Happy Birthday, Noah!

November 10, 2013

Thought I’d put up a bonus post today just because I’m in a grandma sort of mood and because Noah turned one month old today.

I’ll start it with a recent update from Meagan’s Facebook page: 

Great last minute date night with the love of my life. First we went to Walmart, as any self respecting southern couple would do. Then dinner for two, chicken on the barbie. Next dancing till we laughed, and finally some intense levels of castle crusher on the Xbox. All in the comfort of our little home with our baby love beside us. It was a perfect, much needed evening! Thanks Nathan, I love you!


I love knowing that my darlingest grandson has parents who love each other so much–and also have so much fun together.  I can imagine a lot of laughter in his future.

And now? A picture of the crown prince himself. He already looks so much older than when I saw him 3 weeks ago.  

Love that sweet, sweet face. I just know he’s thinking of something  wise and profound right here, something along the lines of, “Oops. I think I just filled my diaper!


 In other news . . .

 click here to check out my newly updated Meet The Smiths page.

9 comments so far.

9 responses to “Happy Birthday, Noah!”

  1. MaryH says:

    Oh my! That is the sweetest story and picture ever. So glad to hear they are ALL coming for Christmas – nothing like a baby around during Christmas….well, anytime actually. Hope you are feeling better, Becky.

    • Becky says:


      Christmas can’t come soon enough. Do you think Noah is too young for a sports car of his own yet? 🙂

      • Mary H says:

        I can see Steve with that little guy out in the driveway teaching him all he needs to know about his first baby sports car! Go for it. That is the joy of being a grandparent – we don’t have to be practical – just FUN!

  2. noah is adorable!!!!

  3. Jodi says:

    It’s hard to believe that MeagaNate have already been married for two years & almost four months! Noah is just precious! When is your next trip to Florida (I know not soon enough)? I’m thinking no trips to FL over Thanksgiving since your having A Very Dare Thanksgiving! Do you all have to wait until Christmas? Boy, I sure hope not!

    Meagan since I know you read here have you written your birth story like so many do? Teaching all day, then having a drug free delivery is the making of an outrageously awesome birth story!



    • Becky says:


      Nathan, Meagan and Noah will be flying here for Christmas. Won’t be too much longer to wait!

      • Jodi says:

        How long are they staying? You now have bragging rights that Noah’s first plane trip was to see G’Ma Smith!

        I love the name Noah! In 17 years of teaching I never had a Noah! The name used to be on my “If I ever get to have a baby,” list! But since recently losing my brother I’d name my child after him! I know the girls name I’d like but I’m stuck for a boy idea (I would NOT use his name but a variation)! Like I’ll ever have a child anyway! Did you know that Jews don’t name children after the living?

        May I suggest a very long list of things to do and get everyone out of the house so that you can have this bundle of love ALL to YOURSELF!

        Let the countdown begin! Noah will be here in …………(insert #) days!

        I suppose that means Meagan & Nathan will be with them? As opposed to Noah being with MeagaNate!

        Be well!

        • Becky says:


          They’ll be in NC about a week, I think, visiting us and some other friends and family in the state. And yes, I’m already contemplating ways that I can scheme to kick the whole family out of the house so I can have my grandma time with Sir Noah.

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