In Search of a Shipwreck. Roll Call.

May 18, 2020

Last week while Steve was in Charlotte, Sarah took ourselves off on a Sunday afternoon trek.

We picked up some food that we ate while gazing at the iconic Bodie Island Lighthouse.  

A few miles up the road from the lighthouse, we went in search of a shipwreck. 

We had never been to this particular Outer Banks beach and it was amazing to see how wide it was from shoreline to dune. We felt like we were a thousand miles from civilization.

This particular ship (actually, a 73-foot long, steel-hulled fishing trawler) washed up on this spot in March. It had run into trouble in the navigation channel and the crew was airlifted by the U.S. Coast Guard. The boat eventually meandered its way to shore.


As we headed back to Sarah’s car, I was thankful for perfect weather, good company, and a peaceful afternoon.


Ken is still holding steady in hospice in Charlotte.  We realize the call could come any moment so we are living in light of that call. Grateful to have him on this earth with us a little longer but will welcome the news that his journey Home is completed.


We haven’t had a roll call here in a couple of years.


I would love it if you would take a second to comment with your location (add country if not in the U.S.)  And to make it even more intersting, if you see a location that you have been to, leave  a comment and say one thing you remember or enjoyed from that visit.


Also, just for fun, let us know the average gas price in your area. (It’s about $1.70 here.)


(And if you’ve never left a comment, this is your big chance!)


94 comments so far.

94 responses to “In Search of a Shipwreck. Roll Call.”

  1. Sarah says:

    Hi Becky,
    I too am a long time follower , at least 13 years or so I believe . It’s been a delight watching Sarah over come and grown into such a beautiful adult! I’m from the northern suburbs of Chicago and gas here is $2.40 a gallon .

    • Becky says:


      A thirteen-year person. Hooray! Thank you so much for sticking with us all along the way.

      2.40 for gas is higher than us but at least not as high as it’s been in past years. We’ll take what we can get, right? 🙂

  2. Ellen says:

    I’m Ellen. I’ve left comments here and there over the years so you may remember me by now, but I’ve been here since the Sarah’s Spot days. I lived in Pennsylvania all my life until I was 34 when I moved to Raleigh, which was about 4.5 years ago.

    These photos are stunning. I’m dying to get back to the ocean but since I’m not a native of the coast I don’t know which beaches to go to that won’t be packed with other people dying to get back to the ocean. ? I guess I’ll just have to live through your photos for now.

    I guess gas here is about $1.80.

    • Becky says:


      Yes, I DO remember you!

      Pennsylvania is such a gorgeous state–so many beautiful country roads for meandering.

      Thanks so much for your encouragement on my photography. So blessed to be near some wonderful picture-taking spots. The beach that I took the shots at is so large (and a little out of the way) that it might be a good place to go. It’s a left turn immediately before the Oregon Inlet bridge on Hwy 12.

  3. Kate Abell says:

    Kate from Sheffield, England here. It has just dawned on me that I have been reading your blog for 16 years! Wow! Back then, I lived in Brighton, England (as far south as you can get before falling in the sea) and worked in IT for a London finance firm. Now I live in the North and I’m deputy principal in a very deprived inner city elementary school. It brings in a lot less money, but was the best career move I could have ever made. And I’m a Mum of two girls! A very long time ago, I now realise, I bought a copy of your CD, Like a Blanket, which you kindly posted to England.
    Thinking of you all during this strange global lockdown period.

    • Becky says:


      How lovely to hear from you and to know that you have been reading for sixteen years. PLUS, you live in England so that gives you extra points with the Smith Women. 🙂

      Going from a London finance firm to deputy principal in an inner-city school is quite a career move–and it sounds like you are very fulfilled by it. Good for you! I can’t imagine how rewarding it is to know you are making a life-long difference in kids’ lives.

      Thanks again for reading all these years. It is amazing to me to have wonderful, long-term Smithellaneous friends.

  4. Jodi says:

    IL here! Nothing exciting which is good; though schools and most businesses have been closed since the 2nd week in March. I have so many friends who’s children won’t be able too to graduate, such a foreign concept for us.

