green leaf and blade of grass, I know you will be three shades of happy!

  33. Cindy from Sonoma says:

    Today in Sonoma, CA it is close to 80 degrees, tomorrow it should be in the mid 70’s. While I love the sun and wearing shorts, I would prefer rain!

    • Becky says:


      I know how desperately you all need rain. Sometimes the sunshine can seem sort of dreary when you see it instead of the rain clouds! But 80 degrees sounds okay to me! 🙂

      • Cindy from Sonoma says:

        Best of luck tomorrow Becky, you will be in my thoughts and prayers. Sorry to other folks who read my weather report. We need rain badly so we can continue to shower and keep clean this summer! I would take your cold and bad weather if I could!

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