Hurricanes, Cowboys, and Celebrations

September 11, 2017

First things first.

The hurricane’s eye ended up passing right over Winter Haven where Nathan and his extended family were camped out at their church;  thankfully, they all made it safely through the night.

As you can probably imagine, they didn’t get a lot of sleep especially since the worst of it came over in the middle of the night. (They lost power about midnight.)

When daylight finally came, they took a little drive and saw huge trees pushed over and some property damage, including their church sign.  Nathan and Meagan haven’t been back to their house yet to see if there was any damage there but will probably make it back later today.

Thanks for your thoughts and prayers for them and for all of the brave Floridians and Caribbean Island residents who have weathered an incredibly difficult few days.


In other news . . .

Yesterday was our second annual Cowboy Sunday.

Here is one of the promo pieces I designed.

Steve and I got on our western-y type duds.

Our kids did a puppet show . . .


and also a little boot-scootin’.

We had a comedian/musician/speaker who transformed from this character . . .

to his regular self in just a minute or two.  Very funny guy with a great message.

The Dare Challenge guys were there and had fun at the photo booth.

We had some cute horse lasso-ers . . .

and cute outhouse signs.

The women on either side of me are both on staff; Mary Ann is due to deliver her third baby any day now. The fourth women is a military veteran (married to a veteran) and a great blessing to our church.

My favorite part of the day was chatting with these four people. Between them, they represent at least 130 years of attendance at  Manteo First Assembly. 

It’s not just their church attendance that is amazing to me; it’s also the fact that they have known each other and been a part of each others’ lives for so many decades.  In a world that is constantly changing, filled with people who are always moving, that kind of friendship is the truest kind of treasure.

At the end of Cowboy Sunday, I was grateful for the children who participated in the service  . . .

and I was especially grateful for the seniors who still come to service–Sunday after Sunday and decade after decade, celebrating their faithful friendship and their faithful God.

And lastly, I don’t want to forget to remember this day.  

What about you?  Were you in one of the areas affected the hurricane?  If so, please do a quick check in and let us know how things went for you.

18 comments so far.

18 responses to “Hurricanes, Cowboys, and Celebrations”

  1. Melissa says:

    Ugh… going on day three with no power here in Sebring just south of Winter Haven. They’re telling us it could be sometime next week before we have power. I think I could handle the heat if we at least had food or cold drinks!

    • Becky says:


      Uggg!!! I can’t imagine what you are dealing with! There will be a whole lot of rejoicing at your house when that first light blinks back on.

      Nathan said when their power came back on, they couldn’t move back in till the next morning because the heat and humidity were so bad in the house. I am hoping fervently right along with you that the power will be on sooner than expected. This will certainly be a week you will NEVER forget.

      • Melissa says:

        Yep, day five STILL no power. I can imagine their house was unbearable when they returned! Everything in mine feels damp and sticky and slightly mildewy from the humidity. Not fun!

        • Becky says:


          I’m glad you left another note. I was just thinking about you again yesterday morning and wondering if you had power yet.

          When you finally hear that electrical hum running again, I hope you are ready to do your best Air Conditioning Dance!

  2. Angela says:

    So glad Nathan and family are ok, hope their house is too All the best Becky xxx

    • Becky says:


      Thanks for asking after Nathan. They got off pretty easy, damage-wise although there is still plenty of clean up to do all around them. They were so thankful to get their power back on Tuesday night, much earlier than they had anticipated.

  3. Jenna HOFF says:

    So glad Nathan& Meagan are safe. My heart hurts for all impacted. Your cowboy sunday looks fun. Your church sounds awesome

    • Becky says:


      Yes, the impact of those storms was beyond words. What I can’t imagine is having to stay in a shelter with hundreds of strangers with no home to go back to. Today I am truly treasuring my home and the security and comfort it represents.

      Nathan and family got power back on last night so they can move back home; they were staying with Meagan’s sister. Thankful.

  4. Phyllis says:

    Glad to hear Nathan and Meagan and family made it through Irma unscathed. Hopefully their house didn’t suffer damage.
    I was not in area impacted by hurricane but have many friends in Florida from South Florida to Jacksonville and Tampa to Daytona. I lived in Tampa for almost 13 years until a little over 3 years ago. Most of my friends have limbs down and no power but seems like everyone doesn’t have major damage to houses. I haven’t heard from everyone yet. One friend from Jacksonville was in Alaska and my best friend from Tampa is in New Hampshire.
    I traveled to Jacksonville a lot in my time in Florida and our office was downtown where there is much flooding. Makes me sad to see the destruction this storm left.

    • Becky says:


      From everything I’ve heard, without a few last minute shifts and changes, everything really COULD have been much worse. But for the folks living it out right now, it is going to be a difficult recovery for many of them.

      I am so glad the friends you have heard from so far have done okay. Always such a relief to get that news.

  5. Lesley says:

    What is a corn hole? Let me guess…one throws a bean bag into holes? Ummmm…..there’s a large board with cutout circles you put face in for pictures and your face is part of ‘ears’ of corn? No? You bob for corn instead of apples?

    I have no idea, hahahaha. Fill a New England girl in!

  6. dmantik says:

    Looks like lots of fun! You gals looked really cute in your cowboy duds. ☺

    Love, Deb

    • Becky says:

      Thanks, Deb.

      Cowboy dud-ing is not an easy thing to pull off. I was thankful I had a few thrifted items to throw together. (Except the hat was Steve’s–the one he used on the road for the fun songs.)

  7. Ann Martin says:

    We were spared and truly blessed. My nephew, niece, and brother had trees down in the Tampa area, lost power and water as a tree fell on their well. The house and two mobile homes as well as the people are all safe. Thankful for that. Great news, Becky!!!!! My insurance company just told me I can get the expensive ($2,800 co-pay) Ibrance free through them and I just talked to my oncologist at Duke. He is going to electronically send the prescription! God is so good!!!

    • Becky says:


      Happy, happy, happy about your medication news!!!!

      Also grateful that your family came through the storm ok. Thanksgivings all around.

  8. LeeAnne says:

    So, SO glad to hear that the Floridians are all safe!! Continued prayers for everyone affected by the horrible storms over the last couple of weeks.
    We are in Nebraska so no worry here about the hurricanes.

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