Have To. Get To. Snowy. Fifty

February 29, 2012

Every once in a while, I like to point you all in the direction of another blogger who has especially impacted me by something he or she has written.

One recent post from a favorite blogger, Michael Hyatt, has really stuck with me ever since I read it.  He simply said that his entire outlook of life changed when he started switching out one simple word for another.  Instead of  saying, “I have to . . .”   he started saying “I get to  . . .”

It’s amazing the mind shift I experience whenever I do that.

Read the post. Give it a try.  And be amazed!



I know I haven’t posted any pictures of Snowy lately so here are a few of our favorite furchild.  These shots basically speak for themselves and what they’re saying is that is a doggie without a care in the world.    It’s hard to look at him and not  feel just a little tinge of relaxation seeping into your bones.


One week from tomorrow, I will turn fifty years old.  (Moment of silence please.)

In light of turning half a century old, I am hereby declaring March 8 to be a Designated Day of Wisdom-Sharing here on Smithellaneous.  I would love it if you would start thinking about some snippet of wisdom or experience you’ve gained over the course of your life; it might be one line or several lines, it might be sweet and simple or long and profound.  But please be thinking about what you would like to share with the rest of us as I turn fifty.

Speaking of which, I was talking to a lady at church about my birthday and she  gave me some great advice. She said, “When someone asks how old you are,  give them a number that is much, much older; like if you’re 50, say you’re 62.  Then they can gasp in astonishment and say, “My, my!  You certainly do look good for your age!”

Isn’t that a great plan?

From now on, I am sixty-two.



41 comments so far.

41 responses to “Have To. Get To. Snowy. Fifty”

  1. Dianna in Louisiana says:

    Sometimes, when you least expect it, God will surprise you….. We have, for a decade, tried to have another child. We faced several losses, which were emotionally devastating. Last September, my mom-in-law was diagnosed with a very rare form of peritoneal cancer, and given a poor prognosis of only months. We decided to completely stop trying to have a baby….. no more charting, no more stress about dates, etc. At 38, I resigned myself to the fact that our Sofia would be an only child. In November, we were blessed, (though cautiously optimistic because of our history) i to learn that we were pregnant again. Here we are months later……. I am seventeen weeks along and out of the danger zone and my mother-in-law, though facing some complications from a surgery in January, is still here with us and encouraging us daily. Thank you Lord for these Awesome gifts!

    • Becky says:


      What a beautiful, beautiful entry. Thanks for sharing this piece of your life with us.

      How incredibly exciting that you are pregnant again and doing well! And how especially wonderful to know that your mother is still with you. You all are doubly blessed, after so many years of heartache.

      Please keep us all in touch throughout your pregnancy; I am rejoicing with you and so glad that you shared.

  2. brooke r. says:

    Mr. Snowy, what a blessing! It seems like it wasn’t that long ago that we were all praying and checking this site for news about your health and whether you were well, or not so well. Check you out! So healthy, you just kick back and show us all how relaxing is supposed to be done! No worries for you Mr. Snowy-man! Yeah, and God bless!

    • Becky says:


      Yeah, Snowy is the King of Relaxing, that’s for sure. And as you mentioned, the fact that he was one step from death 14 months ago make those pictures all the more wonderful.

  3. Guerrina says:

    Oh, no! Now I have to figure out what anniversary of my yet-to-be-determined year I’m having! Big choice between 28th year (salvation) and 34th year (birth of son)….like the math wasn’t going to be pain enough! 🙂

  4. Dana H says:

    I’ll be 37 in April but have the gray hair of a 90 year old. Thanks to Loreal I can trick those little suckers into looking 23. My Grandma use to tell how birthdays started coming faster and faster the older you get and I thought she might be going loopy on me because mine always took so long to come around and I always wanted to be older than what I was. I think all kids do this the day your turn 9 you can’t wait to be 10 and so on. I realize my Grandma, she wasn’t senile. I mean here we are march 1st already. I can honestly say that the older I get the more comfortable I feel in my own skin. I have my insecurities about the droopy eyelids and the changes that we all go through but I really do think the older a woman gets the more we allow ourselves to be who we really are.

