Hummingbirds and Seashells

December 28, 2020

Merry Monday after Christmas!

Let’s start off with something fun.

Sarah records announcements for the church each week and occasionally she does them outside.  On Saturday she was right smack dab in the middle of recording when a hummingbird suddenly appeared from nowhere and winged its small self right past her head.

The footage of that moment is really cute. Enjoy a smile!

Today we are headed to Fayetteville to meet Gage’s family and then we have a couple of more places to go which I’ll fill you in on next week.

Speaking of Gage, yesterday morning in church Steve made the happy announcement that Gage would be coming on staff as our part-time children’s director.

Steve and I had discussed between the two of us the possibility of Gage taking that position but were hesitant about mentioning it to anyone since he’s Sarah’s boyfriend. However, as it turned out, his two visits to church made an impression on folks. Both times he was here, he did the announcement video with Sarah so our congregation got a chance to see his personality and his talents and knew something of his background and gift mix.

A few days after Steve and I talked about the possibility of him being a fit, a board member brought it up to Steve.  Steve offered the position to Gage and after praying and thinking about it, Gage has happily accepted the position.

One of the main challenges for anyone moving here is housing; it’s expensive and difficult to find.  Well, yesterday morning, Steve made the announcement Gage was coming and mentioned that he would need a second job and an affordable place to live.

Turns out a guy in the congregation has a brother-in-law with a small apartment that had just become vacant after five years.  It hadn’t even been put on the market yet and was amazingly affordable. Steve and Sarah went and looked at it yesterday and sent then sent a video to Gage.  He liked it and is going to take it!

So it’s definitely a win-win. Our church gets an outstanding staff person and Sarah and Gage get to live in the same town.

Many hoorays and hallelujahs for how that all worked out.

On Christmas Eve . . .

we had our Carols and Candles service and it was as lovely as always.

On Christmas, Day our family gathered around our tree as Steve read the Christmas story and we opened our gifts.

There was one sort of funny moment when I opened a particular gift from Steve and immediately had an “oh no!” moment.

He knows that my jewelry style is to wear larger, dramatic pieces and I knew he was shopping for jewelry for me this year. So I had that on my mind when I opened a package and saw a beautiful (but very large) seashell.

You know “that face” you try to put on when you open a gift and know you don’t like it but you want to look appreciative?  Well, that’s the face I was doing my best to pull off.

It only lasted about three seconds before it hit me (with relief) that, no, this was not a piece of jewelry I was supposed to strap around my neck; it was actually a beautiful piece of decor for our home.

And guess what?

Steve MADE it!

Don’t ask me how he did it but he took a shell and one of his special saws and visualized what it would look like to cut through the shell in different places to create a new look.  He put a glaze on it and voila! A gorgeous, one-of-a-kind piece for our home was created.

Another one of my husband’s many talents emerges.

And speaking of his talent, we had a large funeral at our church Saturday.  One of the singers was Tshombe Selby who grew up in Manteo.

Tshombe has been living in NYC off and on and has sung at the Metropolitan Opera. He was back in town for Christmas and was asked to sing for the funeral.  Although one of the songs he did was slow, the song you’ll hear in the video was upbeat and joyous.  At the last minute, Steve sat in with him on bass and I grabbed a bit of footage while they were rehearsing.  (The drummer is one of our board members and has known Tshombe since he was a small child.)

Such a joy to hear gifted people doing what they love.

You can go here to learn more about Tshombe.

Before I close, let me mention that the replying to comments feature hadn’t been working recently but I think I fixed it. So comment (and reply) away!

What about you?  Did you get a Christmas gift that surprised you? Or alarmed you? 🙂

Or was there something extra, extra special?  Let us know!





28 comments so far.

28 responses to “Hummingbirds and Seashells”

  1. Kristina says:

    Hi Becky! I’m reading through the last few months of Smith-news. I don’t comment on all of the posts because it seems like it would be a pain to suddenly get notifications that you have a bunch of new comments on old posts, but I had to comment here… because sometimes the world is a strangely small place! I met Tshombe in Binghamton NY in 2019; he had previously worked with a chorus I was singing with that year, and I went with the chorus director to a recital Tshombe held in a small museum. His voice is…. otherworldly. And he’s an incredibly upbeat and friendly individual, too.

