Hands. Bridges. Veterans.

November 9, 2015


Nathan just posted this picture on FB with the following caption:

Saturday morning snuggle. #lovethiskid

Sarah commented, “I miss both of these pairs of hands.”


That sure made this mama/grandma heart happy.


I mentioned last week that Sarah, Steve and I took a day trip to Corolla and I shared a couple photos from that trek. Here are a few more.  (Click on any photo to see them all full sized.)



Before I close, I want to mention that I got an email from Rachel, a long time blog reader who wrote (in part), “I’m wondering if you would consider sharing this with your reader’s on Veteran’s Day. I know your family is a huge supporter of the military.

My husband has served in the Army Reserve for 18 years with the same unit. That unit is scheduled to deploy in 2016. We are trying to raise money for a military ball to have a fun event for all the soldiers and their spouses prior to the deployment. We started a go fund me page and are hoping to raise $5,000 so that we can host this ball for 250 people. Here is the gofundme link – https://www.gofundme.com/461stEnCo     

Rachel, what a great idea to send our fighting men and women off to duty with an event to make them feel so valued and appreciated. Honoring our veterans is always a worthy cause!

With Veteran’s Day coming up on Wednesday, I want to send out special honors to my wonderful dad-in-law who served as an Air Force fighter pilot for almost a quarter of a century. We love you, Lt. Colonel Kenneth L. Smith!  The generations that follow you continue to be inspired by your example.


And here’s a bonus picture for you of Steve’s parents back during the time Ken was in the Air Force. Aren’t they a charming couple?  

kv edit

Some things never change. They are charming, still!


18 comments so far.

18 responses to “Hands. Bridges. Veterans.”

  1. Anonymous says:

    Becky I know I rarely comment, but I just want you to let know that those Pictures are wonderful 🙂 I still read each time you post. 🙂

  2. Mrs. Pam says:

    precious hands, that’s for sure!

  3. Jan Reuther says:

    I love the hands photo! Daddy’s building wonderful memories; however important or mundane the activity, Daddy’s near! He’s holding and touching!

    Another great group of photos from your field trip. I live in a scenic area, too, but I can never find a good parking spot to stop and take pictures, Yeah, it’s that built up around here.

    Hoping for a successful ball for the 461st. How nice that they and their spouses will have such a beautiful memory. Years from now THEIR daughters-in-law can post pictures of them on their blogs!

    • Becky says:


      I guess you just have to enjoy your lovely scenery as you drive by it and take mental pictures! 😉

      Yes, I hope the ball is wonderful, too; I know many fabulous memories will be made to sustain the ones going to serve.

  4. Rachel K. says:

    Amazing photos. I love the old pic of Steve’s Parents. Thank you for sharing about the military ball. One of your sweet readers donated and made us hit the milestone of our first $1,000 donated. Thanks Paige!

  5. Linda in Pgh says:

    Love the photos, what a talent you have for seeing the beauty in the world around you! Also, live the “hands” picture that Nate posted. Thanks for sharing! Hugs to all of you.
    Linda in Pittsburgh

  6. Ann Martin says:

    Beautiful pictures.

  7. Judy says:

    Super pics and the angles of the photos make for stupendous compositions. OUTSTANDING!!
    Now for a silly question. Are you usually squatting, sitting or laying on the ground when you click the camera?

    Enjoy everything you do. Thank you for taking the time to share your gifts.

    • Becky says:


      Not a silly question at all! One of my non-negotiables when buying a camera was that it had a tilt screen. That way, I can put the camera low to the ground, and tilt the screen up to see what I’m shooting. Since I have RA, the thought of getting down on the ground myself to get those shots is not happy one! 🙂

  8. Lesley says:

    Beautiful photos. Great shot of your inlaws! There is really some beautiful scenery down there.

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