    • Becky says:


      I’ve always wondered at about what age “the change” happens and we start to feel like birthdays are coming around faster rather than slower? (Maybe early to mid 30’s?) I understand just what your Grandma meant.

      But as you said, the more often the birthdays come, the more comfortable we get in our own skin. That’s one thing I love about elderly people; most of them just say whatever they want to say and although it can be a little alarming at times, it’s refreshing. They are who they are. What a gift!

  5. MusicGirl says:

    I should definitely not feel old at 21 then, but that’s sometimes how it happens! Chocolate eating department…sounds like the best place!

    I definitely also love the ‘Get to’. It helps on those days when the pile of coursework, practicing, lesson planning etc is taller than I am. I am privileged to be able to attend university, I have the blessing of a great career, and the gift of being able to play the flute. As I say to everyone, EMBRACE what you are doing, whether it is figuring out a theory assignment, practising your instrument, going for a run, relaxing with family, eating chocolate…this moment will never come again!

    • Becky says:


      Sounds like you’re a busy lady. And it also sounds like you have a great attitude toward your busyness?

      Isn’t that “get to ” concept wonderful, especially in light of all the women around the world who would love to have the privileges you and I have?

      And yes, living in the moment is great, great advice; I try to do it as much as I possibly can.

  6. Lib says:

    Becky, someone told me years ago that you don’t celebrate birthdays after your thirty-ninth birthday, but you celebrate anniversaries of your thirty-ninth birthday!!! I like that. You get to be old and young at the same time!!! I just turned 66, but this is the 27th anniversary of my 39th birthday!!!

    I also love the “I get to” instead of “I have to”!!!

    I always enjoy the pictures of your “fur child”.

    • Becky says:


      Yes, any sort of reasoning that helps us be young and old at the same time is a good one! 🙂

      Glad you enjoy the pictures of Sir Fur Child! (He’s sitting beside me right now and said to say thank you.)

  7. Ann Martin says:

    Becky, I would tell my students when I taught school (especially elementary grades) that I was 95 when they asked my age. I was in my late 20’s early 30’s at the time. Now that I have received Medicare for almost a year I still have trouble realizing I am THAT age. I was always with the young group and now it no longer is true. That’s OK because I do not feel “OLD.” The line “I don’t have to, I get to” is also a song song by Jeff Easter and the title is “I Get To” I believe. I have it on one of Jeff and Sherri’s cds and it really speaks volumes to me. I get to visit my mother almost daily I don’t have to. Not everyone can do that. Enjoy chocolate on your birthday for me and I’ll enjoy it after March 22 when my six-weeks with Beth Moore and Daniel are up. That’s the one thing I could think of to forego in order to study God’s Word more for this first six weeks of study. It is an awesome study and the DVDs are mine personally. So–after we finish May 24th if you would like to borrow them just let me know.

    • Becky says:


      I had no idea the Easters had done a song about the “get to” concept; I’ll have to do a search and find it. I love their singing and I love that idea so it would a perfect combination.

  8. Lisa from Georgia says:

    I am 43, but I tell people (especially the kids that I teach) that I am celebrating the 13th anniversary of my 30th birthday. Makes them think and me laugh! Happy Birthday coming up.

    • Becky says:


      What a fun way to make your kids do a math problem! Knowing me, it would take half an hour to find the answer, but I would get there eventually.

  9. michele says:

    I turn 50 (Imean 62) on Monday. Happy early birthday!

  10. Sarah Smith says:

    My, my! You certainly do look good for your age!