    It’s been fun to spend the last couple of hours “catching up” with you and your family… I’m glad to read that everyone is doing so well!

    • Becky says:


      How cool is that? Tshombe is truly amazing; as you said, not just his voice but his personality. He’s so friendly and down-to-earth, which you don’t always get with someone with his massive talent.

      Glad you took some time to get caught up; it’s always good to see your name pop up here. 🙂

  2. Linda in Pittsburgh says:

    Love the happy news!
    The video of Sarah is darling…it just has to put a smile on your face!
    Such great news about Gage. Sarah must be be thrilled. God has great things in store His plan in His time.
    Your Christmas Eve Candles and Carols looks awesome.
    Steve’s shell is beautiful…I guess that explains the note on the door.
    Tshombe Is talented indeed. Enjoyed the clip.
    Although didn’t spend Christmas together this year, just a quick trip to exchange gifts (because of COVID),my greatest gift is my that I still have my brother who is a twelve year survivor of pancreatic cancer.
    Happy, Healthy New Year to you all.
    Linda in Pittsburgh

    • Becky says:


      Yes, the note on the door was connected to the shell; your detective skills are right on!

      How wonderful that your brother has survived pancreatic cancer! I’m sure there are many, many thanksgivings whenever you are with him. I love hearing stories like that!

  3. Krista N Labrensz says:

    Love the look on Sarah’s face!
    That’s great news about Gage joining the church crew as well as moving to town. Funny how God works everything out ☺

  4. Phyllis says:

    Since I do all my mom and dad’s Christmas shopping as well as wrapping, nothing I got really surprised me. Got an Amazon gift card from one brother and a check from the other. My Florida friend did send me a cute ornament – that was a surprise. It is 3 books, she put 2020 on one book, a snowflake on the second and my name on the third. On the bottom she put PL-CB book club. She made one for herself also.
    Great news about Gage!

    • Becky says:


      I love the idea of an ornament made out of three books. Nice to have that little Floridian surprise land on your doorstep!

  5. dmantik says:

    I loved Steve’s shell artwork–beautiful! He could start a cottage industry. I’d sure buy one!

    I also loved the news of Gage joining your church staff–so very glad.

    Sarah’s hummingbird moment made me smile. She is so cute. 😊 I always look forward to the hummingbird’s return here in the spring.

    Love and a hug to you guys!

    Love, Deb

    • Becky says:


      I know, wasn’t that shell gorgeous? I was so surprised by it!

      Yes, that hummingbird footage was cute, indeed. I haven’t seen a hummingbird in a couple of years; it’s always a treat to be blessed by their visit.

  6. SueEllen says:

    What a happy post!! I’m so happy that Gage will be moving to Manteo!! Isn’t it remarkable how the Lord works things out just perfectly?! …. Sarah was so cute on the video; Hummingbirds can be so quick and startleing…What a talented husband you have. How creative to think of “carving” out part of a seashell. It’s lovely…. Thank you for sharing Tshombe Selby with us – what a remarkably talented young man. … I did receive a gift from my husband that surprised me. He accompanied his brother shopping on Christmas Eve (so my brother-in-law could by his wife a gift), they finished, and came home with a delicious catfish “late lunch” from a wonderful little hole-in-the-wall place that we all enjoyed. We spent the rest of the afternoon and early evening visiting, and even watched some 15-year-old “movies” of when our children were small. Just before they left, my husband walked outside with his brother, then came back in with a beautiful beach scene canvas! (Our bedroom is decorated in a beach theme). I was completely – and very happily – surprised. … I hope you have a wonderul week meeting Gage’s family and on your other travels.

    • Becky says:

      Sue Ellen,

      I love your husband’s sense of timing in that he waited until the end of the evening to bring in the beach scene canvas. And I love that your husband and brother shop and hang out together.

