Gratitude is Like Gravy

November 22, 2021

Any guesses as to what I am doing in this crazy getup?

And why am I posting such a random photo?

Well, the answer is that in the process of cleaning out some drawers and cupboards, I have discovered some interesting old photos–like the one above.  It was taken in about 1996 at Texas A&M University.

The plot thickens.

Why was I at a Texas university with a plastic thingie around my neck?  And most importantly, why does my hair look like that?

Since I’ve written in the past about my collection of health conditions (breast cancer, rheumatoid arthritis which actually turned out to be erosive osteoarthritis, COPD which actually turned out to be obliterative bronchiolits, and now, problems with my esophagus), I thought I’d throw this one into the mix, just for a little extra fun.

I’ve probably mentioned it in passing before but I had a severe case of Lyme disease twenty-four years ago which found us driving across the country to undergo hyperbaric oxygen therapy, which was an experimental Lyme disease therapy at Texas A&M.  (I added the link because it’s too complicated for me to explain.)

Since whatever is going on in my day is what I blog about, today you got to go backward in time 24 years and also read about hyperbaric oxygen therapy. How fun is that?

And speaking of health, I’m happy to say that after pestering the good folks at UNC Hospital for a couple of weeks concerning any available cancellations, I have gotten my esophageal specialist consult moved forward three weeks to next Monday.  I’ll have to leave at 4:45 a.m. but I don’t mind if it means not having to wait so long for answers.

Six Months!

Today is Sarah and Gage’s sixth-month wedding anniversary.

It’s hard for me to believe she’s been gone from the house that long. (Or should I say, that Long?)

To say I miss her is the biggest understatement since Noah said, “It looks like rain.” And yet the joy of seeing her happily settled into her sweet marriage and her little nest serves to offset the missing-ness and fills my heart with contentment.

She is doing great, health-wise, and has gained back the weight she lost during all those health challenges in the months before the wedding.  As for her hubby, Gage is starting work as a substitute teacher and is very excited about that.

But just because she is doing well doesn’t mean that when I unexpectedly run across old photos of her, I don’t suddenly tear up and desperately miss her–and Nathan’s–younger days.

I loved being the mom of young children. Although people always said those days would go by fast, I didn’t believe them because, in the thick of things, it seemed like those precious moments would last forever.

But they don’t. I now have a 26-year old and a 32-year old, as well as an amazing son- and daughter-in-law.  Nathan’s children are as old as he was in these photos.

I invite you to take a brief jaunt down memory lane with me, to the pictures discovered in dusty drawers, to the days of my grown-up children being young.

In closing . . .

This year, we will not be hosting Dare Challenge for Thanksgiving.  Our church is participating in Room in the Inn (a ministry that feeds and houses the homeless) and one of our assigned weeks happened to fall this week.  I didn’t want to ask our church folks to cook for RITI, Dare Challenge, as well as their own families so we have decided not to do it this year. And after a sort of stressful year, I’m needing a break.

So Sarah and Gage and Steve and I will have a quiet Thanksgiving meal together which we are very much looking forward to.

I hope you all enjoy your week and want to leave you with two important reminders.

Food eaten while standing up contain no calories.

Gratitude is like gravy. It goes on everything.

Happy, happy Thanksgiving, dear friends.  Your being a part of the Smithellaneous community has given me many reasons to be thankful.


What about you?

What are your plans this week? Are you traveling or staying home? Hosting or not hosting?

What is a food that you absolutely must have on Thanksgiving?

29 comments so far.

29 responses to “Gratitude is Like Gravy”

  1. Phyllis says:

    Happy 1/2 anniversary to Sarah and Gage. Glad to hear she has gained back the weight she lost and that Gage has gotten a substitute teaching role. I’m sure they will keep him busy. One of my neighbors is a retired teacher, primarily special education. I think she could sub every day if she wanted to – which she doesn’t want.
    Glad that your doctor’s appointment got moved up. Praying that you will get more answers.
    I am staying home this year. I will go visit my parents in the morning. I could bring them to my house for the day but with both of them in wheelchairs, feel it is too much for just me. My younger brother is hosting my sister-in-law’s family so he’s not available. Not really sure what my older brother is doing.
    My nephew would say you have to have pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving. Last year I bought one at Costco. They are huge and I don’t think I could make one as cheap as they are there. My must haves would be turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy. I usually pay to have a turkey smoked and then just warm it the day of Thanksgiving. Several years ago, I found a recipe for gravy that I have used since then. It can be made the day before and heated up the day of.
    Noah looks so much like Nathan in your pictures.