  11. Cindy in Tennessee says:

    I’m headed in the direction of the big 5-0, but I have two years to go. As I have gotten older, I have learned not to sweat the small stuff. So what if the house isn’t spotless or if something doesn’t get done. I have learned that time spent with family and friends is much more important than work or a chore that didn’t get done. Time is one thing we cannot get back. I’ve also learned that it is great to be a multitasker. 🙂

    • Becky says:


      You’re right; sweating the small stuff is a good thing NOT to do at any age!

      And yes, multi tasking is a very, very good thing.

  12. Suzanne says:

    Ahhh…see I always try to stump ’em by saying I am “thirty-twelve” – (42). It’s like being twenty-one or thirty-three with higher numbers 😉 Then they just look at me all confused and I can go about my merry way with a smile on my face!

  13. MArjie says:

    What a true blessing from God, your life and the way you have choosen to serve the Lord. The thing I like about being 53 is that the petty things that used to bother me, which shouldn’t have bothered me, don’t bother me. The pure joy of seeing my grandson running towards me, I don’t think as a young mother meant as much to me. It probably did but I don’t remember it because I was so wrapped up in life things.
    So as you hit this “big birthday” we should all remember place all your Trust in the Lord, don’t sweat the small stuff and enjoy each day to its fullest.
    Blessings for a wonderful day and early Happy Birthday. Lets declare national eat chocolate day in your honor!!!

    Hugs from Iowa,

    • Becky says:


      Thanks for your words of hard won wisdom! And National Eat Chocolate Day sounds like a wonderful idea to me!

      • Anonymous says:

        Can we extend National Eat Chocolate Day until the 19th? Happy (Thirty-Twenty) Birthday Becky. I find myself looking forward to birthdays and realize that each one is a blessing from God.

  14. Just think you have an extra day this year to stay 49! Looking forward to seeing the Smith family soon. I am counting down the days until Chlorita and I are back in the Outer banks.

  15. JennyJoT says:

    Be very careful! That “62” thing could backfire. Just imagine your chagrin if you tried it and someone said, “Really? You don’t look a day over 55!” That would SO happen to me!

  16. Guerrina says:

    Being in the over-50-closer-to-sixty range, I realize that I see myself as much younger as does Gail and still have that zest for life! And yes, when asked my age, I do give an age younger and usually get I look really good for that age! I do ascribe to a dose or two of chocolate per day…have for years! Whether it helps or not, I have no idea, but who but a young person would think they could eat chocolate daily and get away with it! Truly, I am blessed that the Lord has allowed me to accrue age!

    Happy early birthday, Becky and unless the Lord returns before, may we all have another half century or more!

    • Becky says:


      I’m with you. I actually do FEEL younger than (almost) fifty which is a good thing–it’s better than feeling older than I am.

      let’s both enjoy our years of happily growing older and eating chocolate along the way.

  17. Gail Puckett says:

    I have already crossed over to 62 and you know, I am as young as I feel. I can act 62 or I can act how old my head thinks I am which is about 30 (too bad my body doesn’t feel that way after a while). I had someone tell me one time that any day that you wake up on this side of the dirt is a good day. I am thankful every morning that the Lord has allowed me another day to serve Him, to look at my beautiful grandchildren, love my precious children and given me another day to be with the husband who stil takes my breath away. Your life is what you make of it! Keep on writing Becky, love love love this blog

    • Becky says:


      Your attitude is an inspiration! I love how you feel so much younger than you are and how that affects everything you do each day. And I also love your description of your husband, that he “still takes your breath away.” How very sweet that is.

  18. Mitzi says:

    Congratulations! You GET to turn 50! 🙂

  19. Tiffany says:

    As I will be turning 40 next year, I love that last piece of advice you gave! From now on, I am 52! 🙂 My grandma always told me that turning any number is better than the alternative, so I guess I will stick with that one as well!! She will turn 90 in September, so there are wisdom in her words!! I hope that your birthday is wonderful, and that you get to eat lots and lots of chocolate!! I may eat lots of chocolate just to help you out!!

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