    • Becky says:


      Yes, I agree. Graduates not being able to have their ceremonies is such a sad thing. It’s incredible all the many ways our lives are affected by this virus.

      Always good to hear from you!

  5. SueEllen says:

    As always, your beach pictures are beyond stunning!! I’m in Mesquite, TX (Dallas) by way of southern West Virginia, Kinston/Deep Run, NC (thus my LOVE of the Carolina coast), Atlanta, GA, & Marion, Arkansas (metro Memphis, TN). Our gas now is about $1.55 after dropping as low as $1.28 (or $.78 after my Kroger discount).

    Continued prayers for Ken, Vernie and all of your family…And I absolutely loved Sheri’s comment.

    • Becky says:

      Sue Ellen,

      I was just thinking yesterday that I would love to visit TX again. I’d love to spend several days just driving the backroads; I know you have plenty of them!

      Speaking of back roads, I’ve never even heard of Deep Run so I had to Google it. Looks like a pretty little town.

      .78 a gallon? That is LOWER than low!

  6. JLB says:

    I am from tiny town in central Maine, called Sangerville. We are so small that we don’t have any traffic lights. We do have one gas station; and the price of gas in $1.86.

  7. Wendy says:

    Hi, a rare commenter raising my hand. I’m Wendy, I’m from the UK, and I think I found you just after Sarah was first ill and in the early stages of active treatment way back when! At that time I was a very green scientist and at the time was working on neural differentiation of stem cells…I’m guessing I must have stumbled across Sarah’s story somewhere in my scientific readings and have read regularly ever since! Having converted our price per litre, into US gallons (which are different from our gallons) and then from sterling into US dollars we are paying around $5.58 per gallon…which is about 30% cheaper than it was at its worst a couple of years back but still pretty eye-watering! Stay safe and well.

    • Becky says:


      Wow! I am impressed by your mathematical prowess in getting the price of gas converted from there to here. I can’t even imagine $5.58 a gallon. My lovely back road meanderings would have to be severely curtailed if gas cost that much here.

      I loved the story of how you found us! Even though you were studying things that related to Sarah’s disease, it’s still amazing to me that her story landed in your life. So thankful it did and so thankful you have continued to stick with us through the years. Thank you for that and thank you for all the research and study you have done over the years to help all the Sarahs out there.

  8. Lysa Sands says:

    I’m from upstate SC. Gas is around $1.59/galloon here. I think. LOL, it seems forever since I’ve bought gas.
    I have been reading your blog since Sarah was about 7, but I don’t know that I’ve ever commented.
    I love your pictures and would love to visit Manteo sometime! Prayers for your family!

    • Becky says:


      Hooray! ANOTHER new commenter. You all are making my day! 🙂

      Please DO pay Manteo a visit. You will love it.

  9. Joy says:

    Hey from Wilson, NC. Gas here $1.59 to $1.89. Prayers for your sweet family and Vernie and Ken.
    I hardly ever comment and hadn’t in years. Not a very good writer. More of a talker. Just wanted to say, I was in Manteo last summer visiting some friends and I was telling them I kept up with someone that lived there and that her husband was a preacher. I told her your names and low and be hold she knew of you and that you all lived in her neighborhood. On that Sunday afternoon, we were sitting on the porch and Sarah and Steve came walking by. I wanted to go up and talked to them but I didn’t want to intrude on their Sunday afternoon walk. I have often wished I had. I hadn’t checked in in awhile until a week or so ago. So happy that Sarah is doing so well and I pray for you. You are such an inspiration to me. Love and hugs.

    • Becky says:


      What a great story about seeing Steve and Sarah walking. They wouldn’t have minded at all if you’ve said something to you. Steve, especially, never meets a stranger.

      Thanks so much for leaving a comment even though you’d rather talk than write. I truly do appreciate it.

