Hair-y Transformation

October 7, 2014

If you’ve been reading here for any length of time at all, you’ll recall that Sarah has had a wide variety of hairstyles over the years

In no particular order, here are a few.

(Scroll to the bottom to see why I’m writing about this.)





5-christmas1 2011 182

6-8-31-02 16

7-2004 E Sept 7th, 2004 142

8-Sarah Birthday 2003 and misc. 017









So why the trip down the Memory Lane of Hair?

It’s because Sarah has made up her mind to undergo yet another hair-y transformation! This afternoon I am taking her to get her hair cut short in a pixie style.  Should be fun!  (She’s hoping to  have enough cut off to donate to Locks of Love.)

Check back here tomorrow to see the transformation!

7 comments so far.

7 responses to “Hair-y Transformation”

  1. Mel says:

    I have to agree with beckylp – Sarah really can wear any type of hair style and look beautiful.

  2. Mrs. Pam says:

    that will be fun to see the new Sarah Look! I bet she’ll look adorable!
    In August and again yesterday, I went to Supercuts for the
    $7.95 senior special cut. (I wait as long as I can until Mrs. Guthrie tells me it is time for a haircut!) It’s a decent cut, and I certainly like the price… even though I like the stylist that I have had for years. her prices keep creeping up… and I’m not sure it is worth it.

  3. Lesley says:

    I can’t wait! This is very exciting!!

  4. Mary H says:

    How fun! Can’t wait to see the new “do.” Loved the stroll down memory lane via hair styles. Oh, and “Hi Snowy Boy!” So nice to see his photo also.

  5. Ann Martin says:

    Waiting excitedly for the new “do.”

  6. Jenna Hoff says:

    Sounds fun! Sarah looks beautiful in every hairstyle displayed in the photos and a pixie cut will be so cute. My daughter donated hair to Locks of Love last November and it was a great experience. I can imagine how meaningful it must be for Sarah to donate hair to make a wig for someone else experiencing hair loss.

  7. beckylp says:

    well as we can see Sarah can wear any “do” she wants! Looking forward to the new cut photos. Have a great day!

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