      And I especially love reading snippets like these from the lives of my readers that gives me a happy glimpse into your lives. Every time you look at that canva you will remember his thoughtfulness and the way he surprised you with it. Love that!

      We just watched some old videos of the kids recently too; there is no experience quite like sitting down and looking at life in reverse. Such sweet moments.

      And yes, as to Gage moving to Manteo, we definitely saw the Lord’s hand in working out so many details for that to happen. Grateful!

  7. Sharyn L. McDonald says:

    Congrats to Gage. Know he will be a blessing and use the talents God has given him. How wonderful that a board member brought him up to Steve first. Our granddaughter, who graduated last fall from North Central University just had an interview at the church where her mom and dad goes. She was pretty excited. We don’t exchange gifts with our kids, but for our daughter, daughter-in-law and granddaughters, I take them out for lunch (well the ones who live here) and then give all of them gift bags. Unfortunately, since our governor has shut down the in dining for restaurants the girls told me what they wanted and I went and got the food and brought it back to our home. Nice time together. For Christmas, well, actually it was the 10 (not 12) days of Christmas. I got something for each of those days. That was quite enjoyable. Told him I hoped Ii didn’t continue to look at my place setting after Christmas. It got to be a habit for 10 days. I am really impressed with your shell gift. Steve is definitely very gifted and what a pleasant surprise. Did you get a piece of jewelry? HAPPY NEW YEAR! May it truly be a blessed new year!

    • Becky says:


      What position was your granddaughter interviewing for? It would be cool to get to be in the same church as her parents!

      I am not a very good shopper and would be overwhelmed at shopping for 10 days of Christmas. Kudos to you for pulling off such a wonderful thing! And gathering with the girls–at a restaurant or at home–is one of the best gifts of all.

      Yes, I DID get a necklace in that next package I opened. Hooray!

      • Sharyn L. McDonald says:

        My granddaughter was interviewing for the position of children’s pastor. And to make a correction, it was my husband who gave the 10 days of Christmas gifts. Let’s see a couple gift cards, Lindor’s dark chocolate, whipped cream truffles from Abdallah (which has a store about 6 miles from us), flowers, big bag of popcorn, and a card telling me he would like to buy an item for me at Cracker Barrell. They have some cute tops, but unfortunately that part of their restaurant is closed (along with the dining room – so that will have to wait). Think there are 10 items someplace. 🙂

        • Becky says:


          Kudos to your husband for thinking of such lovely gifts! I do like Cracker Barrel’s clothes; at least you have shopping there to look forward to after the holidays are over.

  8. LeeAnne says:

    How wonderful that Gage will be moving to Manteo! I bet Sarah is excited. Enjoy your meeting with Gage’s family!

    We didn’t exchange gifts with the kids and family. The last few years we have opted to get them all together and take them somewhere for a weekend rather than do gifts. We pay for the rooms, meals, etc. This year the hotel has an indoor water park which the kids will all really love. As far as the two of us, I am getting him custom fitted golf clubs. He’s a tall guy and really needs them. For me, I am getting a necklace made with one of the diamonds from my grandmother’s wedding rings. It will be super special and meaningful!

    Wishing you all a very blessed and happy new year!

    • Becky says:


      I LOVE the idea of doing something together rather than just giving gifts. You make so many memories to carry with you into the future.

      And a necklace made with a diamond from your grandma’s wedding ring? Could there be anything more special? I know you will wear that necklace with joy, pride, and love.

  9. Beth Kayser says:

    What a blessing for your church – that not only you and Steve realized his talents but others did too!

    Our Christmas was on the quieter side – we did part of our traditions. We are waiting for other Christmas traditions until our son in law gets home – close to February. So, our house will stay festive until then! ♥️ Yes, this is the longest that our decorations will be displayed, but it’s all about celebrating with those you love!

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!

    • Becky says:


      Nothing wrong with enjoying Christmas until February! That gives you something to look forward to, getting to celebrate with your son-in-law.

