The Guess Her Age Game

June 14, 2013

As I wrote earlier this week, Sarah started work at Food Lion this past Monday. During the hiring process, she had one manager ask her if she was thirteen years old and later on, a coworker ask if she was fourteen. And then in the past few months, she’s had a person or two ask if she was in college.

Quite a disparity.

So here’s the thing. Sarah and I were talking about it last night and thought it would be entertaining to take an informal poll and find out how old a majority of guess-ers really think she looks.

Now obviously, it’s not going to work to ask YOU how old she looks because if you’re a Smithellaneous reader, you already know she’s almost eighteen.

So we need your help.

Would you please take 30 seconds and show the two pictures below to someone in your life–family member, friend, co-worker–who doesn’t read Smithellaneous?

Show the first picture first and get a response, and then show the second picture.

When you’ve done that, please leave the guesses in the comments.  Put down the person’s age guess after seeing the first photo and their age guess after seeing the second photo. It will be especially interesting to see if the guesses change at all between pictures.

So.  Can you help us with this scientific survey?

You can?  Great!

(And thanks!)









Thanks for playing the Guess Her Age Game with us today!  

35 comments so far.

35 responses to “The Guess Her Age Game”

  1. Sheri says:

    Ok…I asked my kids :). Grace (age 9) said she looks 21 in the 1st pic and 16 in the 2nd. Jack (13) said she looks 16 in the top pic and 18 in the bottom pic. Kate (4) said she looks 4 in the top pic and 8 in the 2nd pic :)….that’s what you get when you ask a 4 year old!

  2. I wonder if you could post a picture of Sarah from 13-14? Because since so man guessed that I am curious what she did look back then 🙂

  3. Becky says:

    Wow. You all have certainly provided our family with some interesting reading over the weekend on Friday’s last post. Our family has gotten a big kick out the answers.

    1. It was especially amazing to us that a few people said the she looked a lot younger in the second photo than the first. Never saw that one coming!

    2. Sarah agrees wholeheartedly with those of you who said you looked young when you were in your teens but are glad for looking younger now that you’re an adult. She’s looking forward to being a very youthful looking forty year old. 🙂 Thanks for the encouragement that she will actually be grateful for her young looking-ness down the road.

    3. We seem to have collected an age range of eight to early thirties. Ha!

    4. We thought it was especially intriguing that some people thought the pictures were of two different people. (Even of sisters.)

    We are so grateful to all of you who “played the game” with us and even roped in your friends and family members to play along. It was great fun; thanks!

  4. Suzanne says:

    My co-worker said early 20’s for both pictures…

  5. Gayle says:

    I just showed them to my husband and he said in the first one she was probably older than she looked, so he guessed 13. In the second picture he said 17 or 18. 🙂

    Gayle in AL

  6. Jill says:

    My husband said 19 for first, 14 for second.
    My 22 yr old son said 11 for both.
    My 18 yr old daughter thought she was 21.
    All three thought it was two different girls!

  7. Kristina says:

    I asked a friend of mine… he said 14 for both pictures.

  8. Melissa says:

    My husband, who has a good eye for these things (he’s worked in law enforcement for years) guessed around 17 for the first photo, and 15 or 16 for the second. He was more on target than me, if I didn’t know her real age I would have guessed around 12 in the first pic and 14 or 15 in the second! I used to look way younger than I was as well, but it caught up to me in my late 20’s and I finally started looking my age!

  9. amie says:

    13/14 and 16/17. Looking young comes in handy much later in life!

  10. Dina says:

    I asked my husband. He said in the first picture she looked about 15-16, though her face looked like she could be younger. In the second one, he thought it must be much more recent than the first one, so he said, “Anywhere from 20 to 35.” That made me nearly fall out of my chair laughing.

    I think his perception is skewed because he’s married to me– I’m almost 32, but all my life people have thought I’m far younger than I am, partially due to the fact that I’m the same height as Sarah. It was a pain growing up, but it’s pretty nice now!

  11. Lisa from Georgia says:

    I showed a group of friends at dinner:
    Picture 1 Men and women thought 13. They all thought you were trying to trick us with the uniform. 🙂
    Picture 2- Men- 18 Women-16 and this time the men thought it was two different girls. But they all agreed that she is quite beautiful and upon hearing her story are in agreement that she is a miracle. Thanks for some great conversation fodder for our dinner. It’s always encouraging to see your Sarah doing so wonderfully in all aspects of her life.

