How We Found Out

March 5, 2013

Thanks to everyone who has so joyfully entered into our Grandparently Happy Rejoicings after I announced Nathan and Meagan’s pregnancy yesterday.

I’m still not quite sure how this teeny baby boy . . .

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. . . could possibly be old enough to be having a teeny baby of his own. Do you ever get the feeling those kids of yours just grew up way too fast?

I read a wonderful quote recently that says, “You can fast forward childhood but you can’t rewind it.” There’s no going back to those precious, early days but there is plenty of joy in looking ahead at the days to come.  

In case you’re wondering how Nathan and Meagan shared the news with us, here’s the whole scoop.

As I mentioned in an earlier post, Nathan and Meagan just recently moved into their first apartment and have been wanting to show it off to us. Since they live 700 miles from us, the only way we could make that happen was through Skype.

And so at a prearranged time, Sarah, Steve and I gathered ourselves on the living room couch with the computer set up in front of us and dialed into Nathan and Meagan’s Skype account.

After a little chit-chat, they started carrying their computer (with its webcam) around the apartment so that they could show us all the different rooms, features, and decorations.  Meagan has turned their apartment into a lovely haven; she really has a knack for making things beautiful!

Nathan had forgotten to charge his computer before we called so whenever they moved to a different room, Meagan would have to unplug the computer from where they were and then run across the room and quickly plug the computer in at the next outlet where they were headed. This entailed a great deal of giggling as well as blurry camera shots as the two of them ran frantically in semi leap-frog fashion from room to room.  It was sort of like The Three Stooges, except it was The Two Smiths.

Finally, admidst all the plugging, unplugging, replugging, and giggles, we arrived in the guest bedroom.  Meagan and Nathan were calmly describing this feature and that feature to us when after the briefest of pauses Meagan said, “And by the way, this is also the room where your grandchild will be sleeping this fall.”

That little pronouncement was followed by ten seconds of absolute, complete silence.

And then pandemonium erupted as Steve, Sarah, and I cheered and clapped and hooted and hollered. I was practically breathless from the surprise and joy of it all.

Me?  Grandma Smith? 

Steve? Grandpa Smith?

Sarah?  Aunt Sarah?

Wow. Just wow.

Of course, we knew it was coming at some point because they’ve made no secret of the fact that they both want dozens and dozens of children.  (Or maybe just a dozen . . . I’m not quite sure.)

But even if you think you’re prepared for something, when it actually happens . . . well, it’s still pretty amazing.

Meagan is known far and wide for her love for children and has even been called “The Baby Whisperer” for the incredible way she cares for infants.

And Nathan?  Well, I can see Nathan being a great, supportive, hands-on kind of dad. And from the very first moment that his child comes into the world, I can also see him putting a big premium on having fun with that teeny human being; he is going to be a hoot with his own baby.

I am so looking forward to that magical day when I first see my child holding a child of his own but for now, these two-year old pictures of him holding his nephew Spencer will have to suffice.




 In other news . . .

I have been sick in bed for the past four days; in fact I even missed church on Sunday morning!  (gasp!)  I don’t think I’ve missed church (except for being on vacation) since I had my mastectomy.

But you will be happy to know that our previous Nurse Snowy has been quite capably replaced by our current Nurse Summer. As I have eased my way to bed to chair and back to bed again, she has not left my side, even one single time.


How could someone NOT get better having such good treatment?  (Not to mention a church family dropping off a splendid feast for us last night so I wouldn’t have to worry about dinner.)

A coming grandchild. An attentive doggie. Home cooked food arriving on my doorstep. Blessed.


34 comments so far.

34 responses to “How We Found Out”

  1. Angela L says:

    Congratulations!!!! It is very exciting telling your parents you are expecting. My sweet bundle of joy is 10 weeks old. I told my parents by buying an ice cream cake and inviting them over for Rivdan (festival from my religion) and we wrote on it ‘Happy Rivdan, Grandparents’ They paused and were shocked. It was awesome. Then they loved it even better when I said our due date was Christmas Day. Turns out he didn’t want to be a Christmas baby though I laboured through the day… He finally arrived on Dec 27th. Congratulations again and I am sure the first grandchild will be loved to bites and very spoiled. 🙂

    • Becky says:


      Whew. That was a loooong labor! So glad your (late)Christmas present arrived safely. And what a sweet way to announce it to your parents!

  2. becky m says:

    so awesome. cant wait for the fall. i hope megan takes tons of picture or that even better you are able to be there when the baby arrives.