  2. LeeAnne says:

    Wonderful old photos! We are hosting this year. Both kids and their families will be here plus two grand dogs. So 9 people and 2 dogs. Sometimes we do a non-traditional dinner but not this year. We all voted and traditional it will be. I dearly love homemade cranberry sauce but no one else does so we don’t have it. However, pumpkin pie with whipped cream is a really fantastic substitute! lol
    Glad to hear that Gage will be substitute teaching. What grade?
    Wishing you and your family a wonderful and happy Thanksgiving! Enjoy!

    • Becky says:

      Lee Anne,

      I’ve never had homemade cranberry sauce. That will have to go on my “todo” list. Enjoy every moment with family and every bite of great food.

      Gage prefers middle school and under but is willing to do other ages if needed. His students will be fortunate to have him as a teacher!

  3. Fred & Lucy says:

    Dear Becky, I loved the title of this blog, but an equally appropriate one could be found in you sentence, “I loved being the mom of young children.” I think that title translates to “I love being a mom.” It’s a job/responsibility that applies to moms and dads, and it lasts forever to those who truly love it. Whether you have adult children living a few miles away or 3000 miles away, you never get used to their absence in the home. I guess that’s why Thanksgiving and Christmas homecomings become more precious with each passing year. In a recent Hallmark Channel movie (we watch one every night) someone made the comment that, “Traditions are stories that families write together.” I love that quote and all that it summarizes. Our family wishes you and your extended families a wonderful, joyous and blessed Thanksgiving, complete with all the traditions that you have “written” over the years!

    • Becky says:

      Fred and Lucy,

      You’re right. I love being a mom of ALL-age children. But those young years were extra, extra precious.

      I love the quote about traditions. So perfect!

  4. SueEllen says:

    It was interesting reading about hyperbaric oxygen treatment for Lyme disease. Wow – it doesn’t seem like six months since Sarash & Gage got married. I hope Gage enjoys teaching. If it’s anything there, like here, there is a severe substitute shortage and he should be in high demand. What age/subject does he want to sub for? I enjoyed looking at all your “old” pictures. It’s always such fun to find pictures that you haven’t seen in years. We are going to my brother-in-law’s (here in Mesquite) for Thanksgiving with extended family. I enjoy cooking the turkey and my broccoli casserole to take. I hope you, Steve, Sarah & Gage enjoy a peaceful, restful time of thankfulness this week.

    • Becky says:

      Sue Ellen,

      Yes, there’s quite a shortage of subs here, too, so he should stay busy. I think he leans toward the younger, non-high school grades but would be willing to branch out if needed. He is a natural teacher!

      Glad you are near to family and can get together for Thanksgiving. We’re looking forward to our Thanksgiving–the smallest one we have EVER had! But it will be a good one.

  5. Lesley says:

    Wonderful photos of you all. It has been quite the year and there’s lots to be grateful for. There can never be too much gravy! So glad to hear Sarah has put her weight back on, what a relief.
    I cannot believe Sarah and Gage have been married for 6 months already, how did that even happen?
    Congratulations on moving up that esophageal appt, it takes a lot these days to be seen in a timely manner.

    Happy Thanksgiving to all of you, have a wonderful day!

    • Becky says:


      Yeah, six months ago at this time I was in a daze wondering, “What JUST happened???” 🙂 What a season that was. And yes, we are very grateful for Sarah’s healthy weight gain; she feels so good right now!

      Happy Thanksgiving to you and your sweet family, as well.

  6. Patti says:

    Love going down memory lane by looking at old photos. We are staying home this year, but we are awaiting the arrival of my husbands son and family. 3 coming from CA and 1 from DC. We briefly saw them this summer, but they have not visited for 2 years.
    I must have turkey and pumpkin pie. I love turkey. I also need real, unsweetened whip cream. I got cool whip for everyone else as they don’t like the unsweet. To me it is divine.
    Wishing you a great Thanksgiving

    • Becky says:


      There are very few people in our family who really love turkey; if we had a choice, we’d take ham. But turkey gravy? Now that’s some good stuff.

      I’ve never had real, unsweetened whip cream. Interesting to know that is even a “thing.”