  10. Lucy Hegarty says:

    First time commenter here from Sydney Australia – I have been following since before Smithellaneous even existed! I love all of your photos Becky but these shipwreck photos are particulary gorgeous and have really hit a chord – I love the beach and am missing it very much. Such wide open spaces mean I They are evoking a good kind of melancholy involving memories of happy beach days past and a longing for more in the near future.

    • Becky says:


      First-time commenter. Yay!

      I would love to visit your beautiful country; I know the pictures don’t do it justice.

      Thanks for letting me know you enjoyed the shipwreck pictures. I wish I had brought my Nikon but my iPhone did a pretty good job.
      I’m so glad to know the pictures provided you with some happy, fond memories. And sometimes melancholia gets all mixed in together, doesn’t it?

      Whatever the emotion, I’m glad you have some beach day memories.

      Thanks again for commenting.

  11. Jenna Hoff says:

    Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Right now it’s about $0.78 a Litre. However for years it was well over a dollar. Our provincial economy is dependent on oil and this industry is struggling and the gas prrices have crashed.

    • Becky says:


      Always wonderful to see your name pop up here!

      I’m sorry these past few weeks have been so hard on your area. I hadn’t realized your province depended so heavily on oil. Such difficult times for so many. Hugs to you and your sweet family.

  12. Jessie says:

    Silverdale, WA. Gas is about 1.99/gallon.

  13. Lin says:

    Western Massachusetts. An hour ago I paid $1.88/gallon including a ten-cent rewards card discount,

    • Becky says:


      Are you a new commenter? Don’t remember seeing your name. If so, thank you for commenting! 🙂

      Massachusetts is SUCH a lovely area. We have been there a few times and loved it.

  14. Linda in Pittsburgh says:

    Hi Becky,
    Gas in my part of Pittsburgh is about $2.09 – $2.19 per gallon.
    Loved your photos, but you know how I feel about your photography skills ?? we need to talk about it sometime.
    Keeping Ken, Vernie and all the Smith family in my prayers as Ken is nearing the end of his earthly journey.
    Hugs and blessings,
    Linda in Pittsburgh

  15. Ann Martin says:

    Gas here in Roanoke Rapids, NC, is $1.89. Cheaper a little further up and down I 95. One summer Jim and I visited four NC Lighthouses. I took pictures. It was the year Hatteras was moved. They are framed and in my den. Love to visit them even we don’t go inside. We visited Currituck, Bodie, Hatteras and Ocracoke. Love my pictures. Prayers for Ken, Vernie and y’all.

    • Becky says:


      I loved seeing your photos on Fb. Each one represents such good memories. There’s just something special about lighthouses.

      Thank you for your prayers for the family.

  16. Ronna says:

    Good morning from Kent, WA ( south of Seattle and just a few minutes from Federal Way, which is where another commenter is from!). Gas prices here are about $2.00-$2.25, depending on the gas station. About 15 years ago I visited a friend in Virginia, and we took a day trip to the Outer Banks. The Bodie Island lighthouse was one of our stops and I still have a framed print that I brought home with me because I just loved it (I’ve always been fascinated by lighthouses). It was nice to see a current picture. I would love to go back someday!

    • Becky says:


      How fun to see another commenter so near you. Your gas seems to be a bit higher than in other places.

      I’m so glad you’ve had a chance to visit the Outer Banks and even see the exact lighthouse Sarah and I just visited. So fun to share experiences. Come back and visit this lovely spot again!

  17. krista121799 says:

    I love these pictures. The ship wreck is so cool. And I love lighthouses. We would go to Maine every summer when we lived in Boston when I was in High school. I miss that.
    I am in Grand Forks, North Dakota. Yes, it really does get THAT cold in the winter. But, we do have a spring and summer. It’s been in the 70’s here with beautiful blue skies.
    Gas here is $1.49.
    Continuing to pray for Ken, Vernie and all of the Smith’s!

    • Becky says:


      I imagine your son would love to run across that beach and see the shipwreck. 🙂

      Summer visits to Maine sound wonderful! Such a beautiful state.

      Enjoy your beautiful, blue skies!

