I Have Been Born!

July 30, 2018

Warning!  Warning!

If you do not love looking at pictures of squishy newborns, you may want to take a vacation from this blog for a week or two because there will be plenty of squishy newborn-ness to behold.

Here is the little guy leaving the hospital accompanied by his parents and Papa Hawley.  Grayson is all decked out in his festive, birthday party hat and is proclaiming (rather sleepily),  “Hello, Big, Bright World.  I have been born!  What interesting thing have YOU done lately?”

The official Going Into the House Together for the First Time picture.  


Although this fella is only a couple days old, he has already set a new record. He is the first Smith in over four generations to be born with something other than blonde hair.

Grayson sporting his brown ‘do.

You can see his hair a little better here in this photo with his other (wonderful!) grandparents.

And here are the veteran Smith Sibs, ready to show Little Brother the ropes.

In just a few minutes, we will be hitting the road to see these wonderful people in person.  We will also be spending a couple of days in St. Augustine, FL on this trip, so newborn pictures will be mixed in with some pictures of St. Augustine-ian loveliness.

Stay tuned!

What about you?  

If you have grandchildren, let us know how many you have and what their ages are. Also, tell us what your favorite thing is about grandparenting.


47 comments so far.

47 responses to “I Have Been Born!”

  1. Linda Feitl says:

    Welcome to world baby boy. Your parents, grandparents, siblings and all of the rest of your family and extended family have been waiting and praying for your safe arrival. Everyone is so overjoyed that you are here. You have been blessed with a wonderful family who will love, protect and guide you through your life, cherish them. Love and blessings to you and your family.
    Linda in Pittsburgh

    • Becky says:


      What sweet words to express to that new grandson of ours.

      Thank you for your gracious heart and words of encouragement to our family at this very special time!

  2. Linda in Pgh says:

    Congratulations to the Smith and Hawley families on the arrivall of the newest member of your family! He certainly is a beautiful baby. He is certainly a lucky baby to be born into such a wonderful, loving family and extended family! God bless you all. Enjoy your visit, your time together together, and making memories together. Hugs to all of you.
    Linda in Pittsburgh

    • Becky says:


      I just realized the other comment was from you, as well. The first one must not have shown up right off the bat. So sweet to read your words and sentiments more than once. A double blessing! 🙂

  3. Katrina says:

    He is very cute 😀 Enjoy your trip.
    Btw you do not have to answer but the cute baby picturesmade me think Can Sarah have her own children in her future or it is not possible because of her past battle with cancer?

    Congrats with being a ‘triple’ grandma Becky. Third time Grandma Smith 🙂 How old are the other smiths (grandchildren) again? 🙂

    • Becky says:


      The last tests Sarah had showed that there is a very good probability that she can have children after all. We are certainly hopeful!

      Noah is almost 5 and Madison just turned 3.

  4. Becky says:


    Thanks for the happy wishes. We are looking forward to seeing that cute face tomorrow afternoon!

  5. Diane Pombier says:

    Congratulations! Very cute family.
    great name. I have no grandchildren–sadly. My son was born with coal black hair and on his first birthday he was very blonde! Have a wonderful trip.

    • Becky says:


      How interesting that your son’s hair completely changed in a year! It will be intersting to see what happens with Grayson.

  6. Mel says:

    Oh my. I have no idea how I missed the post from when he was born but what a cutie. I can only imagine how excited the entire family is. With Nathan’s genes running so predominately through the first two, it must be exciting to have a “brunette” in the family. 🙂 Not a grandparent but I use to love going to my Grandpa Schmitchen’s little house as he always had peppermints for us to munch on. Even after he went into a rest home and we went to visit, he always had them in his room for us. Congratulations to all and Happy Birthday to Grayson.

    • Becky says:


      Isn’t it interesting that the smallest memories we have with a loved one become even more important when they are gone?

      I love the peppermint story. I’m sure you will never eat a peppermint again without thinking of your dear Grandpa Schmitchen.

  7. twinclarinets says:

    I still say this precious child looks like Pastor Steve. 🙂

  8. blueroseoftx says:

    Congrats, you guys deserve all the happiness. If only you could bottle and sell that hair color…

    • Becky says:


      Yes, that is so true. He has beautiful hair.

      When Sarah was a young girl Steve used to tell people she had “highlights by God.”

  9. Lesley says:

    He is adorable. Noah and Maddie are SO blonde, gorgeous. And here comes Grayson! His own unique self, ready to make his mark on the world. He has been born into a wonderful family. Have a wonderful trip Becky!
    I have one granddaughter. She is almost 3 and I just love talking with her. She really makes me laugh. With a grandchild, I am able to freely enjoy just who she is, without the expectations and worries about bringing her up that occupy parent’s minds. I have such wonderful memories of my grandmother, I knew she treasured me, was so proud of me and that’s what I want my granddaughter to feel from me. Interestingly, there are some memories of my grandmother that I had forgotten from when I was very little but they are coming back to me when I am with my granddaughter. It is really quite amazing. A grandparent really can have a huge impact on a child’s self esteem, mine certianly did.

    • Becky says:


      I love seeing the pictures you post of your granddaughter on FB. I can only imagine the joy she brings to you. (I especially love seeing her with Sarah.) It’s true what you said about being able to enjoy our grandchildren without the expecations and worries of parenthood to deal with. That’s such a good way to put it.

      It’s interesting that having a grandchild has brought back long forgotten memories of your grandmother. Think of the memories you are sowing into your granddaughter and all the lovely things she will remember of you forty years from now. Such beauty in grandparenting.