  7. Sharyn L. McDonald says:

    Wonderful older pictures. Yes, those little ones grow up so fast and first thing you know they are out of school, have a job, get married and have children of their own. Where does time go! So glad you are able to have Thanksgiving with Sarah and Gage.. Going to our daughter’s home (6 miles away) and she has asked if I would bring a French Silk Pie. Think in the last 10 years that has been the most requested dessert, and am happy to bring it. A blessed Thanksgiving to each of you.

    • Becky says:


      How nice that you are famous for a certain dish to take to family gatherings. A French Silk Pie sounds wonderful!

      Glad you don’t have to travel a distance to be with family. Enjoy a bite of that pie for me and have a fabulous time together.

  8. Suzanne says:

    I love the old pictures! Our children grow up way too fast even though I do love them as adults, too.

    We are hosting Thanksgiving this year (we normally only host Easter and Christmas for our large extended family). We are down to 16 folks this year (from about 35 normally) but it will be a good time. As our family grows (with kids getting married and having children) we try to include in-laws and out-laws and friends so our numbers fluctuate more now. I will be missing my oldest son and daughter-in-law but we cherish those who can join us. It’s always fun.

    As far as food, I’m not big on Thanksgiving food but I do love dessert! My youngest son is making pound cake this year – yum!

    • Becky says:


      Sixteen is still a LOT! It makes it a lot more doable when everyone brings something although hosting that many is still not a small thing. I love how you can include everyone in the gathering; such a happy time. Enjoy!

  9. Gloria A Smith says:


    I admire that you continue to move forward with the medical appointments knowing that our God loves you so very much and that he is guiding your steps.

    The old photos are awesome!! I especially love Nathan’s first steps and the angelic photos of sweet Sarah !!!

    The highlight of my recent Outer Banks trip was meeting Danny Burdette, Director & Pastor of the Outer Banks Dare Challenge. My brother and I met Danny at Front Porch Cafe in Manteo and were encouraged by his strong testimony. God has disciples on the Outer Banks of North Carolina. Praise the Lord.

    Happy Thanksgiving,


    • Becky says:


      Yes, that first step photo is one of my favorites. That’s my dad watching him in the background.

      We know Danny and Ali. So glad you got to spend some time with him; he is a great guy! Did you plan to meet him or did you just run into him?

      • Gloria A Smith says:

        Becky, I planned the meeting with Danny @ Front Porch Cafe. I really wanted my brother to connect with him and listen to his testimony. Danny graciously spent a couple of hours with us, gave my brother a beautiful NIV version bible, a list of scriptures and his business card.

  10. Gayle in AL says:

    My mother-in-law is flying in from Washington state this evening and my son and daughter-in-law will arrive tomorrow night, so we’ll have a houseful this week! My daughter-in-law’s parents and sister will also join the other 8 of us on Thursday for the Thanksgiving meal, so there will be no quiet Thanksgiving for us…just the way we like it! Next year it will just be the two of us, so I’m thankful for every other year of chaos in the house!

    I hope you all have a very happy Thanksgiving!

    • Becky says:


      How cool that your daughter-in-law’s family will also be with you. I love to see families “mush” together. 🙂

      Enjoy the moments!

  11. Ruth rehberg says:

    Have a good day together.
    We are shivering outdoors here today—
    only 10 above this a.m. but 50 by Wed.

  12. Lynne Reed says:

    That picture from 1996 shows me that Sarah looks just like you! Beautiful family

  13. Patti Dyer says:

    I love seeing old pictures ,Becky – yes it is amazing how quickly our children grow up, and we don’t realize it when we in the midst of those years…but looking back we savor those moments ,and wish they were still little. Same with grandkids – seems like they were just born ,and now 3 of the 4 are in college. We will be helping at our daughter’s diner on Thursday, where we will be preparing 500 meals and handing them out in a drive-thru ,for free or donation .All funds received go to a food pantry or heating assistance. Bill is busy today ,preparing to bake pies for our library’s annual pie sale on Wednesday – his apple pies are famous in these parts! I have you on my permanent prayer list ,and pray that next week’s appt. will produce some answers. Sending love and wishes for a Happy Thanksgiving from Maine!

    • Becky says:


      I love that you are helping at your daughter’s diner on Thursday. What a great thing to bless people with food for a donation and then use that donated money to bless even MORE people. That’s what Thanksgiving is all about!

      Thank you for your prayers; have a wonderful Thanksgiving full of applied pies and other goodness.

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