  18. Nicole Doyal says:

    Good morning from Federal Way, WA (South of Seattle). Currently, gas is down to 1.89 (at Costco). Memories…the fact that I have actually been to all 50 states is a big one for me. Also having done several HUGE road trips with my husband and daughter…the last one in 2017 was about 85 days, 15K miles..included Cananda and the United States.

    • Becky says:


      Visiting all fifty states is a HUGE thing. Definitely on my bucket list.

      Seems like almost everyone is seeing gas under 2 dollars. What a nice change.

  19. Mel says:

    Good Morning Becky: Mel from Woodstock, Ontario, Canada. I had to do a few mathematical equations for our gas price and I am still not sure that I am totally correct because my husband always says there are also two different size gallons. (Not sure how that works) Our price is currently around 70 cents per litre which sounds good except that it takes 3.78541 litres to make a gallon. On top of that… costs us about $1.35 to get a U.S. dollar so in the end we are currently paying approx. $3.56 a gallon which is still very good since we are used to paying around $5.60 per gallon. Prayers for the Smith family.

    • Becky says:


      You get the award for the most complex answer. That was a lot of cipherin’!

      I can’t imagine ever paying $5.60 a gallon. Enjoy your “lower” prices!

  20. Brooke R. says:

    Hi Becky! You all are in my prayers, especially your dear Ken for a peaceful trip Home to Him. I’m in Corvallis, Ore. currently. Our gas prices are in the 1.95-2.05 range for regular unleaded.

  21. Cheryl Denton says:

    This morning we read an article on Fox News about your ship. Was thrilled see your photos and read about your visit. Must say, they should have used your pictures. ?
    2) May God’s perfect timing be done for Steve’s father’s homegoing. ?
    3)Our gas prices are close to yours. Which is not surprising, being within 2 hours. ?
    Always love your posts. Thanks!

    • Becky says:


      Isn’t that crazy that you just read about that same ship as I posted about? I can’t believe Fox News would cover it because it’s not a huge event but still fun to hear about it twice!

      Yes, we are trusting in the right timing for Ken to go. Can’t imagine it being too much longer.

  22. Mary Winters says:

    I live in Worth IL, a southwest suburb of Chicago. Gas is currently $2.29-$2.35 a gallon.

    • Becky says:


      We’ve been through/near Chicago a few times in our lives; don’t love the traffic but love all the cool buildings.

      You seem to be a little higher price there than in other areas. But it’s still not bad!

  23. lesley says:

    Good evening from the DC/Maryland line! Our gas prices are hovering around $2.00. I haven’t been to any of the places listed above. I am not very well traveled but if I could I would go to Austria and Ireland.

    • Becky says:


      Ireland. Be still my heart! That country has always been on The List.

      Hope you and Sarah are keeping each other good company during this unusual season. Always love it when her smiling face pops up on FB.

  24. Gayle in AL says:

    Good evening from Enterprise, AL! Our gas prices are about $1.49 right now and have been holding steady. I expect they’ll start going up again now that everything is starting to open back up. We’re hoping to be able to visit or have a visit from our son and daughter-in-law from Atlanta soon. It’s been way too long. Praying for peace for you all and for Ken and his care givers as well.

    • Becky says:


      Wow. Your price is one of the lowest I’ve seen! Enjoy those cheap miles.

      Here’s hoping you get to see your family soon. I know you miss them.

  25. Sharyn McDonald says:

    Right now our gas prices range from $1.79 to $1.89. About 4 weeks ago it was $1.09 and, of course, no where to go since our vacation had been cancelled. We have vacationed in Aruba and the resort we have stayed at has a chapel. Spent a few times in there – very peaceful. There is a large grocery store about 1 1/2 blocks from the resort. Have a fantastic bakery and they have the best tiramisu I’ve ever had. Weather isn’t bad either!

    • Becky says:


      $1.09? That is unreal! It IS a bit frustrating to have cheap prices and not be able to travel.

      A resort with a tiramisu-serving bakery nearby sounds like a lovely vacation to me!

