The Hair-y Transformation, Part 2

October 8, 2014

Here’s what Sarah looked like when she got ready yesterday morning

porch 1

And here’s what she looks like now! Isn’t she lovely? 


She drove to her appointment which was almost half an hour from the house.  She is getting more and more confident with her driving; it  won’t be long till she goes to get her license!


On the way to the hair salon, we stopped by a thrift store because  the two of us are biologically, physically, and psychologically incapable of driving past any building that has the word “thrift” on the sign.

I took a picture of this rack of clothes because the sign made me smile.  Might there possibly be a Men’s Maternity rack somewhere else in the store so that they had to specify that this one is for women?  Too funny.


When we arrived at the salon, Sarah told the stylist she wanted to donate her hair.  Because of that, the stylist had to braid the hair before starting to cut it.


And when it was all braided?  It was time for The Scary First Snip.


After that first braid had been cut, Sarah yelled, “No, no!  I changed my mind!”

(just kidding)


It’s nice to think of this hair going off to cover the sweet bald head of a child who needs it.


 The lovely finished product.


 In non-hair news . . .

I’ll be leaving the house for the Norfolk airport at about 5 a.m. tomorrow. I have about a thousand Grandma hugs and kisses saved up but the problem is that I will have to catch Noah before I can give them to him.  Sounds like he has turned into a pretty speedy kid since I saw him last and this particular Grandma isn’t quite as speedy as she used to be.  I guess I can delegate Nathan to chase Noah down, tackle him and bring him over to me.  I’m sure we’ll work something out.

Signing off for now–thanks so much for stopping by and celebrating the Hair-y Transformation, Part 2!

25 comments so far.

25 responses to “The Hair-y Transformation, Part 2”

  1. Becky says:

    Thanks everyone for your sweet words about Sarah’s new ‘do. She is one cute lady–no doubt about it!

    With my traveling scheduling to and from Florida (and the fact that my computer won’t go online at Nathan and Meagan’s) I’m afraid I won’t be able to reply to each comment individually. But as always, I love hearing from you wonderful people. Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Gayle in AL says:

    Oh my gosh! Sarah’s hair looks so cute, and she looks so grown up! If possible, she even looks more like her mother with her hair cut short! I hope your weekend in Florida is fabulous!! Can’t wait to see the pictures!

  3. dmantik says:

    Love the new do! It frames her beautiful face and eyes so nicely.

    love deb

  4. Mrs. Pam says:

    short hair frames your beautiful face, Sarah!!! quite lovely!

  5. Tiffany Hawkins says:

    Sarah… you look GREAT!!! I had long hair, and had it cut short like that when I was a senior in high school… it was so easy and care free… I know you are going to love it!! 🙂

  6. Jodi says:

    Dear Becky:

    I’m so sorry to read about Josh! Mark, if you or your wife are reading this, please accept my heartfelt condolences to you & your entire family.

    Becky, what a treasure to your congregation you & your family are! For them to be so kind in
    finding a way to get you to Noah is a true testament of how beLOVED you & your family are to them! Steve, what time does the big party start? What should I bring? :0)

    Sarah, your hair looks gorgeous! You’re rocking the pixie! I donated almost 14 inches of hair to an organization called WIGS4KIDS, Michigan, in July, 2012 in my brother’s honor. He was in the midst of a horrific cancer battle and because I’m unable to donate blood, platelets or put myself on the list to be a bone marrow/organ donor this is all I could (can) do!

    After my brother (5 years younger) spent a good bit of time “oohing & aahing” in a way that only a brother can (makes no difference if he’s older or younger) he told me how much he loved it! He lost his battle TWO years ago yesterday (10/8) & I plan to donate one more time in the next few months in his memory!

  7. Lesley says:

    I love it, not too short so that it will still blow in the wind. Don’t know exactly why that is important, but it is! LOL Becky, have a wonderful time!!!

  8. Cindy from Sonoma says:

    I love Sarah’s new look! Have a great long weekend with your sweet grandson!

  9. Anonymous says:

    Love, love, love the hair, and she really looks like you now Becky!

  10. Steve says:

    Ooh. Aah.

  11. Ann Martin says:

    Great hair cut and I’m sure Sarah will enjoy it. Safe travels and have fun with Noah. Of course spend a little time with his parents, too.

  12. Beautiful!

  13. Margie M says:

    Love your new “do”. Looking back at all the pictures your mom posted the ones with short hair were my favorite.

  14. Sharyn McDonald says:

    What a great haircut Sarah. That’s a great style for you. Enjoy the new style!

  15. Vernie says:

    Love the hair style and love the young lady! She’s stylin for sure! Have a great trip and hug sweet family for us!

  16. Jan Reuther says:

    I love it! As I scrolled down, until I got to her eyes, I thought it looked like Meagan! I had a good friend who was a cosmetology teacher. She used to say that the difference between a bad buzz cut and a good buzz cut was 24 hours. In other words, even if Sarah decides she doesn’t like short hair…it’ll grow! But frankly, I think it’s adorable just the way it is right now.

    Grandma Smith, have a joyous visit with your grandson. And don’t forget to enjoy the rest of his adoring family, too!

  17. Mel says:

    Love the new hair do Sarah. I love how you are not afraid to change your hairstyle. You are so lucky to be able to wear any style and have it suit your look. Have a great trip Becky and take lots of pictures.

  18. Shawn says:

    Looks really nice Sarah!! I love short hair.

  19. Jenna Hoff says:

    Pretty haircut Sarah! Have a great trip Becky!

  20. Tammy says:

    Way to go, Sarah! Brooke and I both did the Locks of Love donation….feels good, doesn’t it?! Missing you! Love you!!

  21. Michelle says:

    That is so great Sarah donated her hair!! I really like her new hair cut. I’m currently growing my hair out for the winter time. I just measured from where they would cut and I have about 16 inches. I’m not sure all of the 16 inches will be going next Spring time but we shall see.

    I hope you have a great time in Florida for Noah’s 1st birthday celebration!! Have a blast in the sunny weather.


  22. Trine Bagger says:

    I like it 🙂 But I need to get used to it first you know Becky? It is so strange to see Sarah with so short hair, but I know I will love it when you post more pictures 😀

  23. Renee says:

    love love it!
    Have a safe trip to Florida!

  24. Mary H says:

    Love it! Have fun, Grandma.

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