  10. SueEllen Williams says:

    Master Grayson is so precious! I can’t wait to see more pictures. And I also believe there is no such thing as too many beach pictures (the beach is my happy place). Wishing y’all a safe, fun, wonderful trip to meet the newest Smith in person!

    • Becky says:


      I was just telling Steve yesterday that I need to get my camera out more often and take pictures of where we live. It’s been too long!

  11. Sharyn McDonald says:

    Bring on those squishy baby pictures – we can take it!!!! More, more, more!!

  12. Melissa says:

    Congrats! We actually just left St. Augustine the day after Grayson was born after having spent a week there! Have a great trip, and be warned–it’s been storming down here most days!

    • Becky says:


      How fun that you were just here! We got in last night and it was rainy but this morning we have awakened to blue skies. So grateful!

  13. LeeAnne says:

    Oh my goodness…..Grayson is just sooooo CUTE!!!!! Enjoy your time with them all!

    We have 4 grandchildren ages 5, 4, 3 and 3. Yes, we got them all in a span of 25 months! (Our two kids each had two kids). One of my favorite things about grandparenting is the running-full steam ahead-and practically-knocking-you-over kind of hugs that they deliver when they see us! It is also awesome to just get to be the ‘good guys’. 😉 We took all 4 of them on a mini ‘vacation’ this summer to Omaha to the zoo and to spend the night in a hotel. This is our 3rd year doing this. To qualify for the trip: Must be potty trained, and ALL of them got to go this year! We had a blast!!

    I’m looking forward to lots more squishy baby pictures!!

    • Becky says:


      My hat is off to you and your husband taking 4 small children to the zoo and to a hotel. Not sure if I would have the courage for that, or not! 🙂

      For that span of those two years, I imagine someone was always just announcing a pregnancy, being pregnant or giving birth. What a whirlwind of joy that must have been.

  14. Wendy says:

    Congratulations! Grayson is adorable. I am blessed with 4 grandchildren ages 15, 11, 5 and 10 months. The best time of all is having them all together. I have been so lucky to have all the grandkids at one time or another over this summer 🙂 Enjoy your time down there with your kids but especially with the grandbabies.

    • Becky says:


      Your grandchildren’s age span sounds like what Steve’s and mine will probably be down the road when Sarah has children–a little more widely spaced. I’m so glad you have gotten to spend time with each of them this summer. Making memories is such a joy.

  15. Jenna Hoff says:

    Oh my goodness i can barely stand the cuteness! What a little doll!

    No grandchildren but I sure do love babies!

    Congratulations again! Have a wonderful trip to meet the little sweetie!

    • Becky says:


      Babies are love in a package; impossible NOT to love. I know they love you, too.

      Thanks for the congratulations. We are looking forward to that first glimpse of him.

  16. Phyllis says:

    No grandkids here but Grayson is darling – and don’t worry about the baby pictures. I will enjoy seeing them. My cousin just had a grandson on the 19th and I’m loving seeing the pictures of him on Facebook. I hope to see him in person next month when I’m in Springfield.
    Have fun in St. Augustine. I took my parents there several years ago, the history is great.

    • Becky says:


      I know you and your parents must have enjoyed spending time together here in this beautiful city. We are staying near the Lion’s Bridge and spent a little time last night walking through the historic downtown area. I know you have lots of good memories from your trip here.

  17. Patti Goudzwaard says:

    Grayson is so adorable, and Noah and Maddie seem to be very excited to share their world with him. I married into 12 grandchildren, and have 14 now. Ages from 27 to 1 month. The oldest just got married and my husband was honored to officiate. The youngest was born just before we left for the summer and I can’t wait to get home and hold him. Enjoy your time with your 3 little ones.

    • Becky says:


      Fourteen grandchildren! What a joy! It’s especially interesting to see the age range and to know that you have virtually every stage represented between them all. Never a dull moment, I’m sure.

      I’m sure there’s a great story behind your words, “I married into 12 grandchildren.” You must have such a big heart to embrace a whole new family. Many blessings to you in this wonderful season of life.

  18. Ann Martin says:

    Pictures are beautiful!!!! So happy the NC Smiths are heading to FL. Prayers for safe travels for y’all and the vehicle. Waiting for lots of pictures. Wonderful memories to be made. Lots of love for Noah, Madison and Grayson. Hugs from us.

    • Becky says:


      We will carry your hugs right along with us to Nathan and Meagan’s house. 🙂 Hope you and Jim have a happy day and that you are seeing some sunshine instead of rain!

  19. Catherine says:

    Yay!! Grayson is HERE! Congratulations! He’s adorable! Have a safe trip. No grandbabies for me. That’s ok though. I’m good with that. I can wait!! Lol! Hello All Smith’s!

  20. Elizabeth says:

    Congratulations on being born, Grayson! Love abundant!

  21. CeCe says:

    ps! forgot to say Congrats! on beautiful baby!

  22. CeCe says:

    Becky we took a trip to St. Augustine last March and if you want to save Money and not pay to go into the lighthouse (which is a beauty!) You will be able to get some great photos from the parking lot across the street. I do think the tour is great and it moves slow enough to get some good photos. from one photo taking Grandma to another!

    • Becky says:


      Thanks for the baby congrats!

      Some locals were telling us about the lighthouse last night and I looked up some pictures online. Really beautiful! Not sure yet if we will climb it but your idea for pictures is a good one. Thanks, photo-taking grandma! 🙂

  23. dmantik says:

    Love Mr. Squishy! ? Great photos. So glad you get to go see him. And his family. 🙂

    Love, Deb

  24. Suzanne says:

    Congratulations to all!

  25. Shawn says:

    Such a wonderful family! Grayson is sooo cute! Enjoy your trip and have fun with all of your grandchildren!

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