  26. Judy Brandenburg says:

    Love the pictures…they bring peace to this crazy world. Thank you for sharing a little part of your world.

    • Becky says:


      There’s something about a blue sea and even blue-er sky that makes the chaos a little calmer.

      Thank you for comment.

  27. Janet says:

    Good afternoon from St. Louis. Gas at the station around the corner is at $1.59.
    Praying for peace and comfort for Ken and the whole family.

    • Becky says:


      Nice to have a station right around the corner! Steve and I were in St. Lous many years ago. I will NEVER forget Union Station.I absolutely loved it.

      Thank you for your prayers for Ken and the family. Waiting is hard.

  28. Dale Tousley says:

    Wake Forest, NC, by way of Leawood Kansas and Caldwell, NJ, I haven’t gotten gas in awhile and I actually never notice the price. I was trying to reply to Phyllis’ comment as Overland Park is dear to my heart, we lived in that area of Kansas for 16 years and I miss it so much, my son has had numerous apartments there after we moved to NC and is moving back in August…..Phyllis, we lived at 143rd and Mission….

    • Becky says:


      Hmmm. Not sure why you can’t reply to a comment. I’ll have to look into that.

      But it’s fun you got to see a comment from a person living in a place you love!

  29. Peggy Shepard says:

    Kingston Oklahoma here, sheltering in home due to chemo and lymphoma, missing the beach! gas prices in Sherman Texas where I have to go for chemo is $1.08. Prayers for your family!

  30. Phyllis says:

    Good afternoon from Overland Park, KS (in KC Metro area). I’m at my parents in El Dorado Springs, MO today where gas was $1.39 when I filled up this morning; however,, it was $1.54 about 2 hours later!
    Beautiful pictures!

    • Becky says:


      That’s a big jump in a short amount of time. I always wonder how local gas stations decide on their prices.

      Glad you enjoyed the photos!

  31. Rebecca Curry says:

    Hello from Bloomington, IN. Our gas prices right now are $1.90
    Great pics of the beach, and shipwreck. Beautiful area.
    Stay safe!

    • Becky says:


      It’s so nice to see the prices under 2 dollars in most places.

      Glad you enjoyed the photos. It truly was a beautiful day to go shipwreck hunting.

  32. Ann O. says:

    Baltimore, Maryland, and gas is $1.84. That beach looks beautiful! Love the pictures, and would love to visit there someday! The Atlantic can be so rough, but that area, with the wide beach, looks so peaceful!

    • Becky says:


      Yeah, the Atlantic has been a bit rough this week as a tropical storm has come through. I love seeing all the moods of the ocean.

  33. Lib Nance says:

    I’m from Winston-Salem, NC and have been following your story since around 2008. Gas around here is $1.75 and was twenty-three cents cheaper a couple of weeks ago.

    For those who say you can fill up your tank, but you cannot go anywhere. I disagree as you can go anywhere you want, you just cannot get out of your vehicle!

    • Becky says:


      Yes, just driving around without interacting with anyone is a fun way to get out of the house. I’ve done that a few times myself, just driving through the country.

  34. Tammy L Wright says:

    Hi Becky! I’m in Waynesville, NC. Gas is $1.69 right now. I’m praying for you guys! Maybe we will make it back to your neck of the woods again some day…? If you all come west please come visit. You would absolutely the love the views, the quaint style of our town And the thrift stores ROCK!

    • Becky says:


      We were in Waynesville a very long time ago; I remember it being such a beautiful area.

      Hope you can make it back to Manteo for a visit. Hugs to the family.

  35. Sharon says:

    Good morning. I used to write you from lincoln, ne, but i live with my son and his famy and we all moved to spring hill, ks for his job. I have been following you for many yeats. Wish i could walk on the beach eith you.

    • Becky says:


      From Nebraska to Kansas. You’ve really been getting around.

      Thanks for following our family for so long. Blessing to you today.

  36. I finally got logged back in! Still in St. Louis. Gas here at Sam’s Club is $1.55 for regular and $1.94 for premium, but I’ve only put gas in my car twice in the past 9 weeks… (Working from home, grateful to still have a job in this situation!)