      Yes, we feel very blessed that Gage’s gifts have been recognized by others as well as Steve and me. We are looking forward to mid January when he starts!

  10. Gayle in AL says:

    That’s so wonderful that Gage will be working at your church and that he and Sarah will be living in the same town. I know they are excited!

    I got some really special homemade gifts this year from my kids. My daughter painted a picture of the theater where my husband and I had our very first date so many years ago. And my daughter-in-law digitally painted a picture of our house. My son crocheted a little pug for me that has several different hats to wear for different holidays. All very special gifts. The best gift was having both kids and their families here together over the Christmas holiday! We had so much fun cooking, playing games, and watching movies. My daughter-in-law and my 10-year old grandson crafted a Christmas Eve candlelight at-home church service for us since my son-in-law is immunocompromised and we didn’t want to be around a lot of other people. My grandson officiated and my son and DIL played piano while we sang hymns. My grandson even created a program for us to follow along. My brother and his family joined us virtually from Oregon for the service. It was so meaningful for all of us.

    I’m glad you all had a great Christmas and I’m sure the coming year will be so much fun for everyone!

    • Becky says:


      I love the fact that so many of your gifts were homemade–and heart-made, too! So much thoughtfulness runs in your family! I really loved the idea of a pug with different hats to wear. Delightful idea!

      And of course, the candlelight service you all put together was so wonderful and one you will probably member far longer than a regular, in church service. Kudos to you for turning a difficult season into beautiful moments.

  11. Mrs. Pam says:

    How wonderful that Gage will be working with your church’s children.
    I actually got more pre-Christmas gifts than presents on the 25th. I love my warm fuzzy flannel (?) blanket…it has reindeer, but it is so cozy, I will just use it maybe year-round. food, cookies, candy, books and lots of great cards. I woke up on Christmas Day with no heat. fortunately, a new maintenance man was able to get it back on. Apparently MANY apartments were w/o heat. I don’t know why, but the outdoor temperature was 5-9 degrees.
    your shell is lovely!

    • Becky says:

      Mrs. Pam,

      No heat on Christmas? Yikes! Definitely not what you want to wake up to. So glad it was fixed quickly, especially with the kind of temps you were having.

      I love warm fuzzy blankets–and socks. Nothing wrong with having reindeer in your house in the middle of July. I know you will enjoy that!

  12. Patti says:

    My husband and I decided to look online (we are still staying safe at home) for a gift that would benefit us both. He chose a new bread maker and I chose a new bathroom faucet. Not a glamourous gift, but I really wanted it. He has been making his own bread for years with a bread maker we got at a thrift shop. We woke up Christmas morning to a fresh loaf that had been made on the timer. What we really both wanted was to book a cruise, but that will be a long time coming.

    • Becky says:


      I love that you chose your own gifts and for each of you, something you really wanted. I predict a lot of delicious, homemade bread in your future.

      And even though a new faucet isn’t glamorous, it will still spark joy every time you use it. Sounds like a perfect gift to me!

  13. Tammy L Wright says:

    First of all, Merry Christmas and cheers to 2021! I had a similar reaction to a couple of hummingbirds flying just above my head. It was not recorded but was an awesome memory to recall. Sarah is precious!
    Gage sounds like a perfect fit for youth leader.
    Steve’s shell carving is beautiful!
    I was gifted a beautiful pair of earrings and a pair of workout pants that I wasn’t expecting. We are in Michigan seeing a couple of my in-laws. We are playing lots of board games (Apples to Apples, Golf card game, Electronic Monopoly, Sequence, Illusion, and What do you Meme? family edition) lots and lots of fun! It’s a little strange to have all of this “free” time!

    • Becky says:


      Yes, hummingbirds are the happiest of surprises, aren’t they?

      Earrings and workout pants sounds like two great gifts to me! And I must say, you and your family are impressive in the variety of games you play. I think I will hereby dub you to be Pro Level Game Players! Sounds like you had so much fun.

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