Happy News

October 22, 2014

Thank you all for the words and prayers and hugs sent my way after my sort of gloomy post on Monday. I’m so thankful for each wonderful member of the Smthellaneous family.

I thought we could use some happy news today and it just so happens I have some to share!

Sarah came by my office at church on Monday full of smiles and good news. She had just talked with the principal of Manteo High School who said that the tutor from last year was not able to return.  He said that when he and the teachers discussed who to ask to do the tutoring this year, Sarah was everyone’s first choice.

Sarah will still work at Food Lion; the tutoring  (which is a paid position) will be one full day a week. This is a great item for her to add to her resume and work experience list. She’ll get to wear a staff name tag and the students will call her Miss Smith. How cool is that?

So our girl now has two part time jobs in addition to going to college full-time.  So proud of her!

Here she is outside Steve’s office, holding the application from the school.

sarah school

If you want to read her story in her own words, check out this blog entry.

22 comments so far.

22 responses to “Happy News”

  1. Congrats, Miss Smith!

    Becky – your girl is so grown-up looking now! Wowwww! 🙂

  2. Kristi says:

    Congratulations, Miss Sarah Smith! 🙂

  3. That is awesome! Way to go Sarah! So very proud of you.

  4. Robin says:

    Truly is great news…Way to go Sarah…

  5. Karen Cathey says:

    That is excellent news. What a great opportunity for all parties!

  6. Jodi says:

    Congratulations, Miss Smith & the entire Smith Family! Sarah, you will make an awesome tutor & future teacher! The students you’ll begin to touch tomorrow, Friday, moving forward are certainly going to be forever blessed! What will your duties include? Will you work 1:1, w/ small groups, or in the classroom w/ the teacher?

    I loved the 17 years I spent teaching (not including the 11 years prior to getting my degree)! I love hearing from students & parents past! It’s hard to wrap my mind around the fact that I have students that are doctors of all specialties, lawyers, teachers, mommies & daddies & so much more! When I’m feeling down I’ll pull out my keepsake box w/ pics that students drew over the years & letters of gratitude from parents & students! I used to to tell my students when they’d give me a special picture to make sure they signed & dated it so that when they became famous I could say, “I knew (insert child’s name) when!”

    It takes a very special person to be a teacher & you Sarah, are as special as they come! I hope you use your story to inspire your students to work hard despite any obstacles they may encounter!

    I (we, I’m sure) can’t wait to hear all about your first day on the other side of the desk @ Manteo High!

    Love, Jodi

  7. Anonymous says:

    That’s awesome sister!! Now we are officially teacher Mrs/Miss Smith together! 🙂 so happy for you.

  8. Lesley says:

    Wonderful news! Quite the honor!

  9. Ann Martin says:

    Read it and so proud of her.

  10. Renee says:

    She is so beautiful and grown up! Way to go Sarah!

  11. Mrs. Pam says:

    WOW! I had several super St. Louis schools asking me to be a teacher, but NEVER from the one I attended. (and not expected)
    That’s quite an honor!
    Becky, I am so sorry your report was not what you were hoping for, but I know you’ll meet all challenges full speed ahead!

  12. Michele says:

    Awesome! I’m sure Sarah will be a great tutor!! Congratulations!

  13. Mel says:

    God is great!!!!! Congratulations to Miss Smith. I am sure that Mr. and Mrs. Smith must be so proud.

  14. Michelle says:

    That is so awesome Sarah!! Congratulations!!

  15. Sharyn McDonald says:

    How wonderful for her, and to know that everyone wanted her to be the tutor. You can see it on her face, at least it looks that way to me, that she’s about ready to jump out of her skin because she’s so happy. Becky, we will continue to pray that the Lord will bless you beyond measure with good health.

  16. Jan Reuther says:

    This is wonderful news! The photo you posted shows a mature young woman. What an exciting time this is for her.

  17. Gayle in AL says:

    Way to go, Sarah!! What a great way to get some teaching experience. The students you work with will be blessed!

  18. beckylp says:

    As proud as I am of Sarah I know that you all must be “busting” right out

  19. Mary H says:

    Wow! Great choice Manteo High! She is just a beautiful girl with so much to offer! I truly cannot wait to see where this vibrant, wonderful young woman’s future leads her. Just so proud. Love that smile.

  20. Jenna Hoff says:

    Way to go Sarah! This will be a great opportunity to gain experience in a school, especially with your goal of becoming an English teacher!

  21. Steve says:

    Proud of our girl.

  22. LeeAnne says:

    Yay Sarah!! You continue to amaze me…. 🙂

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