  12. Kathie Hamburg says:

    My husband says 13 or 14 for both pictures

  13. From my hubby:

    1st pic: mid 20’s
    2nd pic: 13


  14. Lissy says:

    Tell Sarah not to worry. I’m 27 and get mistaken for a college student all the time. When I was 23 and getting carded at rated r movies it was annoying but now I find it flattering.
    And I’m sure it’s after talking to you, as you seem to be an extremely poised and well spoken young lady, that they can’t possibly believe you are in high school. 🙂

  15. Karen says:

    12 for picture one, and 16 for picture 2.

  16. michele says:

    my 19 year old daughter guessed 12 & 16 !

  17. jenna hoff says:

    I asked my 13 year old daughter (who has special needs and is still learning to understand numbers) and she guessed 30 and 31 for the photos! Sarah- I think you are beautiful! And you look exactly the way God made you to look.

    I can relate to your comment Amanda. I’m 32 and have been told told I am young looking, maybe because I am petite. People who don’t know we adopted our daughter 3 years ago are always shocked we have a 13 year- it leads to awkward situations sometimes (ie the other week when we met some neighbours for the first time and they kept expressing how shocking it was for us to have a 13 year, and we didn’t once again want to have to get into the whole adoption story so didn’t explain further and they were just so shocked!

  18. Megan says:

    My 15 year old son said 8 in the first picture and 12 in the second picture. Take it for what it’s worth. I’m not sure age guessing his his speciality. He thought my 58 year old mother was 45 (I am 35) and my mom wasn’t 10 when she had me. 🙂
    I love the reactions I get when I tell people that my son is my son. At 5’11” he is a giant. People tell me all the time I don’t look old enough to have a 15 year old. I always point out my age because I don’t want them thinking I had him when I was 14.
    Good luck to Sarah starting her new job.

  19. Mary H says:

    My friend at work said – No. 1 = 20; No. 2 = 12!! I was amazed. I would have said the opposite.

  20. Margie M says:

    14 & about 18

  21. patti says:

    My husband said 13 for the first one and “not much older” for the second. He actually thought the second one was a young girl dressing up to look older. I know the feeling. I was small for my age and always was taken for much younger. I finally quit asking for an adult admission to anything and simply said “1 please” and if they wanted to give me the cheaper childs admission, I quietly took it. Now I am proud to ask for my senior discount!

  22. AmandaJ says:

    Heh. Haven’t asked anyone to guess, but had to respond to this because I get the looking younger than I am thing a lot. I’m 34. From my 20s on, I’ve had people ask: If I’m old enough to have a credit card, old enough to pick up a prescription, why I wasn’t in school that day, and the kicker – mistaking my husband (who is 3 years older than me) for my dad. I have an almost 9 month old son now. I always wonder how many people think I’m a teen mom …

  23. Jodi says:

    I didn’t think my doctor would want to play the age guessing game so I’ll play later!

    In the meantime, last weekend I went to a new frozen yogurt place near home (haven’t had one of those nearby for at least 12 LONG years) & when I went to check out the person behind the counter said, “If you have your (insert local High School) student ID you get a 20% discount! I wanted to kiss him since it’s been 25+ years since I’ve been in HS! He didn’t believe me! It’s nice sometimes, especially when you’ve felt run down and OLD as of late!

    • Jodi says:

      I showed the pic to two different people since they were both nearby (they didn’t hear what the other said)! They both said 15 & 17!

  24. 14 on the first and 16 on the second!

  25. Chase says:

    A friend of mine said that he thought that the first picture she looks like she’s 22 and the second one 13.

  26. Shannon says:

    My co-worker thought 12 in the first picture and 18 in the second picture.
    Reading the post yesterday I did have to scroll back and forth for a minute to determine if that was a current picture. 🙂

  27. Anonymous says:

    She looks alot younger with her hair cut short. I think that is part of it.

  28. Cathie says:

    I showed my husband Sarah’s pictures and on the first on he said 12 or 13. On the second he said she looked about the same. I did tell that I had never seen a 13 year old like does in the second picture. I did share with him Sarah’s story and his reply was praise the Lord.

  29. Shawn says:

    I asked my husband he said the first picture she looks 12. The second picture he said 18.

  30. Linda says:

    I asked one co-worker who said 15 in the first and 18 in the second. The second co-worker said 15 and 19 but thought they were pictures of sisters!

  31. Paige says:

    My co-worker said 13 on the first picture and 14 on the second. She was surprised to learn Sarah is almost 18, especially since she has both a 13 year old and an 18 year old. Diana still thinks she looks closest to her youngest.

  32. Michelle says:

    The first picture she looks like 13-14, such a young face 🙂 The second picture she looks like she is 16. I hope she likes her new job at Food Loin.

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