    I’m so sorry to hear about Ken, but it sounds like he’s in excellent hands. I lost my dad suddenly almost a year ago, so this story hits very close to home for me. Wishing you grace and peace, and so happy that you’ve all had a chance to say goodbye. <3

    That shipwreck is SO COOL!


    • Becky says:


      To lose a dad suddenly would be extra hard–no warning, no goodbyes just multiplies the sorrow. I’m so sorry you had to go through that.

      Thank you for your kind words about Ken; we continue to wait right along with him.

  37. Patti says:

    Hi. I am from Hastings Michigan. Would love to see a shipwreck like that. I haven’t gotten gas for a week or so, but it was $1.48. I agree, cheap gas and can’t travel…

    • Becky says:


      It really is frustrating to have gas so low and not be able to just take off somewhere for a trip. $1.48 is great!

  38. Liz says:

    Midlothian, Virginia. Not sure about gas prices since there is nowhere to go. Ha. But think it is around the average that others are saying. Love your heart, pictures and adventures!

  39. Catherine says:


  40. Debbie Haskell says:

    Good morning from Sacramento, CA! I have been a long time reader of your blog, but not very good at commenting! Gas prices are hovering around $2.00 per gallon. We are in a SIP and thankfully, both my husband and I are working from home 100%. Living with us are are 2 sons, one who is almost 25 and heading off to Duke for medical school (looking forward to visiting NC!) and our younger son, who just completed his freshman year at Sac State (he finished the last 2 months virtually). Also, both of their girlfriends live with us, so we have a full house! But I’m grateful that we can all be together and cherish all the family dinners, great conversations and awesome family game nights! Hope you all stay well!

    • Becky says:


      How great to have a son headed to med school at Duke. As you know, our family is a very big fan of Duke medicine. Best wishes to him on his journey. I am absolutely in awe of anyone who becomes a doctor–so much to learn and absorb that it just amazes me.

      Duke is 4 hours from the Outer Banks. Not TOO far!

      Sounds like you’ve got a busy household with six adults. Lots of people to cook for but also lots of people to do the dishes. 🙂

  41. Sharon Ohler says:

    I’m in Cumberland, MD …. I have been following you since Sarah’s initial diagnosis. Our gas prices are about what yours are.
    ❤️ To all of you

  42. Lisa Burdine says:

    I’m from Dallas, TX!! Long time reader, first time leaving comment! Gas Prices here are around $1.55 !!!!

    • Becky says:


      First timer!! Many hoorays!!

      I went to a songwriting conference just outside Dallas when I was much younger. Cool place!

  43. Mrs. Pam says:

    St. Louis, Missouri google says $1.47, but most stations had $1.61

  44. laura c nettles says:

    Read your blog every week! I live in York, SC, where gas is $1.49 a gallon.

  45. Sheri says:

    Winter Haven, Florida…..home of the Adorable Smith grand babies! ?

  46. Donna says:

    I am from Mount Airy (Mayberry), NC. Our average price of gas is $1.75. I love your pictures of the Bodie Island Lighthouse. Our family had a great vacation when we visited the Outerbanks about 15 years ago. I would love to visit the area again sometime! Such a peaceful, laid back vacation and you get to live there everyday!
    Also, I have a question? Is there a couple of guys standing on the shipwreck? Are they also the same ones parasailing (not sure that is the correct description) in the next photo you took? How cool!!

    • Becky says:


      Yes, there were some people parasailing which Sarah and I loved to watch. (Actually I’m not sure if it’s called parasailing but I don’t know what other name to use.)

      They stood upon the shipwreck for about 10 minutes and we thought they would somehow take off from there. But they eventually jumped off and got air born some other way. It was so exciting to watch.

  47. LeeAnne says:

    Good morning from Hastings, Nebraska! Our gas right now is $1.69. About 2 weeks ago it was $1.32! What a cruel joke….cheap gas and there is nowhere to go. Lol

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