    • Becky says:


      Actually, I’m planning on moving Nathan and Meagan to Manteo one day after the baby’s birth. (They just don’t know it yet.) 🙂

  3. Lisa from Georgia says:

    Congratulations!! I am so happy for all the Smiths. There is nothing better than a baby…especially one that calls you Grandma…or so I hear from our parents.

  4. Lizzilou says:

    Aww, congratulations on your new chapter in life … grandparenthood! 🙂

    Sorry to hear you’ve not been well, and hope you’re better soon!

    Take care,


    • Becky says:


      Thanks for the get well wishes; I’m feeling MUCH better. Of course, the thought of impending grandma-hood made me feel a lot better, too! 🙂

  5. Suzanne says:

    Congratulations to ALL of the Smiths (and the Hawley’s, too)! What joyful news and it couldn’t happen to better people!

  6. Anonymous says:

    Congratulations to Nathan, Meagan, future Garndma Smith, Grandpa Smith & Aunt Sarah! Amazing how fast children grow up.

  7. jenna hoff says:

    What joyful wonderful news!!! I am so happy to hear your delightful news!! I walked around smiling for quite a while after reading it! Congratulations and I hope you feel better soon.

  8. Ann Martin says:

    We were told about our future grandchild by receiving a pacifier in the mail with a note–“You’ll need this in about 9 months.” He will be one year old March 13 and we have had a great year with him.

  9. Renee says:

    Wow what a anamzing news! Congratulations to the future parents… and grandparents 🙂
    It’s so funny, as I clicked the link of your blog in my bookmarks, I told my lovely man that I really wanted kids. And then pops up your blog with the news! What a coincidence hehehe.
    Anyway, I’m really happy for the family 🙂

    I hope you feel better soon, Becky. I’m sending lots of healing vibes your way!

    • Becky says:


      That IS funny that you clicked on the news while saying you wanted kids. 🙂 Thanks for the healing vibes; feeling much better!

  10. Guerrina says:

    I am so excited for all of you! No words can describe the fullness of joy being a grandparent!

  11. Mary H says:

    What a fun way to find out! Nathan will be the most fun and loving daddy, for sure. Doesn’t it seem like we just gave birth to these children that are having children? We just shouldn’t have blinked. Hope you are feeling better and I am glad Summer is keeping you company. I am sure you can’t wait to be sleeping in the guest room someday with your grandbaby! I am just so happy for all of you. And, I would have loved to been a fly on the wall to watch the celebration as the news “sunk in.”

    • Becky says:


      I’m afraid the only person in the household who is NOT happy about the news is Summer. She’s going to have to share “snuggling time” with an interloper! 🙂 I’m afraid to tell her that the grandbaby is going have snuggle priority.

  12. Kristi says:

    What a neat way to find out! I can still remember to this day back in 1986 how my mom’s brother and his wife broke the news to my grandma, my parents, and I. We were at one of our favorite restaurants and they were asking us to help them decide how to use one of their rooms in their four-bedroom house. 🙂

  13. You are in for one of the greatest blessings! Congrats!

    • Becky says:


      Every time I visit your blog, I am blessed by the happy pictures and stories of grandma-hood. You have SUCH a beautiful family. 🙂

  14. Courtney H. says:

    Congratulations! I’m sure you, Steve and Sarah are super excited about the news of the newest Smith! I hope Meagan is feeling well. Just in case she needs the tip, the best thing I’ve found to squelch morning sickness is Peppermint Gum. I start chewing it before I get out of bed in the morning and it has really helped. My brand of choice is Ice Breakers Ice Cubes Peppermint. It is my magic morning sickness pill!

    • Becky says:


      And congrats to YOU as well. I am so thrilled for you and Caleb. Thanks for tip for Meagan; it’s nice to have found an easy, inexpensive solution that works!

  15. krista says:

    SO excited for all of the Smith’s…grandma, grandpa, Auntie Sarah, mommy and daddy! And the way they told you sounds so fun! Is Meagan feeling better?
    And I hope you, Becky feel better soon! It’s no fun being sick, but it looks like you’re in the capable paws of Nurse Summer! =)

  16. klberndtKim says:

    Congrat’s my dear! What exciting news. I love the way that they told you!!!

  17. Mrs. Pam says:

    I’m thinking that that must have been the BEST House Tour that you have ever been on! pretty clever folks, those parents-to-be!

    Hope Nurse Summer can soon put her nursing duties on hold for a looooooooong time!

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