Hithering and Yon-ning

July 17, 2017

Hard to believe that we are already on our last day in Wisconsin!

Steve, Sarah and I will leave tomorrow morning and Nathan and family will fly out tomorrow afternoon.   For the past few days we have stayed pretty close to home but today we are headed out to Aunt Ruth’s house so we can get a little taste of traveling hither and yon in our visit.  We are leaving in just a moment so here’s just a quick post . . .

Madison adores her Aunt Sarah–as you can probably tell.

My sister-in-law, Berit, was trying to give her husband, Tim, and Steve lessons in how to pose for a picture. Somehow the pose looks much better on her than it does on them.

First cousins and first cousins once removed and second cousins . . . don’t know exactly what labels apply where but the bottom line is that the cousins had fun together.

And here we have cousins and cousins-in-law which I guess all just boils down to plain ol’ cousins.  It’s been funny watching Noah and Madison try to make sense of all the labels and titles.  At one point, Noah was heard calling one of us Uncle Grandma. (works for me!)

At one point in the reunion, an unexpected, uninvited  guest showed up.  Steve and my brother-in-law, Arnold, were a little taken aback. The deer head actually belonged to my niece’s husband who had just picked it up at the taxidermist and thought it would add a little excitement to the family reunion.

Another picture of that darling girl.

Madison was involved in several chats with the “older ladies” in her life.

Here is Nathan with two of his favorite women.

The hammock they were in also played host  to Sarah and Caleb where he dramatically tried to help her up.

Mom and Debbie enjoyed the early evening quietude and a discussion about the birds and the flowers around them.

And now off for some hithering and yon-ning.


12 comments so far.

12 responses to “Hithering and Yon-ning”

  1. LeeAnne says:

    Wonderful pictures! It looks like a great time! Have safe travels back home! 🙂

  2. Ruth Rehberg says:

    A very nice day for all involved! Glad you share your camera eye perspective on it for us. Ruth

  3. Phyllis says:

    Love the look on Steve’s face with the deer head. Priceless.
    Safe travels for everyone on their way home.

  4. Jenna HOFF says:

    Looks lovely, like what everything a family reunion should be !

  5. Ann Martin says:

    Awesome pictures. So much fun time together. Enjoy your last day!!! Safe travels home the next two days.

  6. Yay! Great pics!

    Love the cousin conundrum! Because we, too, often have questions regarding removedness (heh), I have this site bookmarked. http://www.4familytrees.com/relationship%20matrix.htm

    Can’t wait to see/hear more. 🙂

    • Becky says:


      I read your line “regarding removedness” to Sarah and we both got a kick out of it. 🙂

      Thanks so much for the link; takes some of the mystery out of it all!

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